FREELAND TRIBUNE. XiUbllihii 1838. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY THI TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OrriCK: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by carriers to subscribers in Freeland at the rate of 12* cents a mouth, payable every two months, or $1.50 a year, payable In advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of town subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable in advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The date when the subscription expires is on the address label of each paper. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Enterod at the Postofflce at Freeland, Pa., as Second-Class Matter. Make all money orders, checks , etc., -payable to UU Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FRBILAND, PA., NOVEMBER 28,1902. J~ WHEN HE WAS YOUNG. Our gran'per says when he was younc The boys and girls behaved perlitely; They knew they had to hold the'r tongue And go to bed at seven nightly. They didn't whoop and stamp and shout. And people didn't need remind 'em When they came In or else went out To gently close the door behind 'em. Our gran'per says in his time boys To old folks alwus spoke respectful; They didn't have a mess of toys To scatter round and treat neglectful. They et their vituls 'thout a kick And thought they waa in luck to get They didn't mind the'r bread cut thick, And as for crusts, they alwus et 'em. Our gran'per says boys wiped the'r feet When he was young and tied the'r laces And kept theyselves all clean and neat And washed the'r necks as well as faces. They never snuck away to fish Or swim unless the'r parents let 'em, Because no decent boy would wish— Who had good folks—to plague or fret Our grnn'per says a lot of things About them kids when he was youthful. I guess they got to sprouting wings And flew away—if he is truthful. The ones here now ain't built that way; I know it's long afore I'm flying Or any others round here—say! Don't you believe our gran'per's lying? —Chicago News. j A Reason. Professor was instructing a class of schoolboys about the circulation of the blood. "Can you tell mo," said he, "why It Is that If I were to stand on my head there would be a rush of blood to my head and that there Is no rush of blood to my feet when I stand upon them?" For a moment there was silence, and then a boy answered, "It's because your feet are not empty, sir."—New York Times. For Flatlet. "Yes, ma'am," says the saleslady; "this Is the new game of plngponglet." "But it is so very little," objects the customer. "It looks like a toy." "It Is quite popular," declares the saleslady. "It Is a miniature of the other game and Is especially designed to be played in a flat."—Judge. IIIM l.ooliN Belle Him. "There's a vast difference between a man's looks and his real worth." "Yes?" "Yes; there's Blobbinson. He's worth $300,000, but no board of appraisers, judging by his looks, would value him at more than 20 cents."—Sau Francisco Bulletin. Wlio Known ? "Mamma," said little Elsie, "when people are ashamed they always get red in the face, don't they?" "I believe so, dear," was the reply. "Then," continued the little observer, "I wonder why Uncle George only gets ashamed in his nose?"—lndianapolis Sun. No, Not Yon. "Mamma, what was that fuzzy bun dle you took out of papa's vest pocket and threw in the fireplace Just now?" "That was an accumulation of house hold recipes your father cut out of the papers downtown and put away for my benefit. I have to clean them out of his pocket about once a month."— Chicago Tribune. A Faulty AppralNement, Mr. Sprlggins prides himself on un derstanding the value of money." "And that's where Mr. Sprlggins makes a mistake," said the liberal man. "He expects a dollar to buy two or three times as much as it has any right to and is continually being an noyed and disappointed."—Washington Star. Fatal to Hln Candidacy. "You have just as much right and theoretically just as good a chance as anybody else to be president," says the patriotic citizen to his neighbor. "I cannot agree.' with you," sighs the neighbor. "We have no children, and that fact alone would lose me the pho tographers' vote "—Judge. OASTOniA. Bean the J* Kind You Have Always Bought OASTOniA. Bear, the The Kind You Have Always Bought B Tft 9Lr Have You Tried Our | IV E\ M, j GB-Cent Knee Pants | WE ABE HEAVILY OIBSTOM! TIE GOODS MB SE SOLD! I (i lt This is the time of sacrifice, and you should wait and avail yourself of our big Clothing and Shoe Sale before buying your winter supplies. We bought more for this season than we can dis- p pose of by ordinary methods and at ordinary prices, so We adopt an extraordinary way of selling out our matchless stock. Our stores are filled with the largest and best assorted lines of goods we p ever had at one time. We looked forward to a prosperous season, but owing to conditions our stock did not move as rapidly as expected. It is impossible for us to return the goods to the p manufacturers, therefore we have decided to offer, without reservation, Our Entire Stock at Public Sale. II Goods Must Be Sold ! - - Prices Are No Object! | Now Is Your Chance and Don't Miss It! | — fr Overcoats and Suits Shoe Department I „ , We have positively the largest and finest as- For Meil and Boys Heady-Made Department sorted stock of Shoes in Freeland, and this great P line is included in the Overstock Sale. |! Men's Overcoats in blue and black, worth $5.00, Men's Suits worth $5.00, now 2.49. Listen to these prices : [{ now 2.68. Men's Suits worth SB.OO, now 3.98. For Men— Men's Overcoats in all shades, worth $6.00, Men's Wool Suits worth SIO.OO, now 5.48. The Daunt $1.75 Shoe, now 1.24. now 3.48 Men's Fine Suits worth $12.00, now 8.00. The Web $2.00 Shoe, now 1.48. r _ , . ~ ~ , , , , Extra Fine Custom-Made Suits worth $16.00, The Ray $2. so Shoe, now 1.08. Men s Overcoats in blue, black and oxford, ~ . 2 J ' ■> , . . now 10.00. Also the Famous 63.00 Douglas Shoe, which is c 4-5 Boys' Suits at all prices. the best shoe in the world for the price. f[ Men's Dress Overcoats in all lengths and makes, Children's Suits in two and three-piece Norfolk For Ladies— all colors, worth $12.00, now 8.28. Blouse, all makes, 98c to $5.00; every one of them The Gem $1.75 Shoe, now 1.25. rt Men's Fine Dress Overcoats made up in all the is a bargain. The Blake $2.00 Shoe, now 1.50. | leading styles, fully worth sl6 and 18, now $lO Children's Knee Pants, igc, 35c and 50c. The Lily $2.50 Shoe, now 2.00. L and 12. SPECIAL—We have had made up over 500 pairs Also the Famous $3.00 Queen Quality Shoe, I Boys' Overcoats ages 14 to 20 years in ail of Children's Knee Pants, lined all through; this which cannot be equalled, styles, at prices from's2.2s to 10.00, worth almost make we wiU carr y alwa y s in stock and , School Shoes—lf you need something in this [j double these figures. them to be the best wearing pants or. the market, line permit us to suggest to you a trial of our If Regular price, $1.00; overstock sale price, 63c. "Horse Shoe," which we warrant you will find the r best-wearing school shoe on the market, ror Lmlaretl Made-to-Order Department Misses, Boys and Children can be fitted with L In Children's Top Coats and Di : ess Shoes du ' ill S our Overstock Sale at lower [ t> t _. r ,1 . i„.,,„„. This department was never in the history of prices than elsewhere. ee ers urines a g store more complete than at the present time. The noted $1.50 Ajax Mining Shoe is going at f. best in town. We particularly call During our overstock sale every sample of our 1.25 while the sale lgsts, and other working shoes k your attention to Our-Own-Make magnificent line will he reduced from 15 to 20 per are similarly reduced. k Manly Coat for Children. This coat cent, thereby saving you from $3.00 to 5.00 on every All kinds of Rubbers and Felts, all reduced, we have had made up in just the suit or overcoat. Special Notice.—-Every pair of shoes in our U , , , , ~ , Our selection is without question the finest and store, with the exception of the Douglas and Queen [r same goo san syes as eg j ar g es j ; n t o wn, and you can choose from either the Quality, has been marked down during the Over men's dress overcoats—cut long, full web or the sample. stock Sale. t back and slash pockets, with a belt, A perfect fit and the best of trimmings guar- _ ~ „ •• ■ L ' also with and without pleats in back, anteed. Uetlts FurillshmgS U We have this coat in all shades and As we employ none but experienced workers, [[ at all prices. we can positively assure you that every garment We have an unusually fine stock of Hats, Caps, [f leaving this department is O. K. in every respect. Gents' Furnishings, Neckwear, etc., all of which jr We offer you a Child s black or blue Beaver or When you want a stylish, well-made Suit or we have included in the reduction, This is an op- l| Chinchilla Reefer for 90c; something better for Overcoat, leave your measure with us and we will portunity to equip yourself with these goods at way- p $1.25, 1.50 and $2.00, fully worth $2 to 4.00. do the rest. down prices. j —_ n Overstock Sale Is Now Going Oji and Will Continue for 30 Days. It Is the Greatest Bargain-opportunity I That Ever Came Your Way. Don't Delay, I But Come Now, Immediately, to | Refowich Frcclond \ fr HMWWMWiwMiaMW radara mi mm m ranai imi m m rei mra m <mi wrtSimm rmf~ j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers