RS a PAGE FOURTEEN by Bridgette Correale After last week's column _when I mentioned I was learning’ to drive a stand- ‘ard shift car, everyone said, ‘‘Once you learn Well let me tell you - if I will not give me the car to _point...I don't care: There’s so much to remember at one time. “Easy on the gas,” release the clutch slowly,” “shift.” To tell you the truth d:«think Vin is happiest’ when I'm {alk. vo pt . Belated birthday greets ings to Peg Canfield whose Mary Gesmundo, Sept. I. Sorry to learn that Oak Hill's honorary neighbor, Vera Vaneski is a medical patient’ in one ‘of New York's hospital. Belated anniversary greetings to one of my the damage. favorite couples Jack and Elly Thompson. The couple honored their 20 anniver- sary Sept. 1. Sept.. 17 is a popular birthday for ' several friends. Happy birthday to Michael Hawk, Ed Belasco and Charlie Batka. Little Shannon Cleary will - celebrate her fifth birthday Saturday Sept. 20 with a party at McDonalds. Visiting the Batkas’ were Shirley and John Mitchell of New Jersey. During Jerry Lewis’ annual Labor Day Tele- thon, Lynda and. Billy Jones canvassed our neighborhood for donations which were deposited at WNEP-TV studios. $30 was collected and Lynda and Billy wish to thank the resi- dents for contributing. The very best to Nancy Rollman who will soon 18636 celebrated her eighth birth day Sept. 11 with a party for friends. Enjoying the goodies were Shari Correale, Cathy and Ernie Comer, Mary Ruth Farrell, and Teri Hrabowchak. Hayden and Verna a fabulous vacation in Hawaii. It seemed like old home week at the hospitals this week. Mildred Espen was a medical patient at Wilkes- Barre General, Frances Dress is mending,a broken leg in Nesbitt, Gerri Bartz is, keeping a wing. at Wilkes-Barre General hopping and happy, while the sweetheart of all Gate of Heaven students, Sister Liquori, is at Mercy Hospital. ‘Birthday greetings’ to BY VIRGINIA HOOVER Mr. and Mrs. Sam TIILEGAL Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration have been issued to irene. Ferrey and Gilbert Howell, E xecutors of the Estate of Jessie T Howell late of the Borough of Ed rvardsville, Luzerne County, Pa rho died on June 25, 1975 All persons indebted to said Estate are required to make payment, or those having a claim or demand are requested to present the same J x * x x * * x x x x x Si Green Hornet. Inc 730 ON YOUR, DIAL PRESENTS BRINGS CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE! Yodek 0 0. 86.86.8888 8.8.8 PE a a a me a a a ES I