py DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1929 -Hun ssvill o The LI. wes’ Aid Society wil hold its regular .il day meeting and quilting in the basement of the Methodist] Episcopal Church on Thursday. ner will be served at noon by Mrs. A. R. Holcomb, Mrs. T. W. Stoeckel, Mrs. George Ide, Mrs. C. M. Pettebone. Everybody welcome. Church service next Sunday at the M. E. ‘Church: Sermon, :9:30- a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz and daughter, Ella, visited relatives at Pottsgrove on Sunday. Mrs. Wilbur Ruth of Scranton days with Mr. and R. Hol- comb. Mr. Mrs. Asa and Mrs. Lewis Shaver enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. James Stem and | daughter, Josephine, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Esten Adelman of Dallas on Sunday” evening. Mrs. F. Risewick D. Hess,® Mrs. of Nanticoke are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Soteckel. Mrs. M. E. Keeler of Trucksville visited Mrs. A. J. Hadsall one day re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Major have returned home after spending several days 1n New York~’State and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hadsall enter- tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Elston and family of Idetown. Mr. and’ Mrs. J. A. Rogers enter- tained ‘on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rogers and children, Edwin, Jr., and Marjorie of Kingston. Mr.: and Mrs. Leslie Smith and daughter, Virginia, of Johnson City, NN. Y., spent the week-end with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. -A. Randall. Misses Dorothy and Betty Ferrel of Brooklyn, N. Y., has returned home after spending a ‘month with Miss “Jane Keener. Mrs. Charles Elston of Idetown spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. A. J. Hadsall. Michael Grey has moved his family to West Dallas. Mr. and and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and sons, Russell, Glen and Lynn, spent Sunday at Noxen. Mr.’ and Mrs. Sidney Lyon and daughter, Eleanor, of Forty Fort visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Randall on Sunday. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Harold Bertram and daughter Betty visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston at Idetown one evening recently, Mrs. Gilchrist of Newark, N. J., has returned home after spending a week | with her sister, Mrs. T. W. Stoeckel. The Adult Bible Class of the M. E. Sunday school was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hadsall on Tuesday evening. The class is presenting a bulletin board to the church and plans were discussed to have a dedication. The board adds to the attractivene of the church and the class is to commended on their achievement. / bountiful lunch was served ao the fol- lowing: Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Randall, Myr. and Mrs. Olie I. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mrs. Ralph ‘Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Bert- ram, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Elston, Miss Betty Breckenridge, Miss Betty Bertram, J. A. Rogers, Sr., Lewis J. Wiaters, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hadsall. A number of people from this place spent Sunday at Thornhurst. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Splitt and chil dren, Helen and Durwobd, spent a day | recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bulford. ; Mrs. Samuel H. Sturdevant spent Saturday in Wilkes-Barre. The Men's and Women’s Bible Classes of the Christian Church met at the church on Friday evening. The business meeting was followed by a program sponsored by the Men's Class. Mrs. Andreas rendered two vocal solos and Prof. Gwilym Davies gave an 1d- «dress on temptation. The hosts were Walter Davis, Arthur Elston, Gerald Frantz, Charles Elston. The following were present: Prof. and Mrs. Gwilym Davies, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Andreas, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Andreas, Rev. C. A. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston, Ruth Elston, Mrs. Walter Covert, Robert Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davies, , Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lewis Culp, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Major, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoyt, Herbert Culp, Gerald Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Culp, Ransom Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp, William Davis, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Garringer, Arline Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Graser. Christian Church Church service at 9:30. Sunday school! at 10:30. The Dallas District Young People’s Council 'met at the church on Wed- nesday evening. The largest number of schools was represented since the organization of the council, there be- ing! fifteen school represented. Plans for the annual conferecne are well un- der way. Tt will be held October 19th. Methodist Church Chureh service at 9:30. Sunday school at 10:30. The Ladies’ Aid will church. next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingram of Des Moines spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sutton. meet at the | Miss Lois Elston spent Sunday with Misses Evelyn Hannabk Culp. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp and Ruth Royal and Barbara spent Sunday with | Mr. and Mrs. George Reed of Wilkes- Barre. The H. B. C. Class of the Christian Sunday school held a corn and wiener roast at the home of their teacher, ‘Mrs. Nesbitt Garinger, at Dallas, on Tuesday evening. Those present: Mrs. Neshitt Garinger, Evelyn Culp, Lois Elston, ‘Hannah Culp,’ Doris Roberts, Emory Elston, Wilbur Davis, Burton Roberts, Delmore Besecker, Wilson Garinger. Miss Dorothy Culp spent Sunday with Miss Ceal Elston. Mrs. Alfred Warmouth and children ar spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moss. Din- | has | returned home wufter spending Several | Elizabeth | ne | at Dallas on | | -Trucksville- | 1a Mrs. Fred Winnans and children of Avoca spent a few days recently with | Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Neel. Mr. ‘and Mrs., James Hutchison visited the Misses Doran on Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Lewis recently entertained at the “Bridge Inn” in honor of Mrs. J. KF. Choicener, who will leave soon for her home in New Bedford, Mass. after spending the summer with rela- [tives in Trucksville. Luncheon was served to: Ars. J. F. Choicener, Miss Anna Turrel, Miss Clare Brown, Miss Eva Leach, Mrs. Rissinger, Miss Bess Leach, Mr. F. H. Geer, Mrs. Arthur Bradbury, Miss Nellie Leach, Miss Margaret Barber, Mrs. H. H. Smith and Mrs. J. C. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Palmer of Dun- more spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles | Palmer at her home on Orchard street. Katherine Rice, Ruth Palmer and Nettie Thomas left Monday for Mans- | field State Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond: Gardiner and | daughter, Florence, have returned |home after having spent a few days [in Atlantic City. | The local forest fire crew was on | night duty on the fire near Noxen re- | cently. Fifteen of the crew, under the | direction of Melvin Hewit and Glenn |Strour patrolled for nearly eighteen | [pours | The members of the Women’s For- | eign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church held their annual mite box opening at the church Tuesday eve- | ning, September 10. The program was | [in charge of Rev. Chapman, who gave | la very interesting talk. After the col- lection of mite boxes refreshrments | | were served. | | Clifford Howell is taking a post | |graduate course at Coughlin High | school The Misses Doran and Mrs. Hutchi- | |son are recovering’ from injuries re- | ceived in an automobile accident re- | | cently. | | The local high school has an un- |usually large enrollment this fall, 180 | pupils. | | | | | Mrs. Charles Anderson and daugh- | [ter Helen have returned home after | | spending a. few days in Atlantic City. | | The ladies of the Dallas Rotary | [Club spent Thursday afternoon and | | evening at Montrose Inn. |. Mr. and Mrs. James: iRtchie of Dal- | |las recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | [liam Riddell of Rice avenue. Mrs. George Bessimer left for falo, N. Y., on Labor Day. { Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Howell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rood at | Pike's Creek. . | | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Price entertained | |a number of friends at a corn and] | wiener roast on Tuesday evening. | The Young Women’s Missionary | Society of the M. E. Church met at [the home of Miss Florence Heitsman | Vote Frank Mathers for Tax Col- { lector Kingston Towsship. Buf- at Centermoreland Monday evening. | | The regular business meeting was | | held. Miss Bertha Sutliff, a delegate | Ito Camp Hiawatha, gave a very in- | teresting report of her activities there. | Those present: Misses Lenora War- den, Ruth and Doris Chapman, Frances Keeler, Blanche Otherholt, Ira Pethick, | Bertha Sutliff, Roxie Smith, uth | | Pethick, Mrs. Jack @ Kennen, Mrs. | | Neul Kester, Mrs. Calvin Warner, Mrs. | ! Peter Moyle and Mrs. Griffith. Visitors [were Kenneth Woolbert, Nuel eKster | and Samuel Reese. | R. Howell was hostess on| | | | Mrs. Z. ladies’ day at Irem Temple Country | Club. | | Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. | Mary Metz and Charles Anderson en- | | joyed a motor trip to Montrose on | Sunday. Miss Jessie Race spent Sunday with friends in Noxen. |Support Our Local Candidate For Prothonotary G. Harold Wagner of Dallas —Jackson- | | | | | | ERE Miss Jane Smith spent the week-end |at her grandmother’s, Mrs. Jerry Kes- | ter, at Trucksville. | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stortz :s en- | | tertaining relatives from New York | | City. | Jackson township public scnoclz | | opened Monday, September 9th. 1. U. Case has been doing consider- | able repair work at Ceasctcwn school | | building the past few weeks. { Theodore Iaskowski left Monday | | for the opening o¢:Z Bloomuhuig State | Teachers’ College, whicn opened | | September 10th. | On Satruday afternoon the townCemetery Association held ats] annual election of officers Baptist | Church. The following were elected to serve for the coming year: {dent, Wayne Cease; secretary, Ceage- wi Presi- | erick Cease; treasurer, Fred | trustees, Gustav Splitt, Elmer Cease, | | Morgan Cease, Wayne Cease, Clinton | McDaniels; auditors, Elmer Cease, | | Gustav Spitt; ;sexton, Martin- Red- | mond. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duckworth, | |of Wyoming, spent Thursday with | | Mrs. Gustav Splitt. { Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shouidic2 recently | [spent a week at Washington, D. C. | Wilmington, D. C., and other points of interest. Several aldies of the Baptist Church Tuesday at the hema of | spen Nrs. {of the Friendly Workers Society. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sutton and baby {of Carverton, also Miss Suzie Shoudice {spent Sunday at the of | Shouldice. Fred | Hone { Mrs. Ted Williams of Nanticoke | {spent a day last week witn her mother, | | Mrs. Ashton. | Dennis Bonning visited his sister, | | Mrs. Lawrence Smith at lehman on | Friday, Lansford Norris of Trael ville was a | caller at the home of Dana Rice | Sunday. | { The trustees of Jackson M. E. | Church are holding a corn roast I'ri- | day evening at the farm of I. I. Smith | |for the benefit of the church. The} | public is invited to attend. | Support Our Local Candidate For| Prothonotary | G. Harold Wagner of Dallas | later. [ ! ~Centermoreland- —-Lehman- | Brisbin and Glenn Kelley have gone | Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Garey of Shaver- to Binghamton, where they have ob-!|town were entertained at the home of tained employ nent in the shoe factory. |R. D. Major on Sunday afternoon. Samuel” VanScoy left on Tuesday to| Mrs. Bertha Ide, Mr. and Mrs. David attend Wesleyan University in ‘Ohio. [Ide and daughter Ethel of Idetown Frank Gay is quite seriously ill at|were callers at the home of James Ide this writing. {on Sunday evening. | Miss Florence Corby underwent an | Ww, J. Lutz of Forty Fort spent Mon- operation for appendicitis’ at General |q,y evening at the home of his daugh- Hospital last Tuesday. Latest report|ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. JH. | is that she is improving nicely. Parks. The store operated by W. D. aGy is| Walter S. Ide has taken up his school receiving a coat of paint, which greatly | duties in New York City after a short improves the appearance. | vacation spent at the home of his par- Mrs. Dawson Howell, a former resi- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ide here. dent of this place, died at her home Yn Mrs. William Elston entertained the Tunkhannock on Wednesday. ‘he | Queen Esther Girls on Thursday eve- funeral services under direction op ning: Undertaker Dailey ‘will be announecd | Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Miers enter- | Itained relatives from Philadelphia re- cently. John Willard and little daughter Shirley of Moosic were recently callers | at the home of James Ide. Mrs. Rust of Wilkes-Barre erter- tained a number of friends at a | luncheon at Honeysuckle Inn on Wed- | | nesday. | : Arthur Shook has made a number of | ps. Josn Wollinger, Mr. and Mrs. improvements on his farm recently. | Robert Ide and son spent Sunday with George Smith of New York State | the family of the former’s son, John is visiting’ his mother, Mrs. Otto Kelley. { Wollinger, Jr., at Sheatown. ) The D. of A. IL.odge held its regular | 0 { meeting last Wednesday night. A good | ® : SE Sie ban | Support Our Local®* Candidate For A number of pupils from this place are attending high school at Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird have moved to Kingston, where Mr. Baird is employed by Winter's dairy. | J. H. Geist is attending the Jr. O. U. A. M. state convention at Allentown. The Grange will serve dinner in hall Prothonotary basement election day. G. Harold Wagner of Dallas | Theodore Swartwood and Herbert ee | Gessener are home this week prepar- | a’ a v [ ing to enter Wyoming Seminary for Mining and Mintage | the coming year. | In the coinage of the United States | Celestia Levitt has resumed her| there is represented the metals gold. | studies at Mansfield State Teachers’ | silver, nickel and copper. with tin College this ‘year. as allovs land zinc _Meeker— Ruth Karschner, who recently under- went an operation, has returned to her | |Home and is nicely improving. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Roushey and children of Trucksville called on local relative Wednesday evening. Mrs. Edith King spent a few days re- cetly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. | Hildebrant. Mr. and Mrs. George Weintz and daughters entertained the following re- cent: Mrs. Dora Bowen and daugh- ter, Elizabeth of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Clate Kriss and daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellen- berger, Bernice Kiger and Mrs. George Stahl of Sunbury, and Clarence Wil- liams of Edwardsville. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ide entertained friends from New York recently. Miss Marie Woolbert of Dallas is teaching in the local school. Lillian Scovell, formerly of this place, recently underwent an operation in the General Hospital and is now slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth daughter spent Monday with at Luzerne. King and friends Time for Repentance We look to our last sickness for repentance unmindful that it is duar- ing a recovery men repent, not dur- ing a George Malkemes JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Shavertown, Pa. Automobile Licenses Affidavits Prepared Rents Collected Real Estate Prompt and Courteous Service MONK BUILDING ness principles. I believe that A RN TY NINETEEN YEARS in one community should fit a man for the office of Tax Collector. I believe that the office demands the appplication of sound busi- ‘my experience and record as a business man in this section should fit me for this occupation and will merit your support and vote at the coming primary election. VOTE Frank G. Mathers FOR Tax Collector OF KINGSTON TOWNSHIP | Frank Redmon quilting for the =i FOR PROTHONOTARY The Bonafide Candidate | Support Our Local Candidate Give This Section of Luzerne County the Recognition It Deserves (. Harold WAGNER CAPABLE AND QUALIFIED Support Our Local Candidate Give This Section of Luzerne County the : Recognition It Deserves
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