RAY A AALS DALLAS POS i SATURDAY, } AY 25, 1929 | Classified 2 Advertisements —_—O— FOR SALE All household goods. L. E. Faulds’ house, corner Lehman avenue and Spring street, Dallas, Pa. Every day from 1 to 5 p. m. ia ) FOR SALE { Shoats and sucklings.. Goodieigh Farm. Telephone, Dallas 125. \ ee FOR SALE At cheap prices, barn and silo, ~ ghicken coop, wagon house, corn crib, “earth closet, zinc-lined grain box. ~ Gocdleigh Farm. Call Miss Weir, Dal- las 125. —— pag ‘ FOR SALE . A cheap horse. Can be used for any purpose. Apply to Anthony - Hudak, Dallas, Pa., on the road lead- ing from Fernbrook to Huntsville. ~ Phone 267-R-9. ee . FOR SALE Police puppies, 21, months old, of fine stock. Mrs. Grover Anderson. Call Dallas 149-R-23. — —_—— BRS BEE SUPPLIES A complete line of beeware. - DADANT’S WIRED-FOUNDATION- ROOT’S AIRCO. Plain. medium- brood, 74c Ib. 1st Grade Sections, $1.15. Five Ten frame hives, $10.50. ~ We handle both the best and the cheapest. Send us your mail orders and inquiries. GAY-MURRAY COM- PANY, Inc.,, Tunkhannock, Pa. —0— RADIOS FOR SALE ~~ We have several Kolster and At- water Kent Battery Radio Sets that are ideal for cottage or summer home. Opportunity to buy a high- class set for very little money. We are open evenings. Page-Morris, Inc., 58 West Market Street, Wilkes-Barre. ! —0— FOR SALE Window screens quickly made to.or- der to fit any size window. Call P. O. Lutz, Dallas, 270-R-16. HIMMLER THEATRE —_— TONIGHT Beyond Sierras Of Social Interest IN AND ABOUT DALLAS Entertained Club Members Mrs. Grace Rustine was hostess this week to the members of the Dallas Bridge Club Wednesday -afternoon. Following luncheon at Higgins’ College Inn. the party played cards at her home on Main street. The following attended: Mesdames Brickel, Oliver, Hallock, Hislop, Harter, Patterson, Jeeter, Dohl Isaac, Rustine ,and Mrs. W. Griffith and:Miss Mary Still. in Lutheran Auxiliary Meets Mrs. Earl Monk was hostess Wed- nesday evening at her home on Center. street to the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the futheéran Church. After the business meeting and games, a tasty luncheon was served to the following members: Mesdames Rau, Williams, Ayres, Swartz, Lingky, Phillips, Moss, Mal- kemes, Eek, Avery, Odell, Dunn, Dressel, C. Malkemes, Jones, Hoffman, Dierholf and Monk. RL Bou Scouts at Camp The members of the Shavertown Boy Scouts are at Camp Acahela for a few days. This is the first trip of the season. Some of their friends intend to motor up to the Poconos to visit them on Sunday. Y or Scout Leaders Entertain Mrs. L. Matchel, Mrs. H. Rood, Mrs. Earl Cairl, Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Beisel and Mrs. Leon Kintz were hostesses last Saturday to the Girl Scouts of I.eh- man, Shavertown, Trucksville and Dallas troops. ee Ori Luncheon The Luther League of the Lutheran Church, ‘Shavertown, held a luncheon Thursday evening which was well at- tended. Some entertainment was fur- nished by local talent which was greatly enjoyed by those present. —_—— A number of friends of William Brickel surprised him with a party at his home on aSturday evening in celebration ‘of his birthday anniver- sary. Those who attended were Harry and Virginia Allen, Margaret Oliver, Ruth « Hull, Mary Penxa, Katherine Penxa, Jeanne Disque, Kenneth Disque, Lillian Rood, Chauncey Tur- ner, Clarence LaBar, John Jeter, De- [| borat: Jeter, Dorothy Jeter, Russell De ‘| Remer, Betty Culbert, James Hamil- ton, Isabel Hamilton, Eleanor Machell and Leonard Machell. eg Sidewalks and retaining walls are being built in front of the properties of William Rice and Dr. G.-K. Swartz. The afternoon was spent at Weis’ - Grove. All sorts of games were played after which a tasty lunch was served and enjoyed very much. Miss Helen Malonis, the obliging clerk at the American Store, has been ill a few days this week, but is back at work again. E. G. Stevens has returned from Wilkes-Barre Homeopathic Hospital to his home on Main street. Dr. and Mrs. William Severing of Stroudsburg and Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fleming of Philadelphia spent Sunday with Dr. J. C. Fleming. Millicent and Beatrice, daughters of Mrs. Grace Rustine, are on the sick list. Mrs. eGorge Sharpe and son Albert, and Fred Smith of New York City spent the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kintz of Huntsville street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Thomas of Washington, D. C., have returned to their home after attending the funeral of the former's mother. Davis, is.ill at his home on Church Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown are re- joicing over the arrival of a baby girl on May 20. Miss Beverly Bessecker is ill at her home on Lake street. Mrs. Arthur Meyers of Huntsville street has recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. Wesley Himmler entertained Miss Florence Himmler of Kingston at her home on Tuesday. Starting this week the Himmler Theatre will show high class motion pictures every Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and aSturday night. The public is appreciative of the high type pictures which the theatre is showing and increasing crowds have asked that pictures be shown on Wednesday nights. It is in response to this re- quest that Mr. Himmler adds the ex- tra night's performance. —0:— Russell Rice son of C. A. . and Ida Schooley Rice died at the Jane Chinn Hospital, Webb City, Mo. on May 14th. The deceased was born at Dallas, Pa Nov. 25, 1894. He has resided most of his life in Joplin Mo. A wife Clela Funk Rice and two sons Glenn and Ted survive also his Father, Mother and Sister Helen, all of Carter- ville Mo. day at Mt. Carmel. T, DALLAS, PA, James, son Of Mr. and Mrs. tSanley | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk spent Sun- | General nicely. W. C. T. U. Meets keg The W. C,'T. U. met at the home of Mrs: Charles Kunkle Tuesday after- noon. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Neely and Mrs. Kunkle presided. Devotions were led by Mrs. Neely. The treasurer, Miss Mary Machell, and the secretary, Mrs. Neely, gave their re- ports. Accounts were audited by Mrs. Laura Patterson and Mrs. William Higgins. Ethel Marie and Felice Irene Harris were dedicated to tem- perance. The annual election was held with the following results: President, Mrs. H. S. Doll; vice president, Mrs. Charles Kunkle; recording secretary, Mrs. Alexander Neely; corresponding secretary, Mrs. aHry Bodhun; treas- urer, Miss Mary Machell. Mrs. Hig- gins, Mrs. D. N. Blocksage and Mrs. Georgia Patterson rendered reports of the recent convention. After the business session the following program was rendered: Solo, Mrs. J. H. Frantz; reading, Mrs. D. F. Westover; quar- tette, rMs. Neely, Mrs. Nelson Gar- inger, Mrs. James Hildebrant and Mrs. Laura aPtterson. —_—— Quarterly Conference The first quarterly meeting of the conference year of the M. E. Church was held on Monday evening with Dr. Lott, district superintendent, presiding. Dr. Lott stressed eight points which compose his program for the churches for the next five years. f A committee headed by R. H. Rocd met after the conference to make definite arrangements for the celebra- tion of the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the present. church building. The date of the celebration will be June 14, with programs in both morning and evening. It was decided that all former ministers now living who had served during the last forty years, together with Bishop Richard- son and Dr. Lott, be invited. The evening program will consist of vocal solos, congregational singing, short addresses by the ministers and a brief organ recital. Supper will be served by the Ladies’ Aid Society. 2D Serious Accident George Still, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Still, had his arm badly in- | jured this week when he attempted to crank a truck belonging tothe lumber company. There are several bones broken in his hand besides bruises tc the arm. tO Mrs. Vaughn Rood, who underwent | a serious operation Tuesday at the | getting along | a Hospital, is LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS —0— HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON May 10, 1929, the G. B. Saunders Tobacco Company, Inc., fil- ed in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County to No. term, 1929, its petition praying for a decree of dissolution and that a hearing upon said application for dis- solution has been fixed by the said Court for June 3, 1929, at 10 o’clock a. m., when and where all persons in- terested may attend to show cause, if any they have, against the grant- ing of the prayer of said petition. NATHANIEL JACOBS, Solicitor for Petitioner. AIEEE ETF a PP EGG GET SOW BEI P Hl } ROTA JONES, ABBOTT & MARTIN, (Incorporated) makers of ARTISTIC MONUMENTS 56-58 N. Pennsylvania Avenue Phone 8716, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. allas ; Muhlenburg ST) (9,3 Alfred Bronson Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones: 00a co wo ano oJ Choice Meats At Economy Prices The wise housewife knows that She saves money when she buys her meat from the Big, Red Sanitary Ssop on wheels. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we stop at all homes around Harvey's Lake. Emery Newell (Store and Meat Market at 2 Noxen) Watch For Asnouncement of the ~ Opening of Our Harvey's Lake Shop Pathfinder Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwist Cord Tires and we’re selling them at Catalog House Prices! BALLOON! 29x4.40) $6.19 i | 3 These are On Your Wheel Prices — a ‘and You Get Our Helpful Year Round Service Too! HIGH PRESSURE 30x3.50 $35.45 — — |S. 8 EARL MO J. F. BESECKER (CO. Shavertown Dallas { a r ps X cums tm eS -€ With TIM McCOY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY | Trail of 98 | With DELORES DEL RIO e THURSDAY | Flvine Fleet | With R. NAVARRO | SATURDAY Extend a Welcome To Glorious Trail : With KEN MAYNARD The Trail of 98, which wil be shown A 1.2 0 R OLD A ND NE \ A / Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the 3 Himmler Theatre, is a special Metro- | 4 Goléwyn-Mayer picture with Dolores Del Rio, Ralph Forbes and Carl Dane. It is a picture depicting the gold rush from California to Alaska with . : all its attendant perils and hardships. FRIENDS Don’t miss it! 3 | 1 i yy f| Paint-Up For ; In The Great Rural and Suburban Sections Spring! i | BREINIC'S i of Luzerne County PURE i : : LINSEED |, [hee 1 7 iE TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE AT | . ; i |] 729 Wyoming Ave., Kingston | / Here you will find a complete new line of Hardware, Paints, Stoves, Mechanics Tools, Home Equipment and You Can 3 paint your porches or chairs Electrical Supplies. It’s a true slogan that “You can ¥ ody ith ON Dom Paint. get what you want when you want it—at Roat’s.” 2 It is this service, combined with low prices that ot daily attracts many new friends to this store. THERE WILL BE BIG ATTRACTIONS DURING | OPENING WEEK i | Watch for Our Announcement! Paints, Varnish | 1 lead and Gil { : 8 DALLAS HARDWARE & Xi PHONE 60 ; ; @ ; 7 ¥ vast. pauias Hl 729 WYOMING AVENUE i | j . GREATER SAVINGS IN FOOD MARKETING . You Save Every Day--On Choicest Meats Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables at— TELEPHONES 2610 i88 MAIN ST. THE DEST EATS a FOR “WB THE LEAST MONEY Sh yf
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