KINSSIa I T l''or Mure 'llm.xh a Quart er of a Century *The reputation of W. L. Douglas 93.00 nd 93.50 shoes for otyle, comfort and wear has excelled all other makes sold at theso prices. This exoeUent reputation has been won by merit alone. W. L. Douglas shoes havo to giro better satisfaction than other $3.00 and 93.50 shoes because his reputation for tho bost $3.00 and $3.50 shoes inuat be maintained. The standard baa always been placod so high that the wearer receives more value for his money f in the W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.60 j shoes than he can get elsewhere. W.L. Douglas sells rnoro $3.00 and $3.50 j shoos than any other two manufacturers. I W. L. Douglas $4.00 QiU idge Line cannot be equalled ni any price. "W. L. Diwyfsa SX.nOvnd 53."80 shoes mra marfo c/ tho ssmo high gratia taaSharm esod As £JS mud 90 i mhoaa and ara iumt as goad. Sold by the bost shoo dealers everywhere. Insist upon having XV. L. Douglas shot-a with name ami prka wtnmpvtl on bottom. How to Wrrtpr by tinll.—lT W. L. Douglas shoes are pot sold In your town. mhU order direct to fsfiC 1 ?' Shoe* sent anywhere <>u of price and TfcWZ ... \ *'ta. auUltlooni for uarrlage. My , IcuMomdepartment will m*\* you a f il u|u * \ * i C.Llu { five. \V. J,, Uuuitlii., 141,.,.kLtf11, A2t-... a Birds Learning Grasshopper Songs. It is generally known that some species of birds are able to imitate the songs of other birds, but a more sur prising fact is related by a French naturalist, Monsier Coupin, concern ing a sparrow which learned the shrill chant of grasshoppers. The insects happened to be confined In a cage hung beside the sparrow's cage, but It was not until a year afterward, when again the bird and grasshoppers were neighbors, that the sparrow was heard imitating tho notes of the insects. All the rest of its life, and long after the grasshoppers from whom It had taken Its lessons were dead, the sparrow continued to intermingle with Its own songs the peculiar music of its lost friends. First Use of the Hot Blast. I James M. Swank, in a Government report on iron and steel, says: The x first practical application of the hot blast to the manufacture of pig iron in this country was made at, Oxford Furnace, in New Jersey, In 1834, by William Henry, the manager. The waste heat at the tymp passed over the surface of a nest of small cast-iron pipes, through which the blast was conveyed to the furnace. The tem perature was raised to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and the product of the furnace was Increased about 10 per cent. In 1835 a hot blast oven, con taining cast-iron arched pipes, was placed on the top of the stack by Mr. Henry and heated by the flames from the tunnel bead. By this means the temperature of the Blast was raised to 50U degrees. Tho fuel used was charcoal. Electrical apparatus used In mining Is estimated to be worth $100,0(81,000. Mrs. Emma E. Felch, Treasurer Fond du Lac, Wis., Social Economic Club, Tells FI ow She was Cured of Irregular and Pain ful Menstruation by Lydia E. Pinkham's J|[ Vegetable Compound. ~. "y-r ■-*,.• "DEAR MRS. PINZHAM:—I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for irregular and painful menstruation, and was entirely cured after using two bottles. I can truly say it is a boon to suffering womon, and I would recommend all suffering from the above troubles to try a few bottles and be cured. Very thank fully yours, EMMA E. FELCH, Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis." SSOOO FOKFEIT IF THE ABOVE LKTTEIi IS NOT GENUINE. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, woaknoss, leuoorrhnea, displacement or ulooration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulonoe), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, tdopknesß, melancholy, "all gone" ana " want-to-bs-lefUslonc" feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at onoe removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. /No other modiolno for female Ills In the world has received each widespread tuad unqualified endorsement. Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. y j liVo "My hair was falling out very H fast and I was greatly alarmed. I H then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and fi my hair stopped failing at once." — R Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. 8 '] The trouble is your hair £ does not have life enough. | Act promptly. Save your | hair. Feed it with Ayer's | Hair Vigor. If the gray I hairs arc beginning to | show, Ayer's Hair Vigor | will restore color every y 9 time. a utile. All drnuu. | 1 If your druggist cannot supply yon, H B soiid ut ono dollar and we will express [g ■ you a hotiU. be uru *ud eive tho iiiuiio ll I of your uoarost oxprwus 0ß100. Address, u ?J J.C. AYER CO., Lowell, MAM. B DJzzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's ! Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. A n d?&i<. Want your moustache or hoard a beautiful brown or rich blaok ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEpff er Moving a Mammoth. The skeleton of a giant mammoth, unearthed some time ago in East Si beria. will be brought to St. Peters burg in the coming winter. Tho task of conveying it is a most formidable one, as the distance to Idkutsk, which is the nearest railroad station, is some 5,000 miles. The skeleton will have to be cut up and treated with arsenic each portion being encased in cow hide in order to prevent the air tif fecting it. As far as Yakutsk the river Lena will be utilized, but from there nearly 2,000 miles of swampy forest will have to be traversed. The conveyance will be effected in sleighs, and it is calculated that at the least 50 horses will bo required to draw them. Pneumatic Clocks. Tho city of Paris is being rapidly supplied with a system of public clocks worked by compressed air un der electrical control. The entire area of the city is divided into sections about a mile and three-quarters in radius, and in the center of each sec tion Is a sub-station provided with a reservoir of compressed air, from which air-pipes extend to all the clocks included in the section. By means of electro-magnets, energized every minute with currents from a commu tator controlled by a master-clock at the central station, the air-pipes art intermittently connected with the res ervoirs, and thus the compressed air once every minute, drives forward the hands of the deck. How Elephants are Fed. Elephants in the Indian army are fed twice a day. When mealtime arrives they are drawn up before piles of food. Each animal's breakfast includes ten pounds of raw rice done up in five two pound packages. The rice Is wrapped in leaves and then tied with grass. At the commahd "Attention!" each ole pliant raises its trunk, and a pack age is thrown into its capacious mouth. By this method of feeding not a single grain of rice is wasted. I SQZODOMT for th. TEETH LCItNCE AND INDUSTRY - . There is to be a rival to margarine as a substitute for butter, according to the British Consul-General at Mar seilles. He says it is to be called "vegetaline," and is nothing else than the oil extracted from coprah (dried cocoanut); refined, and with all smell and taste neutralized, it becomes like sweet lard. A London paper announces that the sum of $7,500 has been placed at the disposal of Professors Haeckel, Con rad and Fraas, of Jena, Halle and Stuttgart, respectively, as a prize for the best work on the theme "What do we learn from the principles of the theory of heredity in reference to the inner political development and legis lation of States?" Manuscripts must bo in German and are to bo delivered to Professor Haekel not later than Dec. 1, 1902. At the Hodbarrow Mines, at Millom, on the Cumberland coast, England, work is being carried out to enable mining to proceed still further under the sea. The company's first lease only extended to ordinary high-water mark on the south. Through the sur face caving in when ore was extracted, it was necessary to leave a barrier of 380 feet wide, to protect tho mines, as the sea would otherwise have filled the hollows on the surface and even tually have flooded the mine. This barrier was ultimately found to con tain over 5,000,000 tons of ore. A sec ond sea wall going beyond the older one has been commenced. The wholesale slaughter of kanga roos for their valuable hides has re sulted in tho practical extinction of these remarkable animals except in the remoter regions of Australia, and most visitors make their only experi ence of the continent's typical quadru peds in the zoological gardens of the principal cities. In the "back blocks," as the interior parts of Australia are called, they are still to be found in considerable numbers, and afTord ex citing sport to tho hunter. The tribe of Australian kangaroos includes, be sides these animals proper, a constant ly dwindling succession of related spe cies—wallaroos, wallabies, paddyme loos, and so on, ending with the dimin utive and dainty kangaroo rat. Everybody has observed the habit that some insects have of hovering or dancing on the air, generally in a group, with every manifestation of enjoyment. There is a species of two winged flies that are particularly fond of this sport, for Bport it undoubtedly is. They assemble in some spot shel tered from the wind, and indulge in their dance for hours at a time. Their motions consist of alternate rising and falling in periods of a few seconds, and over a distance varying from ono foot to four. They become so much interested in the dance that they can not be scattered. If disturbed for a moment they at once reassemble, and continue the sport as if nothing had interfered with them. Much has been written about this habit, but the nat uralists agree, we believe. In consider ing it real play. According to a paper recently read by Dr. Aron before tho Berlin Medical society the inhalation of oxygen for the relief and cure of certain lung and heart affections, in which it is com monly recommended, is of little value. The atmosphere, he said, contained a sufficient proportion of oxygen to sat urate the haemoglobin of tho blood, and as the haemoglobin when saturat ed was, of course, unable to absorb more oxygen inhalations of oxy gen were evidently useless. He had found that, the results of prac tical experience were in accordance with these views. The few instances in which the oxygen seemed beneficial were cases of dyspnoae (difficulty in breathing), in cardiac and pulmonary diseases, but the improvement was maintained only while the inhala tions were actually in progress. In the treatment of apparent death from drowning artificial respiration was just as efficacious. In poisoning by carbolic oxide and in rarefied air, where the amount of available oxygen was less than the normal, the admin istration of oxygen was desirable. Apoplexy and llraln XVorUom. The number of deaths from apo plexy daily among prominent business men is a matter for comment. It al most appears that the disease has a special predilection for brain workers who have passed the life meridian. Some explanation for this may be made by taking into account the stress of mental work to which the ambitious and untiring American so willingly yields himself. The brain is tho last organ that seemingly feels the strain, and the ultimate breakdown is usually more or loss sudden. The latter was particularly the case in the deatn of Bishop Littlejohn. For a long time the mine was boing pre pared for the final explosion. In a person of his years, temperate habits, vital force and persistent mental ac tivity the gradual wear and tear upon the blood vessels of the brain directly invited the ultimate Issue. The arte rial supply was evidently quite ex tensively involved in the gradual de generative process that occurs late in life. The hemorrhage was consequent ly quite extensive, Involving the deeper portions of the centres, tearing their tissues and overwhelming pain and consciousness in a quick stroke. Melancholy as Is tho fact, this mode of death is the best of all that are caused by apoplexy, and the pationt is spared a life of subsequent misery and comparative helplessness while awaiting and droamng an inevitable •nillug> 25c lining lancet llemedie*. When using insect remedies keep in view that the bordeaux mixture should be resorted to against fungus diseases, the kerosene emulsion for insects that suck juices (such as plant lice), and Paris green for those that gnaw or bite (potato beetle). Kerosene emul sion will injure some plants, however, unless well diluted. Storage of Farm Product*. When harvesting the beets, carrots and turnips this fall care should be given their storage. When put into pits or mounds the frost sometimes seals them up until spring. Some pack in bins, in dry earth or sand, but it has been found that one of tho best methods is to pack in large bins and liiung in with oats, which keep the roots, at an oven temperature, and makes tliom convenient for use, while the oat 3 are not injured. Disponing of Animuls. The bodies of uead animals are con verted into fertilizer by some farmers, but something depends upon circum stances as to the advisability of so do ing. If an animal dies of some con tagious disease, and is buried, the earthworms will bring to the surface the germs of the disease. This fact was demonstrated by Pasteur, the fa mous French chemist, who made tests in that direction. Disease was communicated to animals that ate grass which grew over the body of a buried animal. The better plan is to consume the bodies of diseased ani mals, or subject them to a bath of sulphuric acid, after death, in order to destroy the germ 3 of disease. I'nviM In Poultry. Favus is a disease produced by a minute parasitic fungus and attacks the comb, wattles and neck, causing the feathers of the latter to fall out. It is very destructive in poultry yards In England, and being highly conta gious spreads with great rapidity. A single diseased bird soon contamin ates the whole flock and several out breaks have boon traced to the intro duction of a new bird from an affected yard. Unless treated properly, is usually ends fatally. The feathers become erect, dry and fall out, leaving the skin covered with dull yellowish gray crusts. The English board of agricul ture in a recent leaflet recommends bathing the affected parts with warm water and castle soap, then applying some ointment to destroy the fungus. Nitrate of soda and lard is useful. Red oxide of mercury has also proved an excellent remedy. Sorghum an Food. Many farmers are looking for a better fodder plant than Indian corn, and our individual experiences as well as observation loads us to believe that for a good part of our country no bet ter plant has been found than sorg hum. It is easily raised, and if sown tiroadcast it may ho cut with a mow ing machine and dried about as pond grass, and fed out at any tima If sown in this way it should be sown as early as possible, so as to have hot weather in which to cure it. Or it may he planted in drill rows and har vested as is corn. If a litle care is exercised in bring ing up stock to a full feed, I here need be no danger of colic. In feeding to ccws and other stock that are to liavo young we have always taken the seed off, as it seemingly is productive of premature birth. I have tried almost every forage plantain a small way, and am anchored on sorghum as the fiesh building and retaining fodder for cat tle, horses and shoep, and the best winter fodder to aid in a good How of sweet, pure mill: from much cows. Tho sugar in tho stalks is a great fat produncer in winter. D. T. Stephen son in tho Epitomist. KlTuct of Fumigation on Grain. Owing to tho I'act that many millers fumigate their storehouses, bins and buildings in which grain is stored by means of hydrocyanic acid gas, with out removing such grain, the question has arisen whether or not his fumi gating has injured the grain either for food or planting. The Maryland ex periment station has made a number of tests along these lines. In tne test as to the effect on the germinating quality of the seeds it was found that dry seeds are suffi ciently resistant to the influence of the gas to stand a treatment of several weeks of an nttnospneie saturated with hydrocyanic acid gas without destroying their Vitality. If the seeds are damp, however, they are much more susceptible to tho influences of the gas, and should not remain more than two or three hours in gas of sufficient strength to destroy animal life. Only a few tests were made along the line of the effect of gas on tho seeds for food, but it was found by feeding the treated seeds to mice that there appears no danger in the use of them for foods. The general conclu sions arrived at showed that stored grains and other seeds may be fu migated with hydrocyanic acid gas of required strength, and for sufficient time to insure the d:r--trictlon of in sect pests without injury to the germ inating quality of the imeds and with rpndering them injurious as foods. All.ill fur Antmnln. The almost' Unprecedented drouth, which bade fair to cut tne corn crop down to ne.'t to nothing, but which began late enough to allow the produc tion of a large crop of wheat, is turn ing the attention pf the farmers to the possibility of feeding wheat in place of corn. A number of considera tions must be kept in view. The ker nels being much smaller than thoso of corn, there is much more danger of their escaping mastication and passing out undigested. Many farmers who regarded it as unprofitable to feed wheat whole found on crushing or grinding it that all difficulty disap peared. It is especially necessary when fed to steers or milch cows. In animals with smaller mouths, there is loss waste than with cattle, and some have observed a positive advan tage with sheep in feeding it whole. This was due, however, to the great er consumption of whole grain than ground. Ground wheat has an impor tant disadvantage in feeding, in that it is apt to form a gummy mass, which adheres to the teeth, making it difficult and disagreeable to handle by the animal. This fault has been the source of some of the poor results in feeding it, and is best obviated by feeding it mixed with some other grain, as corn, oats, or Kafir corn. An imals fed upon a mixture are less lia ble to become cloyed than when fed upon wheat alone. In brief, the nu tritive value of wheat, as shown by its composition, is greater than tht of corn. It can be best utilized by feeding it ground or crushed, and mixed to a certain extent with oats, corn or Kaffir-corn; it may be fed ad vantageously to horses, cattle, hogs, sheep or poultry. In discussing tho feeding value of wheat, the grain only itas thus far been in mind. In this year of extreme scarcity of roughage, it may not be amirs to inject a word of suggestion that wheat straw is much better than nothing, and that in all probability the farmers of the wheat belt can contribute to the needs of their less fortunate fellow citizens, and add to their own profits by pre serving, hailing and marketing their straw, instead of burning it as usual. —J. T. Willard of the Kansas Experi ment station in the Country Gentle man. Growing Market I'otatoon. Almost any kind of soil that will rais- a crop of corn will produce good potatoes if properly prepared. It is very essential that the ground be loose and fine before the seed potatoes are planted. If the land has been plowed in iho fall, disk or harrow till it is loose and fine to a depth of three inches, then plow again. This will give a good seed bed of six or seven inches of fine loose earth. if you wish to "plant in hills they should be about three and a half feet snort, each way, to allow of free cul livfc.l-... I mark with a com marker one way, and then use a four-shovel sulky cultivator to open up the fur row the other way, taking off the two inside shovels and fastening the other two tho desired distance apart Tho next thing of importance is to have good seed of some popular sal able variety. Cut to one or two eyes and place only one piece in a hill. Place your foot on each piece so as to press It down into the loose dirt as deep as possible. This will make cov ering easier and will also prevent dry ing out. Cover with a hoe, putting one hoeful of dirt on each piece of potato. The marks made by the sulky cultivator will remain so as to bo easily seen across the field. Never plant scabby potatoes if it can he avoided, hut if you must plant them, soak in corrosive sublimate solution, one part of sublimate to 1000 parts water, for two hours before planting. After planting it will not be neces sary to do anything more to the po tato patch for two weeks. By that timo pigeon grass and other weed seeds will have commenced to grow by the thousands, but the potatoes will not be above the ground. Now take the sulky cultivator and turn the inside shovels a little, so that when you follow the cultivator marks it will leave the ground as level as possible. Tl'-la will kill all the weeds, and by the time they start ti'p again the potatoes will be out of the ground. They can then be easily cultivated. Some advise dragging the potato field after planting to kill weeds. I never do it, for if the soil is very loose the drag is sure to break off many sprout 3 and sometimes remove the seed piece out of its place. The cultivating should he kept up as long as the vines will permit, and the soil should never be allowed to bako after a heavy rain or ugly, deformed, bunchy potatoes will result. A good plan is to cultivate one a week wheth er there are any weeds in the patch or not, for if dry weather prevails the loose dirt will hold the moisture bet tor. If rainfall is excessive, tho ground cannot hake if the cultivator is kept going. The hiller should bo used tho last two or three times. It will not disturb iho small potatoes, which will set before tho vines are large enough 1o stop the cultivation. If polnto bugs bother the vines much, spray with parts green. A spraying pump for that purpose can he bought for 50 cents at most hard ware stores, but if one cannot be ob tained, mix paris green, one teaspoon ful to three gallons water, and for a sprinkler use a bunch of -motny heads, and when you are through us ing, put it into the stove. It is only tho work of a minute to get another when needed. If the potatoes are to be shipped as soon its harvested, they should not he dug until the middle of October. They can he dug In the forenoon, left to dry a few hours in the sun, then loaded into wagons and hauled di rectly to tho cars.—.lmhu Eye, in American Agriculturist; UTILITY CF THE SANDBINDERS. Cirimncft with Which It Is Hoped to Hol4 the Jhlftiii? .Sunds on Our Const. Prof. F. Samson Scribner, agrostolo gist of the department of agriculture, has returned to Washington from Buf falo, where he has been in charge of the department's exhibit of grasses. 90 varieties of which are under culti vation at the exposition. Since he left Washington Prof. Scribner has traveled extensively along the Atlantic coast and throughout New England and New York states, engaged in su- I perintending the selection and the preparation of various species of grasses known as sandbinders, by the I extensive cultivation of which the de partment hopes to hold the drifting sands of the Atlantic coast The prin cipal experiments with different va rieties of these grasses are now being conducted in the vicinity of Cape Cod, and Prof. Scribner said today that it had been demonstrated that the sand dunes of that locality were being held by the intelligent use of the sand binders. On the Pacific coast the cul tivation of these grasses had resulted in fixing the sandhills in the vicinity of San Francisco and Los Angeles and had made possible the creation of the Golden Gate park. These experiments with the sand biners, Prof. Scribner said, were being conducted in all sections of the coun try in co-operation with the experi ment stations of the various states, and since the inception of the idea and the steps taken toward carrying it out, commendatory letters have been received almost daily at the depart ment from persons who either reside in the sandy districts where the grasses are being utilized, or whose business interests bring them in touch with conditions along the coast. One variety of the sandbinders which has shown up well in experiments is the Montana blue grass, which has been transplanted with great success to the north Atlantic coast. This grass, aside from its utility, lends most picturesque coloring to the sand dunes, and when thickly grown along the coast, blends with the hue of the ocean and from a distance makes it a difficult matter to determine the line of sea and shore. While in New England Prof. Scrib ner had a consultation with the sec retary of the Massachusetts state board of agriculture, looking to the redemption of the abandoned farms of New England from their present state of disuse, while the abandoned farms are generally considered, through a misconception of the facts, to be sections of worked out land. Prof. Scribner said that as good land as any in the east is embraced in some of these abandoned tracts. All they needed, he said, was intelligent culti vation and tillage. The planting of forage crops, noted as soil improvers, would aid materially in increasing the productiveness of the land and the proper use of fertilizers would do tho rest. In the majority of cases he thought the farms had not been aban doned because the land was too poor and barren to till, but because the younger generation had drifted to the cities, not caring to continue the strug gle in the old-fashioned way, op pressed by mortgages and discouraged by the failure of crops and the refrac tory and unproductive soil, and not having sufficient knowledge of mod ern agricultural methods to open the fight on other lines. "Hit Hp; I'm Big Enoiis-li." He wasn't very big, but he was a sturdy little chap with a face that bore the marks of much thinking and premature responsibility. I learned afterward that he was supporting a crippled mother and an invalid sister who had been left helpless in the world by the death of her father. Ho might have run away from home and evaded the responsibility, but he didn't think of it He just sold pa pers. At the loop on Fifteenth street a crowd was gathered, waiting for the evening cars. A. ragged young girl was selling flowers at the Fifteenth street end of the waiting station when a man, rushing to catch his car, knocked her against the side of tile building. Without stopping, probably not having noticed what he had done, he continued his rush, when the boy stepped in front of him, defiantly. 'Say, what do you want to knock a girl down for? Hit me, I'm big enough." ■v Tj>o man paused in Surprise, and then glanced aroulid. lie saw the flower girl picking up her wares, and understood. Without a moment's hes itation he went back to her, gave her enough money to makes her eyes sparkle with joy, and said: "I'm sorry, my dear, that I hurt you, I didn't see." Then turning to the boy, he continued: "You said you were big enough, young man, but you're a great deal bigger than you think. Men like you will have a lot to do with keeping this old world In a condition of self-respect." Then he caught his car and the boy and the girl stood there wondering what he meant —Denver Times. Snrppplcnl Who Might Chnnce. The two monarchs who could change thrones to the greatest advantage are Edward VII, R. 1., of Britain and the Indies, and Wilhelm 11., King of Prus sia and German Emperor. Both are thoroughly acquainted with the politi cal and social conditions of the "other country." Each speaks the language of the realm of his imaginary adoption with perfect ease. Kaiser Wilhelm Is half English. King Edward is half German.—Pearson's Weekly. The difference betwoen self esteem and conceit is the difference between you and your neighbor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers