Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 7 Pictured above are some of the Joan Harris Dancers from various Back Mountain communities who will appear in “Corciev, The Grieving Wood" next weekend at Meyers High School. From left, first row, are Lauren Slavoski, Bridget Frame, Tunkhannock; Janice Lisman, Shavertown; Sonal Garg, Sharvertow;, Addison Costantino, Wyoming; Allison Hrivak, Wyoming; Julia Macey, Dallas. Second row, Kelsey Hall, Dallas; Alexandra Jayne, Hunlock Creek; Caroline Conrad, Dallas; Anna James, Shavertown; Rebecca Schnable, Dallas; Lily Romanowski, Shavertown; and Anna Giacometti, Dallas. Dancers from Back Mountain will perform in Corciev’ April 28, 29 The rock fusion ballet “Cor- ciev, the Grieving Wood” is set to be performed April 28 and 29 at the E.L. Meyers Auditorium in Wilkes-Barre. It has been seven years since the Joan Harris Danc- ers last staged this original work. The ballet combines an original script, avant-garde choreogra- phy, a musical score featuring symphonic treatments of rock legends magical illusions. The Back Mountain communi- ties will be well represented in the cast of nearly 500 ballerinas and danseurs from all across the region. To mark the 27th consecutive year that the Joan Harris Centre & staged a full-length ballet, the regional performing arts school has chosen to showcase this work. “Corciev” represents a collabo- ration between author and area native Dr. Kenton Harris and El- isabeth Harris and Jennifer Har- ris. The choreography for the work includes both classical bal- let and contemporary modern pieces. “Corciev” is the story of a griev- ing queen whose loss is so great it could darken an entire forest. The spell can only be lifted by the kindness of young child. The roles of Princess Joan and Princess Anna will be assayed by Anna James, of Jackson Town- ship, and Caroline Conrad, of LOCAL DANCERS AWARDED FIRST PLACE Carly Kappler, left, of Dallas, and Ashley Elick, of Shavertown, recently competed in the Performing Arts Alliance Competition at King of Prussia. They were awarded first place in duo panto- mime and third place in duo jammin’ in the 8-9 age category. The girls qualified to perform at the Performing Arts Alliance's Con- test of Champions at King of Prussia. They placed “Tops” in their duo pantomime and duo jammin’ categories. Kappler and Elick are dance students at Back Mountain Dance Studio and mem- bers of dance group “Sugar.” We Care Everyd _&In Every Way Senior Homecare By Angels Up to 24 Hour care Meal Preparation Errands/Shopping Hygiene Assistance Light Housekeeping Medication Reminders Companionship dun, JA LIVING vet CE SERVICES FREE in Home Consultation Call 570-270-6700 or visit Licensed, Bonded and Insured * Same Day Service * Wedding Gown Specialist * Executive Shirt Service * Wardrobe Maintenance * Tailoring and Alterations * Weekly pick up and delivery service ® Fine Dry Cleaning Dallas, respectively. The court Sorceress will be played by Amanda Sedor, of Wyoming, and Maria Dutt, of Kingston, will dance the role of the dark Queen Clava. “Corciev” will be performed at 1and 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 28 and at 2 p.m. on Sunday April 29. Tickets are $14 in advance and can be purchased at the Harris Conservatory for the Arts, Char- les Street in Luzerne. For more information, call 287-7977 or 718- 0673. Researcher will visit Cross Creek Bodie Hodge, a speaker, writ- er and researcher for Answers In Genesis will speak at Cross Creek Community Church, 370 Carverton Road, Trucksville on Sunday, May 6 and Monday, May 7. Answers In Genesis Outreach prepares Christians to defend and share their faith with bold- ness and confidence. Their speakers bring the message of biblical authority as well as cre- ation-apologetics materials and educational resources to churches and communities across the United States. Coupled with the efforts of lo- cal churches and pastors, An- are 1la.m.- “Dinosaurs for Kids” swers Outreach provides a for children in grades K-6, 12:10 means for training thousands of p.m. -“The Seven C’s of History” people in the “lines and pre- for children in grades 7-12, 6:30 cepts” of our faith. m. - “The Tower of Babel” and The times and titles for Sun- 8 p.m. - “Creation Evangelism”. day are: 9 and 10:45 am. - “Is Admission is free. For more Genesis Relevant in Your Daily information, call the church of- Walk,” 6 p.m. - “The Flood: Who fice at 696-0399. Should You Trust” and 7:30 p.m. - “Dinosaurs, Dragons and the Bible.” Times and titles for Monday National Day of Prayer set for May 3 at Centermoreland Methodist Church National Day of Prayer cere- monies sponsored by the Cen- termoreland United Methodist Church will be held for the 13th year on Thursday, May 3. At 6 a.m., the sanctuary will be open for individuals to relax theme is “One Nation Under God” and the reference scrip- ture is Psalm 33:12. The free will offering plate proceeds will be donated to the NDP Task Force. Reservations should be will be available in the dining/ kitchen area. Wayne Morgan of the Wilkes-Barre Youth for Christ will give breakfast devo- tions. At 8 a.m., the ceremonies will commence with State Rep- and talk quietly with God. At 7am., Golf tourney slated Daddow-Isaacs Dallas American Legion Post 672 will hold its annual American Legion Golf Tournament on June 2 at Stone Hedge Golf Course in Tunkhannock. For information, call Clar- ence J. Michael at 675-0400. TWILIGHT DINNER SPECIALS pe : | @ 5 5 3 4 * #1 Monday through Saturday Starting at 4:30-5:30 PM Phone: 696-3580 www. RT 309, Trucksville - Just North of Sheetz (Former Yesterday's Location) Do you show silver when you smile? resentative Karen Boback as made by Sunday, April 29 by a free breakfast guest speaker. This year’s calling 333-4197 or 333-4226. % OFF on Communion Gifts hb pr ; q : 0 | 19 %< We can help you get the gray out, call today 570.763.4364 Fiod us 00 f Facebook | 210 Carverton Road, Trucksville WWWw.carcg CAREGIVERS 1 Geriatric Care Manager Visit RN visit to determine comprehensive list of homecare needs & to connect you to appropriate community resources 3 hrs of Personal Homecare Services Personal care, meal prep, transportation, & companionship SY AVE WAST PP SE Vaso ule: Welel se Accredited by the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers! & et dl Ie ey mm a * Choose Fis A Large Variety | % OfEstate and New ~~ Crosses, Rosaries and \ Rosary Bracelets (available in Gold & Silver) | 2012 999 Silver Eagle Coins Available We a=ag= a= == ag] Coal Gun Coal Gun™~ S130 (Residential) Automatic Coal-Fired Stoker Boiler. *Commercial Models Available. CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL AND FLEXIBLE HEAT The answer to your high energy expense. 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