DALLAS POST, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 ia \ Tv A apn NN PN NISL] 7 p : : : 4 § p AS THE SECOND LARGEST TAXPAYER, A SCHOOL DIRECTOR i > 25 OTHER STI ES IN hi; ; SUFACTURE AND ‘NoUSTRi AND A BUSINESS MAN OF DALLAS BOROUGH, I BELIEVE THAT § p 4 ki I AM QUALIFIED TO SPEAK ON MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE | a Th ' BOROUGH SCHOOLS. Table Shows 22 in Their Tolal Income Contributions Nearly $5,000,000 Less Than |¢ 3 3 ick p Keystone State Alone. Some Agricultural S:a.istics. [ I WISH TO STATE HERE THAT TO THE BEST OF MY } j p : t KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF THE | Washington—In his statement sub-| also is shown in one of the tables) paid in Connecticut, Illinois, Massa- | § DALLAS BOROUGH SCHOOLS ARE IN EXCELLE 3 T » o . 4 mitted to the Senate Lobby Investi- that the value of Pennsylvania's hp chusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio (§ NT SHAPE. EE er | ret rotor 1 Sopris ani Fennayivats sn smyenet v0 |§ AiCorporated tables ugh) Tove ol Avs } THE PROOF OF THIS STATEMENT MAY , Pennsylvania not only as a manu-| bined. Arizona, Arkansas, South Dakota, ¢ : BE HAD BY CONSULT- 1 facturing State but likewise as one; In another table is shown the num-| Idaho, Mississippi, Montana and Wis- | ¢ ING THE BOOKS OF THE SCHOOL TREASURER. 4 of the leuders in agriculture. It | ber of wage earners and the wages! consin. ¢ : > > 4 4 4 A MAN WHO TALKS ABOUT THE SCHOOLS AND APPEARS TQ 1 As shown in the following Here are the income tax pay- This table shows that while Pennsylvania has about 13 per cent. less p 4 table, the value of Pennsyl-| ments of 22 States, as compared | in farm Soreags: it has nearly 77,000 more farms and some four Yungred BE INTERESTED IN THEM SHOULD ATTEND THE BOARD MEET. 4 ‘vania’s manufactured products | with Bennsylvania; for the fiscal | million dollars more of farm investments, an the average for these 4 is approximately equal to that | year ended June 30, 1928: seven so-calied ‘‘Agricultural” States. ¢ INGS BEFORE GOING FOX HUNTING OR WOOL GATHERING. 3 of 25 other States combined: ss 4 4 1927 Alabama sisiatete lore sles $8,177,753 No. of Farm ¢ 4 Alabama $550,372,126 Arizona .......e.e 1,737,389 State Farms Acreage Value of All Farm Property b : Arizona 117,624,484 Arkansas sinie esate 4,223,761 Pennie a 9975 5,802,126 White $229,055,446 p IF YOU WANT GOOD SCHOOLS FOR YOUR CHILDREN—— 4 pArkansas 182,750,871 | Colorado 11,452,569 Colored 4537,543 $233,592,989 | € 4 Eoleradn 21S | 18,549,945 \ yO0iy Pay i 1 elaware ... 129,899,735 7 Arkansas ....... 232,604 17,456,750 White 712,090,762 Florida 21%, ge, i 3 LoL Tanne Colored = 212,304,721 924,895,483 | ¢ VOTE 3 ki teen : 56.50 ! 18035,704 | Scuth Dakota.... 74,687 84,636,491 White = 2,802,380,979 p 1 ‘Kentucky . 15.°00,549 Colored 21,489,233 2,828,870,212 | § . 3 Mississippi LS 2,106 8,375,873 White 710,441,620 ? 1 Montana ... Minnesota Sieve shite 25,103,278 Colored 5,696,290 716,137,910 | § i 9 Nebraska £0 MiesissIDDI Luuesanns 2,673,208 ’ A ; 4 Nevada .......... 007 | Tn CT Yepsnen | Mississippi ...... 272,101 18,196,979 White 497,529,775 > : 4 New Mexico. ..... 20/182,672 | Montana ........... Colored 467,222,080 964,751,855 b 1 North Dakota..... 47,008, bse Nebraska .... 5,332,712 y p 4 Oklahoma ........ 371,718,4¢C Nevada ...veeusoiss 620,102 | Montana ...ceee 57,677 35,070.656 White 973,837,451 p 1 Oregon... . ves 342,87 2571 New Mexico. ...... 771,759 Colored 12,628,857 985,961,308 | # ® ® 1 Rhode sland... ... 592,282,647 | North Carclma..... 20,851,407 | Wisconsin, vee... 189,295 22,148,228 White 2,674,614,028 1 South Carolina.... 858,384,205 | North Dakota. ..... Colored 2.068.969 2,677,282,997 ¢ 4 South Dakota..... piooliee Oregon s 1 z LY Py Rh Tompemeee ont fiidieare | South Carolina. ll. ON THE : Vermont ......... 184,029,978 | South Dalkota....... { 4 West Virginia... bri Wisconsin ......... Av'ge for 7 States.125,485 20,240,442 White $1,228,452,856 ¢ ¥ 1 Le NY OmInE ees 5 Et 3,7 } Fomine eR vy $211,611,234 Colored 1AM Mammen dL STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET ] if Total v....i.... $6,735,952,186 (44. 0S. Senators) Pennsylvania ....202,250 17,657,513 White 1,725,284,265 q 4 ; z (50 U. S. Senators) fs : Colored 3,968,769 1,729,353,034 | ¢ . 1 i A 2 Pennsylvania .....86,715,568,455 Pennsylvania ...... $216,937,911 4 ] (1 U. S. "Senator) (1 U. S. Senator) q 1 b 4 i ] Lh AAA AAA AI II III IIOP PPI A Dad sdrds od bod bo bo A A a ~ This Table Compares Seven Industral States With Seven Agricultural States. THOM. HIGGINS No. of {{ Total Wages 9 of Total Value of 9 of Total Ind. Inc. Corp. Inc. Total Inc. 9% of Tota} Ze State Wage dy U.S: Paid UeS. Products on .:8. Tax Tax Tax 3 in U. 8S. War Veteran Merchant 1 Connecticut ..oee..... 240,806 2.88 $2°4,503,907 2.31 $1,004,738,563 2.05 '$16,893.465 $17,487,721 $34,281,186 1.62 FOR BURGESS ® FITNOIS "os cnn anna 623 468 T.46 614,102,612 8.42 5,506,003,235 8.58 76,807,040 124,237,634 201,134,674 = 9.25 Y - Massachusetts 578,008 6.02 707°.929.549 6.51 3,317,851,888 . 5.45 44,840 549 53,680,172 98,529,721 4.53 Republican Ticket New Jersey.......... 402,008 488 £70,808,502 5.25 3,417,450,248 5.45 38,660,001 44,295,632 82,955,658 3.81 ; New’ York....coivnvss 1,072 524 12.83 1,607,378,086 14.80 9,400,061,376 14.99 299,306.805 347,297,517 646,604,322 29.75 _—— OBO ec seis ness 669,707 8.00 063,181,165 8.92 5,200,328,268 8.34 38,219,303 75,544,700 113,764,008 = 5.23 - lw Pennsylvania ........ 987,474 11.82 1,315,993.319 12.13 6,715,562,435 10.70 90,057.438 126,880,478 216,937,911 9.97 Famous “Black Shirts PAT" cer veress 4,007,250 54.79 $6,304,307,140 58.84 $84,751,002,053 55.56 $604,874. 601 $789,432,849 $1,304,307,450 64.16 The black shirt was originally worn by the Italian shock troops during the h B | di AF ona hs Lae saa) R967 6.10 $12,132,957 0.11 $117,624,434 0.18 $704,661. $1,082,727 $1,727,388 0.07 | World war. Later it became part of onnson bDulding LATKENSES J. ieieaeee 40,032 §.47 35 288,168 0.32 182,750,871 0.29 1,778,076 2,445,685 4,228,761 0.19 the uniform of the legionnaires of ‘ South Dakota......... 5,551 0.06 6,785,893 0.05 Sun 10s 8.13 pao gn Sra 0.03 D’Annunzio at Fiume, The Fascisti 3,5 . O50 ) » 5 L . 5 RR 12,513 1.16 18,970,643 0. 6,256, 50,82 1het 11.448 0.05 | adopted it as a symbol of the new pa- a new location. Mississippi evovie ion 50.709 1.60 40,734,359 0.87 196,640,742 0.31 1,022,729 1,670,263 2,673,802 0.12 TMONIANA. <ovunersy 14.242 N17 20915208 0.19 203,503,250 0.32 972.746 1,912,015 2,824,761 0.18 triotism. The Fascisti organization Wisconsin ......e.ennt 274,702 © | 2.96 322,697,105 2.05 1,973,653,261 3.14 11,396,270 82,156,043 43,552,213 2.00 was founded by Mussolini in March, TBOLEL ererin nies ©. 407,506 1.88 $457,524,328 4.21 $2,843,429,120 4.53 $16,326,633 $40,435 377 $56,762,010 2.66 | 1919, at Milan, : ; RETURNS TO DUTIES Shaving and other barber work. Lo To _ specialty. TOTAL FIGURES FOR ENTIRE UNITED STATES: StL Principal. Austin, of Beals Number of WaAZE-EATNEIB. ov oarerse 1essrnnrsrossnnn Ear Ingivige inecmne ies Seieaie a mont high school has returned to his Wages paid......coeivininrinanne tnssscacannsacas $10,848, JF orporation income tax.... ,291,845, Vi 2 i; L > Walue Of produettes i. Ks uides sain ae eh iwenon ani 62,718,347,289 I A a 2,174,578,102 | duties after being ill during the week preceding Wyoming county teachers’ | institute. | Regulars” tits of the United army were formed in Fir U.S ey Give Your Child a Chance It isn’t night to let a child toil under the handicap of defective eyesight. Poor eyes make back- ward children. They not only affect their work, but their nerves as well and health as well. Wisely, our educators do not. consider glasses on ‘children a “crime,” “knowing that the dull- est child may be one of the brightest with the help of prop- erly fitted eyeglassees. For a limited time we will allow a 10 per cent discount to all per- sons who present this advertise- meni. EMPIRE OPTICAL CO. 84 South Main Street FLOYD WELLS ~ LADIES’ AND GENTS’ SHOES SHINED We are pleased to announce the opening of our modern, new shop in We have moved from Leonard's Store to the new Johnson Building on Sordoni Highway, and here we will be able to serve all our old customers with the same care as in the past. To our new patrons we offer the best facilities for Hair Cutting, Bobbing, Trucksville, Pa. Women’s and children’s work a EARL H. MONK IN OBTAINING THE ECXLUSIVE AGENCY FOR | Tue FAMOUS Arthur Treman of Treman-King & Co., Mr. Monk was appointed local agent. See the New BREMER-TULLY Before You Buy SPECIAL SERIVCE FEATURE Beside being one of the finest, most reliable instrument in the field, Bremer-Tully maintains the finest radio service in the world. All agencies are especially equipped with extra service chassis. that might arise from outside difficulties is quickly overcome. thirty minutes without the use of his radio. ucceeds At Last Earl has been trying for the past year to get the agency for this unusual radio which, in the opinion of experts, is the finest instrument in the American Radio field today. A year ago Mr. Monk felt that it would be a simple matter to get the Bremer-Tully agency as it was to get the agency for other makes of radios sold locally. On this supposition he sold two Bremer- Tully machines and entered orders for them. ~The demand for this unusual instrument was so great and the manufacturers so oversold that the company was very selective in choosing its agencies. It was, therefore, not until after a thorough investigation of his equipment and and ability to give service that Mr. Monk was given the exclusive rights in the local territory. Three weeks ago after a special trip to Ithaca, N. Y., and through the special effor t of A short circuit or any other trouble At no time need a Bremer-Tully owner be more than Don’t Wait! Get Your i. BREMER-TULLY NOW! Once you listen to its magnificent, “hum-less”” tone . . . once experience the thrill of its distance-getting ability . once discover its hair’s breadth station separation—you will never be satisfied with any other radio. And it’s so easy to own one under the convenient terms of the unusually at- tractive Bremer-Tully partial payment purchase plan. , Monk Hardware SHAVERTOWN, PA. “Be There With a Bremer-Tully” Winter ‘and the finest programs of the. year are just before you. Ex- perience the thrill of getting all the big football games. Sports, addresses, musical programs, music for dancing —the world’s finest artists await ‘you on the Bremer-Tully. Radio programs are not distorted when you hear them on this superb’ instrument.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers