. attack, returned to her home ‘Lehman Avenue on Monday. She is DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Purely Personal Mrs. Borge Lyhne and daughters Nancy and Laura of Avon, Conn. recently spent the day with her col- lege room-mate Mrs. Donald Cos- grove at Lehman, Mrs, Lyhne is the former Eudora Berlew, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Berlew of Orange, Mrs, James Culp, Sweet Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff Sr., Noxen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff Jr, and Kathy Lou at Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Boston, Sweet Valley, recently celebrated Mr. Bos- ton’s eighty-second birthday anniv. ersary with a dinner at the home of and Mrs. Thomas Judge, Pike's Creek. ; Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Vernon, will entertain the new and retiring ex- ecutive board members of Dallas Senior Woman's Club at dinner Mon- day evening. Mrs. Eggleston will complete two years as ‘president of the Club on April 1. Mrs, Hazle Willis returned to her home in Wiliamsport over the weekend after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Richards, Lehman Avenue, Dallas. She came over to attend the funeral of William: «J. Richards, brother of Hayden and father of Mrs. Alfred Bronson. Mrs. Alva Eggleston attended a manager’s conference of Field Ent- erprises Education Corporation at Penn Harris Hotel recently, She was speaker. Mrs. Asa L. Day will return to her home on Terrace Street, Dallas, this weekend after spending a vaca- tion in Florida and Valosta, Ga., where she visited her sister, Mrs. ‘W. H. Briggs. Grace Ann Bachman resumed her studies at Pennsylvania State Uni- versity over the weekend after spffling the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bachman, Demunds Road. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Dymond, Home- stead, Fla., left Sunday, March 25, via Pan American Air Lines for a two week trip to Montserrat in the Ca gdbbean where they are engaged in ¥arming. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. ‘Anes, Oak Hill, spent Sunday in New York where they visited the former's father, Marcus Anesi. Mrs. Alice Malarkey, 8 Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, was ill at her home last week with an allergy rash.’ Attending the four-day conven- tion of International Hair-Dressers at Statler Hotel in New York City last week, were D, Clara Troxell from Dallas, and Mildred Lutes from Noxen, Mr, and Mrs. John Dobiniek, Goeringer Ave., Shavertown, had as week end guests their daughter, Kathy and her roommate, Patricia Donaldson from Atlanta, Georgia. we girls are employed by the NaW Department at Arlington, Virginia. : Thomas Goddard, son of Mr. and My, Paul Goddard, Goss Manor, is spdading the spring vacation with his parents. Heis a member of the Senior Class at Lafayette College. Betsy Mulcey, recent graduate from Pennsylvania. State University, is spending a few ‘weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mulcey, Overbrook Road. She expects to marry Gerald S. French of Wilmington, N. C. next month. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths, Demunds Road, spent Wednesday in ‘Sayre attending the funeral of Rob- ert Adam. Mr. Adam was the fath- er of Jack Griffith's wife. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lee, Oak Hill, have announced the birth of _ a baby girl, their first child, at Nesbitt Hospital on’ March 27. rs. Hale Coughlin has returned to lor home at Lehman after spend- ing some time at Delray Beach, Fla., visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Har- *E Huntsville residents. R¥%v. and Mrs. Andrew Pillarella, (Haddonfield - Hills, entertained friends and clergymen at open house on Sunday. Rev. Pillarella is organ- izing minister