TH a — Er Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 9 wh 5 go Maggie Miles, left, of Eye C are Specialists, presents Laurel Mo- rett with an iPAD given away during the Grand Opening Open 'House/Trunk Show at the new Eye Care Specialists office in the Dallas Shopping Center, | Dr. Tara Farrell, left, presents a 32" television to Theresa Laugh- baugh. The drawing was entered by people who attended the Grand Opening Open House/Trunk Show March 15 and 16 at the new Eye Care Specialists office in the Dallas Shopping Center. Eye Care Specialists award prizes at opening ye Care Specialists recently opened its new office in the Dallas Shopping Center. As part of the grand opening held for patients, several major prizes were awarded. Laurel Morett was the winner of an iPAD, Theresa Laubaugh was the winner of a 32” television |i and Janet Brucher was the winner of sunglasses. Eye Care Specialists is a comprehensive eye care practice that has provided the eye ‘are needs for men and women of all ages throughout Northeast Pennsylvania for nearly 50 years. The group is comprised of 26 doctors, 11 ‘ophthalmologists and 15 optometrists practicing in 15 locations throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. | . The Dallas Middle School ‘Drama Club will perform a musi- cal review titled, “Disney on Stage,” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, |April 26 in the middle school au- ditorium. | Sixty-five student performers \will sing, dance and narrate sum- 'maries of seven Disney films re- leased throughout the years, in- \cluding “Beauty and the Beast,” “High School Musical,” “News- 3 “The Little Mermaid” and Oo The crew also consists of 15 technical workers. Director and chorale teacher ‘Hollie Major said the eighth- ‘grade officers have written the ‘script, choreographed the danc- ‘es and organized the costumes, 'props and set for the show. The ‘eighth-grade officers of the dra- a club are Anna Giacometti, Jessica Bowden, Catherine Dil- lon, Michaela O'Connell, Ruby ‘Mattson, Julia Ramirez, Chas 'Seigel, Ally Rome and Jarod Wil- lis. The one-night-only perform- ance is free and open to the pub- | | | | [ { { | | | | [ { DMS Drama Club presents ‘Disney on Stage The Dallas Middle School Drama Club will perform a musical review entitled “Disney on Stage’ at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 26 in the middie school auditorium. Some of the cast members are, from left, Alexis Wyandt, Jessica Bowden, Griffin Stone, Julia Ramirez and Becky Andrews. | & | Sixth-grade students in the \Lake-Lehman School District ‘have been named to the Honor Roll for the third marking period. I SCHOOL ¢ Donald James, principal of Ross Elementary, announces the following sixth-grade students have achieved the Honor Roll for the third marking period: | Makayla Adams ~ Antonio Carey Keara Gallagher © Courtney Henninger * Joshua Hinkley Katie Kostrobala "Angela Lockavich Celeste Spak © Rielly Sutliff Olivia Vasey : LEHMAN-JACKSON - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ Marilyn Glogowski, principal of Lehman-Jackson Elementary School, announces the following sixth-grade students have ‘achieved the Honor Roll for the third marking period: ~ Kaelyn Adams _ Aleah Ashton ~ Sarah Berholtz ~ Connor Beyer Edward Brighthaupt Vincent Bulzoni * Krystin Chaga Rachel DeCesaris _ Alicia Galasso ace Garnick Alexander Geist Gabrielle Grzymski Kaleb Konigus * Cassandra Konopki «Alexa Kovaly ehman sixth-grade onor Roll named Ethan Krzysik Madelyn Lewis Jason Marcin Jessica Martin David Miller Raven Moore Riley Newman Liam O’Brien Nathan O'Donnell Kaitlyn Premus Jessica Ravert Matthew Remetz Faith Reseigh Courtney Richards Tyler Savitski Molly Seashock Henry Selingo Jodie Shultz Samantha Spencer Jacob Weaver Zachary Wickard Dakota Williams Gianna Williams LAKE-NOXEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Nancy Edkins, principal of Lake-Noxen Elementary School, announces the following sixth- grade students have achieved the Honor Roll for the third marking period: Kyra Apaliski Evan Butcofski Lacey Carey Jade Fry Gabrielle Gabriesheski Mikayla Kidd Nathan Labar Destiny McHenry Michael Nastasiak Kiana Price David Sorber Kyrah Yurko Send items for publication in The Dallas Post to FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP Spring Cleanup set for May 4 and 5 The 2012 Spring Cleanup for Franklin Township residents will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri- day, May 4 and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 5. Residents are asked to bring items they wish to discard to the Franklin Township Municipal Building on Municipal Road dur- ing the above hours. Employees of the township road depart- ment, along with volunteers, will be available to assist in emptying vehicles. Proof of residency will be required. The following conditions and limitations will apply: e A charge of $20 will be as- sessed for the first pickup load. A second load will be charged $25. Trailers will be charged addition- al fees. In all cases, residents are asked to have either the exact amount of cash or a check. ¢ Each household will be lim- ited to discard up to four tires with a $3 charge per tire. Tires must be removed from rims. Tires must be clean, not cut or busted off rims and they must be standard automobile tires. No truck tires and no small tires. eo Hazardous waste, chem- icals, any type of wire or cable, coils of any kind, propane tanks or bottles, compressed cylinders or closed cylinders of any kind, drums with any liquids, contain- ers with any liquids, batteries, brush, trees, stumps, leaves, grass, animal or human waste, household garbage, cinder blocks, shingles, sheet rock, or other building materials chain link fence, wire, filled or partially filled paint cans are not accept- ed. e A charge of $5 for each item will be applied to the removal of refrigerators, stoves, freezers, air conditioners and dehumidifiers. Residents must have documen- tation that all Freon and other gases have been removed. In ad- dition, all doors must be re- moved from refrigerators and freezers. e Small items and broken glass must be placed in card- board boxes. Metal must be sep- arated from landfill items. Acceptance or rejection of any _ items not listed is at the discre- tion of the Franklin Township Supervisors. For more information, call the township office at 333-5131 or log onto LEHMAN TOWNSHIP Chief says break-ins in township are minimal Addressing a resident’s con- cern about recent burglaries in the area, Police Chief Howard Kocher said during Monday’s board of supervisors meeting that only two break-ins occurred in the township in recent weeks. “We really haven't had many burglaries,” he said, adding that a vacant home and a hunting cabin were burglarized. “We've been pretty lucky.” In other business, the board announced the township was re- imbursed $74,371 from the Fed- eral Emergency Management Agency for work done by the road department to repair dam- age caused by Tropical Storm Lee in September. Reimbursement of $60,000 for damage caused by Hurri- cane Irene in August should al- so be received soon, the board added. The township also recently received reimbursement of $54,646 from Encana Oil and Gas for damage to the roads caused by its trucks. The board passed a revised ordinance regarding a waste wa- ter pre-treatment agreement with the Wyoming Valley Sani- tary Authority. The new ordi- nance addresses the latest EPA requirements and is in accord- ance with the Federal Clean Wa- ter Act and the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law. - Camille Fiot: You stopped to smell the flowers... 4» ~~ GEISINGER ; & Careworks After-Hours Care now stop and see us. Allergy season is here and the Careworks After-Hours clinics in Mountain Top and Dallas are here to help. Our providers treat injuries or illnesses that require immediate treatment, but may not be serious enough to warrant an emergency room visit. Even better, our centers welcome both Geisinger patients and those who have never visited us before. For care when you need it most, visit Geisinger Careworks After-Hours in Mountain Top or in Dallas. Careworks After-Hours - Dallas | 14 Lt. Cleary Drive Dallas, PA 18612 Phone: 570-255-1178 Fax: 570-255-1174 Careworks After-Hours - Mountain Top 229 South Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top, PA 18707 Phone: 570-474-5847 Fax: 570-474-6952 Hours Monday — Friday 5 pm — | | pm Saturday — Sunday 9 am — 9 pm Visit us online at and Most major insurances accepted, cash and credit welcome.
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