NR A ANE es An independent paper, of the people, devoted to the great farm- ing section of Luzerne and other counties. 4 : : h Trucksville, Shavertown, Lehman, Dallas, Luzerne, The Greater ‘West Side, Shawanese, Alderson, Centermoreland, Fernbrook, Lake- ton, Sweet Valley, Harvey’s Lake, Huntsville and Tunkhannock are ~ circulated by The Dallas Post. Sa bo | Also 100 copies for Wilkes-Barre readers; 150 copies outside of Luzerne and Wyoming Counties, but within the boundaries of Penn- sylvania; 200 copies to friends far away. i HE Entered as second-class matter at the Post-Office at Dallas, Pa., under Act of March 8, 1879. ( Subscription $1.00 per year Payable in advance SN Sr CHASE NR ~ : Address alt Communications to ~~ |’ THE DALLAS POST : ‘Lehman Avenue Phone Dallas 300 Dallas, Pa. | EDITORIAL COLUMN : Devoted to the Current Topics of the Day Taney DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., 2, ed, & &. So bP $0.9¢, XR @ 4 £ he? Oo 0 o®% ®, or 5? P, $0905, 7 ® 2, © © 9, ho? & Os ®. 7 O00 000 9, @ r 9 * 7 4 \ Os «9% oF Xa Xa Xa Xa) 9, * i . TWENTY YEARS OF RADIO AT SEA Twenty years ago last week, the first radio call for help at sea ‘was “answered. “Jack” Binns, then “Sparks”’—that is, wireless operator—on the liner Republic sent out the S O S. Aid came promptly, and what would otherwise have been an appalling catastrophe was whittled down to a bad accident. A : k 3 : Only twenty years—but think of the change. Before that historic call, a ship in distress was alone in a pitiless waste. Now, Kipling tells us that a tramp steamer cannot get a cockroach leg in one of its slide valves with- t having half the North Atlantic ready to come to its help. Kipling exag- “gerates a little; but the general idea is correct. That has been amply dem- onstrated during the last week, when every newspaper has featured thrill- ~ ing stories of rescues at sea. The world moves, and so fast that some of us get a little dizzy trying to keep up with it. : : Aa png * * * * * ; SR HOME OWNERSHIP RR 4 That America is rapidly becoming a nation of home owners and that ~ fully ‘half these homes are owned by men earning less than $2,000 a year are revealed in a recent bulletin issued by Walter M. McDowell, president of the United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. More than 90 per cent of the people who buy homes do not pay outright, ~ but borrow the money from building and loan associations or similar insti- tutions, he reveals. : ~ “Any person who is willing to live within his income and who really “wants a home can manage the small, regular and systematic deposit of a ~ few dollars each week or month to build up the required savings,” he states. < : Z x x x * EXPLAINING THE HIGH PRICE OF GAS Robert W. Stewart, who recently secured a District of Columbia ac- quittal of the charge of perjury, is fighting vigorously to retain the headship of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, from which Mr. Rockfeller, Jr., - seeks to oust him. In the course of his appeal for support, Mr. Stewart says: . ep diana company in 1918, at that time worth $170,000,000, and in ten years; without asking one cent from the stockholders, has made it into a company worth about $900,000,000, during which time it has ‘paid out over $200,000,000 in cash dividends.” : Mr, Stewart's statement may not have much to do with the question at issue, but it certainly explains the price of gasoline. =A group of allied interests, of which the Standard is chief, have a practical though not a legal monopoly of the oil business, and they charge all the traffic will bear. No firm subject to genuine competition in an old and settled industry multiplies its assets five-fold in ten years, while paying out cash dividends greater than the original value. It just isn’t done. Financial magic of that sort means monopoly and a rather ruthless monopoly at that. Mr. Rockefeller, Jr., is fighting Stewart because the latter’s connection with the Continental Trading Company fake and his contradictory state- “ments before the Senate committee have given the oil industry a bad name. rs For this, Mr. Rockefeller deserves credit. But it does not appear that Mr. Rockefeller has any objection to the extortionate prosperity of which Mr. vart boasts; and that, after all, is the mater of greatest and most last- ing interest. ; ; WER oe oi LATEST CROSS-CONTINENT FLIGHT i The cross-continent flight of Frank Hawks and Oscar Grubb is at once _magnificient personal achievement, and a proof that we are almost over the threshold of a new era in transportation. : ay / They flew from Los Angeles to New York in 18 hours and 22 minutes, Mad weather two-thirds of the way. Hawks, the pilot, thinks they could cut the time three hours with good weather, and probably he is ight. : 5 > The country was blanketed with clouds that sometimes forced him to an altitude of 14,000 feet, and made it impossible for him to see anything be- "neath him. There were rain and snow and variable winds, but he romped in at three miles a minute on the finish. The mechanic, Oscar Grubb—*“Phoebus, what a name to fill the speaking trump of future fame”’—performed a near miracle of endurance and un- faltering grit. 7 a ie ~The plane’s talk holds only 100 of the 475 gallons of gasoline needed. The rest was packed in five-gallon cans in the cabin, filling it se that Grubb had to be pushed in and the door shut behind him. Then, for 18 hours, he pumped this gas into the tank slicing up the empty cans with tinners’ shears to make room, and breathing the fumes of the high-test fuel till he was almost unconscious at the landing. A marvelous feat—and just as marvelous a propheccy. A few years insurance company hesitate. ‘one grew before. 5 kk TRG % WARS DO NOT JUST HAPPEN, NOR ARE THEY ACCIDENTS the teeth. each other, ultimately they will come into conflict. * * * * * Way NOT GIVE THE FARMER REAL HELP with the unconscionable profits that are squeezed from the farmers’ prod: or the profiteers and speculators. ) : pr AY LEN present. organization incl ding imsel: tack the Ire. more of experiment and testing, and a man can eat lunch in Washington or New York, step into a plane, and have his breakfast in San Francisco or Los Angeles next morning; and that with no risk that would make even a life These young men are showing us how to make two hours grow where “Wars do not just happen; they are made; they are the result of the actions of nations. They are not accidents; they come as a logical result : of the conduct of nations in times of peace. There would have been no World War if Germany and Great Britian and France had not been armed to ] It is perfectly natural, it is perfectly human, that men or na- tions continue to arm themselves, to increase their armaments in a race with We have too many who wish to exploit the farmer rather ‘than help him. Too many do not want him to get relief if it interferes in any way ucts. Too many want farm relief which will furnish more jobs for those who wish to run the farmers’ affairs. Too many only want to help the farmer produce more abundantly but do not want to help him sell to a bet- r advantage. They want to keep the farmer working, no tfor himself but 9, 4 edd 9, $0 O £4 >, 9. £2 9, Os 9 aX > Ba 0p a0, 8, 0. OP, WV. Vv, ov. D0 S00 SION OOUDOLE< : oh ” i $ is (1) FINEST RADIO STUDIO WYOMING, VALLEY HARRIS SATURDAY, IN PRIZES A THE AND IS OUR IN i MOTTO. WYOMING AVENUE—FORTY FORT es oe oh a gob alr 0 00 0 0 0, Or 8) Do AE HEIN EIGER £50050 03030-630-¢ Ou 0 6% 00% a0 600 05 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%. 0% a¥ a7 70 005 60 0% 0% 020% os o% 2% oe 0% % 20 6% 0% o¥s a? 0d 040 00 OP 0 0-09 0,009 0 0 0H 050 09 6 oda 0000000090 0000000 0P V0 OP 49 000-0, . QUALITY SERVICE . VISIT OUR STUDIO. RADIO STUDIO 3% CIR RK JK JR JR) Do? OP 959 0.9 0490599, ® oode eos + 9 > ° 8 9. 0, 0, he? %6% 4 0 * Po-o% o% o% 0504304300304; 8S 9 * CR) + eile aldled ¥ 0 (0s 00 oO, D505 505K aX (2) ~ PLANNING A 'S. BALUT, 625 MARKET STREET SALE IN ADVANCE G73 “Alaskan SH Red Fox fo! Scarf Furrier (Phone Kingston 2777-R) FASHION KINGSTON, PA. / 3. T (6) [Reserved for: Craftsmen Engravers: Incorporated o®aa% o.oo 0% o% 0% Os On 0s 2% a® o% o¥o ao a0 Sooo slo ofrafeadeafodrafosfo dr doofeaoadoedrofodiontedt TORD-( D0 Do 00 0% o% oP 0% OGD C00 0.9 0500500 @ 9, ® 9 &, Do? 6d, @. 0) 5, OO PEE 000.00, o 0, 5, 0, 0 ro? 9% 4% 9% 46 NC ® 7 < 7 © 7 ® 7 4 9 5. 0 $0.9 9. + >, + ROR JR TR AR J 9. + D0,.990.,99, + 9. 0. 9. * * oe 9, $0. 9-¢, + + 9 * 9. + 9, + 9 9, + * ’ 9. + 9. * 9, * 9 + $-, Neg 7 * 99.09, 7 ¢ 0, @® 9, ho? 4:0, ¥ INTERES PROFIT FOR YOUNG A 3 Prizes Ever 1st Prize, $5.00 2nd Prize $2.00 3rd Prize, $1.00 3 1. Any person living in Luzerne ¢ participate except employees of this ne families. It does not cost anything to coupon below or write our your answer still, go to any of the advertisers on thi: you with additional copies of this coupo 2. The problem is simple. There a page. You are required to make up a tence using not more than one word fro person sending in the longest grammat PRESSING THE BEST IDEA will be a second prize will go to the person sendir and the third to the one sending in the t 3. Members of a family may work may send in as many sentences as they of a kind will be accepted from any on passed on by judges appointed by this this contest will be sufficient evidence th to abide by the decisions of the judges. . There will be a contest each wee ch we ill be Three prizes will be awarded e: merchandise certificates, which the advertisers on this page. selected and the subject of the ideas wi week. These changes as well as the n: announced each week. we INNO THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Make up your sentence on any idea than one word from each advertisemen the words as shown in the coupon togeth vertisers. he Laatste rh Ahaha i v “ USE THIS COU Adv. Word Used For INQ, lo Word-o-Gram 9, >¢ ik COOK JK OK / Xa Xa Xa) 9, 0 a 9s os o% o¥ ho? 9a 90 000, CIR JOR JOR JR TR TK TR FR) X Ka Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa XX O * deleale died a® 0 Je efe 4 h 3) home. licious desserts. cost. Own a Welsbach. Luzerne County Gas & Ele WELSBACH LOW PRESSURE REFRIGERATION QUIET - - - LONG LIFE - - - LOW COST Completely fulfills all the needs and desires for refrigeration in the Oversize food storage space; plenty of ice cubes; new, de- No trouble, just day-in and day-out service at little KINGSTON, PENN’A. plan. ctric Corp. Welsbach Refrigeration may be purchased com- plete in beautiful, sani- tary cabinets, or sepa- rately to be installed in your present refrigera- tor. EASY payment & 9 + 9 & ($0000, 000 & + 0, 0. 0. 0 0 0 4400! XX aXe) eo 0 100 0 0 0 X aX o® %e¥ % 9, CORR) $0400 005005 9. ¢ >, 9, a? % o 0 Xa? (4) GOLD BOND TROWELTEX LL POR — Interior Plastic Decoration BEAUTY THAT IS INBUILT To know what Troweltex will do, one should know just what Troweltex is. It comes in the form of a fine, white powder. box, half full of water, opens up a bag of Troweltex, and gently pours or sprinkles it into the water, stirring the mixture until it reaches the consistency of light plaster. The plasterer takes a pail, or mortar { “10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH” "WHIPPLE BROTHERS, Inc. 702 WYOMING AVENUE FORTY FORT, PA. : (Phone Kinigston 7231) YOU NEED NOT ENVY GOOD TEETH —ATTRACTIVE AND SERVICEABLE TEETH Have Them Our experts will help you in every way possible and our prices are the lowest in the city. A staff of dentists to serve you promptly any day or evening. Ne appointment necessary. All the latest equipment such as ex-rays, guaranteed unbreakable bridge work. Painless extraction by our “sleep air” method which takes out a tooth without an “ouch” on your part. Examination and consultation free, Prices quoted before work is start- ed. Have good teeth and you’ll have good health. 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