FREELAND TRIBUNE. Established 1888. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by carriers to subscribers iu Prceluud at the rate of Icents a month, payable every two months, or $1.50 a year, payable In advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of irregular or tardj' delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of town subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable In advance; pro Uta terms for shorter periods. The date when the subscription expires is ou the address label of each paper. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Entered at the Postollice at Freelaud, Pa., as Second-Class Matter. Make all money orders, checks , etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., MARCH 28, 1902. FACTS IN FEW LINES The boring of the Simplon tunnel Is half done. One thousand live hundred and thir teen novels were published in England last year. Florida produced last year but 000 tons of phosphate against nearly 1,000,- 000 in 1800. The Monte Carlo Casino made $4,.500,- 000 last year, of which $2,500,000 was clear protlt. Japan's foreign trade lias In thirty years increased from less than a dollar to nearly $7 per capita per annum. A small grass seed which had germi nated while in a patient's eye lias Just been removed by a Japanese oculist. A special commission lias been ap pointed lu France to codify the laws concerning working class legislation. Five gold beds have been discovered in the western states of America by means of an electrical "divining rod." The Paris-Vienna automobile race, under auspices similar to those of the Purls-Berlin race of 1901, will be held in July. Realty sales in the city of London during 11)01 were £5,553,008, comparing with £4,934,709 iu 1900 and £0,290,314 in 1899. In memory of the late Miss Kate Oreenaway it is proposed to endow a cot in one of the children's hospitals in London. Copper money in France is to be gradually replaced this year by alu minium bronze pennies of a pale yel low color. According to ofliclal central market statistics recently issued, 800 tons of j snails were sold iu Paris during the year 1901. Thirty million stamps bearing King Edward's portrait were placed on sale ill the postofflces throughout England on New Year's day. Belgium has a place where alcoholic drinks are sold for every 3(1 persons. Prussia one for 180, Austria for 220, Russia for 991 and Norway for 52,000. A country laborer of Brescia while cleaning an eel discovered in its stom ach a large black pearl, which has been purchased by a Milan jeweler for $7,- 500. Prizes amounting to SIOO,OOO, It is said, will be offered In the grand inter national airship race which the Purls Aero club is organizing for next sum mcr. . Twenty years ago a few foreigners lmd ventured the risk of life incident to a landing in Korea, hut today its capital has an American street railway plant. Husbands lu Luneburg, Prussia, must be home at 11 o'clock at night or pay a flue of about $2.50, half of which goes to the complainant, who is usual ly the wife. Since the establishment of the gam ing tables land on the Riviera fifty miles from Monaco which was former ly only worth $25 an acre has been sold for SIO,OOO an acre. The pope Is stated to have refused ; the application for permission to settle In Rome which was made by several of the religious congregations expelled from France under the new law. Quails are becoming so scarce In Eu rope that France and Germany have joined In prohibiting the killing of the birds and even the transport of dead quails across their respective territo ries. Dr. Warre, head master of Eton, pro poses to build a classic ship, probably on the model of a Roman or Grecian trireme, and to moor it in the Thames epposite the houses of parliament dur ing coronation week. King Leopold of Belgium has been consulted as to the construction of a road from Ostein! to the French fron tier to bo reserved exclusively for mo tor car racing. Efforts are to be made In France to have the road continued to Paris. M. llamard, the French sculptor, has just completed in Paris the model of a statue of Marshal Rochambeau to he presented to the city of Washington as n companion statue of Lafayette. It will be ready to send to the United Ftatcs in April. The Bengal chamber of commerce is protesting against tlw proposed Aus tralian prohibition of colored labor on mall steamers on the ground that the Interests of the Indian companies and of 70,000 Indian seamen and firemen are thereby gravely Imperiled. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the dedication of St. Luke's Lutheran church will be celebrated by the congregation next month. The anniversary date is April 22, and the celebration will cover a period of fourdays, beginning on April 20. Several prominent clergymen will attend. Thomas Cuinerford, aged 55 years, died yesterday at Hazle Brook from In juries sustained In the mines recently. He is survived by a family of three sons and three daughters. The funeral will take place on Monday. Interment at Hazleton. The following is the number of school children returned to the commissioners by the assessors of the municipalities of this vicinity: Freeland, 1,569; Foster, 1,680; Butler, 473; Hazle, 3,888; Ha/.le ton, 3.055; Jeddo, 01; White Haven, 300. Flremau Con Welsh, who was reported in Wednesday's Issue as having been scalded by the bursting of a steam-pipe at the electric light plant, received his burns while fixing the boiler-fires, and not in the manner originally statad. Good Friday was observed this morn ing with special services in many of the ehurches of town. The schools and bank are closed and the postoffice is ob serving the usual holiday hours. A. Oswald has the agency for the cele brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Try them. The Il&zleton Standard this morning announces that the Lehigh Traction Company and the Anthracite Tolephone Company are considering the question of vacating this town. Josephine Branz, aged 2 weeks, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Branz, South street, died last aveuing and was buried at St. Ann's cemetery this afternoon. The newly-elected officers of Mt. Horob Lodge, I. O. (). F., will be install ed on Thursday evening by District Deputy John W. Scott, of Ilazleton. P. C. Smith and Miss Mary Schell, both of Jeddo. were married last even ing by Rev. J. B. Kerschner, pastor of St. John's Reformed church. Roger J. Dover, a law student at Carlisle, has arrived in towu and will spend his Easter vacation at his home here. Walter Hawkins and Miss Sadie Ver million, both of Upper Lehigh, were married yesterday by Itev. J. W. Bia choff. Prof. C. M. Crawford, principal of the M. A M. Institute, has gone to Balti more to spend Easter with his parents. Ice creaui at Merkt's. Hugh Malloy, of town, has been ap pointed state game warden for north eastern Pennsylvania. Ilev. J. W. BischolT will conduct the Y. M. C. A. meeting, beginning at 3.45 p. iu., next Sunday. The annual ball of St. Ann's band will be held on Monday evening at Krell's hall. Miss Clare McDonald, of St. Cecilia's academy, Scrauton, is visiting her par ents here. A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Slattery, South Centre streat. A horse in the livery stable of John Fisher died from colic yesterday. School Board Meeting. A special meeting of the borough school board was held Weduesday even ing with Directors 8011, Brogan, Buck ley, Isaac, Kelly. McCola and Timony present. The committee appointed at a recent meeting to negotiate a loan of $2,000 reported that the solicitor had informed them it would be illegal to do so. A petition asking the board to con tinue the term for nine months, and offering to wait for their pay without interest, was received. The petition contained the names of seventeeu of the twenty teachers. The finance committee was instructed to prepare a statement showing the a;- proximate financial condition of the district up to April 1 and report at, the regular meeting next Wednesday even ing. CASTOniA. Bears the J* The Kind You Have Always Bought OASTORIA. Bears the J) 11,8 Kind You Have Always Bought OASTOniA. Beers the /) llie Kind You Have Always Bought ""7" ROUND THE REGION, | : Concessions from the Scranton Rail- 1 way Company have been secured by a committee of Scranton citizens which will probably effect a settlement of the ' six months strike. The company re cently announced an advance in wages. The citizens' committee induced the company to agree to take back all the strikers within sixty days. The Central Labor Union favors settlement on tbesc terms, A letter received by relatives at Mauch Chunk announces that President Roosevelt has decided to promote to major by brevet, Captain W. H. Wii helm, now dead. He served in thu Twenty-first United States infantry and died the Philippines. While responding to a fire alarm at, Wiikesbarre the horses of Engine No. 1 became unmanageable and dashed through the window of a jewelry store on Public Square. The horses were badly injured aud much damage was done in the store. Fresh fish every day during Lent at Hartman's market, next to Central hotel. Lackawanna County Controller E. A. Joues has held up bills amountiug to $20,000 incurred in serving subpoenas iu the LangstafT-Kelly election contest. He says they will have to be cut down to SO,OOO or $7,000 before he will sign them. John J. Burke, a former editor of the Nanticoke News, died yesterday at Leech burg, Armstrong county. The re mains will be sent to Nanticoke for in terment. Mrs. Rebecca Stroh, aged 71 years, died at Mauch Chunk on Wednesday. She was the auut of Hon. W. R. Stroh. who was buried that day. The Ayoca Silk Mill Company has given the 300 girls employed in the mill au increase of 5 per cent in wages. GRAND OPERA 110 USE. Freelancl Opera House Co., Lessees. Tuesday Evening, April 1. Six Years Consecutive Success: The Thrilling Sensational Melo-Drama The Span Of Life Presented with AN ENTIRE NEW EQUIPMENT OF BEAUTIFUL SCENERY. The World's Most Famous Acrobats The Donazettas FORMING The Human Bridge Thirty Feet above the Stuge, over which Three People Run to Safety. Don't Miss Suenc You see the bridge made. You see the escupe over it. Prices: 25, 35, 50 and 75c, Seats on sale at McMenatnin's store. ©Vekfe© ©MBafe® TJTTTLK BABIES DlE, either from bowel troubles or from diseases which they contract because they are iu a weak and feeble condition from bowel troubles. T ,eclll !!l5 the ideal nnd proper medicine tn (rive their little ones for remedy' diarrheas, colic and simple fevers will lind LAXAKOLA the great family It is the best and mrwl elTective laxative for children, BEST liecause It Is snfe and made entirely of harmless ingredients. BEST because it is non-irritating and never gripes or causes pain or irritation. BEST because it is sure and never fails BEST because Children like it and ask /or it." danger°us thhig to give little babies violent remedies that rack and rend their little bodies. DON'T 1)0 IT-glve them I.AXAKOLA. P'l' en \ vilh ' a,ol >' to Tcr >' young babies, and will often relieve colic_ by expelling the wind and gas that cause it, and it also will check simple fevers break up colds and clear the coated tongue. l e ers ' dlaiShma administered to young children suffering from n ntmll.s 7i?e i'," i:, wi th white or green evacuations, from the fact that LAXAKOLA neutralises t u acidity of the hmvels and carries out the cause of fermentation aids nature and induces sleep. LAXAKOLA gemi*r%?rhe!£jr™'*" ' '""l 1 "'"" l "" 11 ' 1 " f Ihr FOB WOMEN. ;l ulrv ? . ,hr drculillin. r em „v„ lalhiwne -*'7l! '"fu- , Ca W* women surteHnff from chronic constipation, headaches, biliousness dlz/ines-. a. ? f i lhe skin an(l . 'b'spepsia, Laxakola will invariably bring relief and a speedy cure ' 3 5 6 'snrcT. Chk. '"" """" e ™ E LAXAKuLA C 0" ' HM, N. Y„ or IJUDGE CLANCY Of Hornellsville, N. Y., Hands Down An Important Decision. In the case of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy against Blood and Liver trouble, Judge James 11. Clancy of Horn ellsville, N. Y., and one of the most prom inent members of the bar in that historic town, decided recently that as against Blood and Liver trouble, Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy was worthy of the highest praise. He says: "I have used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and strongly re commend it for its good effect iu my case for liver trouble and blood dis order. It built me right up and 1 improved greatly in health." Geo. 11. Tifft of 878 River street, Troy, N. Y., suffered from liver trouble and his blood was all out of order and after using •Favorite Remedy,' has this to say: "For any one suffering from that run down or tired out feeling, caused by blood or liver trouble, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is the best medicine you can buy. 1 have used it and I know." The one sure cure for diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheu matism, dyspepsia aud chronic constipa tion, is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It has cured in many cases where all else has failed. It matters not how sick you are, how long you have suffered, or how many physicians have failed to help you, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will cure you if a cure is possible. It is for sale by all druggists at SI.OO a bottle, or 0 bottles for $5.00 —less than a cent a dose. Sample bottle—enough for trial, free /<// mail. Dr. I). Kennedy Corporation,Komlout.N. V. Dr. David Kennedy's Golden Plasters strengthen Muscles, remove pain anywhere. 15c each. One Night Only, Monday, March 31. The Fratikie Stock Co. DuSOUCHET'S I'AKCE COMUDV, "M y Friend From India'' WITH Songs, Dances and Moving Pictures. Popular Prices: 10c, 20c and 30c. Seats on sale at McMenatnin's store. I Always Dp-to-Date! I a) That is the motto we have es- || a tablished and try to live up to. pjj That is why you find us with as] b large and complete assortment s p of the g I Latest Sprim Goods. 1 H The season's changes are re- a] || fleeted in the character of the 5 aj stock we carry, and with the first y b breath of spring we bring them 5 bj to your notice. We ask you to kjj || call and inspect our S 1 1902 Makes of Men's Hats, | i Latest Fashion Neckwear, I I Spring Shoes for Ladies | 1 and Gents, 1 1 1902 Patterns in Shirts,! M Special Spring Underwear.! [H McMBNAHIN'S I [b Gents' Furnishing, [a [S Hat and Shoe Store. fS [§l ffl || South Centre Street. jcy /- C WILI BUY 4 .ASKTHE^^WHE^E wKG a< SONs: • VThe Cure that Cures / p Coughs, & \ Colds, J rp Grippe, k , Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1 Bronchitis and Incipient /[ CConsumption, Is K rollosl P a The GERMAN remedy* £ k~ Cures \Smtrtfc at\A &\staaes. J Wilkes-Barre Record Is the Best Paper in Northeastern Pennsylvania It contains Complete Local, Tele graphic and (ieneral News. Prints only the News that's fit to Print .50 Cents a Month, ADDRESS. $6 a Year by Mail The Record, Carriers WILKES-BASnC, p. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Koohestor and Shen andoah Beer and ViMinjrlfncrV Porter on tup 98 Centre street RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. June 2, 1901. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FKBELAND. 6 12 a m for Weutherly, Mauch Chunk Allentown. Bethlehem, Huston, Phila delphia ami New York. 7 34 a m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre. Pittston and Scranton. 8 15 a in for Ha/.letou, Weutherly, Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston. Philadelphia, New York, Delano and Pottsville. 9 30 n in for Hazleton, Delano, Mnhunny City, Shenandoah and Mt. Curmel. 1 1 42 a m for Weutherly, Mauch Chunk, Al lentown, itrthlehein, Kaston, Phila delphia, New York, Ilazlcton, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Mt. Carmel. 1 1 .51 a in for White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and the West. 4 44 p in for Weutherly. Mauch Chunk, Al lentown, Jtethleheui. Huston, Philadel phia. New York, Ilazleton, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah. Mt. Carmel and Pottsvilie. 6 35 P n for Sandy ltun. White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scrautou and all points West. 7 29 pin for Hazleton. AItHIVB AT FREKLAND. 7 34 u m from Pottsville, Deluno and Haz leton. 9 12 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Hus ton. Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. Weutherly, Hazleton. Mahanoy City, Slieuandoah and Mt. Curmel 9 30 a in from Scranton, Wilkes-Burre and White Haven. 1151 a ui from Pottsville, Mt. Carmel, Shen andoah, Mahanoy City, Delano and Hazleton. 12 48p m from New York, Philadelphia, kaston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Muucb Chunk and Weutherly. 4 44 p in from scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 3 35 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Kaston, Bethlehem Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Weutherly, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City, Delano and Hazle ton. 7 20 p m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket \jrents. tOLLIN 17. W] LRTTH. General Superintendent, 2ti Cortlundt Street, New York City. ■ .'HAS. S. LEF. General Passenger A rent, 2i> Cortlandt Street, New York City. G. J. GILDUOY, Division Superintendent, Hazleton. Pa. '["'HE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND 1 SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table In effect March 10,1P01. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo. Eekley, Hazle Hrook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Koan and Hazleton Junction at rt 00 a m, dally except Sunday: and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p ID, Sunday. Tra f ns leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry, i'ombicken and Derinjrer at 600 a ni, daily exoept Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 238 p m, Sun lay. Tralus leave Drtfton for Oneida Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Bond, Oneida and hoppton at 800 a m, daily except Sun lav; and 7 07 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction forHarwood, 'rant erry, Torohicken and Derinifer at 685 a o. daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 8 32,11 10 am.441 pm, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 311 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Derlnffer for Tomhicken, Oran oerrv. Hai wood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 600 p m. daily except Sunday; and .'37 < m. 507 n in. Runday. Traum leave Sbrpptcn for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction end Born at 711 a. m. 12 40, 5 28 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 i o m, Sunday. j Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazlo Brook, Kckloy, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 SO p m, dally, except Sunday: i and 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m. Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Boad, Stockton. Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 4!) p m, daily, except Sunday: and 1010 am,640 pm. Sunday, AH trains connect at Haziotou Junction with electric cars for Hrzleton, Jeaneaville, Auden ried nd other point* on the Traction Com parv's line. i Train leaving Drifton at 800 a m makes ; connection at Derinjer with P. R. It. trains for f Wilkesbsrre, Sunbury, Harriiburff and point* M7TnB 0, BMITH. Superintendent
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers