The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 18, 1975, Image 14

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    RS a
by Bridgette Correale
After last week's column
_when I mentioned I was
learning’ to drive a stand-
‘ard shift car, everyone
said, ‘‘Once you learn
Well let me tell you - if I
will not give me the car to
_point...I don't care:
There’s so much to
remember at one time.
“Easy on the gas,” release
the clutch slowly,” “shift.”
To tell you the truth d:«think
Vin is happiest’ when I'm
{alk. vo pt
. Belated birthday greets
ings to Peg Canfield whose
Mary Gesmundo, Sept. I.
Sorry to learn that Oak
Hill's honorary neighbor,
Vera Vaneski is a medical
patient’ in one ‘of New
York's hospital.
Belated anniversary
greetings to one of my
the damage.
favorite couples Jack and
Elly Thompson. The couple
honored their 20 anniver-
sary Sept. 1.
Sept.. 17 is a popular
birthday for ' several
friends. Happy birthday to
Michael Hawk, Ed Belasco
and Charlie Batka.
Little Shannon Cleary
will - celebrate her fifth
birthday Saturday Sept. 20
with a party at McDonalds.
Visiting the Batkas’ were
Shirley and John Mitchell
of New Jersey.
During Jerry Lewis’
annual Labor Day Tele-
thon, Lynda and. Billy
Jones canvassed our
neighborhood for donations
which were deposited at
WNEP-TV studios. $30 was
collected and Lynda and
Billy wish to thank the resi-
dents for contributing.
The very best to Nancy
Rollman who will soon
celebrated her eighth
birth day Sept. 11 with a
party for friends. Enjoying
the goodies were Shari
Correale, Cathy and Ernie
Comer, Mary Ruth Farrell,
and Teri Hrabowchak.
Hayden and Verna
a fabulous vacation in
It seemed like old home
week at the hospitals this
week. Mildred Espen was a
medical patient at Wilkes-
Barre General, Frances
Dress is mending,a broken
leg in Nesbitt, Gerri Bartz
is, keeping a wing. at
Wilkes-Barre General
hopping and happy, while
the sweetheart of all Gate
of Heaven students, Sister
Liquori, is at Mercy
‘Birthday greetings’ to
Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration have been issued to
irene. Ferrey and Gilbert Howell,
E xecutors of the Estate of Jessie T
Howell late of the Borough of Ed
rvardsville, Luzerne County, Pa
rho died on June 25, 1975
All persons indebted to said Estate
are required to make payment, or
those having a claim or demand are
requested to present the same
Si Green Hornet. Inc
0 0. 86.86.8888 8.8.8
PE a a a me a a a ES I <a
$. 8.0.1
| 836. 3163
Wendy Reed who will
honor her ninth year, Sept.
18, Susan Sternfeld, Sept.
19, and to Elly Gerchak,
Friday evening, Gate of
Heaven's seventh and eight
graders enjoyed the facili-
ties at the Catholic Youth
Center in Wilkes-Barre.
Under the supervision of
Sister Leonita, Principal,
Sister Doris and Sister
Lucien, the students fro-
licked in the pool and
played in the game room.
Happy to write that my
Dad is recuperating very
nicely and in a day or two,
he will be home from the
hospital. Words can never
express my love and ap-
preciation to all of you who
helped by sending get well
cards, gifts and most of all
- your prayers.
Margellina had as visitors
on Sunday, Mrs. Ida
Hineline of Hamlin, Mrs.
William Hineline and
Patrick and Doris’ mother,
Mrs. Mary LaBar of
They were also callers of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Margellina and daughter
Megan Sue Margellina
by Michael Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Robbins, Carverton
Heights, have returned
after a week at Virginia
where they
were guests at the Colonial
Inn Motel on the ocean-
front. While there, they
witnessed the three and on-
half hour parade of the
Mid-Atlantic Shriners, who
were in convention there,
and also toured the
Oceania Naval Air Station.
The main topic for
discussion among families
of St. Frances Cabrini
parish in Carverton and
Blessed Sacrament parish
in Centermoreland is the
parish family picnic held
recently at Fanti’s Park.
The affair brought out an
from both
parishes and the general
concensus of opinion is that
everyone had a grand time.
The Rev. Thomas
Croghan, pastor, was
especially pleased with the
large turnout. Among
man duty on the many de-
«ails, were Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Krispin, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Pliscott, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Peters,
Mrs. Doris Montross and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Buzapis among others.
Friends of Ted Wilson of
Lower Demunds Road will
be pleased to learn he is
coming along nicely in
Nesbitt Hospital where he
has been a medical patient
for several weeks.
The choir of Centermore-
land United Methodist
Church will rehearse to-
night at 7:30 at the church
with Mrs. Dorothy
Roberts, director, in
Draper Schoonover of
reported coming along
nicely in Wilkes-Barre
General Hospital where he
is a medical patient.
Congratulations are in
order for Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Dymond of Center-
moreland on: the birt
Wilkes- Barre $,.. Mercy
Hospital. Mrs. Dymond is;
the former Miss Mary Ann
Latosek of Centermore-
land. The couple also has
three other children - Ann
Marie, Leonard and
service at the Robert
Margellina home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley
Sorber are the proud
parents of a baby girl born
last Saturday in the Nesbitt
Sealed bids will be received by
Franklin Township Supervisors of
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, at
the home of Harold M. Hoover, R.L .
3 Box 284A Dallas, Penna. 18612 unt |
8:00 P.M. on October 6, 1975 for 300
more or less tons of 2A Modified at
without "delay to the | Executors p S d
was ch the plant. Bids may be furnished on
A Li E tor risiened Sunday at Company’s own letter heads. rhe
Gilbert Howe Tn xecy Our Lady of Victory church municipality reserves the right to
yon Ne704 t H reject any or all proposals.
Forty. Fort, PA at Harvey's Lake. A family Franklin Township 2nd. class
dinner was held aftér the On: Hoover
§™ =. - --— — -
836; 3164
Stanley Dorrance, Jr.,
Wichita, Kansas, is spend-
ing several weeks with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Dorrance, Sr.,
Demunds Road.
Friends of James Norton
of Orange will be glad to
learn he is recuperating
nicely in General Hospital,
Wilkes-Barre, where he
has been a patient for
several weeks.
Also reported on the
mend after a several
months’ siege of illness is
Alex Romanowski of
Krispin Road, who is
recuperating at home
following several weeks in
Wilkes-Barre General
Terri Ann Phillips and
her brother, Paul Phillips,
were honored at a birthday
party last week at the
home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Phillips of
Orange. Terri observed her
second birthday anniv-
ersary while Paul marked
his 16th milestone.
Elizabeth Scureman of
Carverton is a medical
patient in Mercy Hospital,
Wilkes-Barre, where she
was admitted last Tues-
Virginia Dorrance,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Dorrance,
Demunds Road, has left for
New Brunswick, N.J.,
where she has begun
studies for a master’s
degree at Rutgers Univer-
sity. She is a graduate of
Dallas Area High School
and received her bachelor
of science degree from
Kings College in June.
A banner crowd is ex-
pected to turn out this
evening for the benefit
softball game between the
Back Mountain Police and
the coaches of the Orange-
Centermoreland = Little
League. The contest is
at 6 on the Orange
diamond, located to the
rear of the Orange Volun-
teer Firemen’s firehouse.
Refreshments at the game
will be sold by members of
the Little League auxiliary
and proceeds will be used
for: conditioning the new
Little League diamond in
Mrs. Josephine Zajkow-
ski and daughter ‘Ann and
Mrs. Celia Para of Man-
ville, N.J., and Mrs.
Hedwig Kochan of
child of Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Ide of Oak Hill.
Mrs. Ethel Spencer was
a guest of Ruth Rogers
Meeker, on a bus trip to
New York, sponsored by
the Alumni Association of
the General Hospital. They
enjoyed the show
Don’t forget the rum-
mage sale at the Idetown
United Methodist Church
House Thursday and
Friday 9:30 to 4 p.m.
The Johnathan R. Davis
firemen will be serving a
Chicken Bar-B-Que
Saturday afternoon at the
+ fire company grounds.
Come and join the fun and
help support your fire
Keep Oct. 11 open for the
turkey supper at the
Idetown U.M. Church. A
delicious home-style
dinner will be served.
Swoyersville were week
Edward Dorrance, Sr.,
The New Hope Singers,
who are appearing at
various. Wyoming Valley
Churches, are scheduled to
present a program at the
Carverton United
Methodist Church on
Friday night, Sept. 26, at
7:30 under auspices of the
three Methodist Churches
comprising the Carverton
Pator-parish relations
committee of the Car-
verton charge will meet
Sunday afternoon at 2 at
Mt. Zion United Methodist
Church with Henry Hess,
chairman, presiding.
Inquirers Group will
meet Sunday evening from
8 to 9:30 at the Methodist
parsonage, Orange and
Bodle Roads. Persons
desiring to learn more
about the United Methodist
Church or those, who may
desire to affiliate with the
Methodist Church, are
invited to attend. Begin-
ning Thursday evening,
Oct. 2, from 8 to 9:30 a new
study group for those per-
sons, who are members of
the Methodist Church, will
get underway with the Rev.
Paul Bauer, pastor, in
Incidently, the new office
for the Carverton charge
Methodist Churches has
been opened and is funct-
ioning under the direction
of Mrs. Marion White and
Rev. Bauer. The new office
will be open Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thurs-
‘days from 8:30 to 12:30.
‘The telephone number at
the new office is 696-3715
and members of the
Orange, Mt. Zion and
Carverton Methodist
Churches are requested to
make note of the number
for church matters. It is
located in the Carverton
Methodist Church building.
A planning retreat by the
council of ministries of the
Carverton Methodist
charge will get underway
and continue all day Satur-
College Misericordia,
The Northmoreland
Volunteer Fire Company
Auxiliary resumed its
- Storm Doors
Wednesday quilting
sessions in Gardner’s
storeroom in Orange. Mrs.
Althea Dymond, president,
extended an invitation to
all members of the auxil-
"iary to attend the quilting
sessions, which are held
Wednesdays from 10 until
Confirmation classes
from St. Frances Cabrini
Church, Carverton, and
Blessed Sacrament
Church, Centermoreland,
will meet Saturday morn-
ing at 10 in Blessed Sacra-
ment Church, Centermore-
land. . \
The Franklin Township of Luzerne]
County, Zoning Hearing Board will
conduct a public hearing in the
basement of the Orange United
Methodist Church, Orange, Penna.
at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 14,
1975, for the purpose of hearing the
following requests:
Linda LaBar, R.D. 3, Dallas, Pa.
request permission to operate a
beauty shop in the home of Clarence
LaBar on County Road No. 10,
Sutton Creek Rd. in Franklin
Vincent W. Krisulevicz, Box 214,
R.D. 3, Dallas, Penna. request
permission to place a mobile home
on their property located on
Township route 784 in Orange.
Harold M. Hoover
Township Secretary
1. Title of Publication, The Dallas
2. Date of filing, Sept. 4, 1975.
3. Frequency of issue, weekly.
3A. Annual subscription price,
4. Location of the known office of
{ipublication, 41 Lehman Ave.,
Dallas, Luzerne County, Pa. 18612.
5. Location of the headquarters or
general business of the publishers,
41 Lehman Ave., Dallas, Luzerne
County, Pa. 18612.
6. Publisher, R.C. Carlsen! wm),
Harvey’s Lake, Pa. 18618.
editor, same.
Managing editor, same.
7. Owner, Pennaprint Inc., Mr.
and Mrs. R.C. Carlsen, 41 Lehman
Ave., Dallas, Pa. 18612, R.D.1,
Harveys Lake, Pa. 18618.
8. Known bondholders, mor-
tgagees, and other security holders
owning or holding 1 percent or more
of total amount of bonds, mortgages
9. For optional completion by
publishers mailing at the regular
rates, Signed, R.C. Carlsen, Editor
& Publisher.
10. Not applicable.
11. Extent and mature of cir-
culation. A. Total no. copies printed,
average no., 3,755; actual number,
6,000. B. Paid circulation 1. Sales
through dealers and carriers, street
vendors and counter sales, average
number, 1,129, actual number, 3,184.
2. Mail subscriptions, average
number 2,332, actual number, 2,339.
C. Total paid circulation, average
number, 3,461, actual number 5,523.
D. Free distribution by mail, carrier
or other means samples, com-
plimentary, and other free copies,
average no, 28 actual number o. E.
Total distribution, average number
3,489, actual number, 5,523. F.
Copies not distributed.-1. Office use,
left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after
printing, average number, 47, actual
number, 230. 2. Returns from news
agents; average number 219, actual
number 247. G. Total, average
number, 3,755. actual number, 6,000.
I certify that the statements made
by me above are correct and
complete. Signature of editor,
publisher, business manager, or
owner, R.C. Carlsen. &
-Storm Windows
wide selection :
White, Black, Brown
Replacement Windows
-Replacement Doors
-Sereen & Glass
-Patio Covers
-Screen & Glass
-Free Estimates
_Resonable Prices ®
Res. Clarks Summit
586- 4841
Dallas 675-5104
. Francis Ashton
Arline Pulverman
Mae A. Davey
. Siegfred Korpalski
. Elizabeth J. Hawke
. Ariadne May Sherrard
- Charles Veach
. Michael Angelo
. Thomas T. Price, Sr.
10. Eva E. Myers
11. Thomas Saxon, etc.
| 12. Ralph A. Pepe
13. Rose Ciavarella, efc.
14. Oscar W. Ro i
Leo S. Youngbloo
% Dominick J. Wegrzynowicz
17. Herman A. Nagle, etc.
18. Florence E. Wilson
19. Michael Medvitz
20. Alfred J. Bailey
fl 21. Emily E. Balcomb
22. Grace Smith Sinclair
23. Frank B. Piasecki
24. Eva Baron, efc.
25. Helen R. Groblewski
26. W.T. Payne
27. Margaret Pasquariello
28. Helen Regina Laver
129. Daniel E. Smith ~~
30. Richard F. Harvey
31. Lena Mazzochetti
Rev. Thomas Jenkins
First Eastern Bank NA
Hazelton National Bank
Isabella Korpalski
United Penn Bank
John A. Gay and UnitedPenn Bank
Joseph C. Veach
Marie A. Kaduk
Ruth Hill
Richard H. Steinhauer
Thomas Saxon
Angela 'P. Bernatitus
Michael Ciavarella and Yolanda
Linda F. Roth
Isabel Youngblood
Dominic J. Wegrezynowicz
Maxine E. Harrity
Dana P. Dungey
Anna Chabalko
Dolores Margitish and John W.
Louise B. Jones
Beverly Sinclair Whyte and James
Burton Sinclair
Marion Koronkiewicz and Isabel
Stanley Baran and Charles Baran
The Wyoming National Bank of
Lanning Harvey ill
M. Ronald Ley
First Eastern Bank NA
Rosamond Smith and First Eastern
Bank NA
Laura H. Williams
Marjorie (Mazzochetti) Callen
Sur. Executors
Sub. Trustee
Sub. Trustee
Administrator CTA
Register of Wills and
Clerk of the Orphan’s Court 33-4.