™ -Kunkle- ( i 7. REGRETS ‘The' :Dalas Post regrets the necessity of leaving out all of the Kunkle news last Saturday. This was due to a breakdown in our typesetting machine, and all late “news had to be cut. We apclogize to our efficient corespondent, Mrs. Minnie Kunkle, for she had some wonderful news, and with her per- ‘ mission we are printing most of it this week. THE DALLAS POST. / William Miers and William Brace motored to Binghamton last Wednes- day a week, where they spent thre days with Mr. -and Mrs. Lewis Shook, returning home Saturday. Mrs. Roannah Landon spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Ns. Joseph Shoemaker and family. Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, been ill, is improving. Mrs. Owen Ide and children, Jane and Donnie, visited Mrs. Walter An- drews of Shavertown on Thursday of last week. who has has practically re- attack of Clarence Root’ covered from a quinsy. Mrs. Marvin Elston, Mrs. Sweezy, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Cragg Herdman and daughter Rebecca and Mrs. Jane Mann of Wilkes-Barre were the guests of Mrs. C. W. Fisher of Trucksville at dinner on Thursday last. : ‘Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kunkle enter- severe Harry of tained on Thanksgiving with a de- lightful family gathering, all of their children and grandchildien, including one great grandchild, being present. Their guests were: Mrs. John Mor “gan, Tunkhannock; Mr and A Mrs Henry Isaacs, Miss Aznes Morgan, Shavertown! Mr. and Mrs. iorrest Kunkle and son Alan, Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston and daughters, Alice and Elsie, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kunkle and son Paul of Orange; Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Kunkle, son Jason and daughters ‘Ellen, Esther, Doris, Ruth and Louise, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Philip Kunkle, Mr and Mrs Ralph Ash- burner and son Bobbie and Erastus Hoover joined the party for the after- ~ noon and evening. Mr... and Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Miss Margaret Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Eleanor and Charles D. - Kunkle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle attended a birthday dinner given for their aunt, Mrs. Etta Kocher on her seventieth birthday anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Banley Durland of West Wyoming on Saturday eve- ning. Among the gifts received by the guest of honor was a beautiful bou- quet of roses from her little great- grandson, Denton Durland, Jr. Din- ner was served to twenty-five guests. Beatrice Scott, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott, is recover - ing from pneumonia. James Kittle, who has ben ill, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gay and chil- dren of Wyoming were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs On Thanksgiving. Mrs. Robert Ashbunrer and Grant and William, were Thanksgiv- ing callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellsworth enter- tained on Thanksgiving with a family ‘dinner party. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden enter- tained on Thanksgiving Mrs. Mary Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Con- den and children, Lois and William, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conden and chil- dren, Merle, Elwood and Dorothy of ‘Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. John tained at dinner on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston and chil~ dren, Gomer, Marvin, Estelle, Wayne and Gene and Dorothy. 5 Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. William Brace and children, Charles, Allen and Caroline, were « the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Washburn on Thanksgiving. sons, Isaacs enter: Oliver Elsworth was very painfully injured on Wednesday a week when he walked finto the open elevator shaft at the Roat Hardware store in King- ston. Thinking he was stepping into the elevator he landed on his feet. Both feet are badly injured. The heel bone in one foot being fractured and it will be at least a month before he will be able to stand and many more weeks before he will be out again. His brother, H. C. Ellsworth of Idetown is taking care of his dairy and other work for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Updyke and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Updyke of Demunds. No November 22 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle entertained in celebration of Mrs. Kunkle’s birthday anniversary. Supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Washburn of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Archie orChy and daughters, Dorothy and Janet, of West Pittston, Mr. and Mrs. William Brace and’ chil- dren, Charles, Allen and Cagelins Hand Wir and Mrs. Kunkle. al AN Alderson entertained on Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herd- man, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W H. oCnden. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hess entertained on unday, November 24, Mr. and Mrs. CharlSes ‘Brac and son Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Center- “noreland. Mrs. Albert Kunkle is suffering from: a badly infected hand. Dr. Boston of Noxen, who is treating it, calls it a form of felon and it is very painful. Oliver Ellsworth ,who was injured last week by falling down the elevator shaft at Roat's store in Kingston, is getting along as well as could be ex- pected, though suffering a great deal of pain. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Shotwell of Beaumont visited Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Shotwell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cragg Herdman and’ daughters, Jane and Rebecca, and Mrs. Harry Doll and daughters, Hildreth and Lucile, motored to New York last week to spend the week-end visiting Miss Doris Herdman of Hempstead, L. I, Dr. Margaret Allen of Brooklyn and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Allen of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wardan and nephew, Sherman Kunkle of Shaver- town, called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman recently. Miss Blanche Mosier and Fred Mosier spent Thanksgiving! Day with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mosier. Misse Frances Sweezy and Emily Shoemaker were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker on Sunday. Since the Community hall was en- larged with the addition of a kitchen, giving a spacious, well heated ,well lighted dance floor, good music and who is very popular, the dances are attracting large Come and bring the family. You are assured a good time. a prompter farmer crowds. —Orange- The following attended the chicken dinner given by the Ladies’ Aid So- ciety at the M. E. Church, Mehoonany, | . on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton, Mr.- and Mrs. George LaBarr, Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell and daughters, Lillian and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dymond and daughter Madge, Mr. and Mrs. Amaza Agnew and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell entertained | Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dymond and son Leland and Mrs. Nancy Berlew were entertained at dinner Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dymond. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Benjamin Dymond and daughter Jane of West Pittston called recently on the former's father, Law- rence Dymond. Marie {Snyder of Tom’s River, N. Y., and Shirley Snyder of Bloomsburg Teachers’ College, spent the Thanks- giving vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. iA. Snyder. Glenn Sickler entertained the fol- lowing at his home - Friday night: Lillian Mann, Shirley Snyder, Donald Boston, Robert Snyder, Myrtle Swart- wood and Mary Sickler. Mr, Mrs. William Heintsman, Florence and Maude Heitsman spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ‘Gay. 3 H. B. Woolever, who is working in Binghamton, N. Y., spent Thanksgiv- ing Day with his family. and Ira Dymond and John Sickler are hunting. at ‘White Haven. Lawrence Swartwood is pr Q well drilled on his property. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snyder recently visited their Allen, at a Mrs. G. her West grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kunkle and son Paul spent Thanksgiving Day with the former's parents at Kunkle. Marion Agnew of Red Lion Norma Agnew of Upper Darby have returned after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. Leo “Dymond enter- tained on Thanksgiving Day: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larrish and son Kenneth of Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eaton and. children, Janet, Roberta, = and Fverial, Mrs. Janet Dymond and Mr. and Mrs. Heitsman and Tony Smith. Ida Evans of visited her mother, Evans. son, M. Ferry is taking care of sister, Mrs. Mildred Boston, of Pittston, who is ill with the and Frank recently Josephine Fyoming Mrs. Charles Brace was busy repairing the local schools during vacation. The Epworth League business meet- ing was held Saturday evening at the home of H. B. Woolever. The follow- ing were present: Frances and Elsie Dymond, Geraldine and Gretchen Cul- ver, Donald, Capitola and Clarence Boston, Shirley, Mildred and Robert Snyder, Eudora and Ernest Gay, Glenn Sickler, Myrtle Swartwood, George Woolever, Mr. lop and Mrs. H. B. Woolever. The church services for December $ are: Sunday school at 1: 30 Prem.s and Mrs. Victor Rydd and Eula, | and Mrs. Donald His H un Sa fe Mr. and Mrs., T. 'W. Stockel evening at 8 O’clock. next Church Service on Sunday will be | E. Church 3 School | 3 as follows: At the M. Sermon 9:30 A.M. Sunday 10:30 A.M. at the Christian Church Sermon 9:30 a.m. Sunday p.m, The Society will o’clock. A Christmas Box will be packed to send to Ellis Island. Any .one desiring to send a gift, please J send or take to Mrs. Learn’s home on |i or before Thursday. Mrs. H. W. Danks will review: the | lesson from the third chapter of the 3 study book. Mrs. O. I. Harvey will have charge ¥ of the Enignas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Bertram, with the formers mother Mrs. Nellie | Bertram at Lehman. Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, son § Lynn visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence |¥ Elston on Sunday. Mr. a day recently with Mr. Edwin Rogers at Kingston. Henry Dierolf Jr. is ill. Harold T. Bertram is several days hunting in the Poconos. Among those who attended the opening of the Nesbitt Memorial Hos- § pital from this place were: Mrs. O. L. § Harvey, Miss Ruth May Hazel, Miss |& G. A. Learn, Mrs. |; Jane Keener, Mrs. George Ide, Miss Elizabeth Brecken- ridge, Mrs. Charles Behee, Haroldd B. Elston, Mrs. Clarence Elston. Mr. and Mrs. Hadsall at Kingston. Emory Elston broke a bone in his |g wrist while playing football at Dallas. |# Mrs Celeste K. Prutzman is proving from an attack of Neuritis. The Adult Bible Class of the M. E. 3 Sunday School will be entertained by 3 School | § 10:30 a.m. young peoples meeting 7.30 |: Woman's Homee Missionary | meet with Mrs. G. A.|] Learn next Thursday afternoon at two and Mrs. J. A. Rogers spent |§ and Mrs. |§ spending | ¥ A. J. Hadsall spent a |¥ day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce & im- | 3 “DOLLAR DA A TIMELY lone day sale—offering TE : Gift merchandise of the finest quality. Out- standing values in every section of the store. It will be impossible to fill Phone Orders. Mail Extra Gold Stamps LAZARUS SOUTH MAIN - THRU TO NORTHAMPTON ST. WILKES-BARRE | First National Bank | PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: Capital Stock .$750,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits ‘earned ...........$2,000,000.00 Officers and Directors: Wm. H. Conyngham, President C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President Geo. R. McLean, 2d Vice President Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Directors Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber C. N. Loveland Francis Douglas W. H. Conyngham' T. R. Hillard Geo. R, McLean Lea Hunt F. O. Smith Edward Griffith \ Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits $1.00 Will S’art An Account for less Money You get more eggs, for less money, when you feed Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH Because this feed is all feed — every bit of it is just what a hen must have to lay regu- larly, and produce big, fine- - flavored eggs. We have this good feed. Keystone Flour & Feed Co. - Main St., Luzerne Pay Less Than Ever Get Finer Tires Record-breaking Goodyear popularity has builta tremendous production now totaling almost twice the number of tires built by any other company These facts explain why—at history’s lowest prices for tires — Goodyear quality goes steadily up! Why you get more than ever in long, trouble-free mileage, for your money, buying Goodyears. Asan exam- ple—these latest Pathfinders made with Supertwist. Actually superior to many makers’ best tires—yet look at our prices! GOOBYEAR PATHFINDER Full Oversize Balloons Unlimited Lifetime Guarantee Mounted— No Charge Monk Hardware Shavertown, Pa. James F. BeseckerCo. y Lake Street, Dallas, Pa.
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