Sunday, January 29, 2012 Tue DALLAS POST en Sports % Matusiak completes the butterfly in the boys 200 individual medley en Lake-Lehman’s Sami Sabol swims the butterfly in the girls 200 individual medley en route to a first-place finish against Dallas in a WVC Division 1 swim meet. po Mountaineer swimmer Jack route to a first-place finish against Lake-Lehman in a WVC Division 1 swim meet. Mountaineers swim to victory wen Kiluk won the 100 back from Dallas in a 118-39 win over Lake-Lehman. Jake Chielli took first in the 50 free and 500 free. Matthew Edkins took first in diving for the Black Knights’ lone win. Connor Daly broke a school record in the 200 IM with a time of 2:25.89. Dallas’ Owen Kiluk swims the last leg of the 200 medley relay en BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST route to a first-place finish against Lake-Lehman in a WVC Divi- Lake-Lehman's Jolisa Copeman swims to second place in the 50 sion | swim meet. freestyle against Dallas in a WVC Division 1 swim meet. ofthall organization seeking players Wyoming Valley Vipers travel softball organization is looking for a few league age 10 players. Pitching is a plus. If interested, contact Jim Dunn at 333-4398 or 332- 8027. BMYS hosts futsal soccer league Back Mountain Youth Soccer will host an indoor Futsal/Soccer league be- ginning January 13 and continuing through March for ages U6 to high school age at the Penn State Leh- man Campus gym. FIFA futsal ball and rules will be used. Games will be played on weekends. All area intramural and travel teams are welcome. All area individual players seeking a team can sign up online as well. Divisions will be set to insure fair competition. More information and sign up sheets are avail- able online at www.bmy- Gymnastics program begins registration Shooting Starz Gymnas- gics, 250 Johnston St., ilkes-Barre, will accept enrollment for 2012 on February 25 and 27, April 14 and 23, June 11 and 25, August 18 and 27, October PORTS BRIEFS 15 and October 29 and December 22. For more information, please contact Joelle Rose at 822-1212. Basketball league sets tryout schedule Firm A.C. Basketball will hold tryouts for the spring 2012. The full tryout schedule is listed online at www.firmacbasketball- .com. All tryouts will be held at the Kingston Rec. Cen- ter, 655 Third Ave, King- ston. Cost is $40 which includes a t-shirt and the option to attend all of the tryouts. For more information and a registration form, e-mail firmacbasket- Blast fastpitch teams seek new players The Ul2 and U14 End- less Mountains Blast fast- pitch teams are still look- ing for a few qualified play- ers to fill their 2012 ros- ters. Those interested in Ul2 should contact John Keefe at 885-5808. Interested U14 players should contact Bill Kern at 498-5991. The Endless Mountains Blast is a travel fastpitch softball organization based in Tunkhannock. Addition- al information can be found at http:// lessmtblast, or by e-mail- ing Lake-Lehman's Alysa Adame goes in for a layup around Crest- wood's J. Bonnevier in a girls junior high basketball game. he Lake-Lehman Junior High girls basketball team hosted the Lady Comets of Crestwood on Jan. 20. Lake-Lehman’'s Molly Storz dribbles downcourt against Crest- wood in girls junior high basketball action. BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Lake-Lehman's Mallory Wilson reaches for a loose ball as Crestwood's J. Bonnevier defends.
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