FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIV. NO. 104. Midwinter Bargains in Clothing, Hats, Caps, Ladies' and Gents' Shoes and Furnishings at iclrii'sfall Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Queen Quality and Douglas Shoes. T7~CAiPB£LL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES H LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MSDIOTNAL PURPOSES. Centre) mid Mnlrt fltreete. Frooland. CCTEfcRTS Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAU3ACH, Prop. Choice Broad of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Buked to Order. CiftCTIMEBY ® IK (BEAM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, vitb all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and- supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. DePIERRO - BROS. C^XJeLEL Horner of Centre and Front Street*. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, KoNenblutlPs Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SAL! IN TOWN. Muir.m's Extra Dry Champagne. Heauessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, &'tc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tiack. Fresh Lard a Sjyecialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brnnds of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Kochester and Shen andoah Hoar and Vewmrllng'* Porter on tap GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Monday Evening, March 3, Young Character Comedian J. C. LEWIS and his Big Comedy Company In a new version of the Scenic Production Si-Plunkard. An up-to-date Faroe Comedy. Carrying All Our Own Scenery. See Life on the Farm. The Threshing Machine Scone, j See The County Fair Scene. ! Finest Sale Orchestra On The Road. book out for "Si" and his country bund parade. Look out for the funniest Street Parade ever seen. Admission: 25, 35, 50 Cents, Seutfc.oii sale at McMomtinin's store. FREELAND, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2G, 1002. SAD PLiGHT OF MINERS Two Men Entombed by a Heavy Fall of Coal. A Large Force Is Working Night and Day in the Hope of Rescuing Their Comrades Alive. Since Monday evening George and Frank Stankanus, brothers, have been entombed In a gangway In the Cameron mine at Sharuokln. At great peril a rescuing party, headed by Mine In spector Edward Brennan and Superin tendent Robert Qulnn, have been at work ever since the big fall of rock and coal trying to reach the Imprisoned men. An Immense lot of stuff must be shoveled and dug away before their fate can be learned. The fall was caused by the miners lir ng a shot to blow down top coal. The brothers did not have time to reach the open, so quickly did the fall follow the explosion. If bad air is not prevalent and they were not crushed to death, the meu will be able to live for some days. Firemen Were Discharged. The Delaware, Lackwanna and West ern Company notified the firemen and engineers at the Avondale colliery on Sunday last, commencing with Monday morning they would be expected to ac cept the proposition of the company and adopt the new working rules promulgat ed several days ago, whereby one shift goes on duty at 7 p. m. and work until 5 p. m., when it would bo relieved by the j other set, which iu turn would be reliev- j ed at midnight by the men who quit at 5 o'clock. The men refused to accept the proposi tion and were discharged. The other employes returned homo as soon as they ascertained the situation of affairs, and the result is that the mine is idlo. The Avondale appears to he the only colliery operated by this company where they insist upon the men accepting this proposition. Death of Mrs. Edwards. The funeral of Mrs. Paul Edwards, who died on Monday at her home on North Ridge street, will take place to morrow at 9 a. in. The remains will leave here at 9.30 via Lehigh Valley Railroad for Tamaqua, where the inter ment will be made. Mrs. Edwards was in good health until Friday, when she was stricken with paralysis, from which she suffered until death relieved her. She Is survived by her husband and three children, John and Bessie, of Freeland, and Daniel, of Ilazleton. She is also survived by three brothers, Richard Dunn, of Beaver Brook; Daniel Dunn, Macon, Ga., and John Dunn. Dublin, Ga. 111 Applications Defused. The liquor dealers in Pittston, Lu zerne borough and other places received a decided shock on Monday when the decision of the court refusing 111 applica tions for licenses were handed down. Those who wore fortunate enough to se cure the coveted licenses received ample notice without words that Sunday selling and other violations of the law will not bo tolerated by the court when brought to Its notice. The court by its action in refusing nearly all applications for new houses also demonstrated that it is the belief of the judges that there are at present enough saloons to satisfy the demands of the people of Luzerne county. The list of licenses refused is a victory for the Anti-Saloon League, as nearly all the saloons and hotels against which it gathered evidence of Sunday selling LoolT\ JtL. A into the future and see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you, ycu would seek relief at once—and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption Guaranteed to cure Con -1 . sumption, Bronchitis, *** " Asthma, and all I,ung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. | 25 cents. Write to S. C. WELLS & Co., I I,e Roy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. Clover Root Tea purifies the Bloody MIBCKLLANEOIS A DVKKTIBKM KNTS I Estate of fhank wi to yitch, lato of •J Freeluiid, deceased. Letters of administration upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all person* indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same, without delay, to Anthony Kudewick, Freeland, Pa. C. u' Strob, attorney. were refused licenses. In Piitston a clean sweep was made of the places remonstrated against and out of forty-five applications twenty three were refused, among them being the Eagle and Valley House, the two leading hotels; the restaurant of Rep resentative Burke and those of Domi nick and James Corcoran, brothers of Mayor Corcoran. The refusal of so many licenses is a serious blow, in a financial way, to the city of Pittston, and will no doubt necessitate a heavy increase in the tax rate In order to run the city. The re fusal of the twenty-three licenses means a loss of $9,290 to the city. In Luzerne borougli the Anti-Saloon League scored another victory and of the twenty-live places against which remonstrances were filed, sixteen were refused. In Ashley all the saloon and hotel keepers who were refused licences last year were again turned down, with the exception of one. In Freeland the wholesale applica tions of Thus. W. Smith and W. J. Morgan were refused. "Si Plunkard' - Com ng. The Geneva, N. Y., News-Letter, In its issue of the 18th Inst, says: "Last night J. C. Lewis was seen as 'SI Plunkard/ at the Smith opera bouse. Seventeen years ago Mr. Lewis appeared before a Geneva audience, at thai time playing in the old Lincoln hall. Tharo wore ,m&ny people present who re membered Ids last visit here. "While he has many Imitators, yet there really exists only one *Si Plunkard,' and tlin applause that greeted him and his carefully selected company was a glowing tribute to the production. ••In the third act, 'threshing day'at Plunkard's farm, there are some scenic effects of a novel order—a thresher be ing in operation with a traction engine, great barn and tb-- full interior. It will be a long time before Genevans will for get the great and only 'Si Plunkard' show." A Mysterious Deaih. Anthony Shaniskey, the foreigner who some days ago was found badly in jured in a West Piliston mine, died yesterday morning at the Pittston hospi tal. The victim at no time gave an in telligible account of the supposed attack that led to his death. He was admitted to the Pittston hospital a couple of ; weeks ago suffering from a skull injury supposed to have been inflicted by a hatchet found in the vicinity. Some say that there were frequent thefts of powder in the mine and Shanis key may have been suspected and at tacked. Other stories are to the effect i that there was trouble over a woman. K of M. Officers. Garfield Couimandery, No. 0, Knights of Malta, has elected the following officers: Commander—B. F. Rute. Generalissimo—James W. Boyle. Captain-general—Stephen Page. Prelate—William Ashman. Recorder —John Hell. Assistant—Archie Keers. Treasurer —Samuel Salmon. Senior warden—Archie Carpenter. Junior warden—James Williamson. Trustees—Archie Carpenter, James Williamson. Lodge Politics Condemned. A stamp of disapproval was set upon tho practice of mixing of lodge and politics at the annual county conven tion of the P. O. S. of A., of Lancaster county, tills week, at which this resolu tion was adopted: "Resolved, That since wo find sdno camps in the state of Ponnsylvanla en dorse political candidates for office, and circulate such endorsements, we hereby emphatically condemn said practice, be lieving that tho order should not be of ficially implicated in political contests." Will of Mrs. Betterly. The will of tho late Henrietta Better ly, of Butler township, mother of Mrs. Eugene West and Mrs. C. D. Rohrbnch. of town, has been probated. She directs that after the payment of all debts the balance of her estate shall revert to her husband, Thomas Betterly, during his lifetime. After his death tho estate is to be distributed among the children, share and share alike. The son, Thom as A. Betterly, and Calvin Rohrbacb, are the executors The estate is valued at about SIO,OOO. A. Oswald h is the agency for the cele brated Elvsian's extracts and perfumery. The finest gopds made. Trv them. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought PERSONAL. Daniel F. O'Donncll returned yester day from Philadelphia, where he placed orders for the stock which he will open with this week in the Campbell build" ing, South Centre street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goeppert and Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Goeppert have re turned from New York, where they wit nessed the arrival of Prince Henry, of Germany. John Houston, of town, who is a stu dent in Jefferson Medical college, Phila delphia, is a member of a class that will graduate from the institution next week. Today's Philadelphia Inquirer con tains a cut of George E. Singley, of Eckhy, chairman of Foster township Republican committee. Rev. J. P. Huxton, of Drifton, will preach In the Protestant Episcopal church at Mahanoy City tomorrow evening. County superintendent of schools, Frank P. Hopper, of Wilkeibarre, is visiting the schools of the borough today. Mrs. William Christian, of Laceyville, is visiting her son, George Christian, manager of the Freeland Beef Company. Rev. J. J. Kuntz will lecture this evening at Sheppton on "Alexander the Great." A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brogan, South Ridge street. John Zemany, of Washington street, is ill with pneumonia. Harry Dubman and sister, of Palmors ton, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Sarah Gorman, of Mahanoy City, is visiting the Misses Campbell. ROUND THE REGION. Elmer Saurwein, the yard master at Coxton yards, died at Plttstou hospital on Sunday night from the injuries he received on the morning of February 11. Wiiile disconnecting the air pipes he had his head crushed between the bumpers of two cars of a night express. His skull was fractured and he was otherwise injured. For several days he lay unconscious at the hospital. Saur weln was a former resident of Weath erly. Fire, supposed to bo of incendiary ori gin. destroyed the famous "Block of Blazes" In Plymouth. The structure was believed to he infected with small pox, but the owner would not permit the authorities to burn It down. Surveyors are at work staking out prospective routes for the trolley road that is to be run from Shenandoah to Hazleton. All efforts to learn who is backing the enterprise have proven unavailing. Insurance rates on the Wllkosbarro business properties ar to be advanced one-third by the various companies to meet unprecedented (ire losses. Mrs. Mainwariiig, mother of Register of Wills John Mainwariug, died at Duryea and was buried yesterday. She was 06 years old. Mrs. Margaret Higgles, aged OS years, mother of Senator John F. Hlggins, of Shenandoah, died at Shenandoah yes terday. DRIFTON. When the D. S. & S. passenger train leaving here at 0 a. m. was going out of the yards Monday morning, with three cabooses and a passenger coach at tached, the roar trucks of the coach leaped a frog at the lower end of the yard and swung over, striking engine No. 8, which was standing on a siding and considerably damaged both. The coach was being used for the first time, having just came out of the shops after undergoing repairs. There were about twenty workmen In the coach, but be yond a general shakeup 110 one was in jured. The coach and engine have been returned to the shops. The four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNeils suffers from a gash on the loft eye indicted by another child striking him with some broken fragments of dishes. Oeorgo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn, of No. 1, is very ill at his hotne. Ideal Homes. Seme of the happiest and most ideal homes, where peace, contentment and harmony dwell, have been the abodes of poor people. No rich carpets cover ed the Uoors, no costly paintings were on the walls, and there were no pianos, no works of art. hut there were eon tented minds and unselfish und devot ed lives. Each member of the family contributed as much as possible to the happiness of all, endeavoring to com pensate by kindness and intelligence for the poverty of their surroundings. —Success. Fine confectionery at Helper's. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN OP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. In a suit before Squiro Shovliii yester day, E. P. Gallagher, until recently engineer at the Electric Light Com pany's platjt, was awarded judgment, for 518.63. the balance due on a month's wages. It is alleged Mr. Gallagher was employed at SSO a month. He was dis charged without notice and was paid to the (lato of the discharge. Ue then sued for the balance of the month's pa v. A force of workmen was engaged last evening liy the street committee of council, and they began work this morning cleaning the gutters and the entrances to the sewer man-holes. The rain and thaw Hooded many cellars in town and considerable further damage would result If the gutters wore not opened. The Lehigh Valley train duo here at 4.44 p. m. ran into the rear end of the Buffalo express at Newport yesterday. The express left Wilkesbarre shortly be fore the Freeland train, but owing to slippery rails made very poor time. The passengers on both trains were shaken up, but no serious injuries were sus tained. Congressman Henry W. Palmer the other ilay introduced into the House of Representatives a big batch of petitions favoring the continuation of the exclu sion law against Chinese laborers. The petitions were referred to the committee on foreign affairs. The batch included several petitions from Freeland. Fresh lish every day during Lent at Uartuian's market, next to Central hotel. John Sterner, a carpenter of town, employed with Contractor Griffiths in the erection of dwelling houses in llazle lirook, received a deep gash iu the head on Monday by being struck by a falling plank. He was brought home, where tho wound was drawn together by sev eral stitches. Con J. Ifoyle has removed his family from Kirdsboro, Berks county, to town, and has taken up ills residence In the Kelfenberger block on West Walnut street. Mr. Boyle today entered the employ of bis brother, W. F., In the letter's grocery store on Walnut street. Books to the value of $l5O have been ordered by the Crescent Athletic Club and will bo placed in the club-rooui. These will form the nucleus of a library which the members propose to establish. The club is a prosperous organization of young men and Is well conducted. Ice cream at Merkt's. Manns Scott, an aged resident of Wal nut street, employed as an outside labor er by tho Upper Lehigh Coal Company, fell from a sleigh while at work yester day. Tho fall sprained his leg and in jured him Internally. He was brought to Ills home for treatment. The contest over the will of tho late Joseph Birkbeek, of Wilkesbarre, be gan In court yesterday, and a large number of Freeland people are in at tendance as witnesses or interested parties. The ease Is attracting much attention Iu legal circles. A birthday party was held on Monday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, South Washington street,, dii honor of tho birthday of their daugh ter, Miss Katie. A largo number of friends assembled and spent a pleasant evening. Private Genrge D. Beers, of Troop G, Seventh cavalry, has opened a recruit ing office nil tho second lloor of the postofliee building. Applicants for any branch of the army service will be ex amined from 9 to 4 o'clock daily. Candy and nuts at Helper's. Mrs. Mary DeFrancesco, aged 45 'years, a former resident of town and a sister to Vincent Petrilla. South Ridgo street, is dead at her home In Bangor. John Bonner, of Drifton, and Matt Brodorlck, of town, two popular hall players, have signed to play next season with Norrlstown club. The funoral of Mrs. David J. Davis, of Upper Lehigh, took place this after noon. Interment was made In the cem etery In that town. PLEASURE. March 17. —Third annual entertain ment, oT St. Ann's Parish Bund at tho Grand opera house. Admission, 1"> and 25 cents. TIU-WEEKLY Mr. S. Senie, Freeland, Pa. Dear Sir.—We admire your ac tions in not advertising as offering penny bargains, as they are dear to the consumer at any price. We know that yours is the place where we get gents' and children's out fitting apparels. Your $5 over coat is worth double any time. You can expect large crowds of buyers today, as we always found you to do square and honorable dealing. Yours truly, B. H. Piiiia. Gne-Price Clothing House. s. SEX in, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £MIAS. ORION STROM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW aud NOTARY PUBLIC. Office; Hooma 1 anil a, Birlibeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. I'ostofllee Building?, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Ureninm's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Butldiuir, - - . Froeland White Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite Postoflice; Tuesdays, Suturdays. TOIIN J. MoBREARXY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given uromut attention. " l pt MeMeuamiu Building, South Centre Street. N. MA LEY, DENTIST. OVER BIKKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, . Birkbeck Brick S. E. MAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade I ittuue of lluzoltou lirod,, New York city. S. 8. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, . Refowleh Building. 'jpuos. A. ItUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, . Main Street -A— OSWALD^ dea'er in Dry Goods, Motions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Butter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. A 7 , W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts. % Freeland. Wear the Famous Cold Seal Go Boots FOR SALE AT THE STAR SHOE STORE, HUGH MALLOY, PROP., Ceutre au<] Waluut Streets
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers