DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 29,1929 Classified Advertisements 10: FOR SALE Danish Ball cabbage plants. Moss, Demunds. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath. quire Mrs. William Monk. : FOR RENT house partly Dallas, C.. WW. In- on State road at improved. Frank | Pa. OL LEGAL NOTICE An Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate For | Six-room Outlet; Brown, Year 1929 ; - Be it enacted and ordained by Town | ~ Council, Borough of Dallas, and it is | hereby enacted and ordained by a thority of the same, that: Tax rate for year 1929 shall be as follows: ! General borough $1.50. per hundred. | Light fund, 3% mills, or 35¢c per hun- | dred. Sinking fund, 31% hundred. Enacted and ordained this 28th day of May, 1929. WARDEN KUNKLE, President Town Council. - Attest—Harold Rood, Secretary. Approved this 31st day of May, 1929. J. H. Anderson, Burgess. 0 : LEGAL LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 588, May Term, 1929. Libel in divorce a vinculo matri- monii. Julius Maurice Oppenheimer vs. Hattie R. Oppenheimer, to Hattie R. Oppenheimer: Take notice that the alias subpoena in the above case ‘having been returned by the Sheriff of Luzerne County that you cannot be _ found in Luzerne County, Pa., you are ‘hereby notified and directed to appear before the said Court on Monday, August 12th, 1929, at 10 o’clock a. m. to answer the complaint in the above entitled case. . JOHIN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. fund, 15 mills or | mills or 35c¢c per Frank J. Williams, Attorney. LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of . Luzerne County, No. 940, March Term, 1929. Libel in divorce a vinculo matri- monii. Catherine P. Blerly VS. Weaver C. Bierly.” To Weaver C. Bierly: Take notice that an alias sub- poena in the above case having been returned by the Sheriff of Luzerne County that you, the said Weaver C. Bierly, cannot be found in Luzerne County, you, the said Weaver C. Bierly, are hereby notified and directed to ap- pear before the said Court on Monday, Atigust 12, 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m. to answer the complaint filed in the above case. me JOHN Macl/USKIE, Sheriff. Thomas M. Lewis, Attorney. ‘Every Dollar Spent in a Clover Fa LOVER CLEVELAND, TRIER IRR RGR SN NN NN NNN NNN NNN NNN YY Hish Grade m= § Food Products’ BR M STORE NATIONAL ns, WEEK-END SPECIALS IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT HIMMLER THEATRE SATURDAY NIGHT ‘A Woman of Affairs’ JOHN GILBERT TUESDAY NIGHT “Wild Party” With CLARA BOW | THERE WILL BE NO SHOW JULY 4 “Scarlet Seas” _ SATURDAY NIGHT -Dallas- Summer Resident Returns Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts of New York City have arrived to spend tho summer at their home in Harvey's Lake. They are well known locally. Mr. Roberts is past seventy years of age and is recovering from a, serious operation performed in New York. He has recently purchased a new Lincoln car. Attend Wedding and Reception Among those who attended Wolfe-Kiefer wedding .at ‘the Irem Temple last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Dean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mitten and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eyer- the man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thom ¥. Higgins, Mr. Addison Woolbert, Sr., and the immediate relatives from Shrine View. Surprise Party Mrs. Frank Neyhard of Fernbrook was guest of honor at a surprise party at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Cragle. Those present included Mrs. George Fowler, Mr, and Mrs. Woicki, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Rose Hart, Mrs. Frederick, Mrs. James Allabaugh, Alec Sulick, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neyhard, Frank Neyhard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cragle, Mr. and Mrs. Warl Craig, Dolores Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Cobleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layou, Miss Helen Neyhard, Arthur [Lloyd, Elizabeth Bunney and Arthur TIE VOUY BEAR Balloon: “THE WORLD'S GREATEST TIRE" AC-240C James F. Besecker Co. Authorized Ford Dealer Main Street E VALUES Dallas EA Pa. ’ oe vel NN NN NNN NINN NNN HH VISIT OUR NEW LOT CORNER WYOMING AVENUE AND CARLE STREET TRUCKS 1926 Ford Roadsters Clydesdale, 2 ton Several at 1-Ton Ford $125 Each Reo Speed Wagon : 1926 Ford Coupes Three At Essex 6 Coach $140 Each $75 Every Car Listed Above Is a Real Bargain SPECIAL West Side Auto Company “The Ford Place” VV VV VV $28.50 Places A GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR In Your Home IS FI BRIBE SEE THE DIFFERENT MODELS AT OUR DISPLAY ROOM 58 West Market Street WILKES-BARRE PAGE-MORRIS, me. PHONE W.-B. 2-2021 Kingston Corners a Aq! o% huhu atta daha dhs dtd dtd Lau aii ald alii fe fh Ca p Libeled A London motorist was arrested for sounding seven blasts on his horn un- necessarily. The report that he was signaling a passing friend his _pedes- trian bag for the day turned out iv’ be untrue.—Boston Transcript. 1 1 rm Store Comes Right Back to You’ A OHIO, CLOVER FARM GRAPE JUICE FURE FRUIT SYRUP,. Assorted Flavors, bot. Cherry, Lemon, Orange, Peach and Raspberry SWEETHEART SOAP, 2 Bars CLOVER FARM FANCY GREEN STRING BFANS, Can... . YN A NA ay a NN NN NN NNR REIN Finest vy 2g Yankee Girl C atsup Quality Small Size . AviutuAuiuiuaAuiuAuiuAuiuiutuioAeiuiuuhairrirbmrhedrhhrhrhdhd A A A 4 A A A 4 AA 4 4 4 4 4A A 4 A A ASN Large Size SWEET MIXED PICKLES, Quart Size CIDER VINEGAR Gallon Jug 62cLarge Size Pkg. ............ 10c FAB BEADS FLIT, half pint 35cAmmonia, quart YANKEE GIRL PEACHES, Finest Quality, Can RED CUP COFFEE, Lb. Ah ne ee iain 12 39 CLOVER FARM 3-MINUTE OATS .Large Package Small Package PRNRIRIR INNS INSPIRING GRP ff CLOVER FARM BREAD (Save the Coupons) ORANGE JUMBLES, Lb. 29¢ FEASTON GINGER SNAPS, 2 pkgs. for GOLD CROSS PET MILK EVERYDAY CARNATION 10c VFR ay There Is One In Your Neighborhood Wilkes-Barre Division Headq FV VEN CLOVER FARM STORES A National Grocery Chain For Local Grocers uarters—Phone W.-B. 9600 adh AeisiueiuiuiutuiuiiuiriuiuiciuiuiuiiniuiuiuiaArintuAArA Arr dA rd A 4 4 4 A Ad A dd dasa \ There is a reason for such suecess Sales of the new Dodge Six are over 57% ahead of its last year’s predecessor. There is a reason for such success. See the new Dodge Six, examine it, drive it, ride in it. You’ll certainly agree there’s an overwhelming reason for Dodge Brothers popularity. EIGHT BODY STYLES: $945 10 $1065 ¥. 0. 5. DETROIT Convenient Terms NEW DONGE BRO THERS SIX Ig! CHRYSLER MUUORS PRODUCT JAMES R. OLIVE ain Street R Dallas, Pa. ~~ ¢ i
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