) x bed, north 29. grees 56 minutes west 100 feet to a|ston called on Mrs. Bertha Anderson oint in the southerly side line of a |recently. foot wide public alley; thence from | Miss Freda Eyet is suffering with d point and along the line of said | blood poisoning. : : lley south 60 degrees 4 minutes west| Miss Edna Hefft, Miss Olive Webb | with the soap and left it on the floor,” 0 feet to a point in line of lands of jand Miss Mena ‘and Doris Shirléy of thence from said | Wyoming called at the home of Mrs. point and passing along the line of [Mary Knorr on Sunday. gas ands of said James Hayward south 29 Eddie Spade of Angola, Indiana, has ‘degrees 56 minutes east 100 feet to|been spending some time at the home Goodwin; thence from said point and [of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Spade, Goodwin avenue |who has been seriously ill. north 60 degrees 4 minutes east 20| Miss Edna Heffte has returned to Being | her teaching at Camden, N. J. after ‘part of lots Nos. 156 and 157 of the spending some time with relative > Improved Mr. ‘and Mrs. Ralph Lewis of by a one-half double frame dwelling |Shavertown called on Mrs. Bertha An- house known as No. 87 Goodwin ave- |derson recently. ue, as well also a frame garage in —_— rear of said building. Including all gas and light fixtures| Sunday services, June 16—Sunday used for lighting and all steam pipes, | school will be held at 9:30; children’s radiators, furnaces, flues, heating ap-|day will be held at 7:30. A program 5 {3 kitchen ranges, bath tubs,|will be given in place of the regular : mantels and appurtenances to any of preaching service. Everybody wel- JONES, ABBOTT herein descri ames Hayward; ‘along the line foot to the place of beginning. before mentioned allotment. “moved but shall pass to the purchaser | her father, James Hefft, of Lymanville. at any judicial sale made for the pay-|She has also been visiting her sister, ; ’ Mrs. eGnevieve Hefft. Phone 8716, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 30 Days’FreeTrial ment of the mortgage debt. ~The above described lot of land was ‘devised to William Hayward, by his father, William Hayward, Sr, who died _intesteate December 16, 1926, and Will duly probated and Office of the Register of Wills of Lu- ; in Will Book - No, entered in the zerne County, Seized and taken into execution at MEAD ~ the suit of J. Ette Davis vs. William ‘Hayward, and will be sold by B® John MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. Bicyle F. B. Davis, Attorney. —Carverton- Friends and relatives were sorry to ear of the death of Mrs. Herbert - Saves|0%fos25% mail, formerly Miss Kathryn Hefft, On Your Bicycle who died on Friday, Smail was well liked and respected by i ‘all. She is survived by her husband Get full particulars and one son, Paul, and by her father, by mail today. Use and the following coupon below. Mrs. Raymond ~ James L. Hefft, brothers and sisters: King of Daijas, Mrs. John Rausch of Toledo, Ohio, Miss Edna Hefft of Cam- Soldon Approval ‘den, N. J., and Ralph Leigh, Mary and Genevieve, of Carverton. ~The funeral was held “home at Carverton on Monday. vices were conducted by Rev. Greenfield of Carverton and by Rev. Carl Councilmon of Firwood Wilkes-Barre. ~ bearers were cousins of the deceased: name of nearest Mead Dealer. ‘Sherman Hefft, Ellison Gay, Kenneth 2 and Charles OUT ON THIS LINE g Interment was in the family plot at Caverton cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Jones gave a birthday party her late ing test before sale music were enjoyed. Lunch was served Louise Webb, Mar- jorie Prynn, Flora Jean Stock, Lois Webb, Adeline Prynn, Wilma Stock, Marie Andreas, Ruth Pace, Loren An- to the following: obby Jones and Billy Gensel, all of Carverton, and Helen Harrison of Mt. Greenwood. : vr ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Boyle of King- : : Needed & 9, + 04504 @ Correct this sentence: chuckled the father, as he slipped and fell against the bathtub, “that’s the third time this week Junior has played 9. ©, $0, 9, 4 0, ® 9, 4 a M. E. Church ‘the same, all of which shall be yre-|come. (Incorporated) ‘garded as a part of the real estate| Mrs. John Rauch of Toledo, Ohio, is makers of hereby conveyed and shall not be re-|spending some time at the home of ARTISTIC MONUMENTS 0 * & 4 7 + 9, + 7 (2 RY + >, 0, 0? %%% 06204 9. * 0 9 ode aledfoddedded & M 0, oO, 56-58 N. Pennsylvania Avenue 7 + 7 + * On Any whether you buy from your Local Dealer or from us direct. Mrs.| Prices from$2150Up Ziba, You are allowed 80 days’ actual rid- Ser- . . . Ee a. | Is binding. pall Premium O % Write Today for Ontalog, Pros Mead Cycle Co., Chicago, U. S. A. Please send full information and name of 1 i their nearest dealer. ! tenth RQ or Name ; Street or : | [es P.O. Boz I 1 1 Town a ! and 0 ——— ———— 7 * > ZX Ps 4% o% o% eile deddedloded 9 + 7 + 0 Pe D0 Os sa On ae B00 Br 02 02 00 0 EO RR XE A ($000 04.00,00,0 0,00, 0, Pe . ®, COR) bo? 968 9,04, $, £2 7 + OZ + 9, * Guaranteed.— Lamps, wheels, equipment. Low prices. Send no Special money. Use the coupon. Offer | 1614 foes Mead Scie Company Dept, X Chicago 7 * “‘GOD ALMIGHTY STILL FURNISHES THE RAINFALL AT THE RATE PREVAILING 30 YEARS R50.” 0 0 © True, Brother. And 30 years ago the rain barrel stood by the kitchen steps between the sad-eyed Begonias and the Little - johnny - Jump - Ups — and the gentle rain from heaven splashed therein. But it had to be charcoaled and kept cov- ered, because the freighted breeze, tumbling by, deposited dead leaves, sun-dried offal and other atmospheric phenomena in the rain barrel. So that when Pop drank therefrom, he con- tracted a severe pain in his midriff, as did Uncle Charley and Cousin Elmer, to say nothing of the Hired Girl. Like the Old Oaken Bucket, the rain barrel was “full of romance—and germs.” If you insist upon free water you may go up to our reservoirs where we collect and store it, fill your bucket, carry it home, and run the risk anyone invites who drinks untreated water. However, if you want it purified and piped into your kitchens, bathrooms, offices and fac- tories, we gladly supply it to all who are willing to pay the current average rate of one cent for eight bucketfuls. The value of anything is its worth to you. THE SCRANTON=SPRING BROOK WATER SERVICE CoMPANY We Take Up the Work Where Nature Leaves Off 00 0% 0% 6% 0% 6% 0% 6% 6% 4% 0% o% 0. 0. 0, 8. 0. 0. 0 0. 0b 0 Do? 00% 000-0 Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa X Ra Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa XQ) gX 9, Ca¥ 0% 04% 000 059059 059 05% 0, 00 (00 02 00 0 02 0 Ob Or 0 XaXaXa Xe Xe 9, * 9, ® 9. * 7 + Oy 0, 0, 0. 0 6 6 Oe & & + O aL Os oO 0, + 9 >, & ’.. - Ka , * 4 + 9. >, , ® ’ & 099, + 0) 00 0, ASA ® & TOO e 0 oh &, 9% o 1} SPECIAL! You Can Win \ A week’s vacation at Girl Scout or Boy Scout Camp with all expenses paid by the Post Gold Dollar Man. Boys and girls, wouldn’t you like to spend a week in camp? Bring the names of twenty new subscribers to the Gold Dollar Man at Dallas Post, Inc., and he will see that you go to camp for a week or more. Dozens of Post Gold Dollars were given away to boys and girls this week. WITH POST GOLD DOLLARS YOU CAN GET A Mead Motorbike for. German Police Puppy Week in Camp ...... Wrist Watch ........ Scout Cook Kit . ...... Fishing Rod ........ Baseball Gloves ..... FILL IN COUPON Send It To Post Gold Dollar Man TO POST DOLLAR MAN, Dallas Post, Inc., Dallas, Pa. x b > hb b hb b hb p py b b b . t that I can win a fine prize. b b hb > b b b b> b 3 b b > 20.63.6254 25-425 20 00035 0 20.4% 4% 4% 4% 49.495 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%5.4%5.4% 4% 425.4% 4% 435.4% 405 405. %s. SHIILI ILI RII Sra a0 Grae fr ao dese desioadrsfoads feats dfoadr fost x Gee, I'm anxious to get started. Send me Sub- scription Books and Five Free Post Gold Dollars so IthinkPdliketowin,.. ol... .. My addvessis =. aa l POO ODDO ODDO OOOO OOODODOOOIOODIOOD OOD ODIO O DODO ODN wg O00 0,0. 0.0, b O 0 OO, 0. 0. 0, 0, 0, 0 0 0 I A I lS SOAK AANA A SAX AK AKA 85a? > 9, 9, a 4 °° 04 £2 9 4 9 @ 9 * $4935 000 ¢ $, @ 2% ® 9, 9, 9 a> 9, ® 9, @ Joel 0 £2 9, ® 4 ® 0.9, o> % = 2% % 4 + 9. 0, 9, <a 4 9, $0 9 a 9, $0, * ee CASASAAS <a 9 - 9. a - 7 4 Oo ASA % 5 9-9, > $9, RW > Ww/ % 9, 9, Ww 4 a 9, * 9, Ca 9 | = f fl gs 46% 9 9 9, 4 $0.94 ASE RRR 9, ® a 9, * 204 a> ® Ww 9 9, 9, % 0-4 @, @ ®) 9 o® 96% % 9, £4 9, * { 0 9 IID @ a 9, 9-4, ¢ 9 * 0, ®, 9, P 9, € $9, 9, 4 $9, 9, a> D5 Ww) ZS 9, % 20D ede 9 ® Ds 00 10% 9) 0 0, 0. 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