The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 29, 1962, Image 5

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    . attack, returned to her home
‘Lehman Avenue on Monday. She is
Mrs. Borge Lyhne and daughters
Nancy and Laura of Avon, Conn.
recently spent the day with her col-
lege room-mate Mrs. Donald Cos-
grove at Lehman, Mrs, Lyhne is
the former Eudora Berlew, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Berlew
of Orange,
Mrs, James Culp, Sweet Valley,
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff Sr.,
Noxen, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ruff Jr, and Kathy
Lou at Baltimore, Md.
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Boston, Sweet
Valley, recently celebrated Mr. Bos-
ton’s eighty-second birthday anniv.
ersary with a dinner at the home
of and Mrs. Thomas Judge,
Pike's Creek. ;
Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Vernon, will
entertain the new and retiring ex-
ecutive board members of Dallas
Senior Woman's Club at dinner Mon-
day evening. Mrs. Eggleston will
complete two years as ‘president
of the Club on April 1.
Mrs, Hazle Willis returned to her
home in Wiliamsport over the
weekend after visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Hayden Richards, Lehman Avenue,
Dallas. She came over to attend the
funeral of William: «J. Richards,
brother of Hayden and father of
Mrs. Alfred Bronson.
Mrs. Alva Eggleston attended a
manager’s conference of Field Ent-
erprises Education Corporation at
Penn Harris Hotel recently, She was
Mrs. Asa L. Day will return to
her home on Terrace Street, Dallas,
this weekend after spending a vaca-
tion in Florida and Valosta, Ga.,
where she visited her sister, Mrs.
‘W. H. Briggs.
Grace Ann Bachman resumed her
studies at Pennsylvania State Uni-
versity over the weekend after
spffling the spring vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bachman, Demunds Road.
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Dymond, Home-
stead, Fla., left Sunday, March 25,
via Pan American Air Lines for a
two week trip to Montserrat in the
Ca gdbbean where they are engaged
in ¥arming.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. ‘Anes,
Oak Hill, spent Sunday in New York
where they visited the former's
father, Marcus Anesi.
Mrs. Alice Malarkey, 8 Harris
Hill Road, Trucksville, was ill at her
home last week with an allergy rash.’
Attending the four-day conven-
tion of International Hair-Dressers
at Statler Hotel in New York City
last week, were D, Clara Troxell
from Dallas, and Mildred Lutes
from Noxen,
Mr, and Mrs. John Dobiniek,
Goeringer Ave., Shavertown, had as
week end guests their daughter,
Kathy and her roommate, Patricia
Donaldson from Atlanta, Georgia.
we girls are employed by the
NaW Department at Arlington,
Virginia. :
Thomas Goddard, son of Mr. and
My, Paul Goddard, Goss Manor, is
spdading the spring vacation with
his parents. Heis a member of the
Senior Class at Lafayette College.
Betsy Mulcey, recent graduate
from Pennsylvania. State University,
is spending a few ‘weeks at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Mulcey, Overbrook Road. She
expects to marry Gerald S. French
of Wilmington, N. C. next month.
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths,
Demunds Road, spent Wednesday in
‘Sayre attending the funeral of Rob-
ert Adam. Mr. Adam was the fath-
er of Jack Griffith's wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lee, Oak
Hill, have announced the birth of
_ a baby girl, their first child, at
Nesbitt Hospital on’ March 27.
rs. Hale Coughlin has returned
to lor home at Lehman after spend-
ing some time at Delray Beach,
Fla., visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Har-
*E Huntsville residents.
R¥%v. and Mrs. Andrew Pillarella,
(Haddonfield - Hills, entertained
friends and clergymen at open house
on Sunday. Rev. Pillarella is organ-
izing minister<of the Back Mountain
United Presbyterian Fellowship.
Mrs, Leslie Hilbert who has been
a patient at Nesbitt Hospital for
several weeks as result of a heart
getting along nicely and is able to
be out. :
Neighborhood News And Notes Of Personal Interest
Mother And Son
Observe Birthdays
Mrs. Alice Malarkey and son,
Charles, observed their birthdays
with a party at their home, 8 Har-
ris Hill Road, Trucksville, last
week. Charles, who was thirteen
on March 28, is a student at Trucks-
ville Grade School. Mrs. Malarkey's
birthday was on March-22. She
is an employee of General Cigar
Factory, Kingston. Friends attend-
ing were Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Rasmus, Nanticoke; Mrs. Bess Oney,
Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Mosier, the honorees, and
Mrs. Malarkey’s twin children,
James and Mary Ann, Mrs. Malar-
key’s son, Francis Rasmus, Swedes-
boro, N. J. Missile Base, sent his
mother a beautiful floral center-
Kippie Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steele, Oak
Hill, announce the birth of a six
pound, six ounce baby girl, Kippie,
at Nesbitt Hospital on March 20.
They have three other daughters,
Sandra, fourteen, Judy, ten and
Gini, four, Mother and baby re-
turned to their home on Monday.
Mrs. Steele is the former Patricia
Rohland of Huntington. Mr. Steele,
also from Huntington, is supervis-
or of industries at the State Insti-
tution, Chase.
John Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gildea, Oak
Hill, announce the birth of an eight
pound baby boy, John, at Mercy
Hospital on March 21. There are
three other boys, Francis George
Jr., six, Patrick Hugh, five and Kev-
in John, sixteen months. Maureen,
the only daughter, is ten.
Mrs. Gildea is the former Ruth
Morton of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Gil-
dea is technician specialist at IL.B.M.
Mother and baby John returned
to their home on Sunday.
Leave For Europe
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Boote,
Knob Hill, Trucksville, left Tuesday
from Avoca Airport for New York
where they will board the Queen
Elizabeth for Europe. They will vis-
it England, Scotland, Germany,
Switzerland, France, Holland and
Italy. They will fly kome by jet,
May 9, leaving Paris at 12:30 ar-
riving in New York at 3:30.
Feted On 6th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cragle, Jr,
Main Road, Sweet Valley, entertain-
ed at a birthday party on March
17, honoring their son, .David Paul,
who observed his sixth birthday on
March 19. Games were played and
refreshments served to Cindy Kay
and Keith Culver; Randy Kevin Ray;
Sandy and Gene Holcomb; Sandra
and Jane Steinruck; David and Deb-
bie Wallace, the honoree and his
Has Twelfth Birthday.
Tera Milbrodt, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Milbrodt, Lake-
Lehman Road, observed her twelfth
birthday last week end with over-
night guests, Faye Brown and Kathy
Price. The girls spent Saturday in
Wilkes-Barre. They are members of
the sixth grade of Lehman School.
Bob Moyer resumed his studies
at Pensylvania State University on
Monday after spending the spring
recess with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Moyer, [Split Rail Lane,
Dallas. Mrs. Moyer and Mrs. Henry
Peterson drove him back.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roth have
moved into their new home at 204
Church Street, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell,
Noxen RD 1 have announced the
birth of a baby girl at General Hos-
pital on March 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Malkemes, Dal-
las R.D., announce the birth of a
son at Nesbitt Hospital on March
Alfred Root, Franklin Street, is
convalescing at his home after being
discharged from University of Penn-
‘| sylvania Hospital following surgery.
TE SE EE «SE << EI GI HD ED <i CED <I EP «KT <a GY <i
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BE LL rs ed ll
Joseph S. Blaum Weds
Roanoke, Va., Women
Joseph S. Blaum, Harveys Lake,
and Mary F. Conway, Roanoke, Va.,
were married on St. Patrick’s Day.
March 17, in St. Andrew’s Church,
Roanoke, Va., Rev. William Brown
performed the ceremony at 9 a.m.
Attendants were James P. Mof-
fitt, son-in-law of Mr. Blaum, and
Mary Foy of Roanoke.
Following the ceremony, a wed-
ding breakfast was served at the
home of the bride's daughter, Mrs.
Harold Dill,
Mr, Blaum is vacuum cleaner sales-
man and serviceman at Harveys
Mrs. Robert Williams
Entertains Classmates
Mrs. Robert Williams, Trucksville,
entertained members of the 1958
Class of Wyoming Valley Hospital at
their first reunion on Sunday, March
5. All but three members of the
class were present: Patricia Farr
Kocher, Monmouth Junction, N. J.;
Amy Lubinosky Tucker, Montgome-
ry, Ala; Jule Ontko Lewandowski,
Hazelton; Barbara Brown McNeely,
Bethlehem; Mary Arnt Densmore,
Niagara Falls; Irene
Bloomsburg; Beverly Jesse Rosen-
grant, Courtdale; Anne Semesi
Wajda, Wilkes-Barre; Rosemary Al-
tavilla Novakowski, Binghamton;
Nancy Lou Palermo Recupero, Pitts-
ton; Marlene Miller Stasukinas, Ply-
mouth; Anne Marie Callahan, Ash-
ley, the hostess.
Milton Perregos, Are
Married Forty Years
Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Hunts-
ville, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Perrego, Demunds Road, Fern-
brook, at dinner on their fortieth
wedding anniversary and Mr, Per-
rego’s birthday anniversary. Present
were Emerson Perrego, Karen Rog-
ers, Douglas and David Stone, the
guest of honor and the host and
Wayne Long, H:.
Twenty-First Birthday
Mr. and Mrs, Voight Long, Carv-
erton Road, entertained last Sun-
day in honor of their son Wayne,
who celebrated his twenty-first
birthday. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
William Long, Barney, Barbara and
Brenda; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoe-
maker, Robert and Rodney; Mr.
and Mrs. William Shoemaker, all
of Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
McDonald and Diane, Shavertown;
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bidwell, Don-
na and Billy, Forty-Fort; Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Riedlinger, Wyoming.
Mrs. Arthur Keefer Is
Hostess To Old Friends
Mrs. Elizabeth Keefer was hostess
recently to her club at her home
on Machell Avenue. Table decor-
ations were, developed in lemon
leaves with guests’ names in gold,
and a centerpiece of pink carnations.
Guests were Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hand,
Mr. and Mrs. Ord Trumbower, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore, Mrs.
Helen Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eg-
gleston, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ritts.
[Schnaars, |
Miss Brenda Benton Mannear
Engaged To Raymond Dymond
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mannear,
Overbrook Road, Dallas, announce
the betrothal of their daughter,
Brenda Benton, to Raymond Elwood
Dymond, son of the late Elwood Dy-
mond and Mrs. Elwood Dymond,
Collingswood, N. J. The Dymonds
are former residents of Trucksville.
Miss Mannear is a graduate of
Westmoreland High School and
Pennsylvania State University. Mr.
Dymond was graduated from Muhl-
enburg College, majoring in science.
He is employed in the research de-
partment of Socony Mobil Oil Com-
pany at Paulsboro, N. J. He is the
grandson of Mrs. Beatrice Williams,
Justice of the Peace of Trucksville.
New Jr. Woman's Club Board
Entertained By Retiring Board
Members of the new Executive | servation, Mrs. Robert Lewis; Educa-
Board, Dallas Junior
Woman's | tion, Mrs. Kenneth Kirk; Finance,
Misericordia Guild
Plans Spaghetti Dinner
At a recent meeting of McAuley
Guild, College Misericordia, plans
were completed for a spaghetti din-
ner to be held in the college din-
ing room on Thursday, April 5,
from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. William J. Kennedy, club
president is honorary chairman, and
Mrs. Robert Spears is chairman.
Other members who will assist are:
Tickets, Mrs. Joseph Fenstemach-
er and Mrs, John Kupstas; publicity,
Mrs, Walter Black; dining room,
Mesdames Al Kopicki, Vern Finer-
alli, Mary Kuc, Ann Staub, Ann
Hozempa, Bernadine Trusky, Anna
Michaels, Ann Peregino, Helen Mat-
hews, Jane Petroski, Leo Quarteroni,
{Mary Figler, Elizabeth Daugherty;
| kitchen, Mesdames Thomas Glenn,
Club, were guests. of the retiring | Mrs: Francis Barry; Fine Arts, Mrs, | Nettie Daley, Catherine Chalawick,
board at a covered dish supper |Robert T. Moore; Home Life, Mrs. | Veronica Siket, Martha Noone, Mae
held recently at the home of Mrs. | David Carey; Housing and Reser- |Curtis, Margaret Miller, Peggy But- | ~b
James F. Besecker Jr., R.D. 3 Dal- | vations, Mrs. Edward Johnson and | ler, Mary Parker, Rose Mohen, Jane | William Guyette, second vice
After dinner, a regular meeting
was held at which time a gift was
presented to Mrs. Wilson J. Maury,
retiring Senior advisor, At the
conclusion of the regular business,
the meeting was turned over to
the new president Mrs. Joseph
Borton. Newly elected officers were
introduced by Mrs. Borton. They
are: First Vice<President, Mrs. John
Diffendafer; second vice president,
Mrs. Merton Jones; treasurer, Mrs,
David Alderson; assistant treasur-
er, Mrs. James Huston, Jr.; record-
ing secretary, Mrs. Evan . Bona-
witz; Corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Philip Walfer; assistant secretary,
Mrs. Fred Templin. These officers
will be assisted by the following
committee heads; Audit, Mrs. John
Culp, Jr.; Club Woman and Pub-
licity, Mrs. Edward Jackson; Con- |
Mrs, Ned Hartman; International
Affairs, Mrs. William Hanna; Mem-
bership, Mrs. Thomas Decker; Pub-
lic Affairs, Mrs, Clifford Parker and
| Telephone squad, Mrs. Robert Wade.
|Mrs. Ross Lewin was introduced
as the new Senior advisor taking
| Olson and Mary Bonfig.
| Charles Vanderhoff Has
| Fourteenth Birthday
| Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Vander- |
Dallas Kiwanis Club met Wednes-
| day night at the Country Club and
heard William Wright talk on the
“Keys to Denver” trip to be taken
|by the Key Club Rifle and Drill
Team. They have been invited to
Kiwanis International Convention
| being held in June at Denver, Colo.
In an exchange of letters the club
has been informed that the boys
will be housed with Denver Key
Club members and correspondence
between the boys is being arranged
{so they will get to know each
|other before they actually meet.
| Club members were urged to give
lany work they may have around
| the house or yard to Key Club boys |
{to help them finance the trip. |
| Friends of the boys are urged to
| help by. giving them work.
| president of the club, introduced
| the speakers of the evening. They
| represented the Wyoming Valley
Chapter of the United Nations and
| were Dr. Harold Thatcher and Atty.
| Herbert Winkler. After both had
Dallas Kiwanis Club Hears Plans
For Key Club Trip To Denver
spoken briefly two films were
shown. The first, “This is the Chal-
the devastation of war, the pathetic
| the devastation of war, the'pathrayal
aftermath with its grief and hunger.
And now with nuclear weapons it
would be a horror,
Atty. Winkler asserted that with
nuclear weapons we now have we
could explode a bomb capable of
the force equal to 4,000 miles of
freight cars loaded with TINT. And
i that fatalities resulting from a nu-
clear attack launched against the
U. S. would probablly run as high
as seventy per cent. And with
many faults, the United Nations is
probablly the best deterent against
war that we have. It may be the
| only one.
The second film, Philippine Social
Progress,” showed the poverty and
sickness in the islands as an after-
math of our war with Japan and
how the U. S. has helped by send-
| ing health teams, agricultural ex-
perts, and teachers to aid in the re-
habilitation of the Philippines,
| the place of Mrs. Wilson J. Maury. | hoff, Lekman Heights, entertained | Back Mountain People
.Kozemchak, Carl : Goeringer,
Diffendafer, Royal Culp, Evan Bona-
witz, Philip Walter, James B. Hus-
ton -Jr., Robert F. Moore, Francis
J. Barry, P. William Hanna Jr,
Joseph Borton, Robert Lewis, James
J. Besecker Bernard Rogers, Ed-
ward J.. Jackson, Thomas Decker,
John Porter, Clifford Parker, Ken-
neth Kirk, Merton Jones, John M.
Culp ‘Jr., Ned Hartman, Edward
Johnson,’ Wilson J. Maury, Ross
Lewin, David Carey, Robert T.
Moore, Stanley Hozempa.
Local Women Are Hostesses
To Early American Decorators
The William Penn Chapter of
Historical Society of Early American
Decoration held its spring meet-
ing in the Back Mountain Library
Annex Monday © when Mrs. Paul
Gross, master craftsman of Sutton
Road, Trucksville, gave an inform-
ative talk on requirements for pros-
pective members of the Society
and helpful sugguestions for “A”
awards, She spoke on tpyes of
decoration, stenciling, on’ tin ‘and
wood, free hand bronze, gold leaf
painting, reverse painting, lace edge
and Chippendale painting.
Mrs. Gross will teach lace edge
painting in the Sarah Fuller Stud-
ios in. Bryn Mawr four Mondays
in April.
Mrs. Joshua Cookenbach, presi-
dent of the Chapter from Wynne-
wood, extended an invitation to
the Pennsylvania Chapter to use the
lovely old Early American Ash-
bridge House in Ardmore, built in
1769 for a permanent home. Orig-
inal paintings will be on display
there and meetings and classes for
the Chapter will be held every fourth
Wednesday of September, Octob-
er, March and April. A pattern lib-
rary will be made available to mem-
bers and associate members for
rental. Mrs. Paul Gross will act as
librarian for the portfolio in this
Mrs. Charles Nuss, Mrs. George
Montgomery and Mrs. Robert Weav-
er acted as hostesses. Mrs. Sarah
2 P.M. to 11:30 P.M.
Where you find those matchless Fanny Farmer Easter Candies -
EGG 4544)
It’s the biggest, fanciest egg of all. Pure, delicious
buttercream inside, bittersweet chocolate outside. Or
chocolate nut buttercream with milk chocolate. Also,
Y% 1b, 75¢; 1 1b,
Jens fm
Fuller Bryn Wawr, and Mrs. William
{ Weeks, Trucksville presided ap the
tea table.
Joshua . Cookenbach, ' Wynnwood;
Mrs. Ralph Miller, Bloomsburg; Mrs.
Joseph Gibson, Mrs. William Wat-
kins, Swarthmore; = Mrs. W. W.
Stainton, Mrs. John Towle, Ard-
more; Mrs. George Cruze, Harris-
burg; Mrs. ‘Edna Winter, Mrs.
George Kerchner, Havertown; Mrs.
C. Tower, Mrs. Sarah Fuller, Bryn
Mawr; Mrs. Harry Forbes, Walling-
ford; Mrs. Robert E. Isakson, Devon;
Mrs. George Bennington, Mrs. Arth-
ur T. Murlless, Strafford; Mrs. Dan-
iel J. Johnson, Norristown; Ann
Rees, Nanticoke; Mrs. John R. O’-
Malia,” Mrs. George Montgomery,
Dallas; Mrs, Charles Nuss, Lehman;
Mrs. William Weeks, Mrs. Robert
Weaver, Mrs. Paul Gross, Trucks-
Wild Geese Flying
Harry “Bucky” Edwards of
Huntsville ‘Nursery reports seeing
a flock of more than 400 wild
geese flying over Huntsville Reser-
Present: Mrs. J. E. Leonard, Mrs. |
| ~ Birthday cakes were baked by
| and Mrs. Vanderhoff. Refresh-
ments, games and dancing were en-
|joyed by Linda Baker, Barry Ray,
Charles’s sister, Mrs. Lois Williams
Present at the meeting were: |at agbirthday party, Saturday hon- |
| Mesdames Donald Fannon, Walter oring their son, Charles, who was!
John | observing his fourteenth birthday.
Have Picnic In Florida
tertained at a covered dish cook out
| at their home in Homestead, Fla., |
{recently. Present were Mrs. Fred
| Dymond, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Dymond,
{Janet Spencer, Tim Wagner, Gay |Timmy, Cindy, Katy and Kay Dy-
| Klem, Donald Crispell, Lois Weaver,
| mond, Mrs. Irene Moore, Mr. and
| Rita Zbick, David Kenyon, Elizabeth | Mrs. Evan A. London, Mr, and Mrs.
| Shaver, Mark Keating, Eileen Miers,
| Richard Pearson, Donna Bronson,
| Donna Parrish, Margie Evans, John
Straigis, and June Gerhardt.
Harry Martins, Hosts
At Birthday Dinner
A St. Patrick’s Day birthday din-
| ner party was held recently at the
| home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin,
||Sr., in honor of their daughter, Mrs.
Jay Bloomer, Brenton Hall, West-
chester. :
Party ‘decorations were in keeping
with St. Patrick’s Day.
Dinner was served to Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr,
Billy, James, Judith Ann; William
Martin, Jay Bloomer, Melinda and
| Brenda, Fireman and Mrs. Laing
| Coolbaugh, the guest of honor and
|theh host and ostess.
Carol Lasher, Hostess
To Hobby Club Members
Carol Lasher, Fernbrook, enter-
tained members of the Hobby Club
at her home recently when project
of the evening was decorating pota-
toes to represent St. Patrick’s Day.
Present were Mesdames Barbara
Lasher, Marilla Stanton, Florence
Martin, Gladys Gabel, Ruth Young,
Sally Wagner, Mary Reese, Mary
Lasher, Priscilla Coolbaugh and
Carol Lasher.
Next meeting will be held at the
home. of Priscilla Coolbaugh when
| Bacter favors wil be made.
‘Lobbies and Parlors — Closed
Write for Literature and Rates
Central location overlooking Boardwalk and convenient to Piers,
Churches and Theatres — Near Rail and Bus Terminals — Inviting
and Open Sun Decks Atop —
All Rooms Delightfully Furnished — Modified and European Plans
— Conducted by Hospitable Ownership Management that de-
lights in catering to the wishes of American Families.
Hotel Jefferson
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Fowler, Dick
Harveys Lake and Sweet Valley
The Boston Store
and you reach
In Wilkes-Barre
ORchard 4-1181
Subscribers Only
Center Moreland, Dallas
and Walker
and |
Mrs, Warren Stanton, Bobby, Carol, |
| Carl Cyphers, Mr. and Mrs, L.
Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Shultheis,
{ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coolbaugh, Miriam
Coobaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
law, Raymond and Diane Outlaw,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson, Ricky,
| Mrs, George London, Cindy, Georgia
London, Harold Ayers; Allan March,
Gerry Dymond, Linda David Dy-
mond, and the host and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dymond en- |
Heitsman, Mr. and Mrs, Ferrice Qut- |
Kathy, Kevin Thompson, Mr. and |
Carl F. Schlingman 3rd
To Marry In August
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray Hof-
fer, Villanova, have announced the
engagement of their daughter, Vir-
i ginia Lee, to Carl F.. Schlingman
| 3rd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F.
|Schlingman of Bryn Mawr, former
| Irem Country Club, Dallas, residents.
| Mr. Schlingman is former manager
| of the Country Club.
Miss Hoffer is a graduate of Hood
{ College. Mr. Schlingman was grad-
{uated from Cornell University.
| An August wedding is planned.
' Stephen L. Belles
| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belles
| Hoover Trailer Camp, Tunkannock,
| announce the birth of a son, Ste-
phen Lawrence, in Tyler Memorial
{ Hospital on March 12. There is also
! a little girl, Brenda, aged two.
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