Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt of Chase, a son. d * * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson enter- tained on New Year's Mr. and Mrs. * William Johnson and family. * * * ’ Miss Louise Bertram has returned from Pottstown where she bridesmaid at the friend. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Learn of Chase Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Daniels, of Forty Fort; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bertram, and Mrs. Lewis Shaver. Mrs. Bertha Jenkins fell and sprained the ligaments of her right arm recently. * * * Maud and Howard Perrego, ¢hil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Perrego, have been seriously ill. * * * i Mrs. James Stem and daughter Jo- sephine spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver. * * * Last evening the Men’s and Wom- en’s Bible Classes met at the Chris- tian Church. An illustrated lecture, “The King of Kings,” was shown by Rev. C. H. Frick. * * ES The annual congregational meeting was held at the Christian Church on December 29. A covered dish lunch was served at 7. The following at- tended: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Major, Rev. C. H. Frick, Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Miss Elma Major, Josephine Stem, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elston, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. er, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs. Alfred Warmouth, Joan and Dale: Warmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moss, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Prutzman, Philip Prutz- man, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Culp, Elmer Major, Gerald Frantz, J. M. Culp and Robert Culp. ! After lunch the officers of the church and Sunday School were elected and reports given from the various organizations of the church which testified to the fine working Ger of poth church and Sunday School. | = The following otticers were elected ent, Harvey Moss; assistant super- intendent, Arthur Elston; secretary, Elmer Major; assistant secretary, Mrs. Harvey Moss; treasurer, Lewis Shaver. The average attendance for Sun- day School for year was seventy-four. The average offering was 12 cents per niember per Sunday, or a total of $8.71 per ‘Sunday. Total offering for year was $4,531.13. The following church officers were elected: Honorary elder, Peter Culp; deacons, Charles Elston, Elmer Major and Oscar Culp; deaconesses, Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Mrs. Lewis Culp and Mrs. Arthur Elston; church clerk, Miss Elma Major; treasurer, Arthur Elston; missionery treasurer, Mrs. Ralph Frantz; trustee, Herbert Ma- jor. ' Church report follows: penses, benevolence and ' building fund, $2,184.52; disbursed for benev- was | wedding of al entertained at a New Year's party | Total re-| ceived during year for current ex-! Miss Lottie Mahoney has returned to Brooklyn, N. Y., after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. ‘A. W. Mahoney. : | Eda Addison and Marie Woolbert visit- | ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-| ter Billings on New Year’s Day. | Mrs. Bruce Long and son, Harry, | Georgiana and Louise Roushey. Penn State — Charles G. Perkins. Syracuse University — Loretta Ol ver. is Westchester—Beryl Evans. * * * Weidner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kielty of Kingston were guests of Mrs. Daisy Harry and Mr. and Mrs. George | have returned home after spending a| Yeager on Sunday. Major, Mrs. Walter Covert, Mildred | Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. William Gras- | for the Sunday School: Superintend- | | { Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Major and Mr. family, on Sunday. | Mrs. William Rhodes. years ago improvements were made week with relatives in Bloomsburg. Miss Ruth Totten, a nurse at Gen- | eral Hospital, visited at the home of | and Mrs. Walter Billings and The monthly meeting of the Sun-. day School Board of the M. E. Church | was held last evening at the home of | There was an | election of officers. eit $5 Note The following have returned to the various schools and colleges after having spent the holidays at their respective homes: i Mansfiield—Guida Marrow, . Ruth Palmer, Catherine Rice and Betty Shultz. Bloomsburg — Margaret Anstett, a 1 ee In observance of an annual custom, twelve couples of Trucksville and vie- inity gathered in the Garden Room of Witch Kitch Inn at Dallas on Mon- | day evening to enter into festivities rand merriment and celebrate the ar- rival of the new year. ' The hall was prettily decorated. ner was Misses Marion Olver, Ruth Turn, Mary Bittenbender, Ruth Gardner, Ruth Williams, Marie Woolbert, Ruth Chapman, Edna Cease, Jean Turner, Dorothy Beisel, Mabel Mahoney, Chas. G. Perkins, George, Reynolds, Philip Reynolds, Donald Nleson, Kenneth Woolbert, Robert Streader, Samuel Reese, Daniel Richards, Bryce Sutliff, Charles Rapson, Clarence Adams, Wil- liam Evans and Willis Ransom. olence, $250; for current expenses and building fund, $1,911.65. Two amounting to $10,000. = The indebted- ness has been reduced to below the $3,000 mark. [X] 4 or IN A EEL OR FIVE borders. 18x36. "each. 50¢ The towels in this group are slightly soiled, other- wise they'd be 75c. Size 25x47. With orchid, pink, blue or yellow borders. reduced from $1.50 in the slight imperfections. ders. BATH TOWELS OH A a 25¢ Fluffy white towels with colored Regularly these towels are 29c¢ Martex Towels, 82 These are the famous Martex Towels that have been They have fancy colored bor- FOWLER, DICK and WALKER | The Boston Store WILKES-BARRE, PA. SALE! WEEK aC OR THREE FOR $1. Another group of soft absorbent tow- els that come in size 22x42. With gayly colored borders. Regularly 39c each. FOR $1. bath In size 69¢ Thrifty housewives will lose no time in buying a good supply of these heavy fluffy towels. With color- ed striped borders. sale because of their very og A chicken din- | served to the following: | DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1929 | property in Dallas Township for $1. Ti —_ i r———— Deeds Recorded i Fe Buptevilis yl TRUCRSVNILE |... ww = ship to Howard Judson of same] place, property in Ross Township for | $1.00. : | Howard Judson of Ross Township to Charles E. Callender of same place, property in Ross Township for $1.00. | William: H. Yeager, of Forty Fort| to Wilbert Benning of Wilkes-Barre, | property in Dallas Township for $1. | William H. Yeager, of Forty Fort, | to Sarah A. Robinson of Wilkes-Barre, | M. J. Mras, of Plymouth, to Jerome | McElligott, of same plate, property in| Ross Township for $1. | M. J. Mras, of Plymouth, to Thos. McElligott, of same place, property in Ross Township for $1. | 102 Legal Notice —i0— IN THE COURT OF COMMON | PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY, | No. 704, January Term, 1929. Notice | is hereby given that application will be made to the Court on Monday, Jan- | uary 28, 1929, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M.,| under the Corporation Act of 1874 of | the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, | and supplements thereto, for the char- | ter of an intended corporation, to be | called the “Sicilian Mutual Benefit So- | ciety,” the character and object of which is to promote the spirit of fra- ternity and to practice the principles of benevolence and charity by pro- viding a fund for sick and disabled members, and for this purpose to| have and possess and enjoy all the right, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supple- | ments. The proposed charter is now | on file in the Prothonotary’s Office of | Luzerne County. ROBERT L. COUGHLIN, Solicitor. 10: 9 Sheriff’s Sales —:0:— SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929, AT 10 A. M. —:01— By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa., No. 39, January Term, 1929, issued out of | the Court of Common Pleas of Luz-| erne County, to me directed, there | will ‘be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, | for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, | Court House, in the City of Wilkes- | Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylva- nia, on Saturday, the 12th day of Jan- | uary, 1929, at ten o’clock in the fore- | noon of the said day, all the right, | title and interest of the defendants in| and to the following described lot, piece sr parcel of land, viz: All that lot and piece of land at Fern Brook Park in Dallas Township, Luzerne County, Pa. on southerly side of public road beginning at a corner along said Yinger land south 24 de-| grees west three hundred thirty-three | feet to line of land now or late of| twenty-nine feet to a corner, and south 27 degrees 48 minutes east thir- ty-five and 7-10 feet to a corner o thence along said Reigle land north | drew fifteen feet to a corner, thence | along land of Seth G. Howell north all electric RMORED and shielded, precision built, the new Bosch all-electric is always full powered and ready to answer your radio desires. Plug into any light socket; tune with the single illuminated dial — the new Bosch is a lasting invest- ment in pleasure. The cabinet illustrated, including the Bosch receiver with itsseven amplifying tubes and® power rectifying tube and a Bosch Speaker, is priced at $197.50. We are also demonstrating other models of Bosch Radio — there is one for every purse and any home. Hear and see Bosch before you buy. PAUL B. SHAVER wx Bosch Radio Agency ; Phone Dallas 63 DALLAS, PA. degrees west fifty feet to a corner of | Stor¥, Wood, dwelling house and a gar- | ~= — land of Loretta G. Yinger, thence 28% together with certain water | rights appurtenant to the property | d to the right to use for passage | | of persons and vehicles, the lane or lley from the public road on and] long the Howell property and sub- | t to the use of an extension of such | alley along the Reigle property and ¢| its use by the owners of the Reigle | | an Warren B. Straw, thence along land |? of said Straw south 58 degrees west 2 land of Jacob J. Reigle and wife, property. Seized and taken into execution at| 24 degrees 5 minutes east two hun- (fe suit of L. Ella Searfoss vs. Clara | L. Morton, Clara Morton and Wesley | 74 1-2 degrees west about ten and D. Morton, and will be sold by 9-10 feet to a corner, and thence along land of Seth G. Howell north 24 de- of land of Seth O. Howell; thence |&YeeS east one hundred sixty feet to. alpng said public road north 74 1-2 the beginning, improved with a two-| G. J. CLARK, Attorney. JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. Prevent infection! Treat every cut, wound or | scratch with this powet- ful non-poisonous anti- septic. nite actually kills germs. Helps to heal, too. Tonite For Cuts and Wounds \ + IS YOUR HOME INSURED? G. HAROLD WAGNER, Agent HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Dallas, Penn’a. Sm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers