vou 2 A Paper Within a Paper Devoted to the Interest of Upper West Side Schools | No. Kingston Twp. ‘School N otes * Waste It has been said that the Americans ~ are the most extravagant people on the fact of the earth. Does this ap- ply to us? We sometimes forget that we can waste time and energy as. well ag money and material. Time is one of the most valuable assets we have and most of us, rich and poor alike, are very wasteful of this priceless gift. How many hours do we waste in one day? Think of the months and years this amounts to in a lifetime! What could we not do during this time, had we not wasted it? Let us think fow, and let every hour that we live find us better prepared. JUNE PALMER . Banking The banking percentage of Xing- ~ ston township high school was 94 per eént. last week. + The percentages were as folows: Seniors, 100 per cent. Juniors, 100 per cent. Sophomores, 100 per cent. ‘Freshmen, 77 per cent. Rev. Ruff in Chapel ‘We were delighted to see the Rev. G. Elston Ruff, pastor of Shavertown ° Laitheran Church, in chapel one morn- ing. We were also pleased when he consented to speak to us. His topic was “The Change Brought About by Machinery.” Do you under- mand this change from our grand- father’s time to our own? It is the greatest in all times, this migration from the farm fo the factory. Its result ig the “stamp of the machine.” This is shown by a play in New York called “Dynamo.” He then told us of the plot. This man “worshipped the dynamo which he tended and which finally killed him. | Will the people of the world come to this same horrible fate. The World War was caused by this “stamp of the machine,” according to Rev. Ruff. In conclusion, he said that the young people should try to _+.rid themselves of this “stamp.” " Oo ~Huntsville- Services will be as follows at M. E. Sermon, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. At the Christian Church: Sermon, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a. Young People’s meeting, 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Learn enter: tained Mr. and Mrs. ; 4 of Scranton on Sunday. : Mrs, George W. Ide spent Thursday at Wilkes-Barre. ‘Charles Frantz of Luzerne has re- turned home after spending the week- end with his grandfather, S. P. Frantz. Miss Myra Zimmerman of Kingston spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perrego. Mr. and Mrs. Gordoo Jnhnson en- tertained at dinner on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coolbaugh and chil- dren of oxeNn, Ernest Wright and children. Mieorge W. Ide returned Schenectady on Tuesday to sorce time with his family. i. “The B. A. Class of the M. E. Sun- aay school held a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I. Terry of West Pittston. Gifts were exchanged and games were played. ‘Lunch was served. S. P. Frantz and niece, Miss Jane Keener, spent Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frantz at Luzerne. Mr. and Mrs. O. M Wilcox are en- tertaining their grandson, Bruce Nel- = son, who has a thirty-day furlough I Jrom Langley Aviation: Field, + Vir- ginia. 8. P. Frantz and neice, Miss Jane Keener will entertain at dinner New Year's day Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frantz, son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frantz and daughter of Lu- zerne, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey 'W. Danks, The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid Society was held at the M. E. Church. Officers were elected to 7 __Aerve. the coming year as follows: Mrs. A. J. Hadsall- president; Mrs J. A. Rogers, vice president; Mrs. Clarence Elston, secretary; Mrs. George Lamboreaux, assistant secre- tary; Mrs. H. \/. Danks, treasurer. Pinner was served to the following: Mrs. A. J. Hadsall, Mrs. H. 'W. Danks, Mrs. C. M. Pettebone, Mrs. Harry Edwards, Mrs. Frank H. John- son, Ermine, Randall, Mrs. R, Elston, Harold B. Elston, Mrs. GC. A.. Learn) Mrs. T. W. Stoeckel, T. W. Hloeckel, Miss Jane Keener, Mrs. Les Parl, son Boyd, Mrs, J. A. oRgers, C. \ F', Teg H. Thoma, Mrs. H. A. Ran- . vy Wawapds. the Church: m.; Russell Learn from spend with Clarence | * Sohool Editorial Cheerfulness A Scout is cheerful. As the Scout law intimates, he must never go about with a sulky air. He must always be bright and smiling and as the humorist says: “Must always see the dough- Why don’t you laugh and make us all laugh, too, And keep us mortals all from getting ‘matter how difficult they may be. [njae9y2 suraq sfem[e jo Anp ay) pue IN00G © JoAdIeyM ‘ples Usdq sey sy does should be done with cheerfulness “yon 00} paziseydwio aq jouUed ou. ‘sdiysprey ie so[quni3 lou syIys ZIA3U OH ‘A199y> pue jdwoid si sip -10 0] 2USIPA]O SIY PUR UED BY IAD -UoyM SO[IWS NODS y POM Yi uf wyew-sulysuns ¢ aq 0} Ap sIN0dg oy} SI] ‘I3Yjoue 0] UO WoI} AUIS nut and not the hole.” A bright face and a cheery word spreads like sun- blue? A laugh will always win, If you can’t laugh, just grin. Go on! Let's all join im! Why don’t you laugh? Just picture in your own mind what life would be and actually mean with- | out cheerfulness. You canot build life without cheerfulness, for the glow of cheerfulness leads on to the goal which we all strive to win. Benjamin Franklin said: duce happiness.” One’s personal en- joyment is a very small thing, but one’s personal usefulness is a very im- portant thing. Those only are happy who have their minds fixed upon some object other and higher than their own happiness. A boy once said to his mother: “I couldn’t make sister happy nohow. I could fix it but I made myself happy trying to make her happy.” Here is a case where money never made a man happy. There was once a king who had a son who he loved with his whole heart, so he gave him everything his heart desired. Still the young prince was unhappy and wore a frown where- ever he went, always wishing for something he did not have. By and: by a magician came to the court and seing the frown said to the king: “I can make your boy happy and turn his frown into a smile but you must pay me a very large price for the se- cret.” “All right,” said the king. “Whatever you ask, I will do.” oS the musician took the boy into a pri- vate room and with white liquid wrote something on a piece of paper, then he gave the boy a candle and told him to warm the paper and read what was written. The prince did as he was told. The white letters turned into letters of blue, and he read these words: “Do kindness to some one every day.” The prince followed the magician’s advice and became the happiest boy in all the king's realm. Cheer up and smile whenever you can. To be a good Scout one must re- main cheerful under every circum- stance, bearing fortune and misfortune with a smile. ANNA BALAVAGE, EARL PAYNE, Lake Township High School. —Centermoreland- Samuel: VanScoy is home from Ohio Wesleyan University to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gay are mov- ing to Binghamton. ; Ernest Montross, Brisbin Kelley and Floyd Besteder of Johnson City came home to spend Christmas. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. Church reorganized at their last meeting with Mrs. Anna, Gay as presi- dent, Mrs. Emily Harris, vice presi- dent, Mrs. Corby, secretary and Mrs. Evans, treasurer. The pageant, “The Heavenly Host,” held at the M. E. Church Christmas Eve was a very beautiful production, the participants all taking their parts in a splendid manner. Much credit is due to the directors. We understand it will be repated New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Winters enter- tained their family at a turkey din- ner on Christmas day, as did also Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Schoonover and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gay, also Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Shook. Mrs Eugenia Shook is visiting rela- tives at Tunkhannock the latter part of the week. Miss Mary Brown of Dallas spent Christmas at. her home in this place. We understand Joseph ‘Goble, Jr, has purchased the Perry Walters vo @roperty. AA) = ad 3 “Money | never yet made a man happy, and| there is nothing in its nature to pro-| ; iE unkle- The snow storm on Monday made ideal weather for Santa Claus and his weather on Christmas day was all reindeer on Christmas Eve and the that could be desired. Family dinner parties were the order of the day and coasting and outdoor sports made the day enjoyable for the young folks. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Honeywell and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Whipp called on Mr and Mrs. Charles Herdman re- cently Mrs. Ronnah Landon spent Christ- mas day with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs and Miss Dorothy Elston spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston. The entertainment given by the Kunkle Sunday school on Christmas Eve was enjoyed by a large crowd. The recitations, songs and gorup numbers were well rendered and in- strumental music by James Miers, Edwin and Roannah Shoemaker and Dorothy Elston was greatly enjoyed. The little ones were given a real thrill when Santa arrived at the close of) the program to distribute gifts from | a beautifully decorated tree. Boxes oi candy were also distributed to mem- bers of the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. William Condon en- tertained at Christmas dinner Mrs. Mary 7ihompson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conden and children and Mr. and Mis. Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Elston ente:- tained on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elston and children of Beau. mont, Walter Elston of Pittsburgh, who arrived on Tuesday to spend the Christmas holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide and children, Jane and Donnie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hess and daughter Doris. Mr. and Mrs. J. S Kunkle, Miss Mar- garet Kunkle, Olin Kunkle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle spent Christ- mas day Mr. and Mrs. Fred Makinson of Forty Fort. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and family had as their guests on Christ- mas day Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wash- burn and daughter, Miss Martha Washburn of Wilkes-Barre and sons, Lindsley and Charles Washburn, New York City, and Murray Gibson of Japan, whose marriage to Miss Wasi- burn takes place today (Saturday). The young couple expect to sail for Japan some time in January. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith enter- tained on Christmas day with a family dinner, party, their guests be- ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss Leona Smith of Wilkes-Barre, Frank, Helen, Harry, Ida and Geraldine Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Nulton, Miss Eloise Nulton of Kingston, Miss Altheda Nulton of Wilkes-Barre, Clif- ford, Claude, Emily and Laura Jean Nulton, Miss Helen Nulton, Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Bleanor and Charles D. Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Corby and daughters, Dorothy and Janet, of West Pittston, and Miss Carrie Sites of Long Island, N. Y. called on Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and family Tuesday evening. Catal Data Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miers and son James spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin of Trucks- ville. Stanley Moore of Marcus Hook, Pa., is spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hess their guests on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess of Shaver- town, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hess and sons iNle, Harold and Robert, Miss Helen and Miss Frances Hess. with had as Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellsworth enter- | tained on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ellsworth and daughter, 'Vir- ginia of Ideton, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stitzer and Mr. and Mrs. Achuff of Shavertown, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Gideon Miller and children, Jean, Rob- ert and Clara. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hess and Mrs. J Hess spent Wednesday evening and Mrs. Seth Howell of S. with Mr. Fernbrook. Mr. and Mrs. aRlph Ashburner and son Bobbie spent Christmas day with the former’s mother, Mrs. oRbert Ash- burner of Outlet. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8S. Kunkle and Philip Kunkle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston of Dallas on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Devens enter- tained on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miers and daughter Felice and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wertman. 0 READ THE POST Payable in advance. Subscrintion price $1.00 per year. lward Conden and children of Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer of Evans Falls lost their infant son of pneu- monia this week. Peter Brong has a fine radio stalled in his store on trial. The bench gang will be overjoyed if Uncle Peter keeps the outfit. More coal and lights, Peter, and cover the cracker barrel. We note that Solomon Sisco has apparently lost his idinty over Christ- mas, as he was seen asking numerous people if they knew “Old Solomon.” Murray Traver, we fear, has been tickling a mule or something, as he looks unusually poor. We trust the store teeth will fit when he gets them installed. The past deer season was rather slim in Beaumont, as only Emory Straley and Irvin Denman were fortu- nate enough to bag buks. Augustus Denman, however, bagged one buck horn. Kenneth Turner of Noxen, we understand, shot a buck with only one horn and a bullet hole in the ear. We think it the same buck that Gus pierced, but as Gus’ didn’t install an earring after the operation, we can- not be sure. Mrs. Grace Belles and son William have returned home from the hospital after hiving their tonsils removed. They are doing fine. Miss June Belles is to have her tonsils removed soon. Mrs. Harry Roote of New York City, who came here to attend her grand- uaughter’s funeral, is spending the whristmas holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Grace Belles. Some one bagged a doe near Beau- mont and our game warden, George Hunt, took charge of it. The autopsy revealed the cause of death but not the culprit. The usual custom of send- ing such game to some hospital or other beneficiary was not adopted. Mr. Hunt gave some of local citizens an opportunity to appreciate the venison. Herman Derby was slightly indisposed for wu few days. We trust the venison was not the cause of his ailment. in- Charles Bickman is thinking about putting a porch on his house. Go ahead, Charles. All improvements in the town are welcome. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crispell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Traver spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell at Bowman's Creek. Peter Traver prop business. poplar. ; The State road tractors have been business removing snow from the highway in this section. is doing a rushing Peter handles lost of —Beaumont- : 3 HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH An excellent program was rendered and gifts given at the Christmas ser- vice last Monday night. The church ‘made generous gifts to its pastor, Rev. C. H. Fricks. The annual meeting of the church will be held Saturday adult members are urged to be pres- ent. A New Year theme, “Making God First” will be the sermon sub- ect at the 9:j30 service Sunday morn- ing. OS Ze Ain’t Science Wonderful? Veterinarians have discovered, ac- cording to Farm and Fireside, how to remove the bark from a dog and the bleat from a goat. It remains only for them to eliminate the mosquito’s bite and the bee’s sfing to make coun- try life practically 100 per cent per- fect. Greater Value. for Less Money Beautiful Nashua Color Sets— a deep-napped, fluffy, double blanket in plaid, and a Warm- throw single to match — offer you harmony in bedroom dec- oration by day, and cozy, com: forting warmth at night. They’re made in the world’ _ largest blanket mills, where quantity production brings down the price per pair.You get the advantage of these savings — greater value in each Part Wool Nashua you buy. Come in and see these quality blan- kets, in smart new Color Sets, OUR NEW SERIAL Next week we begin publicati of a new serial, “Gunman’s Blut by the famous English author, Ed gar Wallace. Wherever the Engli language is read Edgar ‘Wallace name is known. Kings and P dents read his’ stories. So policemen and burglars. Wal knows what he is writing about “Gunman’s Bluff” is the stor American crooks in London their pursuit by detectives o mous Scotland Yard. - You wil fascinated by the twists and of Gunner Haynes and the rest. the characters in this, Mr. lace’s latest and best novel. Beginning in Next Weel’s THE DALLAS POST A patronage you have given during the past year and we deem our pledge to continue serev you with the best meal at the lowest prices. ERE WERE RE RE LL 3 | draws BOILS to a patu ralh e@m BEAR BRAND NY SOc ie GROBLEWSKI 8 CO. Plymouth P oandeq a. jira 78934084 Russell |. MONDAY LAZARUS DOLLAR D OUR LAST DOLLAR DAY OF THE YEAR—OFFERING VALUES THAT ARE OUTSTANDING. NO PHONE ORDERS. MAIL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN OF WHILE QUANTITIES LAST STAMPS ALL DAY. LAZARU SOUTH MAIN = THRU TO NORTHAMPTON st CARE EXTRA GOLD
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