FREELAJSTD TRIBUNE. VOL. XV. NO. 9. Every Man woman, boy or girl With Cash to pay when sale is made Can Buy their choice of the very Best Shoes on sale in Freelaud ' At Cost. STAR SHOE STORE, lIUGII MALLOY, I'KOP., Hon fro and Wnlmit PUrnnt.fl dott'or In Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Butter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty, EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. IS. W. Cor. Centre and Front Bts. % Freelaud. T. CAMPBELL, doalor In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Also PURE WINES D LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets. Freelaud. ________ Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freelaud. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tmck. Fresh Lard a Bpecialty, Centre Street, near Central Hotel. Wm. Wehrman, WA.tch;M^.K:EE Centre street, Freeland. REPAIRING OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Location This popular State Institution is*loeated in the midst of -the D duwuro Water Gap-Mt. Ptioouo Summer Resort Region, tho most healthful ami pietuivquo in the state, and one that is visited by thousands of tourists ariuually. Course* of Study In addition to the departments "f the regu lar Normal Course, we have special Depart ments of Music, Klocutiou, Art, Drawing and Water Color, and a full College Preparatory Department, You can save an entire year in your college preparatory work by coming here. Free Tuition Tuition Is absolutely free to those complying with the new state law. This gives a rare opportunity to those desiring a complete edu cation ami should be taken advantage of at 1 once, as this law may be repealed by the next , Legislature. Cost of Hoarding Boarding expenses are $3.50 per week, which includes fully furnished and carpeted room, ! heat, electric light and lauudry. The addi- j tioual expense is less with us ihun at most > any other schools. I in provfluients Among these nre a new Gymnasium, a fine | Electric Light. Plant, and a new Recitation Hall now being erected, which wilt contain fifteen large eml t'uliy euuipped recitation rooms. Itiudi lit.ion, all bei rooms will be re plastered ami lifted up and various other changes made in the dormitories for the lit rt her comfort and convenience ol the pupils of the school. New Catalogue Catalogue for 11102, gives full information as to tree tuition, expenses, courses of study, and other facts of interest and will be mailed with out charge to those desiring it. Fall Term opens September IWJ2. E. L. KEMP, A. M., Prin. FEDERATION TO APPEAL AGAIN National Peacemakers Will Renew Their Efforts. Now That the Miners Have Defined Their Position It It Said Another Effort for Arbitration Will Follow. Now that tho minors have defined their position, the Civic Federation, It Is said, will make another appeal to the coal operators to arbitrate. There Is confidence among the strik ers In the success of their movement, and while they expect tho operators to hold out until fall they are certain that In tho end tho questions in dispute will either he referred to arbitration or the operators will make general concessions and agrno to meet the union men and make contracts such as oxlst in the bituminous region. Tho national convention adjourned Saturday afternoon after unanimously adopting tho plan offered by President Mitchell for raising a fund to aid the striking miners. A few changes were made In Mit chell's plan by the special committee, but they relate only to tho method of assessment. A double system of collection was de cided upon. At the mines where tho chock system Is used the men will pay 10 per cent of their earnings. At the othor mines there will be a fiat assess ment of SI a man every week. All the money that Is paid Into the defense fund will bo devoted to the anthracite strike. The special committee also framed an address to tho American people Inviting help. It states that to continue tho an thracite strlko tho miners will need $1,000,000 a month besides what can bo raised within the union. Tho wisdom of dating tho assessments from July 16 provides at once a fund for tho mine workers, which It is oxpectod will be paid to them within two weeks. Meanwhile the locals to which tho money is to bo distributed are arranging committees for the work of finding who are in need and planning the methods of relief. The miners are also well pleased with tho plan of getting work in parts of the soft coal region, whore there Is room for men, and expect within a month, if the strike lasts that long, to have one-tbind of the present number who are idlo at work. The relief plan makes it possible for a man with a family to loavo his wife and children to tho care of tho local to which he belongs while he goes away and gets work. The district leaders arrived today and at once began the relief plans. Presi dent Mitchell is oxpectod tomorrow. Won't Let the Dead Rest. Ghouls on Friday night tnado an un successful attempt to blow out with dy namite the body of Ralph White, a suicide, burled In Sweet Valley cemo tery, near Shlckshinny. Tho explosive toro away a part of the comont en closure, but left tho coffin and body in tact. Fearing to make another attempt, the miscreants fled. Since the county court docided that the body should remain in tho cemetery, despite tho protests of a number of people, who have friends and relatives interred, there havo been several at tempts to remove the body by night. On one occasion the body was dug up and cast into a nearby pond, only to be recovered the next day and reburied in the old grave by Whito's relatives. For several weeks after this occur poofl looking horeonnd poor look- Eureka Harness Oil not only make* tho Imrnwi and the I M horno look Ixdter. but makes the I leather uoft and pliable, puts It In con- (llm ' "i* ' 0a * jUL ! STANDARD MBit your I Horse a Chancet MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. FOIt SA LK. Fine plot of ground, 50x150 feet., with two single residences, stable, outbuildings, "tc.; will sell sll or part. Apply to William Higgius, Freelaud, FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, JULY 21, 1902. rence guards wero stationed at the gravo nightly to prevent a second removal. Hut some time ago the relatives, believ- I log the foud had ended, withdrew the sentinels. I The ghouls, taking advantage of this lapse of watchfulness, again doscendod . upon the cemetery to finish their plot. L Arrests will likely bo made. Died From His Injuries. Timothy Il&lpin, whose Injuries wore noted in Friday's issue, died that day in a Pittsburg hospital, having lived t only sixteen hours after the accident. - His father, James Hatpin, arrived at the hospital a few hours before his death. The remains were brought to his parents I home at Jeddo on Saturday morning and < the funeral took place at 8.30 a. m. , today. The cortege was one of the largest that has left Jeddo for some tline. The deceased was a member of Dlvl j slon 10, A. O. 11., of town, and Jeddo t, Progressive Club, and the members of I both organizations, also the members of , Division 6, A. O. 11., attended in a body. < At St. Ann's church a requiem mass was I read by Father Fleming, after which . the interment was made at St. Ann's cemetery. The young man would have I been 20 years of ago had ho lived until r October next. t, Mr. llalpin was employed as a black , smith in a Pittsburg shop and met with the accident wnich caused his death by the falling of a now crane, which was receiving its first trial. Those who r rigged up the massive machine failed to place an end-block thereon and when the workmen wont to use the crane part of it swung down, striking Ilalpln and throwing him against the handle of a sledge which stood upright on the floor. The sledge-handle entered his left side several inches and broke off, inflicting Injuries which made it impossible for , him to recover. Arrested for Trespass. - John Karbonovich, of Adams street, was arrested this morning by tlio special ' policemen of Coxe Pros. & Co. and taken to Ilazleton, whore a hearing was given him by Alderman Qeidenrich. He was charged with trespass, in taking a wheelbarrow of coal from a cavein on the company's property. The alderman fined him 81.50 and 83.50 costs. Hall was offered by Frank Corrazzo, who was at Ilazleton, but as ' trespass is not a bailable offense the se curity was refused. The officers were about to take him to Wilkesbarre jail when James E. Griffith appeared and paid the bill. Karbonovich Is a property owner and his friends are indignant at the attempt made to illegally send him to prison. Death of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Rose Johnson died yesterday morning at her home in Allegheny City from typhoid pneumonia. The remains will arrive hero tomorrow morning and will be taken to the homo of Mrs. Daniel Honner, South Centre street, from which place the funeral will bo held on Wednesday. Interment will be made at St. Ann's cemetery. Mrs. Johnson was for many years a resident of Freeland,and was tho widow of tho late Charles A. Johnson. Her friends hero wero numorons and regret to learn of her death. Her daughter, Annie, died a year ago. The deceased is survived by four sons and two daugh ters, one of whom, William, is danger ously ill in a Pittsburg hospital. Believed to Be Insane. From the Wilkesbarre Record. A man believed to be insane, who gave the natno of Edward Nutz, was arrested at the Lehigh Valley station on Saturday evening by Special Officer Sauorwlno. Tho man said his homo was In Freeland. He said ho was on his way to Washington attd was going to raise a llag there in memory of Gen eral Grant. Tho man's people were communicated with and it is expected that they will arrive here today. Consternation was created In tho con gregation of St. Peter's Episcopal church, Ilazleton, yesterday, when J. C. Ilaydon resigned from tho vestry and as a member of the parish. Mr. Haydon has advanced as his reason for his re signation that tho rector, Rev. W. W. Taylor, Is not a good churchman bo cause ho abbreviated tho services of the prayorbook. Tho Philadelphia and Reading Com pany, which has a direct telegraph lino between Its thirty-seven collieries and its main offices in the Schuylkill region, is about to abandon tho telegraph sys tem and introduce the telephone. Feliz Zuras, 12 years old, tho Kingston boy who was caught stealing brass journals from D. L. A W. cars, was on Saturday sent by Judge Wheaton to the Huntingdon Reformatory. The boy will be taught a trade. CITIZENS' ALLIANCE. Alms ami Objects of tlie Order An nounced and Rewards OHe red. The Citizens' Alliance of Ilazleton and Vicinity, tho secret organization recently formed, has Issued a proclama tion announcing its aims and objects. Tho following aro the principal para graphs of the proclamation, which is signed by Edward Turnbach, of Ilazle ton, who Is styled leader of tho society: "In order that tho Citizens' Alliance of Hazleton and Vicinity might not bo prejudged and that Its objects might bo understood by all, It Is deemed ad visable to present this statement to tho public. Its membership Is com posed of citizens of Ilazleton and vi cinity, who believe in the maintenance of law and order and who havo at hand tho welfare of our whole community. It Is not a partisan of any company, corporation, faction, creed, class, na tionality or clan. It is simply an asso ciation of citizens against lawlessness, riots, conspiracy, denial of constitution al rights, against unnecessary and fre quent strikes and strife and above all, unalterably and forever against those un-American weapons, intimidation, violent persuasion and the boycott. "Any lawabldlng citizen willing to up hold those principles, and to assist 'to promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves' and to our follow citizens, is eligible to mem bership; and every man who has tho manhood to stand up and fearlessly assert his rights Is herewith invited to join this Alliance, which will be a per manent organization for all time to coino. "The Alliance declares its exalted re spect for honost labor and Is friendly to labor unions, because it believes when they aro conducted In tho spirit of American liberty and personal free dom, and wisely guided, they inay be of great benefit to tho wage earner and to capital. The Alliance recognizes that there are generally black sheep on both sides of labor controvorsies and it pledges Its members to use evory en deavor to keep such in the straight path of duty to American citizenship and laws. "The Citizens' Alliance of Ilazleton and Vicinity, representing tho banded strength of thousands of our public spirited citizens, is determined, and hereby serves notice: "That assaults on law and ordor must coaso. "That property rights In Hazleton and vicinity must bo protectod. "That the Individual liberty of our citizens to work for or hire whom they please, at wages mutually agreeable, must not bo menaced by secret decree of any union nor suspended by any process of terrorism. "That hanging In effigy, the digging of mock graves and overy othor form of violence, throat and libel must cease. "That tho free and unhampered use of highways, which aro public property, must be accorded to everybody not withstanding a strlko Is In progress. "That the boycott Is unlawful, be cause It Is a conspiracy, and tho means chosen aro characterized by throats, Intimidation, force, molestation, Im proper iuterforenco and compulsion. Therefore such conspiracy or boycotts must cease because they are un-Ameri can, and coerce tho victims, through fear of resulting injuries or loss of busi ness to submit to dictation iu thu man agement of their own affairs. "Therefore, to bring about the condi tions desired by all law abiding citizens and to accomplish tho ends set forth in tho foregoing address, the Citizens' Alli ance of Llazlotou and Vicinity offers the rewards hereto appended. REWARDS OFFERED. "For Information that will lead to the arrest and conviction In tho court of quarter sessions or tho court of oyer and terminer of Luzerne, Carbon or Schuylkill county, of any person or per sons guilty of the following offenses, to wit: "1. For murder; dynamiting with the intention of injuring persons or de stroying property; and arson, SSOO. "2. For conspiring to boycott any person, firm or corporation in Hazleton and vicinity, $250. "3. For obstructing the streets or highways, or criminally interfering in any way with any one going to or from work, $25. "4. For assaulting any law abiding citizen while at work, going to or re turning from his work, or while ho may bo acting entirely within his rights at homo or abroad, or fur assaulting any sympathizer with such a working man or woman, $25. "5. For throwing stones or other missiles at any public conveyance, $25." BIRTHS. McNeils.—To Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNeils, Drifton, a son. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. John Kllshants and John Batls, of Upper Lehigh, were arrested on Friday by Coustables Zlegler and Woodrlng, of Hazioton, and taken beforo Alderman Heldenrich. They woro released after SSOO ball for each was furnished by At torney D. J. McCarthy. The accused are charged by John Hodgson with stopping him from going to work at Drifton shops. William Lawlor, who recently grad uated from Holy Cross college, has accepted a position in tho business de partment of tho Philadelphia North American. Mr. Lawlor was business manager of tho college paper for two years and is well equipped for his now position. He will begin work iu Sep tember. A very heavy storm passed over But ler valley Saturday evening. The trees In several orchards were uprooted, barns unroofed, sheds and outhouses demol ished and crops destroyed. Tho storm cut a swath fifty foot wide, but for tunately no dwellings wore In Its path. Tho delegates to tho United Mine Workers' convention at Indianapolis re turned home this morning. They report that the convention's sentiment was to win to anthracite minors' strlko and that the soft coal men will contri bute liberally to tho relief fund. Tho registrations for Schuylkill Demo cratic county nominations havo closed. There aro a total of sixty-two candidates registered, which, with tho iifty-threo Republican candidates, makes a total of 115 aspirants for tho twenty offices to bo disposed of. A. Oswald has the agency for tho celo bratod Elysian's extracts and perfumery, The finest good made. Try them. An outing by tho congregation of tho Presbyterian church at tho campfiro grounds Friday was onjoyod by all who attended. Meals wero served and all kinds of games woro indulged In. Tho Good Wills Mandolin and Guitar Club, composed of twelve mouibers, will go into cauip at Ice Lake today and spend a week enjoying life in tho woods. Andrew Matti. vice president of Dis trict?, U. M. W., addressed a largo meet ing of mine workers at Eckley yester day afternoon. Robert P. Mellon and Thomas Quig ley. of Pittsburg, accompalned the romalns of tho late Timothy Ilalpln from that city to Jeddo 011 Saturday. Mrs. Dominic Kelly on Saturday joined hor husband, who has secured employment In Philadelphia. Ice cream—all flavors—at Morkt's. William McFaddcn, a member of Philadelphia police force, Is spondlng his vacation with Froeland friends. Mrs. Sweeney and daughtor, Miss Cecilia, of Summit 11111, visited tho Burko family this wook. The members of St. John's Reformed Sunday school spent Saturday in Butler valley. Miss Mary A. Brennan, of Philadel phia, Is visiting relatives and friends In town. BASE BALL The Chesters, of Drifton, defeated tho strong Pioneers, of Ilazleton, yesterday by a score of Bto 5. Only four hits wero made uIT Carr, of Froeland Good Wills, who did the twirling for Drifton. Tho Pioneers dofeatod tho Chesters 011 Satur day at Ilazleton by a score of 11 to 8. In an old-fashioned game at the camp fire grounds tho features woro tho play ing of John Shlgo, Stovo Hudock and Andrew Znlanock. Tho former slid to bases In old-time form. The Union Heroes, of Drifton, aro now after any team In this region of boys under 15 years of ago. Address Denis North, manager. Tho Crescents wore defeated yester day by tho Balakiava club in a game at the Tigers park. The score was 7to 1. Tho Shamrocks, of Drifton, met do feat by tho Y. M. C. A. on Saturday by a score of 5 to 4. The Castouts, of town, wont to White Haven on Saturday and won by a score of 10 to 7. Tho Union Horoos piay tho Freeland Juwbus at tho park this afternoon. TRX-WEEKLY JUDGE CLANCY Of Hornellsville, N. Y., Hands Down An Important Decision. In the case of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy against Mood and Liver trouble, Judge H. Clancy of Horn ellsville, N. Y., and ono of the most prom inent members of the bar in that historic town, decided recoutly that as against Mood and Liver trouble, Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy was worthy of the higest praise. lie says: "I have used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and strongly ro comrnond it for its good efTecr in my case for liver troubles and blood dis order. It built mo right up and 1 improved greatly in health." Geo. 11. Trifftofß7B River street, Troy, N. Y., suffered from liver trouble and his blood was all out of order and after us ing 'Favorite Remedy,' has this to say: "For any one suffering from that run down or tired out feeling, caused by blood or liver trouble, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite is the best modi cine you can buy. I have used it and I know." The ono sure cure for disease of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheu matism, dyspepsia and chronic constipa tion, is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It has cured in many casos whore all else has failed. It matters not how sick you are, how long you have suffered, or how many physicians have failed to help you, Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Remedy will cure you if a cure is possiblo. All druggists sell Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy in the New 50 Cent Size and the regular 61.00 size bottles. Sample bottle—enough for trial, free by mail. Dr. L>. Kennedy Corporation,ttondout,N.Y. Dr. David Kennedy's Golden Flusters strengthen Muscles, remove puin anywhere. 15c each. ORION STBOH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW mid NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Room, 1 and 2, Blrkbock Brick, Frecland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. I'ostofflco Building, . Freoland. Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building. So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campboll Building, ... Freeland Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite 1 ostottice; Tuesdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. MoBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, Flro Ha*urunce, and Conveyancing given prompt MoMonamin Building. South Centre Stroot. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIUKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, . Blrkbeok Brick S. E. HAYES, ~ FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Stroot. None but reliable compunlcs represented. Also agent for tho celebrated high-grade 1 ianos ot Hazel ton Dros., New York city. S. 8. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Coatre Street. Bell Telephone. Second Floor Front, . Kofewlok Building. >pUOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported W k oy " n sale. Fresh hoc lies tor and Shen andoah I teer and Youngling's Porter 011 tap. OH ftontrp LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKM B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Dread of All Kinds. Cakes, and Fns try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Daked to Order. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM ' supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. DePIERRO - BROS. OYYULEL Uorner of Centre nod Front Street.. Gibson, Dougherty, Hauler Club, Kosonbluth's Velvet, of which wo hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IS TOWS. * Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne Honnessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarota, Cordials, Etc. Dam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL HOUKS
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