$240.00 v- InPrizes : oP u x \ - 2 ue THIS IS MAJESTIC EASY Ria | | Drive Into Edwards WEEK INTERESTING MVC NEO LAWAraS, nc. . 4 . > : | \ To supply the needs of dealers of Majestic Radios i | And see how much more convenient it will be. You can : ? Hive carloads of the i ; 2 O ; ! i A = L - drive right into the basement—here you may alight MATES IC, ee hdl S ral "from your car under cover from the worst weather. Bye hoon. 3 pe 0 young g- - = There are attendants on duty who will park your car ( Mal of : ; while you ascend the steps and do your shepping. This MAY WE GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION ? FOR YOUNG AND OLD Indoor Parking Space is FREE to the Patrons of Our ; . | Store. Sl 3 Prizes Every Week ii / : — Please Call — Ly : 3 = MERCHANDISE DRIVE RIGHT INTO OUR STORE ARRIS RADIO STUDIO Pe W HAR | umn | EDWARDS, I | Weoid A YoivtenD : 2nd Prize $2.00 “cerriricaTr | 9 ne. yommg Avenue orLy posh, 9 2 MERCHANDISE WEST SIDE DEPARTMENT STORE wih a : 3rd Prize, $1.00 “cgrriricate | s 4 | ; | HERE ARE THE RULES * : a READ THEM CAREFULLY! 1. Any person living in Luzerne and Wyoming Counties may 3 oq participate except employees of this newspaper or their immediate (8) : o families. It does not cost anything to compete. You may use the 7s (2) coupon below or write our your answer in the same form, or, better y { @ ! still, go to any of the advertisers on this page and they will furnish / P 1. A N N 1 N G A F A S H I 0 N you with additional copies of this coupon. , 4 / > és . 2. The problem is simple. There are fifteen advertisers on this C O A L O F bl E i & page. You are required to make up a grammatically correct sen- : S A 1. 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The order in whic e words are t C ] C ; : 12 lected and th bject of the id 11 be ch d f kt | Rh Se dere | Kin gston voal UO. ~N \ announced each week. i 3 55 ° AIA PAA ———"] Ki - | ingston, Pa. @ 2 S. BALUT, Furrier THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL INSTRUCTION ; 8 ? 1} Make up your sentence on any idea you wish, taking not more § : y 625 MARKET STREET : KINGSTON, PA. than one word from each advertisement selected at random. List ? 3 (Phone Kingston 2777-R) : the words as shown in the coupon together with the name of the ad- 4 i df i 5 vertisers. ) : : 2 s or WIR IAAP AANN NINN ISIN NIIP III Sr ; & Vr ; : * i USE THIS COUPON (9) 3 Vv Gu Ry (3) Jd Adv.| Word Used For Name of Advect . iy Y Ny Tn : No. | Word-o-Gram : eT Frederic Marcel, $8.50 at bo 2 3 | £4 fi fd 3 po Pa. 7 ; 3 i rod) gz 1] | Permanent Beautiful, $5.00 ‘ 2 E J Son iy 4 fii oP % he ° 9 ( ° i : LOW PRESSURE REFRIGERATION 2 Lozier’s Special Permanent, $2.50 | QUIET ls all h i ira a the 3 | | home Oversiae food. storage space; plenty of ice cubes; new de- OUR 50c SPECIAL STILL AVAILABLE | licious desserts. 12 ise, just day-in and day-out service at little 4 | FOR MARCELS cost. Own a Welsbach. ; ; | | ric Corp. 3 ] Luzerne County Gas & Electric Co D Finger Wave, Water Wave, Shampoos, : <3 h i 6 : NT: \ PENN’A. Manicures and Eyebrow Arches ; 7 Th | ® ; : \ ties ozier Beauty Sho ye Sym € LOZIET DE + plete in beautiful, sani- said to bo tall in > - ~ Open Evenings : Tel. W.-B. 2216 . igera- : Th 10 8 West Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre lan. / : plan 11 + bi Your Name ii i Address City or Town FUNC IIS 4 | 3 v al rr 7 Sy dF (4) Mail to Word-o-Gram Editor, care Dallas Post, Inc. le ni Ei at High-Class Lumber and TT TT Tree ne ; Fir (6) Td Millwork | : ! 2 " IE ) 7 H — AL WORD-0-GRAM WINNER v/ WRAPHIG Arts = | CASH CUSTOMERS CATERED TO pr = | F é = | WE HAVE A LARGE NUMBER OF CASH BARGAINS | NGRAVING 0. N uo £43 v EN Hildreth Doll, Tunkhannock, R. D. 5 |\ Photo Engravers and Artists : 5 ENGRAVINGS FOR NEWSPAPERS, . rT A MAGAZINES. CATALOGUES, 2 ~ Engravings for Color Printing A Ww H I P P L E B R 0 T H E R S ’ Inc. “Better public health service and high-class schools ad an { 702 WYOMING AVENUE, KINGSTON must be guaranteed to all patrons in Wilkes-Barre.” edu Bay = Phone Kingston 7231 IC W-B. 4237 \ hs Er pay i % 3 I | ttt dd stub ubabeind dda vd ddaindutnduted cod odaindaddeinuindnd nd ob uhod 5 h 3 oh | Pe we (5) . . “HUDSON-ESSEX?” The Scranton-Spring Brook Water Service Company The water supply of the entire Wilkes-Barre district, comprising 52 separate civil WE WILL ALLOW $100.00 ON THE PURCHASE PRICE OF A NEW HUDSON divisions, with an area approximately 90 square miles, is furnished by Scranton-Spring OR ESSEX FOR ANY OLD CAR THAT CAN BE DRIVEN IN Brook Water Service Company. The in) poulsiion is estimated at 871,000, which is J 5 served through 82,500 taps in the distribution system. Cis : UNDER IT'S OWN POWER, 2 The water, ‘obtained from virgin mountain springs and streams, from 15 separate ] WEST SIDE HUDSO N ES SE X CO M PAN sources in forested watersheds, is impounded in 89 reservoirs, providing a total storage of 5 12 billion gallons, and distributed through 705 miles of distribution mains. 1089 Wyoming Avenue Phone K. 4556-3 Forty Fort, Pa. All Water Served To Consumers Is Carefully Sterilized. ~ MAIN OFFICE 30 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET WILKES-BARRE, PA.
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