" LUZERNE MERCH NTS MARINOS THEATRE MAIN STREET—LUZERNE ENE TODAY—Rin Tin Tin in “Rinty of the Desert.” MONDAY, TUESDAY—"“Four Sons” with Margaret Mann, June Collyer, Charles orton, Francis X. Bush- man, Jr. i WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY— William Haines, Marion ~ Davis in “Show People.” No FRIDAY— David Rolany, Sue. Carrol. “Win that Girl. SATURDAY—“The Girl-Shy Cowboy.” George Mods er, Patsy O'Leary. MARINOS THEATRE MAIN STREET—LUZERNE | used to check the fire. Used Car Specials ’ DON’T LET THIS Opportunity SLIP BY YOU 1928 STAR ROADSTER 1928 CHEVROLET 1% TON TRUCK .... (Open Express Body) RELIABLE CHEVROLET CO. 55 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE, PA. at, In and See the Outstanding Six-Cylinder Chevrolet Telephone Kingston 3718 Open Evenings $250.00 $450.00 - Ful-O-Pep and Grandin’s Dairy and Poultry Feeds BETTER FEBDS AT LOWER PRICES Phone K. 8466 Keystone Flour & Feed Company \ 369-371 MAIN AVENUE LUZERNE, PA. LATTIMORE LUMBER CO. — LUMBER — Building Material Mason Supplies PHONE 4444 449 MAIN ST., LUZERNE “Have Your Suit Cleaned and Pressed for Xmas” M. SHULIN Cleaners, Dyers and Repairing SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO LADIES’ APPAREL M. Uter, Manager \ SUITS FROM $25.00 UP ~ EXTRA HIGH QUALITY CLEANING—HATS BLOCKED 75¢ Thermologists Tell Home- Owners Scientific Meth- ods of Burning Fuel. Covering all phases of keeping a. heating system in good condition and | stoking the heater, the Holland Toit) tute of Thermology of Holland, Mich., has prepared 18 rules for operating a | homge-heating plant economically. These rules, which are applicable to} virtually all modern central heating | plants, including the vapor-air circu-: lating system, are as follows: 1. The chimney should be sufficient in height and in area and absolutely tight with a smooth round or square flue, straight from top to bottom. 2. The smoke pipe should be straight and short, sloping slightly upward to the chimney. 3. A shut-off or cross damper in the . | smoke pipe, and check-draft damper beyond the cross damper are required. Use the latter for ordinary daily regu- lation of the fire. Checking Fire Requires Care. 4. There should be an air-slide lift damper or slide in the fire-door to furnish oxygen to mix with the vol-: atile gases, but this never should be All dampers must fit true and be tight. 5. With the’ check-draft closed the, fire should burn quickly when the draft damper .in the ashpit is open.- Otherwise the draft is deficient and the chimney should be examined for defects. ‘6. The heater base must be tight: and grounded to the floor, so that no' air leakage into the ashpit can occur. Danger from this source does not oc- cur with a well-made warm-air circu- lating plant in which the ashpit is one solid cast section. 7. Keep all heating surfaces free ‘from soot and fine ashes, and clean out the ashpit daily.’ 8. Grates must be true and not warped, must move easily, and have no broken places for coal to drop through. The cone-shaped center- pivoted grate is to be preferred be- cause of its freedom from these de- fects. Pipes Require Insulation. 9. All basement piping must be cov- ered with suitable insulation. 10. If soft coal is used, the heater should be stoked at regular intervals so as to provide for steady moderate combustion. Don't poke or stir the fire from above. 11. Keep the firepot full of fuel up, to the fire-door level. Don’t add coal l by the spoonful. In mild weather ashes may accumulate on—not under, —~the grate. Don’t shake grates too long and hard. Remove clinkers with, as little disturbance to the fire as possible, Shake fire before you add fresh fuel. 12. Don’t let the fire burn too thin. Try to anticipate heating demand by firing the heater at the onset of a cold wave. \ 18. If your heater is too small for your house, use large-sized coal. Small-sized fuel can be used advan- tageously only if the heater is ample in size and you can give close atten- tion to the fire. The way to be sure your furnace is of the right size for your house is to have it installed by a manufacturer who maintains a gen- uine engineering service. Avoid Over-Dry Heat. 14. Thermostatic or other automatic damper-control is essential to econ- omy. 15. Keep the temperature down to 70 degrees with a relative humidity ranging around 40 per cent. 16. Keep a uniform temperature throughout the house, not allowing the rooms to cool more than 10 degrees at night. 17. Weather strips or storm sashes, at least on the west and north sides, are a genuine economy. 18. Your central heating plant, and the whole system as well, must be kept in first-class condition. It is cheaper to have defects repaired than to overcome them in operating the heating system. All ducts, registers and other parts must be kept scru- pulously clean and free from dust, cob- | webs and other accumulations. For Weaddche and Newalgin STAPLETON’S GREEN CAPSULES, 50¢ Next to Luzerne Post Office |" IN THE COURT OF COMMON ||PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY, {| No. 704, January Term, 1929. luary 28, 1929, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., | Luzerne County. along the Howell property a {the suit of L. Ella Searfoss vs. Clara ‘Legal Notice —t0 Notice is hereby given that application wiil be made to the Court on Monday, Jan- under the Corporation Act of 1874 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and supplements thereto, for the char- ter of an intended corporation, to be called the “Sicilian Mutual Benefit So- ciety,” the character and object of {| which is to promote the spirit of fra- ternity and to practice the principles of benevolence and charity by pro- viding a fund for sick and disabled members, and for this purpose to have and possess and enjoy all the right, benefits and privileges of' the said Act of Assembly and its supple-, ments. The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotary’s Office of ROBERT L. COUGHLIN, 2 Solicitor. ST Sales —0:— . - SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929, CAT 10 A. M. —:0:— By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa., No. 39, January Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luz- erne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylva- nia, on Saturday, the 12th day of Jan- uary, 1929, at ten o’clock in the fore- noon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ~All that lot and piece ‘of land at Fern Brook Park in Dallas Township, Luzerne County, Pa. on southerly side of public road beginning at a corner of land of Seth O. Howell; thence along said public read north 74 1-2 degrees west fifty feet to a corner of’ land of Loretta G. Yinger, thence along said Yinger land south 24 de- grees west three hundred thirty-three feet to line of land now or late of Warren B. Straw, thence along land of said Straw south 58 degrees west twenty-nine feet to a corner, and south 27 degrees 48 minutes east thir- ty-five and 7-10 feet to a corner of land of Jacob J. Reigle and wife, thence along said Reigle land north 24 degrees 5 minutes east two hun- drew fifteen feet to a corner, thence along land of Seth G. Howell north 74 1-2 degrees west about ten and 9-10 feet to a corner, and thence along land of Seth G. Howell north 24 de- grees east one hundred sixty feet to the beginning, improved with a two- story, wood, dwelling house and a gar- age, together with rights appurtenant to the property and to the right to use for passage of persons and vehicles, the lan or alley from the public road Fond sub- ject to the use of an extension of such alley along the Reigle property and its use by the owners. of ihe Reigle property. Seized and taken into execution at L. Morton, Clara Morton and Wesley D. Morton, and will be sold by ~ JOHN MacLUSKIE,* Sheriff. G. J. CLARK, Attorney. Fer Cuts and Wounds Preventinfection! Treat every cut, wound or scratch with this power- ful non-poisonous anti- Jepsic. onite actually Is germs. Helps to bald t00. aravsg BOILS to a natural head BRAND SALVE e includes spat- Iso package ing e and tape CROBLEWSY 3.00. pean Pa. Lud 552 we wm BEAR 3 Pea ' AT DALLAS IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT T certain water | BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK E CLOSE BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 3 . DEAF eh es ; RESOURCES > oh Loans and discounts $243,935.96 Overdrafts United States Government securities owned Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned ... Banking house; furniture and fixtures Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash and due from banks ‘Outside checks and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. I reRSUrErIE ) ol en Ri A LE Se en ee moar TOTAL .. Capital stock paid in Surplus Undivided profits—net Reserves for dividends, contingencies, Circulating ‘notes outstanding Due to banks, including certified and cashiers’ checks outstanding Demand deposits Time deposits g Bills ‘payable and rediscounts 0, 000.00 4,709.50 etec., dividends .......... SURE, TOTAL State of Pennsylvania, County of Luzerne, ss: 3 I, W. B. Jeter, Cashier of the above-named bank, de solemnly swear | that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. B. JETER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn before me this Sth day of January, 1929. : J. H. ANDERSON," yi ‘Justice of the aby 3 My commission expires first Monday in January, 1932. Correct—Attest: : \ : 3 : C. A. FRANTZ, D. P. HONEYWELL, GEORGE R. WRIGHT, iy 7 Directors. 2% LEST YOU FORGET! g ® / We give three (3) days a week service. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Think over your cleaning and dyeing needs and bring them to any of the following stores: Dallas - Shavertown CHARLES GREGORY’S STORE cron H. S. VanCAMPEN’S STORE . ROBERT LEONARD'S STORE . Authorized Service Stations of re ... Trucksville BETTER CLEANERS & DYERS KINGSTON and PLYMOUTH M. J. JUDGE & COMPANY 244 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPED ‘By GENE BYRNES Phone 4840-R JUSTE AFTER HAVING MY SHOES HALF SOLED AND HEELED AND BELIEVE ME THEY FEEL COMFORTABLE | INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO N. ¥. TELEPHONES 2610 FREE DELIVERY LUZERNE PA. THE BEST EATS FOR - THE LEAST MONEY CHUCK ROAST HAMBURGH Ib
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