Grange, J. ‘home with .10-pronged deer from the DALLAS POST, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929 -Noxen- The citizens of Noxen will have to take their hats off to Ira Miller. He “came home from South Mountain with an eight-pronged deer. Oscar Patton mail carrier for the coming two weeks while the Sthrol, is spending his annual vaca- tion hunting. A surprise birthday party was ten- dered during the week to Mrs. Harry Miller at her Five hundred and pinochle: was’ played and is serving as rural regular carrier, James home. lunch -—gérved to the following: served to the following: Mrs. Gomer Thomas, Mrs. Carl Auvil, Mrs. San Blizzard, Mrs. M. iW. Whitaker, Mrs. Ida Divine, Mrs. L. L. Loveland, Miss PY essie™ LT romas, ¥ Mrs. Beulah © Van- Campen, Mrs. Albert Dendler, Mrs. Albert May, Mrs. N. J. Straley, Mrs. Gertrude Schoch, Mrs. Lewis Hack- ling, Mrs. Ira Miller, Mrs. Carl Brobst, Mrs. Ray Leibenguth and daughter June, Mrs. ‘J. Wyant, Mrs. piewell, Mrs. Lyman Roote, Mrs. Ira Kresage, Mrs. R..S. Crosby, Mrs. A. ? Thomas, Migs Stella Shook, Mrs. El- wood Schent:k, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Miller, Miss Ora Miller, Harry and Elwin Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mil- ler, Miss Thelma Miller and Mrs. El- wood Fralick of Endicott, N. Y. Harley The regular monthly meeting of the Excelsior Major Bible classes of the M. E. Church was held and Maroline Jast Friday evening. There was a jarge attendance, the After the was , Mrs. Scouten considering weather. regular meeung a aunch served by Frank Turner Flora Kreske, “irs. Shook. Beit and Miss Ne Gran « cial evening. The the trave..1ig swvel to the Bowman’s Creek Grange. of the y one hunderd attended the meeting held wt the M. E. Ira tae past Saturday veriion Grange returned The master Vernon | H. Geist] approp: ...te presentatijop address. Mrs. Stanie, 3 non delivered a very Vv wiiocoy, lectdirer of the Ver- | the Grange members with a weil prepared literary The of the | Grange Grange, entertained visiting program. Bowman’s Creek lunch all present, consisting sandwiches, cake, fruit and coffee. ladies served a to of! Mrs.’ James Blizzard of Binghamton | pent Pe edk-end with her parents, Mr. and ‘Mrs. John Ruff. | Miss Ruth Evans of Mt. Carmel, | Pa., who was a teacher at the Noxen | ~high school last year, was a caller in | town over the holidays. Mrs. Williams of Ashley is visiting her son, Edward Williams. Miss Grace Mott, whose father was formerly a pastor at the Noxen M. E. Church, is doing missionary work at Marsaw, Poland. Mrs. Carl Carl kl hears from her occasionally. isses Letha Crispell and Loretta tton have returned to ‘school at knsfield after spending the holidays with heir parens. George Crispell of Souh Run came Poconos. Arthur Jones has moved to the resi- dence of Lloyd Newell's on Dimmick JTill. { “rank Turner returned from South intain with a deer. to Mv. | itd Mrs. Arthur Smith | ¢ Generpgl hospital, business | Mrs. | Stella SO- | while | ast The \Chain ‘Organization. of Noxen held its monthly meeting Monday eve- December 2. All business were present. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and son Daniel of Taylor were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Wyant’s over the week-end. Miss Marion Race, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Race of Noxen has ben on the sick list for ning, men some time. Her condition is about the same. After Ira. Miller returned from th= mountain with a deer, his brother George swore that he was at least as smart. So Thursday George sets out the mountain with a high powered rifle. Well, we are pretty sure that George will bring back a. deer of some kind. The manager 'of the Clover Farm store of Noxen while seeking for spooks took a flashlight and investigated the noise heard under the .store and found a strange dog, the proud five baby pups. manager. Justis Doty has moved his barber- ing implements to the residence for- merly owned by John Colly. Mr. Doty is now ready to serve the community for mother of Pass outythe cigars, | | | with the latest in barbering business. | -rhr -0 | READ THE POST -Jackson- Mrs. Retta Miers Lehman recently spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cease. Jane and Marjorie Smute and Helen Splitt are on the sick list at present. Mr. Archie Smith, pastor of Jackson Baptist Church, will preach his farewel sermon the qming Sun- day, December 8th. Mrs. Myra Nelson was surprised one day’ recently when a number of rela- tives gathered at her home for pleasant time, 2 and children of Rev. a Harry Cragle of West Nanticoke visited his sister, Mrs. Albert Spl. on Friday of last week. J. N. Heler is ill at the present time. A very pleasant time was the eve- before Thanksgiving when a number of little girls gathered at the home of Stella Perkins to help her celebrate her fourteenth birthday an- They were entertained ning niversary. from 6 until 9 o'clock. Lunch was served to the following: Stella Per- kins, Isabel Reakes, Ruth Linsinbig- ler, Emily Linsinbigler, Leo Linsinbig- ler, Helen Splitt, Ruth Williams, Alice Thorne, Dorothy Williams, Franklin James Perkins, Ernest Wil- liams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perkins. Dennis Bonning and Albert Splitt spent the first part of the week deer hunting in the Poconos. The Church Perkins, trustees of ® Jackson M. E. held / their tnonthly meeting at the home of I. I. Smith on Tues- day evening. Or Rice and Ceremonial Rice plays an important part in the life of Japan, It takes pride of place at all great ceremonies, which would be void without the use of sake, a drink brewed. from the grain. O First U. S. “Regulars” first regiments: ot the United regular army were formed i: The States 1789 —Centermoreland- Henry Thomas spent the week-end with his family at this place. (Bg Besteder and C. M. Gay left for the Poconos on Sunday. Suppose, when they return, they will bring a deer. Misses Ruth and Florence Montross spent part of last wek with their aunt at LaPlume. Victor Keithline returned to the western part of the State on Sunday, whee rhe is employed by A. J. Sor- doni. Miss Ethel Bell spent Thanksgiving at Shavertown. S. Florence Dailey was suffering from an attack of appendicitis last week but is much better at this writing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jacques, Sunday morning, twins, one of which did not live and was buried in Fitch cemetery Sunday afternoon by Under- | taker Kelly. Brisbin and Glenn Kelly and Ernest Montross, who are employed at John- place. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Smith spent a few days recently at Trucksville. The Sunshine Class of the M. E. Sunday school were entertained on Wednesday evening at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Emma Smith. Games and music were njoyed for a few hours aftr which lunch was served to the following: Lela, Weaver, Flor- ence Corley, Vivian Dymond, Bethel and Evelyn Shook, Florence Montross. Blanche Howell, Gertrude Weaver, Mr, and Mrs. rthur AShook and son Wal- ter and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Smith. Mrs. Dan Houtz entertained the Young Iadies’ Bible ‘Class of the IM. E. Sunday school Saturday evening. Vernon Grange No. 842 returned the traveling gavel to Bowman’s Creek Grange on Saturday evening in spite of the zero weather. A large number from the local Grange spent the eve- ning with Bowman's Creek Grange. 0 SCS Po 0 4% 204% 0% 4% 96% 0% 95% 7S o¥% On Wade Oa On Oa Fa Oa Bo Be 2 BBO DOr dr dr ddd Tah Pe he abe Pe Be Pe Lhe aha 0 a0e.a0% a Te a0 Pe cY0.c%% cYa.cVe ce oVe Ve cb a Jodo dodo de doadeade dodo dododedede eloddoddeidodfoddodfocdodoefedd 0 0s 0k 0h Or abe On OO BO bb (500 000 049 049 06P 049 059 UP U4P 049 09 040 05 0 0. 0, 0 (009 050-0 9s 0%. 09% 09% 204 oO 0 Do? Oo? 90-00-0008 9 * (2 9, ® Ne 9 £4 (a) 7 Os 0% 0-030 430-¢ ® ® ©, De a0 9 Do? ¥ 09 9, Xa) ®, ® i i | Payable in advance. | nie y ene Subscription price $1.00 per year. | 00 Pau? Jo See $0, ~Idetown- The Ladies’ Aid Society will hold its T annual rally supper on De- 12, ‘at 6 ofifcers for the ensuing All friends who have filled coin cards are | at this | the Thursday, cember o’clock. Election of | 0) 01 D0 D0 uP, od 06% Op Oe Cet pH 0 0,0 05 year will take | place at 4 p. m. members: and | requested to bring them in meeting. Following the supper hold wil have Quen Esther Society wil its an-| nual bazaar. They on dig- | ig | play many . beautiful hand-made ar-| ticles appropriate for Christmas gifts. During the evening a free entertain- | ment entitled ‘‘eY Singing Skule Ex- hibition Concert,” will be presented | 3 7 JE under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid.! Jesse Boice, who taken at last an operation for appendicitis at Gen- was work week, underwent | { eral hospital on Thursday morning of | this week. Mrs. Spencer, who was very serious condition on Wednesday, is somewhat Horace improved at this writ-| ing. | Mrs. Benton Ide is visiting her brother, Herrick Ide, in Xingston. Mrs. Emory Hadsel called Saturday. there on at the home of Ralph Knapp, College avenue, Kingston, on Thanksgiving Day. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Par- rish and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Ide and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crosby and Carol Crosby of Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knapp and chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. John Cadugan, Mr. and Mrs. William Cadugan and daughter Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Benja- min Cadugan and daughter Lois and Mrs. John Page of Scranton. Mr. A family party was held and Mrs. week-end Bruce Shaver spent in Stroudsburg Shaver’s sister, as guests of Mrs. Edith Hobbes. Boice and Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Boice and baby of Tunkhan- Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Charles nock visited and Howard 9, ag 2043043 ®, 9, > edie ® 0-00 Neutrodyne. amplification. MODEL 32-ALL ELECTRIC 8 -TUBE SET Four tuned circuits. Dynamic Speaker. Push-Pull Phonograph Pick-up. Walnut Cabinet with contrasting panels. Complete with tubes SKIL] WoO Oa 00 be oO, SOS 40-0500 9. > 00504, 0.5 0 00% 0%" % ®, ® PRS Saaxe a) 7 £2 P.O 96% 06% 7 ® ve, LCTIV] More powerful stations, much nearer at hand, may volley and thunder. But the “Hair-Line” Super-Selectivity of C.A. Earl Radio encloses you within sound-proof walls_you and the one station you want. Not the slightest murmur reaches you from the “heavy grafic’ on every side. to a “HAI ITH a C.-A. Earl you reach cut into the ether, at the most crowded hour of the day or night—and get the station you want. ¥ + 0 02 0s Ou 0s OO Jo ade odo afeoefo ated 407% @. .®, oY % 0, 9. lo? % / 2% % oO Oo? 9% 0% 00 Ba 00 Pu Op is 0s 10, od 900 06% 00 06% 960% a MODEL 4i-ALL ELECTRIC 9-TUBE SET Five tuned circuits. Dynamic Speaker. Pick-up. Walnut Cabinet. Complete with tubes: LINE Neutrodyne. amplification. Let us demonstrate how the C. A. Earl’s “Hair-Line” Super-Selectivity puts you in touch with stations you could never get, and brings in “old friends” as never in the new C. A. Earl Radio at $75.00 and up. Terms to suit your comvenience. before. Your choice SHAVERITO 2042-42 340040 Pe ee Or 00 Bs Bo 00 Ou 00 0 9000 06% 2% 26 260% 9% 0% I %%%% 92 a Oa aid 0400300 0504 2% 0 9 o% % * ® ® 00 0% 0% o° eed ode ded @, 0, oe? 6% 4% ©, &, Oc 0, 202080 Push-Pull Phonograph 0. 0. 0. 0.9 OO 0 0 aX Xa XE Xe X Xa Xa X @ ~ glee ¢ 9, 9. 0 ® CR JR JR 4 P ¢ CO 60 COOK AK AK AR RX *_® OOO On Oar Oa, a Oa 0p 0p¥ 09 009 09 09 0 PS ho @ 0.
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