j Health 1 j " For 25 years I have never fi 1 missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla a every spring. It cieanseG my S blood, makes me feel strong, and fl f does me good in ever}' way."— E J John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. B Pure and rich blood j carries new life to every j part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. ! You feel anxious to be ? active.Youbecomestrong, | steady,courageous. That's j what Ayer's Sarsaparilla ] will do for you. 51-00 a bottle. All drtijjclßto. U Ask your doctor what h© thinks of Ayer's j H Oars.t jwirii'.a. Hi* knows fall about this prand J ■I old family medicine. Follow his advice and f| I We W ° ""j. C. AVER Co., Lowoll, Mass. | Capsicum Vaseline PL'T UP IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. ASutatitute for and Snpertor to Mustard orßnv other pi i-tt-r, ami will notYliater the most delicate skin. The j uin nllii.viiiir and curative qualities of this article are woniiortul. It will stop the tooth ache ut once and relieve headuche und sciatica. recommend It us the beat and enfant external couuter-irritan: known, also us an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach und nil rheu matic, neuralgic ">d a'outy ctuni lulnts. A triul will Prove what wo claim for it, and it will bo found to ph Invaluable in'lie household. Many pooplo Buy It is the U-st ot all your preparations." Price, !." cents, at all druurrist*, or other dealers, or by so.ulinjf this a i-.mnt to us in postage stamps we w ill wild \ ou a tubo by mail. No article should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. CtaDriglartctiiriiCo. 17 State Street, New York City. P. N. U. 12, 'O3. eaea- Book of tentitaonia a and K) tin vm' tre*tmnt Vrt-e. Dr. ■■ H. OfKtH'n sons. Box B. AtlanU. Go- j Psoriasis, Scailed Head, Milk Crust, Tetter, Ringworm, etc. Speedily, Permanently and Economically Cured, The agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin, as in eczema; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair, and crusting of the scalp, as in scailed head; the facial disfigurements, as in pimples and ringworm; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy have made them the standard skin cures, blood purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world. Complete Externa! and Men! Treatment Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing;, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cuti cura Resolvent to coo! and cleanse the blood.' This complete treatment affords instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning, and scaly humours of the skin, scalp and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all other remedies and the best physicians faij. As evidence of the wonderful curative properties of Cuticura Remedies and of their world wide sale, we quote from The HOD. Mr. Justice Fiicioro's Letter. " I desire to give my voluntary testimony to the beneficial effects of your Cuticura Remedies. I have suffered for some time from an excess of uric acid in the blood; and since the middle of last year, from a severe attack of Eczema, chiefly on the Sfcalp, face, ears and neck, and on one limb. I was for several months under professional treatment, but the remedies prescribed were of no avail, and I was gradually becoming worse, my face was dreadfully disfigured, and I lost nearly all my hair. At last, my wife prevailed upon me to'try the Cuticura Remedies, and I gave them a thorough trial with the most satisfactory results. The disease soon began to dissappear, and my hair commenced to grow again. A fresh growth of hair is covering my head, and my limb (although not yet quite cured) is gradually improving. My wife thinks so highly of your remedies that she has been purchasing them in order to make presents to other persons suffering from similar complaints, and, as President of the Bible Women's Society, lias told the Bible women to report if any case should come under her notice when a poor person is so afflicted, so that your remedies may, be resorted to." ROBERT ISAAC PIN NEMO RE,' (Judge of the Natal Supreme Court* Hetermaritzburjj, Natal, Oct. ag, 1901. CUTICURA REMEDIES aro sold throughout the civilized world. PRICES: Cuticura Resolv ent, 50c. por bottlo (in tlio form of Chocolate Coated Pills, 25c. per vial of CO); Cutlcuri* Olutinent, 50c. por box, and Cuticura Soap. 25c. per tablet. Send for the great work," Humours of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and llow to Curo Them," to pages, 300 Diseases, with Illustrations, Testimonials and Directions in all languages, including Japanese and Chinese. British Depot, 27-28 Charterhouse Sq., London, K.C. French Dey>ot,s Ruede InPaix, Paris. Australian Depot, R. Towns & Co., Sydney. POTJ ER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. Solo Pro prietors, Boston, U. 8. A. Exports of Swis3 Watches. The exports of watches from Switz erland amounted last year in value to 120,000,000 francs. Mother Grny'i Sweet Powders For Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's Homo in New York. Cure Fevcrishness, Bad Stomach, Teothing Disor ders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At nil druggists, 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Addross Alien S. Olmsted, Lo Boy, N. Y. The scissors sharpener knows all about the daily grind. Denfnens Cannot Be Cnred by local applications asthoy cannot roach the diseased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Doafuess is caused by an .inilamcd condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it i 3 entirely closed Deafness is tho result, and unless tho inflam mation ciui bo taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forevor. Nino cases out of ton tire caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous surface. We will givo Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that canuot be oured bv Hall's Catarrh Curo. Cir culars sent froc. F.J.CHENEY fc Co., Toledo, (A Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills ore tho best. Very often the hardest things to faeep •re promises. mm FAIL IN A DRY TIME THESKiNOf THE PISH NEVER FAILS t IN A WET TIME. Remember this whenyou buy Wet Weather Clothing and look for the name TOWtR on "the buttons. This sign and this name have stood for the BEST during sixty-seven .years of increasing sales, tf your dealer will net supply you write for free catalogue of black or yellow water proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and horse goods for all kinds of wet work. A. J. TOWER CO, THE tOWES -605T0N. MASS. U.S.A. SIGN I TOWER CANADIAN CO, TORONTO, CAN. I LIMITED, ''.f BPB®,, ■J^S ucce3sfu IJy^Prosecutes Clajms. (3 3yr*>lu civil war, 15iidjudjiuituij[chiiiuu.att.Y uluca CHINESE TRADE UNIONS. How the Guilds Govern the Cities of the Celestials. The handsomest buildings in China, excepting the gTeat temples, are the guild-halls. The Chinese are past mas ters in trade organizations. Every in dustry is a simple but effectively or ganized guild, and the guild-hails of some of the richer trades in Canton are superb. Even in the north it would be hard to find anything to sur pass the green-tiled, exclusively ornate middle gateway of one of the guild halls in Chel'oo. The guild idea is highly developed, too, even to the ex tent of profit sharing by employs. The beggars and thieves have the.r carefully governed guilds, as well as the carpenters and the silk dealers. A nonunion beggar will be driven out or quickly made away with. The beg ging business is handled with scien tific precision, the vagabonds making regular rounds, pounding tins, throw ing offal, and otherwise making life impossible for reluctant givers. A regular payment to the head of the guild secures Immunity. There is a considerable admission fee charged to candidates for membership in the beg gar guild. It is largely by means of the guild organizations that a Chinese city is governed. In Canton, for ex ample, each guild has Its own street and, of course, Its own elders. For the maintenance of the street, its cleanliness, the preservation of order in it, the heads of the guild are re sponsible. Accordingly, at night one finds gates locked at each end of the street, and passing down one of the great streets where trade succeeds trade, requires a continuous squeez ing through half-locked gates. Any crime committed in the street of the jade stone workers would be laid at their door, and they would have to produce the criminal or a substitute. Municipal orders would reach the guild members through their elders, with whom alone the government deals. Even the guild of thieves finds its plaoe in the Chinese civil system. The head thief occupies a semi-official posi tion in South China, at least, for though he may continue to steal him self, his punishment is remitted that ho may watch other thieves and be in a position to recover stolen property. Sleepy Railway Travelers. To sleep at any moment Is undoubt edly a sign of physical soundness and Philistine sanity, especially In the matter of the brain and its functions. A physician would have little anxiety about the general condition of a pa tient who could sleep at will on a railway journey. In these days of hurry and bustle there could be no more encouraging sight to the philos opher than a railway carriage at noonday full of sleepy passengers. ALL TIRED OUT. The weary, worn, nil-tired-out feel ings come to ev erybody who Lax WaJVTV tho kidneys. When n; ,\\ tho kklncys are /C/r/ 1 overworked they y ' (p i fail to perform tho / jf J9 duties nature hns J] provided for them /jf / to do. When tho /Jy kidneys fall danger ous diseases quick ly follow, urinary disorders, diabetes, H SBjWIy dropsy, rheum a- Bl BBHBf tism, Briglit's dis ease. lioan's Kidney Pills cure all kldnoy and bladder ills. Head the fol lowing case; Veteran jCshua Heller, of 700 South Walnut street, Urbana, 111., says: "In the fall of ISO!) after getting Donn's Kidney Pills at Cunningham Bros.' drug store in Champaign and taking a course of treatment I told the readers of the papers that they had relieved mo of kidney trouble, disposed of a lame back with paiu across my loins and be neath tile shoulder blades. During the Interval which-had elapsed I have had occasion to resort to Doan's Kidney Pills when I noticed warnings of at tack. On each and every occasion the results obtained were Just as satisfac tory as when the pills were first brought to my notice. I just as em phatically endorse tho preparation to day as I did over two years ago." A Fuee Tiual of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr Heller will bo mailed on application to any part of the United States. Medical advice free; strictly confidential. Address Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price CO cents per box. Benny on Com. Corn Is a very useful vegetable. If it were not for corn there would be no corn cakes with butter and molasses. Corn grows in largo fields, and you plow it with a horse. There was a man who had a corn field, and he had no horse, but he had a large and faith ful wife, who took care of It, accom panied by a trusty dog, while he wrote poetry for tho papers. We ought to be thankful if we have a good wife, which is much better than hanging around the saloons and wasting your time in idleness. Corn Is also useful to feed hogs with and can be made into eob pipes which will make you sick if you are not accustomed to it. Let us firmly resolve that we will re form and lead a better life. Gennine stamped CC C. Never sold In balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." LAMP THAT MAKES ITS OWN GAS. No wicks to burn, 110 chimneys; cheaper than ker osene: our ten* burner can be attuched to your ordi nary lamp. Burner and dlreciona lor inaklnif jraa couipoundHent prepaid lor 50 els. EASTERN OAs LIbUT CO.. 130 l ultou St.. IS. Y. The Grip Leaves Thousands in Its Path Weak, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks. pepsia and other ca- Vall malady and its tarrhal conditions vL ~, * I? "* after ejfccts resulting from the \vy\, * [UmU sKwv been the Grip, in tie entire* If* A/ \ \4\ ial k °{,^ e Materia Medica I \ £■" / fjl conlinent ' -v 0 \J| gulf OF MEXIC forjPrompt O (T 7 dent The Ilartman v&r ** Sanitarium. LIKE A DEMON grip has crossed our country, leaving behind scores of phys ical wrecks. Victims of catarrh of the head, catarrh of the throat, catarrh of the lungs, catarrh of the stomach, catarrh of the kidneys, ca tarrh the pelvic organs, are to be counted by hundreds of thousands. Grip is epidemic catarrh, and sows the seeds of chronic catarrh within the system. This is so true that few grip sufferers are able to make a complete recovery un til they have used Peruna. Never in the history of medicine has a remedy received such unqualified and uni versal eulogies as Peruna. A New York Alderman's Experience. Hon. Josoph A. Flinn, Alderman Fifth District, writes from 104 Christopher street. New York City, as follows: "Whon a pestilence overtakes our peo ple we take precaution as a nation to p c •erve the citizons against the dread dis ease. "La grippe has entered thousands of our homes this fall, and I noticed that the peo ple who used Peruna were quickly restored, while those who depended on doctors' pre scriptions spent weeks m recovering, leav ing them weak and emaciated. Tad a slight attack of la gripne and at o ucq took Peruaa, which drove tne dis ease out of my system in a* few days and The Sea at Great Depths. It has been until recently the prev alent Impression that at groat depths in the ocean no organic life could exist, for no light penetrates there and the pressure of waters Is very great. As a matter of fact, the pres sure Is so great that ordinary articles of wood are compressed for half their original size If lowered to a depth of 3,000 feet. If a human being were suddenly exposed to tho pressure of water at that dept he would bo com pressed to tho thinness of paper. A diver at tho depth of 10,000 feet would have weight upon him equal to several hundred of tho greatest and heaviest locomotives. ThtTe are depressions very much deeper, however, and sound ings have been made establishing depths of more than 22,000 feet near the Island of St. Thomas, In the Atlan tic, and of almost 27,000 feet near the Japanese coast. Great forests of sea weeds cover the bottom of the ocean and reach from the greatest depths to the surface. In these forests there is life more diversified than In tho primeval forests of the tropics. Spiders and worm-like animals of enormous size, infusoriao, crabs, sea urchins, shells, curstaceans, star-fish, turtles and millions of other living things of all kinds find their food In the equally varied plant life of the deep sea. Deep sea fish have been brought up In the deep sea drag net invented by Prince Albert of Monaco. A curious circum stance connected with deep sea fish Is that none of these have ever been brought up alive. Recent deep sea explorations reveal the fact that the ocean still contains Immeasurable treasures, which await development and utilization by human inventive ness. The most fertile acre of culti vated land Is a sterile desert com pared with one acre of the surface of the deep sea bottom. FITS permanently curod.No fits or nervous ness aftorllrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat NorveKest orer. ill trial bottleund t routiso free Dr. li.ll. KLINE, Ltd., ML Arch St., l'hlln., Pa. Few artists are too lazy to draw their salaries. Mre.Wiaslow's Soothing, Syrup for children teething,sottou the guuis, reduces inflaruma tlun,allays pain, euros wind colic. 25c. abottle You can't keep your friends and give them away too. I'iso'BCureistho best medlcino we ever usod for all affections of throat and lungs.—Wa. I). KNDBI.EY, Vanburen, lad., Feb. 10, 1000. If you would travel the road to suecess keep out of the rute. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to light and washing. Even a love match may flicker out be fore the winds of adversity. The trouble with Dos Angeles is that we want so many things, and we want them all at once—good telephone serv ice, more shade, clean streets, more paved streets, wires of all kinds under ground, bigger water mains, more schoolhouses, another sewer to tho sea, no third rail in the streets, a conven tion hall, a speer ordinance that is strictly enforced, fewer saloons, no bucket shops and no pool rooms, less oil on the streets, less dust and a few other things too numerous to cata logue. They will all como along in time, no doubt.—Times. , I • did not hinder me from pursuing my daily ■ work. "I should like to see our Board of Health i give it official recognition, and have it i used generally among our poor sick people • in Gieater New York." Joseph A. i Flinn. ) D. L. Wallace, a charter member of the t International Barbers' Union, writes from 15 Western avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.: "Following a severe attack of la grippe I seemed to be affected badly all over. 1 1 suffered with a severe backache, indigoa " tion and numerous ills, so I could neither eat nor sleep, and I thought I would give up my work, which I could not afford to do "One of my customers who wa3 greatly helped by Peruna advised me to try it, and 1 procured a bottle the same day. 1 used it faithfully and felt a marked im provement. During the next two months I took five bottles, and then felt splendid. Now my head is clear, my nerves steady, I enjoy food and rest well. Peruna has been *-orfch a dollar a dose to me."—D. L. Wallace. Mr. 0. 11. Perry, Atchison, Kan., writer: "Again, after repeated trials of your 1 medicines, Peruna and Manalin. I give - this as my expression of the womWrfulre -1 suits of your very valuable medicine in its Old Figgers. Representative Champ Clark has a new sobriquet for General Grosvenor which he has applied in debate before the House. "Out in Ohio," says Mr. Clark, "and even beyond the confines of that States my friend hears the sobriquet or 'Old Figgers.' Tho other day I happened to bo standing down in the hall by the postotßce. An old employe of tho House was talking to a tenderfoot. The General swept by in his majesty, tenderly fondling his prophet's beard, and the old employe said to the newcomer: 'There goes tho King Bee of arithmetic.'" Upon a Gold Basis. Slant has closed the mint at Bang kok to the free coinage of silver and has taken the initial steps to place her self upon a gold basis. The currency of Japan, British India, Burmah, Cey lon and Java Is already on a gold ba sis, and that of French Indo-China is likely soon to be. mlthe falio pian Tubes of Mrs. Hollinger was removed without a surgical operation. "I had an abscess in my side in the fallopian tube (the fallopian tube is a connection of the ovaries). I suffered untold misery and was BO weak I could scarcely get around. Idle sharp burning pains low down in my side wero terrible. My physi cian said thero was no help for mo unless 1 would go to tho hospital and be operated on. I thought before that I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound i which, fortunately, I did, and it has fbrade me a stout, healthy woman. My advice t all women who suffer with any kind of female trouble is to commence taking Lydia E. Pinktium's Vegetable Compound at once." MRS. IRA S. IIOLLINOER, StilVideo, Ollio.— SOOOO forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness cannot bo produced. It would seem by this state ment that women would save time and much sickness if they would get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and also write to Mrs. Pinkliam at Lynn, Mass., for special ad vice. It is free and always helps. No other person can give such helpful advice as Mrs. Pinkliam to women who arc sick. effects in my ease after repeated trials. "First, it cured me of chronic bronchi tis of fifteen years' standing by using two bottles of Peruna in January, 1894, and no return of it. "Af*cr 1 was cured of bronchitis I had la grippe every winter for several winters. Hut, through the use of Peruua, it got gradually weaker in its severity, until it dwindled down to a mere stupor for two or three days. Now the stupor doesj not trouble me any more." —O. II.; Perry. A Congressman's experience. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Perur.a Medicine Co., Coluinbus, Ohio. Gentlemen —"I am more than satisfied I with Peruna, and find it to be an excellent! remedy for the grin and catarrh. I have j used it in my family and they all join me i in recommending it as an excellent reme dy." Very respectfully, George H. White. If you do not receive prompt and satis-1 factory results from the use of Peruna write j at once to Dr. Ilartinan, giving a full! statement of your case, und he will be I pleased to give you his valuable advice i .gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The, i Hartman Sanitarium, 0. 11 *!- UNION MADE I I W.■ L. Uouglas rttakes and sella mora men'is Coedyear Weil (Hand- Sowod Process) c,\n*tss (ha*: any other manufacturer In the WVcltf. $25,000 REWARD XX will bo paid to anyone who £?'? la can disprovu this statement. Because W. L. Douglas is the largest manufacturer ho can buy cheaper and f fij) produce his shoes at a /y lower cost than other con- corns, which enables him to sell shoes for 83.50 and 1 S3.(HJ in every Tho Douglas secret pro cess of tanning tho bottom soles produceo abso lutely pure leather ; more flexible und will weav longer than any other tann age in the world. The sales have nv>ro than doubled the post foil years, which prove.* its ouperioiity. why niC give W. L. Douglas shoes atrial and eave money, .Notice I iicrciiMe /180'.'?Sa',(M: *?',<*:!, M8:t,21 lu lluiiiifMi \IOO2 Sales: $K,04,:540,0r A gain of •*>, 'iO,4r>4t.7 In Four Years. W. L. DCUCLAB $4.00 GILT EDCE LINE, Worth Sti.OO Compared with Other Makes. The best imported and American leathers, Heyl'l Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, I'id Kid, Coront Colt, and Nat ional Kangaroo. Fasz Color Egelets. Pruifinn • ll ° fronuino have W. 1.. DOUGLAB Well I lull • name and prico stamped on bottom. Shoes ly mail, 25c. extra, lllus. Catalog free. W. L. UOUULAB, UKOCKTON, U ASS j Salzer's SFEL.'Z—* gives Itlcli, frJlWVhat 1R Itt I FARKnkZaraE: nirSEED$\ £Sf SALZEK'S 3ZEDS IIEVER FAIt! Yf IsiC.OO for IOc B K li^,ail^'i, M 1, n-.M i; t i/^j of jOcT to Sal 'a t on,^; t UUrttS h VVHtHS ALL ELSsE ( FAILS."g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers