fo ‘Episcopal Church met with Harold zerne visited Mr: gi the girls. es Mary Wardell, Ivy and Jean ren and Mrs. Keller and son motored to Mifflinville on Sun-4 Betty Metz has returned home pending a few days in Hazleton. A ors. Ralph Hazeltine entertained owe'en party Thursday afternoon. eshments were served to Martha oY Marjory Howell, Florence row, Louise Hazeltine and Mrs. Hazeltine. The Men's Class of the Methodist Y rks Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and Mrs. of Lu- Harry Owens recently. ‘The Blue Lodge of Wyoming held its —-Centermoreland- W. J. Besteder of Clearfield county returned home on Saturday and is working for A. J. Sordoni installing electric lights at Beaumont. Preparations are under way to put the stone and tar dressing on the State road November 1st. Mrs. Lottie Majors Binghamon. Miss Evelyn Shook week at Binghamton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell and son Frank visited at tht home of Russell Jacques at East Dallas on Sunday. Francis and Clarence Besteder are papering and painting the interior of the M. E. Church. Also twi memorial windows are being placed in the rear of the church. The Young Ladies’ Bible Class of the Methodist Church were entertained at the home Mrs. Frank Heitsman on Saturday ewening. Games and music were indulged in, after which a dainty lunch was served. George Montross and family and Miss Bernice Kelly spent Sunday at La Plume. is woking in is spending a ~Idetown- There was a large attendance and everyone spent an enjoyable evening p at the Ladies’ Aid Hallowe'en party heldin P. H. Parks’ garage last Fri- day evening. The time was spent in games, one of the most popular was the fortune-telling. Delicious refresh- ments were sold and anice sum was realized. One of the most entertaining features of the party was the judging of costumes for which twoadults and two children received prizes. One of many delightful affairs held in honor of Miss Anna Ide was given last Thursday evening by Miss Mar- garet Morgan at her home. The time passed very pleasantly and the guest of honor received many beautiful gifts. Mr: and Mrs. W, H. Dean have moved to their home at Park Place, Kingston, for the winter months. Mrs. Helen Husted and Mrs. Eliza Gilman made a delightful motor trip last week. Mrs. Gilman visited th= ‘Whitesell family at Espy, former resi- dents of Idetown and Mrs. Husted called on friends in Bloomsburg. The , stereopticon pictures shown in HIMMLER THEATRE TONIGHT W heel of Life With RICHARD DIX TUESDAY NIGHT Childre of the Ritz WITH JACK MULHALL and DOROTHY MACKAIL THURSDAY NIGHT Desert Nights With JOHN GILBERT NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT Shootin’ Irons With JACK LUDEN OER “Sterling is the silver for coins. and mesons the pro portion of Y2h parts silver /*n 7% parts copper. The American coins are anly 900 fine-. that is. the 900 to 100 standard at | ropo-tion of MASSAGING SHAMPOOING Ladies’ and Children’s HAIR BOBBING Flovd Wells SANITARY BARBER SHOP Next to Johnson’s Store Main Road Trucksville George Malkemes JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Shavertown, Pa. Automobile Licenses Affidavits Prepared Rents Collected Real Estate Prompt and Courteous Service THREE-ACRE FARM at West Dal- las, five-room home, concrete cellar, heat, garage and chickery. $4,500. SEVEN ROOMS and bath, steam heat, hardwood floors, lot 50x100, Mt. Greenwood. $6,000. LOT 60x160, near school, on Leh- man Avenue, Dallas, $750. FOR RENT—Five-room home, heat and ganas, at Hays Corners, $2 per month the church last Sunday evening weve entitled “A Temperance Crusade.” They were interesting, instructive snd very beautiful. One of the fine slides in the group was “Signing the Declara- Mrs. Al Mignon and Miss Mary Brown of Dallas spent Wednesday evening with C. O. Brown and family. al party at Mountain Grange, Carverton, Tuesday evening. Those resent from Trucksville were: Ziba we, Warren Taylor, Joseph L.A Mot MONK BUILDING Dallas as174R7 | First National Bank | Schooley, Ziba Schooley and Jacob of ‘Mrs. Irvin Parsons Tuesday eve- A week-end with Eleanor Parsons. fq } tertained spent the week-end with her parents Anderson recently. children, ~ Donald an Marian of Kingston and Mrs. Mae Kelly of Philadelphia spent i mother, Mrs. Mary. Knorr. . ‘Miss Iva Conklin, . Marian Yung, Lillian an Adeline Bur- | ; trip through Canada. home Wilkes-Barre, where she has been a 2 ‘Margaret at Brooklyn, N. Y. Margaret Rhodes has been visiting latives in Plymouth. ‘Miss Winifred Wolfe of Forty Fort spent the week- end with Miss Stella ‘Weidner. he Misses Leach of Oak street were hostesses at a bridge luncheon given at the Bridge Inn on Tuesday. * The King’s Herald Standard Bearers held a Hallowe'en party at the home Miss Dorothy Ransom spent the Misses Edna and Jean Billing en- the following at a Hal- lowe’en party at their home Thursday evening: Emma Lewis, June Palmer, Emily Lewis, Laura Hughes, Florence Richards, Leo Richards, Della Riddell, Ruth Howell, Ruth Bennett and Al- berta, Lyne. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Marrow visited friends in Trucksville recently. ‘Miss Nettie Thomas, who is attend- ing Mansfield State Teachers’ College, at their home on Mt. Greenwood road. Carl Bradbury entertained some of his friends at a Hallowe'en party given at his home recently. * { 4S 0 —Carverton- Society held a : The Queen Esther meeting at the home of Miss Ida L. N Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Knorr and Diantha, Priscilla, Emily, Sunday at the home of the latters Lydia Pollock, gess have been spending a most profit- | able week at the institute meetings | = held in Irem Ttmple at Wilkes-Barre. <A Hallowe’ en party will be held at -H un tsville- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson sons Russell, Glen, Lynn, and Ernest Wright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat- ton at Endicott, N. Y. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Glen Shaver enter- tained on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland of Avoca, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bertram of West Dal- las. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Learn of this place, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Daniels of Forty Fort spent the week-end with M. and Mrs. ‘Albert MacDonald at Al- bany, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elston and son Harold spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Emanuel Delay at Berwick. Mrs. H. J. Major entertained on, Sun- day evening Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moss, Mrs. A. N. Garringer, Mrs. Milton Perrego and daughter Maude. The Intemediate Boys Class of the M. E. Sunday school entetained the Girls’ Class at a Hallowe'en party at the home of Miss Olive Evans on Thursday evening. Games were played and a tasty lunch was served to: the following: Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mys. Gwilym Evans, Misses Mary Wilcox, Dorothy Wilcox, Edna - Sutton, Olive Evans,” June: vans, Janet Evans, Eugene Krumbley, Chester Sutton, ‘Willard Brown, Russell Johnson. Church services Sunday: M. -E. Church—-Sermon, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday , 0:30 a.m, Christian Chuych-—Sermon, m.; Sunday school, school 9:30 a 10:30 a. m.; Young People’s meeting, 7:30 p. m, The Adult Bible Class’ will hold a rally on Tuesday evening, October 12 in the basemest of the Methodist | Episcopal Church. Every member i asked to be present. COMPLEXION - IMPROVED thie church parlors on Wednesday eve- ning. Everybody welcome. Miss Genevieve, Hefft, Ziba Heft, Dick Prynn, Paul Jack Dan | Smail | ¥ and Herbert Smail spent Sunday the home of James Hefft at Lyman- | ville. | Miss Margaret Ror the home of her is spending | some time at aunt, ~ Mrs. Harry Brown of Old Forge. -Orange- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casterline and | daught r, Ethel May, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fiantz have returned from a motor New York State and SN Mr. and Mrs. George LaBarr en- | ~ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton | on Sunday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heitsman and | daughter, lois, were entertained on | ‘Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dymond. | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dymond were en- tertained at dinner Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell. | Mary Sickler spent the week-end with Florence Heitsman of Center- moreland. ; Mrs. Joseph Perry ha s returned from the General hospital patient. "Mr. and Mrs. Henry have moved into their newly built home. Mildred Snyder is visiting her sister Mrs. Wesley Dymond entertained the ladies at a sewing circle Tuesday. - The Ladies’ Aid Society served a chicken dinner to about fifty Duryea people Wednesday night. Church services on ‘Sunday are as follows: Epworth League at 6:45 d preaching at 1:30 p. m. eee Riches Within Reach pay not all be rich in material but we may all be rich in moral and spiritual things .... QUICKLY | Look Fit! BeAlivet| Get rid of that pasty, ! sallow, blemished | complexion! Instead of spending many dollars on fancy creams and skin lotions, buy a 25¢ pkg. of Carter’s Little Liver Pills) and remove the constipation poi- sons. Your skin should be bene- fited, likewise your health improved. All Druggists 25¢ and 75¢ red pkgs.: _CARTER'S IHEPILLS Classified Ads Produce Results They're only 2c per word and they work wonders. Just try one and see how effective they are. Phone your want ad in—remem- ber the number—Dallas 300. The wise man uses classified! Dallas Post Luin terishin g anyone. ~~, L. Dallas, Pa. tion of Independence.” Tt was in color. It involves some expense and a great deal of trouble to get these pictures andthey should be supported by the people as there is a great deal of edu- cational value in them. The Misses Marie and Gertrude Wright entertained a number of friends at their home last Saturday evening. The party was a masquerade and the time was delightfully spent in games and stunts. The following were present: Mr. ‘and Mrs. Howard Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Montross, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Agnew, Miss Mildred Miss Gertrude Wright, * Miss | Cooke, Miss Marie Wright, Meeker, Elizabeth Willard Wright, Willard Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crosby. The Idetown Woman's Home Mis- sionary Society meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Nevel of Idetown on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright of this place accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Frank and Clare McKenna, of Scranton on a motor triy to Philadelphia last week-end. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed andMr. and Mrs. J. GQ. Hadsel at Ardmore. The McKennas visited Mr. MeKennas sister in Phi'a- delphia., DALLAS, PA * * ® Members American Bankers’ Association ‘ x = > : DIRECTORS ‘R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honevwell. W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, Wm. Bulford, George R. * Wright. OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier : a $ ® ihree Per Cent. on Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Deposits Payable on Demand Vault Boxes for Rent Self-Registering Saving Bank Free | yx def iE - tr ——— —— TY x3 ‘ils to an al & cad > BEAR BR. ND SA SO Bis En dage and tao GROBLEWSK §.CO. Plymouth.Pa. founded oe Cao a —————. Lye g1s0, raw = l MONEY TO LOAN ON . FIRST MORTGAGE John L. Sullivan Dallas oe en nt et et. { Make R nO) Frank Martz Coach Co., Inc. DIRECT BUS SERVICE Leaving Fort Durkee Hotel Daily st TPO ke New York 8 A. M.—12:30 P. M.—6 P. M. Leaving New York 8 A. M.—1 P. M. —1A. M. To Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago 8 A. M.—2:30 P. M. Leaving Buffalo 8 A. M.—8:30 P. M. With Direct Connections for All Points West Thru Coaches—No Changes To Philadelphia and Atlantic City—8 A. M.—6 P. M. Leaving Philadelphia 8 A. M.—5 P. M. servations at Fort Durkee Hotel AMERICA’ S LOWEST PRICED ‘FULL-SIZE CAR | tells the full story of LARGER BODY BETTER VISION AND UPWARDS, F. 0. B. FACTORY & CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT LARGER BRAKES Main Street 8 wit JAMES R. OL Direct Dealer Dallas, Pa. VER on the tubes. much. this? grades, get it fixed to last! ON’T start out again with any boots in your tires—or temporary cold patches Leave your tube or casing here a short while—we’ll do the job right and guarantee it to last. How about carrying an extra tube after We're offering Special Values, this month, in Goodyear Double Water Tested Tubes. Glad to show you the different EARL MONK Shavertown, Pa. JAMES F. BESECKER CO. Lake Stree Millions more Re la ride on Won’t cost you Tears a a = ou 4
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