AT / WHE HOTEL T COMES TO TOWN. HAVING A LITTLE ODD | JOB DOME AROUND THE HOTEL, JOE WHISTLE- BREECHES, THE MAN- - AGER , FOUND \T NECESS- ARY To EMPLOY MOST EVERY MECHANIC IN CAN'T Cur A “THE MAIN THING ON MAIN N STREET” 37 Pare al MAN STREET'S ‘| LEADING NEWSPAPER | LABOR TROUBLES WHAT'S WE MATTER You JoB curnmy’ 2 INCH HOLE To PUT A PIPE THRU THAT WALL © BOARDS I'M A PLUMBER THATS A CARPENTER’ THEM CLAP— I CoulDN'T Cut IT THRU — THERE'S TIN THE OTHER SIDE © THEM CLAP- -BOARDS — THAT'S A TiN- SMITHS JOB THRU NO-I COULDN'T Do IT EITHER -— THERE'S PLASTER THE OTHER SIDE 0 THE TiN — THAT'S A, TREY AWN'T NO JACK -OF- ALL - TRADES ANY MORE THESE DAYS PLASTERERS. JoB TRADES WANT NO — BUT ALL PLENTY O JACK; | —tmen 5 » 1 ng iz hogan re EW (nus e home of Mrs. Harry Brodhun, Mt. reenwood, Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 2 D. 7 transportation for the Girl Scouts wishing to attend the Girl Scout ral- 1y to be held at St. Stephen’s Parish i House Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday Lev ing, November 20. Girl Scouts are re ested to meet at the school house :30 where automobiles will be iting a tale them to the rally. Dallas Girl 1 ‘and the troop committee, to ¢ Girl Scouts of District No. 3 com- rising troops »of Lehman, Shaver- own and Trucksville on December 14. iven by Troop 7, Fall details will be announced at a a i IN AND ABOUT DALLAS 20 s—r— Those attending were Mrs. Rood, chairman, Mrs. J. E. Roberts, Mrs. J. L. Kintz and Mrs. A. D. Hull. Alverna, daughter of Mr. George Bellas of East Dallas, is teach- ing elocution at her home. Miss Bel- las has been a pupil of Miss Cora M. Griffith and has been heard through- out the valley in various kind Sws=¥ pub- lic work. Several of her pupils have entertained at neighborhood affairs and have delighted their listeners. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Myers granddaughter Lois of Wilkes-Barre visited Mr. and Mrs. George Bellas on Saturday. ? Mr. and Mrs. James Frame*and son, Ellis of Plains spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keifer. Charlotte Mintzer visited Miss Beu- lah Godwin of Kingston over the week end. Miss Godwin who was ill is im- proving. Frederick Turpin and Charles Weiss motored to Mt. Holyoke, Mass., recently. The boys enjoyed the scenic trip up the Hudson. George Senko and Bill Kozemchak of Edwardsville spent Monday eve- 8d Mrs. and | ing in Dallas. The sewing club met at the home, of Mrs. Ernest Whipp: on Wednesday evening. The members are Mesdames Peter Lutz, H. L. Fortner, Ernest Whipp, Leslie Warhola, C. K. Swartz and Fred Welsh. Virginia Jones of Nortan avenue’ has been quite ill. Mrs. Rachel Reynolds Irene Bruce attended the dinner dance of the Knights Templar at Hotel Sterling Friday evening. Mrs. Peter Bertram entertained | Mrs. Gertrude Major and Irene Major | of Idetown and Robert Sutherland of | and Mrs. auxiliary Avoca on Saturday evening. W. A. Stevens is pn the sick list. Miss Lillian Scovell spent Sunday | with Martha Wrislar in East Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dungey enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Scranton over Sunday. Mrs. Mandy Yaple attended the Saturday. Mrs. John Frantz spent Wednesday in Wilkes-Barre. ' A daughter was born to Mr. Mrs. F. H. Kieper Nov. 11. Mother and daughter are doing very nicely. Mr. family visited in Scranton Sunday. and Mrs. J. F. Besecker and Alverna Belles spent Monday in pi” aints Vv. TN Rm, o> rR James MAIN STREET SPECIAL OPENING PRICES — ON ALL — |! Hardware Varnishes ~ Rifles Shotguns Sporting Goods BUY YOUR SHELLS HERE d Visit Our Department R. Oliver Hardware DALLAS [ Ashley. funeral of Fiease Yaple in Plymouth and |, \ Mrs. Ellen Daddow who has been quite ill for the past week is improv- ing slowly. ; Mildred Fitch is improving Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen attended a dinner party in Hotel Sterling last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reese of Scranton, who were cele- brating their 25th wedding Mr. Reese is a brother of Mrs. anniver- sary. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and son Billy spent Monday in Plymouth. Mrs. HH. D. Conner and Miss A. M. | Jonathan are registered at Chalfonte- | Haddon Hall in Atlantic City. 0 Ain’t Sci2nce Wonderful? Veterinarians have discovered, ac- cording to Farm and Fireside, how to remove the bark from a dog and the bleat from a goat. It remains only for them to eliminate the mosquito’s bite and the bee’s sting to make coun- try life practically 100 per cent per- fect. Classified Advertisements FOR SALE Fifty single comb Rhode Island red pullets; derson, East Dallas. April hatch. John A. An- Phone 298-R-17. 11-16-29-1t FOR SALE Hot Point white enamel electric range with oven, automatic works when too hot; was $295, will sell for $50. F. J. Markle. Call King. 3381. 11-9-29 HAY FOR SALE Loose and baled, also three large iron kettles and butchering outfit. Weiss Farm, Dallas 174-R-15. 2t| | FOR SALE Heating stove, range, chickens and apples. Cider making Tuesdays and Fridays. Sweet eider for sale.” Ray- mond Carlin, Dallas 316-R-23. Our Regular $1.95 Quality, Stop-Run Garter Top beauty of these stockings true weave . . . their long, stubborn their chic, flattering fit. Buy them LAZARUS SOUTH MAIN - THRU TO NORTHAMPTON ST. Sale of Picot-Top Chiffon SIBR JHFOSICRY 42-Gauge, With the Special Double Lazarus patrons already know the clear, sheer . their even, wear . . . for gifts. py HER E IS Something New For DALLAS Wi Laban : Announces the Opening of I Here you will find the finestd pFruits, Vegetables, Fresh Fish } Oysters, Clams and Sea Foods for your table. Our selection is com tplete and kept fresh by daily trips to the market. q agi b Here are just a few of our prices Land foods you have to select from Ewhen you visit the EVERGREEN MARKET. Cattih, Wiad Forty Fathom Fish, Ib.. Blue Pike, Ib. Perch, Wh Lal iaas a, Oysters, Stewing, dozen t Oysters, Frying, doz dozen ORANGES 2 Dozen | 35¢ CELERY 10c Bunch GRAPES Large Fancy 3155 25¢ i 4 (Really, it’s. not too early to lay some away for Christmas!) Choose the smart shades to blend with new shoes and costumes from this assortment . . . we will be very glad to fill mail orders for these hose. Sizes 8 1-2 to 10 1-2. Costumes Afternoon Sunbronze Duskee Suntan Breezee Mistery graws 0 Champagne Lovely New Shades For New Allure Cain Lazarus—Hosiery Section—Main Floor BOILS to a natural head BEAR BRAND SALYE e includes spat. ndage and tape GROBLEWSKI 8.CO. OAc pa, funty a2 $ re yA YATRA RRR Eglsh Wnt 32¢ Fancy Cranberries Bananas Cabbage Bermuda Onions Turnips Potatoes Spinach Apples Peanuts, Fresh Roasted JUST CALL DALLAS 283-R-10 AND HAVE YOUR ORDER DELIVERED EVERGREEN MARKET REESE BUILDING William LaBar, Proprietor NRE TTY Lafuente A A Ah NO al HS SG oh 2h toh i a i hh th hh th dL dh Chg lA Danaea dfauiadad a ddd dh i
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