Co op | J if i f i Se a Seema SR Ven LR LT a Sunday, March 4, 2012 THE "DALLAS POST PAGE 13 Ham and cabbage dinner slated A ham and cabbage dinner and bake sale will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 10 at the Loyalville Unit- ed Methodist Church. Tickets are $8 for adults and $3.50 for children under the age of 12. Takeouts are available and may be reserved by calling 477-3521 and leaving a name, phone number, number of dinners requested and pickup time. Chicken and biscuit dinner planned Members of the Men’s Club of Trinity Presbyterian Church, 105 Irem Rd., Dallas will spon- sor a chicken and biscuit din- ner, including homemade des- serts and beverages from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 10 in the fellowship hall a the read of the church. Takeouts will be available at 4 p.m. Cost will be $8 for adults and $4 for children. All pro- ceeds will benefit the programs ®. BRIEFS of the church. Tickets may be purchased in advance by calling the church office at 675-3131 or at the door. HUMC plans breakfast The Huntsville United Meth- odist Churchwill hold a break- fast from 8 to 11 a.m. on Sat- urday, March 10 at the church, 2355 Huntsville Rd., Shaver- town. Breakfast includes eggs, home fries, pancakes, sausage, toast and a beverage. Adult tickets are $7. Children and senior citizens eat free. Turkey dinner planned The Appalachian Service Project (ASP) Team at Trucks- ville United Methodist Church will hold a home-style turkey dinner, complete with turkey, dressing, vegetables, dessert and a beverage, from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 10 at Fellowship Hall, 40 Knob Hill Rd., Trucksville. Cost of the dinner is $8.50 for adults and $4.50 for chil- dren age 12 and under). All proceeds benefit the ASP Team’s mission trip to Ten- nessee to help make local homes safer, warmer and dryer. For reservations, call 696- 3897. Friend Day’ planned at Cross Creek “Friend Day” will be cele- brated at 9 and 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, March 18 at Cross Creek Community Church, 370 Carverton Rd., Trucksville. For more information, call 696-0399. Christian musician will perform Meredith Andrews will per- form at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 23 at Cross Creek Community Church, 370 Carverton Rd., Trucksville. Andrews is a Contemporary Christian music artist who writes songs that share her story and strike a chord with other believers. Mike Lewis will perform at HUMC Mike Lewis, former WNEP- TV newscaster, will perform at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 24 at the Huntsville United Metho- dist Church, 2355 Huntsville Rd, Shavertown. Admission is $5 per person. For more information, call the church office at 696-0399. AGAPE to perform at St. Paul's AGAPE (Dave Scherer) will perform at 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 25 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 474 Yalick Rd., Dallas. Tickets are $7 each and are available at the door. Taize services planned at St. Peter's St. Peter’s Church, Tunk- hannock, will offer soup sup- pers and Taize services on Wednesdays during Lent through April 4. Supper is at 6 p.m., followed by a service at 6:30 p.m. An Ash Wednesday service will be held at 7 p.m. on Febru- ary 22. For more information, call St. Peter’s Church at 836-2233. Art auction to benefit Dispenza Scholarship Williams and Twig’s Café are co-sponsoring an art auc- tion benefiting the Jackie Dis- penza Memorial Scholarship Fund from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun- day, March 11 at Triton Hose Company No. 1, Route 6 in Tunkhannock, behind Curry Donuts.. Dispenza, a 2007 graduate of Tunkhannock Area High School who loved art, was killed in a car accident on June 15, 2011. The Jackie Dispenza Memo- rial Scholarship will provide a $1,000 award to a graduating senior from Tunkhannock Ar- ea High School who has ex- hibited a strong passion for the arts. Special considera- tion will be given to those who have overcome personal adversity to continue their education. Light refreshments from Nimble Hill Winery and Twig’s Café will be served. The event will feature Sham- rock Auction Services auc- Dispenza tioning art work and other donations from the communi- ty. Admission is $10 with all proceeds benefitting the Jack- ie Dispenza Memorial Schol- arship Fund. To obtain tickets, contact Connie Kintner at 885-5353 or by email at Connie.Kintn- Tax deductible donations may also be made in memory of Dispenza to The Communi- ty Foundation of the Endless Mountains, 270 Lake Ave. Montrose, PA 18801. FARRELL Continued from Page 1 planned two months ago, and they were shocked to learn about the outcome of the game. “I'm the assistant coach, so we never miss a game,” said Mark Farrell. The Farrells received more @- 50 text messages the day t heir son scored 44 points in one game. “We had met another couple while we were there, and we told them about what was happen- ing, and they gave us their phone number and asked us to text them the outcome of the game,” laughed Donna Farrell. Lojewski has seen Farrell be- come a mature young man through coaching him in the league, and he said watching Farrell’s skills develop on the court and in interacting with his friends is what makes coaching pn Worthwhile. & “In 20 years of coaching, I can’t remember an output like this,” Lojewski said. “I went from watching the Knicks lose their first game of the season in the last second, and I thought I was going to have to console Jack. Now he’s leading the pack, but he’s also very unselfish.” Farrell, who also plays base- ball and football, likes to spend BILL TARUTIS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Dallas fourth-grader and Dallas Youth Basketball player Jack Farrell, 9, practices layups in his driveway. time with his brothers, 12-year- old Michael and 6-year-old Nick, and friends, shooting hoops in the driveway. The straight-A student said his favorite subject in school is gym (“If that counts,” he said) and social studies. “I like basketball because it’s athletic and fun,” he said. Today, the Knicks have a spot in the finals, and they’ll face the undefeated Suns. Farrell hopes the team wins, but he’s more excited about playing in the brand new high school gym. “It'll be fun, and it’s a great ex- perience,” said Lojewski. PATROLS Continued from Page 1 help change those numbers. “There are a disproportional amount of teens being killed in crashes,” he said. “If you set the habit, it continues all the way through adulthood.” Jolley said the program is not just for teens — more adults than young drivers were cited during the department’s stint at the Dallas campus. “We could all use a reminder that we need to be driving 100 percent of the time, with no dis- tractions,” he said. “We (the po- lice) can’t control the weather, but maybe we can control whether a person wears a seat- belt and whether a person speeds.” Galicki said with the recent crashes of Lynch and 17-year- old Dallas High School student Damon Szatkowski, who is re- covering after being in a coma since December, simple re- minders like wearing a seatbelt can make a big difference. “We all know the younger drivers feel invincible ...,” he said. “As soon as you get in the vehicle, put the key in the igni- tion, the shoulder hardness should come across ... The old adage, ‘It can’t happen to me’ - even if you're just going down the block, there could be a crash and it could very easily happen.” Staying Home Has Never Been Easier! I Geriatric Care Manager Visit RN visit to determine comprehensive list of homecare needs & to connect you to appropriate community resources 3 hrs of Personal Homecare Services Personal care, meal prep, transportation, & companionship Registered Nurse Geriatric Care Managers customize a plan to manage your ongoing home healthcare needs. 570-875-8722 WWW. Accredited by the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers! BRIDGE Continued from Page 3 The bridge was actually contracted to be repaired this November, but May said the process was expedited to be cautious. May said the northbound lane of Route 309 typically carries about 12,500 vehicles a day, while the southbound lane sees about 13,000 motor- ists daily. At night, however, the traffic significantly de- creases, he said. He said PennDOT could not close just one side during the repairs because drilling re- quired the removal of the aes- thetic concrete which could cause more debris to loosen and fall off. According to The Times Leader’s archives, a similar event occurred about 10 years ago and PennDOT had planned to remove loosened concrete and patch the facade of the bridge. CARFAX Continued from Page 3 Conservation District. In other news, the board... e Tabled a motion to award a request for proposal for a line of credit and draw option tax antici- pation note for up to $1 million to PNC Bank. ¢ Authorized the purchase of a copy machine for the police de- partment from Topp Copy, Inc. in the amount of $2,513. e Authorized the township manager to advertise bids for Dumpsters for the 2012 Spring Clean Up program. ¢ Changed the named of Rine- himer Lane to Black Bear Lane in accordance with the Luzerne County 911 Re-addressing Pro- ject. Sebastian said a Dallas Bor- ough police officer with the last name of Rinehimer and who re- sides on the street requested the change because he didn’t want the street named after him. e Approved a personal dona- tion of $100 from Chairman James Reino Jr. to the Luzerne County Conservation District for a fullpage advertisement for Kingston Township in the organi- zation’s annual banquet program. Reino said the board cut dona- tions to other organizations this year, so he offered a personal do- nation. e The board’s next work ses- sion will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12 and the next regular meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. March 14 in the munici- pal building. — King Crossword — Answers Solution time: 25 mins. PUZZLE ANSWERS a Figure! ———— answers 71 x{71 |+19:116 gE 5 Qts. Valvoline Conventional Motor Oil As Low As After Mail-in Rebate on Valvoline Motor Oil with purchase of this 0il Change Special. See store for details. 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