PAIN IN THE BACK A Sure Sign of Kidney Trouble—Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Will Cure You, Pain In the back is a never failing sign of kidney disease; another sure sign is the condition of the urine; if you have a pain in the back then look to the condi tion of your urine. Take a glass tumbler and till it with urine; after it lias stood 24 hours, if it has a sediment, if it is milky or cloudy, pale or discolored, stringy or ropy, your kidneys and bladder are in a dangerous condition and need immediate attention, or the consequences may prove fatal. F. C. Wilcox of 559 New Brittain ave., Hartford, Conn., says: "I had a frightful pain in my back, the result of kidney trouble. My physician seemed powerless to re lieve me. I determined to try Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy: it helped me wonderfully, and in a short time cured me completely." Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the one medicine that really cures all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic constipation and corrects the bad effects of whiskey and beer on the symtem. It is wonderful how it makes that pain in the back disappear, how it relieves the desire to urinate often, especially at night, and drives away that scalding pain in passing water and in a remarkably short time makes you well and strong. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is for sale by all druggists. 81 a bottle, or 0 bottles for $5 —less than one cent a dose. Sample bottle—enough for trial, free by mall. Dr.D.Keunedy Corporatlon,Hondout,N. Y. Dr. David Kennedy's Rose Jelly radical cure Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in Head. 50c. £HAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postofflee Building, - Freeland. Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freeland White Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite Postotlice; Tuesdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMenamin Building, South Centre Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S BTORE, Second Floor, - - Birkbeck Brick IS. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos or Hazelton Bros., New York city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Bell Telephone. Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building. *ipHOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street PLEASURE. March 30. —Entertainment under the auspices of Good Wills Athletic Associa tion. March 31. —Annual ball of St. Ann's band at Krell's hall. Admission, 50 cents. April 5. Hop of the Crescent Athletic Association at Kiell's hall. Admission, 25 cents. A. Oswald has the agency for the cele brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Try them. 'your, faith ours if you try ■ Shiloh's Consumption g g an 'l °urs is so strong we I 11 ■ " guarnntee a cure or refund v-r a mout-y, and we send you free trial bottle if you write for it. SIIILOH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It has been doing these things for 50 years. S. C. Wf.i.i,s & Co., I.e Roy, N. Y. DePIERRO -BROS. CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Rosenbluth's Velvet, of which we EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne. Honnessy Brandy, Blacaberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Ktc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. FREELAND TRIBUNE. Zitrtllihei 1881. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. BY TUB TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by carriers to subscribers in Freeland at the rate of 12Ji cents a month, payable every two mouths, or $1.50 a year, payable in advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of town subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable in advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The date when the subscription expires is ou the address label of each paper. Prompt re uewali must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Entered at the Postofllce at Freeland, Pa., as Second-Class Matter. Make all money orders, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, HA., MARCH 21, 1902. Attorneys Reprimanded. For years the common pleas trial lists have been clogged with cases from two to five years old and tbis fact was one of the principal causes assigned for the increase of the number of judges, first from two to three and then from three to four. The principal complaints for the condition of affairs that has prevailed came from the attorneys, many of whom were inclined to lay all the blame upon the courts. On Tuesday afternoon, however, says the Wiikesbarre Record, it was forcibly demonstrated, as it has time and time again, that much of the fault lies with the attorneys them-selves and not with the court. When court convened on Tuesday for the afternoon session a jury was called to the box and Judge Wheaton called several cases for trial, but the attorneys were not ready for trial. Judge Wheaton then offered to take up any case on the week's list, providing counsel agreed, but there was no response to the court's offer. Before adjourning court for the day Judge Wheaton turned to the jurors in the box and said: "Gentlemen the court is here and ready to try cases. You are here, and you can readily see for yourself that it Is not the fault of the court that the business is far behind. You have read a great deal in the papers about civil I cases in court being from two to four years behind. You can see it is the fault of the attorneys and not of the court. "There are thirty cases down for trial this week and not a case is ready and the court is sitting idle. You can tell your neighbors and friends, if they ask you the reason why the civil cases are so far behind, that the court is here ready to try cases, but the attorneys are not." Drawn as Jurors. The following citizens of this vicinity have been drawn to serve as jurors on the dates preceding their names: April 1. —John O'Neill, Foster; 11. E. Sweeney, Ilazle. April 7.—David Phillips, John Bren nan, Joseph McClellan, Freeland; R. C. Kerschner, Patrick McGfehan, Patrick McGuire, Foster; VV. R. Klinger, But ler. April 15.—John E. Mcllugh, Jamrs Brennan, Freeland; Joseph Handlong, Frank Williams, Foster; John Cunnius, Butler. WOMAN AND FASHION An Attrnctlvc Illonnc. The blouse illustrated is of tucked lilac taffeta cut away in front to reveal a plastron of white lace edged by stitched bands of taffeta and crossed by straps of tlie same held in place by LILAC TAFFETA BLOUSE, little gold buttons. The sleeves are of plain taffeta, widening below the el bows and cut in deep points bordered with stitched bands. The full under sleeve is of plaited white chiffon, with a white lace wrist band.—Philadelphia Ledger. FJteeLftND ftND VICINITY A large number of members of Moun taineer Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Hazleton, visited SHver Wave Lodge on Wednesday evening. After the meeting the Freeland members royally enter tained their guests at the Osborne hotel by tendering them a banquet, which was followed by speech-making, songs, etc. A portrait of Councilman P. G. Gal lagher appeared in yesterday's Phila delphia North American. Mr. Galla gher is a member of the national ex ecutlve board of the U. M. W. of A and is taking an active part in the con vention at Shamokiu. "Larry" Farley, who for many years conducted the hotel at Harleigh, and later at the intersection of the L&ttimer and Milnesyille road, has sold his busi ness to a Lattimer man, who will take charge April 1. Mr. Farley will locate at Gloucester, N. J.—Standard. Plans for a largo store building for the Neußurger estate are being pre pared by architects. It will be located on Centre street, between Laubach's and Ilurtman's stores. The present building will be moved to the rear of the lot and a handsome structure erect ed on its site. The Freeland Opera House Company's lease of the Grand opera house building will expire on August 1 next. In an other column the board of trustees of the Young Men's Corps ask for bids for leasing the building for one or three years. The Lehigh Valley Railroad expects to resume traffic over its own line be tween White Haven and Ponn Haven next Monday. The through trains, which have been taken off since the Mood, will then be resumed. Jerry McGinley. John McGarey, Ber nard McFadden and Miss Maggie Gaff ney, of town, and Joseph Gallagher, of Sandy Run, students at East Stroudsburg normal school, are home on their Easter vacation. John Gombish. a Hazle Brook miner, fell into the sump of a mine at that placo on Wednesday evening and was drowned before lie could be rescued. The body has not yet been recovered. William 11. Klisher, of Sandy Run, and Miss Dora Bred ben ner, of Hazleton, were married by Rev. J. ,1. Kuntz at St. Luke's Lutheran church on Wednesday. John C. Welch, of Ridge street, has resigned as a fireman on the D. S. Si S. Railroad and is preparing to locate in Philadelphia. Fresh Msh every day during Lent at Hartman's market, next to Central hotel. Rov. .John L. Moore spent the week with friends at Williamsport, where he was stationed before becoming curate at St. Ann's church. An entertainment will be given on Easter Sunday evening under the aus pices of the Good Wills Athletic Associa tion. At the home of the bride in Butler valley, Arthur Kemp, of town, and Miss Susie Oplinger were married yesterday. The addition which is being made to the home of Attorney C. O. Stroh is nearing completion. Mrs. Owen Fowler spent the past two days with Wyoming valley friends. OASTORIA. Bears the ,4 h" Kind You Hate Always Bought OASTOniA. Bears the Kind You Hate Always Bought "'T" <32^^557 r*4 LAXAKOLA DOESIT NO ONE BUT A MOTHER Mleep give* to an ailing, teething, (evcriah, colicky, ffretty infant. Almost distracted by its constant crying, and worn out with weary, anxious care and watching, she tries everything possible to obtain even relief for Ihe little sufferer. With what comfort and delight she sees her little one drop off into a deep peaceful health-giving slumber, after its little clogged bowels are cleared of their poisonous burden by a single dose of Laxakola, the great tonic laxative and mother's remedy. faxakola is a pure, gentle and jiainlcss liquid laxative, and contains valuable tonic projiertics which not oidy act upon the bowels, but tone up the entire system and purify the blood. A few drops can be given with safety to very young babies, which will often relieve colic by expelling the wind and gas that cause it. Great relief fs ex perienced when administered to young children suffering from diarrhtea, accompanied with white or green evacuations, as it neutralizes the acidity of the bowels and carries out the cause of the fermentation. LAXAKOLA will aid digestion, relieve restlessness, assist nature, and induce sleep. For constii>ation, simple fevers, coated tongue, or any infantile troubles arising from a disordered condition of the stomach it is invaluable. I.axakola, the great tonic laxative. is not only the most efficient of family remedies, but the most economical, hecausc It combines two medicines. vf/. : laxative and tonic, and at one price. No other remedy gives so much for the money. At druggists. 2* . and soc.. or send for free sample to THE I I.AXAKuLA Co., 112 Nassau Street, N. Y.. .>r 356 Dearborn Street, Chicago. A strange coincidence occurred at Pittston last night, when two men died very suddenly within an hour of each other, and the death of one was directly attributable to the other. Enoch Cleaves died early in the evening from a stroke of apoplexy, and one hour later an announcement of the sudden taking off wa9 made at the home of Thomas Kahler. He was affected by the news, and sixty minutes later was cold in death himself, apoplexy being the cause of death also. Because the members of the police force of Pittston patronized a firm which had their clothes for the summer time made by non-union tailors, they are to be boycotted by the union men of that vicinity. When the coppers let the con tract for their uniforms they only thing they looked at was the lowest bid, hence the trouble that now stares them in the face. A number of citizens of Dorranceton borough asked the court yesterday to remove the councilman of that place. They declare the council has been dead locked since the time it took office, be ing unable to elect a president, and therefore the business of the borough is at a standstill. John Spencer, a young man who left his homo in Scranton last May to travel with Ringling Brothers' circus, was shot and killed in Phoenix, Arizona, a few weeks ago. Spencer was said to have been shot in a light with a gang of toughs who attempted to terrorize the circus people. Word has been received at Plymouth that a body of a boy found at York, Pa., at the mouth of Codorp's creek, i 9 sup posed to be that of Eugene Hoffman, the lad who was washed away by the Mood three weeks ago and drowned. Relatives have left to identify the remains. . The president has sent to the senate the following nominations of post masters: Milton P. Schaatz, Allentown; Robert B. Clayton, Ashland; Louis Blitz, Girardville; A. B. Clark, Hastings; H. It. Under, Orwigsburg; Daniel W Shenandoah, and X. Tanner, Lansford. Richard Dunn, of Beaver Broik, an inmate of the Miners hospital, was found yesterday to be suffering from smallpox and was removed immediately to Il&zleton pesthouse. The hospital and inmates were placed under quaran tine for two weeks. The wedding of Max Galland, a well known manufacture!, and Mrs. Roselia Burgunder, widow of a popular tbea*re manager, took placo at Wjlkesbarre on Wednesday in the presence of the im mediate friends and relatives. State League in Session. The managers of the newly foru ed State League of Baseball Clubs met at Hazleton yisterday and today, read ing, Hazleton, Scranton, YVllkesbaire, Lebanon and Lancaster were represci t ed. Applictfions from Will amsport, Shamokln and Mt. C'armol for admission to the league were received, but tl e de ogates deadlocked on the question of In -teasing the circuit to eight clubs. The follow! ig umpires were appointed: Frank Southward, Scranton; George Gill, Newark, X. J.; Edward Jeffrie*, Lincaster, and James Grant, Readin: The season will open May :i and close Labor Day, September 1, each club playing lifty games at home and fifty abroad. OASTORIA. Bears the TK O Kind Yoo Hate Always Bought 11 ta % oa iftffij] Always Up-to-Date! I ®1 That is the motto we have es- S] tablished and try to live up to. 1 That is why you find us with a hp] large and complete assortment y of the y Latest Sprini Hoods. 1 The season's changes are re- SJ fleeted in the character of the s stock we carry, and with the first y breath of spring we bring them y to your notice. We ask you to yj call and inspect our y 1902 Makes of Men's Hats, | Latest Fashion Neckwear,! Spring Shoes for Ladies! and Gents, 1 1902 Patterns in Shirts,! p] Special Spring Underwear.! McMENAMIN'S I Gents' Furnishing, ||n Hat and Shoe Store. M South Centre Street. jj| \ The Cure that Cures i jy Coughs, <k V Colds, J ® Grippe, (k \ Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A t? Consumption, Is P foTJosI G THE GERMAN REMEDY" if VT Cures ttwoA -ax\4 J j\£>o\4 u\\ The.... O Wilkes-Barre Kecord Is the Best Paper la Northeastern Pennsylvania.... It contains Complete I.ocal, Tele graphic and (ieneral News. Prints only the News that's fit to Print 50 Cents a Month, ADDRESS. $8 a Year by Mail The Record, Carriers WILKBS-BARHB. PA. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on attic. Fresh Rochester unit Shon andnab Hoer ttnrl Tsnnsllmr's Porter on tap I 98 Centre street RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. June 2, 1901. ARRANOEMKNT or PABSERGKR TRAINB, LEAVE FKBKLAND. '6 12 a m for Weutherly, Muuch Chunk Allentown, Hethlchem, EuHton, Phila delphia and New York. 7 34 H in for Sanity Run, White II avon, Wilkes-liune. I'ittston end Hcranton. 8 15 a in for Jiu/.lcton, Weatherly. Munch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia, New York, Deluno and Pott svi lie. 9 30 a in for Ilnzleton. Deluno, Mnhnnojr City, Mu.-nundouh and Mt. Carirel. 1 1 42 a in for Weatln rly, Maiieli Chunk. Al lcntown, llcthlehem. Kaston, Phila delphia, New York, Hazleton, Delano, Ma ha 1103- City, Shenandoah and Mt. Currnel. 115) u m for White Haven, Wilkcs-ilurre, Scranton and the West. 4 44 pin for Weatherly, Munch Chunk. Al lentowii. Hot hleheni. Kaston, Philadel phia, New York, lluzleton, Delano. Mahaiioy City, Shenandoah. Mt. Carinel and Pottsville. 0 35 P m for Handy Hnn, White Haven, Wilkes-Harre, Scrantou and all points West. 7 29 p m for Har.leton. AKKIVB AT FREEHAND. 7 34 n m from PottSville, Delano and lluz leton. 9 12 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Kas ton. Hethlchem, Allentown. Maueh Chunk. Weatherly, lla/.leton. Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Mt. Carinel 9 30 a 111 from Hcranton, Wilkes-llune and White Iluven. 1151 a 111 from Pottsvllle, Mt. Carinel. Sheu andoab, Mahanoy City, Delano and Hazleton. 12 48 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Kustnn, Bethlelieni, Allentown, Muuch Chunk and Weatherly. 4 44 P m from hcranton, Wilkes-Hurro and White Iluven. 6 35 P 111 from New York, Philadelphia, Kaston, Hethlchem Allentown, Muuch (.'hunk, Weatherly. Mt. Carinel,Shenan doah, Mahanoy City, Deluno and Hu/.lc ton. 7 29 P m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barro and White Haven. For further information inquire of Tickot V gents. UOLLIN H. W) LBUR. General Superintendent, 2t Cortlundt street. New York City. OH AS. 8. LEE. General Passenyer Aaent, 'M Cortlundt Street, New York City. G. J. GILDHOY, Division Superintendent, Hazleton, Pa. DKI.AWABE, SUBCJUKHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL KAILBOAD. Time taltlo In effect March in, WOI. Trains leave Drifton lor Jeddo, Eokley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Heaver Meade,w Head, ltoan and Hazleton Junction at r, no a m, dally ozeoiit Sunday: and 7 07 a m, 2 UK p m, Sunday Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry I'nmbloken and Derineer at 000 a m, dally except Sunday: and 7 07 a m, 238 p m. Sun lay. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida .Junotion. Ilarwood Road, Humboldt Head, Oneida and ■tacppton at. 000 a m, daily except Sun lay. and . 0. a m, 2 Ha p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood 1 ran berry, lnmbicken and Deringer at II 86 a m, dolly oxcept Sunday; and k 611 a m, 4 22 n m Sunday. ' Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Head, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 08,11 10 am,441 n m daily except Sunday; and 737 a m, 311 Dm' Sunday. * ' Trains leave Dcrlnircr for TomMckcn, Orun- PTYI, u wo °d, Hazleton Junction and HOHD flt .-J' ™■ daily except Sunday; and 337 a m, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood lioad, Oneida Jundiuu, Hazle ton Junction and Hesn at 7 11 tm. 12 40 6 a pm, daily except Sunday; and 811 am! 344 p m, Sunday. • ° " Train* leave Sboppton for Hearer Meadow Hnzle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo nnd a ajs Z(i p c' <, i lily ' "cept Sunday; m ®'' ttlD Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton .7uMotion for Beaver Meadow Read, Stoektou. Hazle Ilrouk, Eckley Jcddo and Drifton at 640 p m, daily' e3r An".Mi tn Kmllolo H ™. S4O p m, Sunday.' wV trains connect at Hazleton Junction with rind one fa hazleton, Jennesville, Audnn pany'albie. on the ,Jrac,ion t'om- Tralni leaving Drifton at 600 a m makes connection at Derlngsr with P. H. u, trains for west arre ' Sun ' >ur Y. Harrtiburg and poiDta irTHBB O. WITH. uprlntendut,
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