he Dallas Post An independent paper, of the people, devoted to the great farm- ing section of Luzerne and other counties. Trucksville, Shavertown, Lehnan, Dallas, The Greater West Side, Shawanese, ‘Alderson, Centermoreland, Fernbrook, Laketon, Sweet Valley, Harvey's Lake, Huntsville and Tunkhannock are circulated by The Dallas Post. 4s Also 100 copies for Wilkes-Barre readers; 150 copies outside of Tataire and Wyoming Counties, but within the boundaries of Pennsylvania; 200 copies to friends far away. ‘Entered as second- class matter at the Post-Office at Dallas, Pa., under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription $1.00 per year Payable in advance "Address all Communications to THE DALLAS POST ~ Lehman Avenue Phone Dallas 300 Dallas, Pa. THE ALL MOUNTAINEERS Two weeks ago there appeared on the High School Page of The Post an editorial written by a Lehman High School student. in subject matter and style the editorial was one of the best that “has appeared in The Post this year. At the time of its appear- ance the editor refrained from comment feeling that such an “editorial would surely bring forth a generous number of letters for The Contributors’ Column. To date no letters have been forthcoming. The editor, therefore, takes this opportunity to personally congratulate the youthful writer and commend the enthusiasm and the idealism that appeared in that brief editorial on an “All Mountaineer Football Team” for this section of the county. tic if The idea of picking a football team from among the best players on the school teams of this region is a good one. Such a team would be able to meet the best teams of Wyoming Valley on an equal basis and would be able to bring recognition to this locality in an athletic way which none of the present high school teams are now strong enough to do. By the very nature of the case “The All-Mountaineer” team would have only one game to play and that a post-season game. It would rally back of it an “enthusiastic group of supporters from every community in this district and even if the team were defeated its purpose would have been accomplished in bringing the citizens of all of the com- munities in this section together backing one common project. ~ Let’s hear something from our readers on this subject of pick- ing an “All-Mountaineer” football team to represent this section in a post-season game? WHERE’S THE REFORMER? AN The question now seems to be, “Who was back of the recent punch board raids in Dallas?’ Whoever it was he certainly has jelly fish. If the person back of the raids really had the welfare of Dallas at heart he would come forward now and carry the fight to a finish. If he were really interested in this community and its well- being he would have accomplished the cleaning out of punch boards without all the nasty publicity connected with He, then would have won a place in the admiration of decent : citi zens of this community. Some day sixth-rate politicians will Use their heads and realize that Dallas has some civic pride and that there are some of us who like to call it home and are not just ~ existing here to further our political ambitions. WATCH For This Plane As It Flys Over Dallas Early Next Week | This plane will drop coupons, one of which wil bear a lucky num- ber entitling the finder to a free New Philco Radio. Hand the coupons you find to your local dealer. Drop into our mew store in the Himmler Theatre Building and "hear the new Philco. We'll be glad to demonstrate this instrument in your home or in our store. Come in Saturday afternoon and hear the foottjall games or stop in after the movie and hear a real musical treat. COOLBAUGH RADIO CO. Himmler Building DALLAS 208-R-11 depend on our game dinners to come | tion as to which were the more de- DALLAS POST, © SATURDAY, OCTOBE! 26, Heard Around The Corner EARL MONK This fellow Earl Monk who now. re- sides at Shavertown who has made large improvements and extensions in his plumbing business, can now boust of the finest hardware store this side of Luzerne. Earl has now taken over the agency of the Bemer-Tully radio, a radio that is known for its per- formance, quietness and selectivity. GEORGE GAERTNER When the boys that take interest in borough affairs were active before the primary, why did they not take into consideration George Gaertner for a position as school director or council. Mr. Gaertner would be an ideal person for either of these posi- tions, is a home-owner, takes greot interest in the affairs of the town, and is a citizen Dallas can feel proud of. Perhaps in the future, he will allow the use of his name for some borough office. HUNTING SEASON Many of the boys that follow the paths through the fields and woods in search of game are anxiously await- ing November 1st. Dallas seers to have plenty of persons who are fol- lowers of hunting and fishing, and after all, what is nicer or more satis- fying than for a couple of men to en- joy mother nature by tramping over hill and dale with the fellowship of his friends and to have a good faith- ful dog, help him in the hunting of his game. HUNTING LODGES Several groups of men of Dallag and surrounding ‘communities can boast of fine hunting lodges and pri- vate hunting grounds in and around the various counties. HUNTERS Wardan Kunkle, Jim Oliver, Clyde Veitch, A. L. Turner, Ralph Hallock, Harry Garrahan, F. F. Morris, John Wilson, Joe Wallow and a score of others are all waiting for hunting season to open. The scribe is sup- posed to be a hunter but we usuaily from invitations or a few rabbits with the compliments of the real hunters. SO don’t forget boys, we like rabbits. A SURE BET Jim Besecker looks like a sure bet as our next school director At this writing Stanley Doll has not stated whether or not he intends to make an active canvass of votes. Wild Pigeons Go As Forests Are Cleared Bears, Wolves and Foxes Also Become Scarce So Daddy Em- mons Takes Up Fishing at Harvey Lake As the forests were cleared away and the country became more thickly settled the pigeons grew timid and gradually ceased to return in such large flocks. In later years Daddy Emmons turned his attention to fish- ing, at which he was as successful as in trapping pigeons. His home was at Dallas, but early in each returning spring he went to Harvey's Lake and took possession of his cabin, which stood at the edge of a little grove near the eastern end of the old bridge at the southeastern inlet, and there lived alone, spending his whole time at fish- ing. He 'made a business of it, and for many years, until his strength failed on account of his age, he succeeded in getting a living out of it. His honest old face was for many years asso- ciated with the memory of Harvey's Lake, and with many of us it will never be forgotten. Harvey's Lake at one time abounded in speckled trout. but the artificial introduction of other fish has exterminated the trout. Game of every kind was also very abundant about there. It was a famous hunting and fishing ground. Ephraim King once informed me that he had killed over a hundred deer in and about Har: vey’s Lake. Hunting dogs were sel- dom needed in his best hunting days, fifty to seventy years ago. The deer were oftenest killed by rowing quietly up to them with a light in the boat while they were feeding in the shore grass or drinking just’ at the edge of the water. The torch dazed them, and its reflection in their bright eyes made a sure mark for the hunter Bears and wolves ceased to be a terror | ‘before the first half of the century ended, but they were seen occasionally in and about Dallas and I.ake town- ship at a later date. Watch dogs were employed at one time to protect the sheep from attacks by wolves, but the dogs had to be of such a ferocious kind that it sometimes became a ques- structive in the sheepfold, and many good watch dogs had to be killed for ; (Continued on Page 5) . of Dons NN hy mn -And Jeow uggish and be. 7eed 7¢ can become 2tothers er Unexplained Phenomenon By Albert T HE CAN SIT AND REEL OFF FOR HOURS ALL THE MINUTE DETAILS OF PAST DEALS,- EXPLICIT AS TO NAMES, PLACES, DATES AND AMOUNTS | ~ Ot, EVERYTHING. | Til J ak, wi % IT WILL SURPRISE YOU Master of His Soul You Can Get Stuck, Though and pay you to visit the Monk I am bigger than anything that can The difference between ticker tape happen to me. All these things, sor- | and adhesive tape is that the latter Hardware Store and see the stock| yoy, misfortune and suffering, are | has no quotations on it.—American and low. prices of the hardware| outside my door. I am in the house | Magazine. Earl carries. and I have the key.— Lummis. 9 OL 0. 0. 0. 9 fede do dodo op 200% ERNE * 0 0. 0. 0. 0 Yo%0- 070-0 WDE OOOO Ye CR) (06904 0, * XO deeded 0 0 2 00 0 $90%%% ho % 9, » 02 00 00 Xa Xa X axe) COR JR RK AR RJ Do? Oo 00 049 0,004 9 cestode , * ® 0. & Os oO 4% 0. 0, 0. 0. 0 Do? Uo? Opt 09 059 0,00, 0- 00-0, NON CA SO MA A) 4 PO. 0 0 OO 0 0 ho? 00% 06% 0% 09% 9% 0 SON 03 ge 3 9. 9, 00-0000 9 COR 9s : Seeded eileile dle dd ile dled dead SR Dele d) QS Se ade dh $058 0 Soo RE A oo 4 T0-ode-o% 50-050-030-03 Sagres 4204, XX h i a 00 o% 0 000 7 * N 0 Trespassing SIGNS For Sale 9, 0% 9 ¢ 80 00 0. 0. fr edredrel i KOR 9, 0 858585858 Po o%0-6% 2 4% 4% 20 20 0-20 1050030430 050 43050 0 430 450 45 0 0 0a 19 00a a. Po? Pa? 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers