[THE CAUSE OF BALDNESS A NEW THEORY THAT BAD BREATH ING IS RESPONSIBLE. Polnon In Stagnant Air— Decoivjioped In Unused Part of tht* I.ungH, It Produces Substance Which Kills Hair —Proved ou Dogs and Birds. That baldness Is merely a matter of breathing is a theory which has been promulgated by Dr. Delos L. Parker, of Detroit, Mich. Dr. Parker, who Is lecturer on materia medlca In the De troit College of Medicine, has made a series of Interesting experiments in rj support of his hypothesis, the results of which he gives at length In the Medical Record. A Dr. Parker believes that air which Is drawn into the lungs and allowed to remain In tho air cells there Is de composed by the moist warmth of the K body, throwing off a poison, "trlcho joxicon," into the blood, which causes pr the lialr to fall out. The reason why * baldness Is so much more common among men than among women, he says, Is that the habit of wearing cor sets forces women to use the upper part of tho lungs In breathing, and It Is there that tho hair poison is chiefly generated. In order to prove his theory, Dr. Parker had bald headed men exhale their breath Into a vessel free from air, and It was transferred Into bottle partly filled with water. After per mitting It to remain in Die bottlo long enough to Impregnate the water witli the hair poison the water was Injected under the skin of dogs, hens and pigeons. The result was that the hair of tho dogs and the feathers of tho hens and pigeons fell out while tho In jections were continued and grew again when they ceased. Millions of tiny hollow spaces known ns "air cells" occur in the kings. They jt vary in size from one two-hundredth to one-seventieth of an Inch in diame ter. If they could all he opened and spread out they would cover an area from 100 to I.'IO times greater than the area of tho skin. These air cells are gathered into groups less than an Inch in diameter, and each group is couuected with the bronchial tubes. Owing to tills arrangement air may be taken into and expelled from some of tho groups of air cells while It remains motionless or stagnant In others. When the rilis which enclose the up per portion of the chest are raised nnd lowered In breathing air Is taken Into and expelled from every part of the lungs, been use all the ribs are con nected, and the upper ones cannot be raised without raising tho lower ones, thus expanding the entire cavity. Women usually employ this method of breathlpg, but when the lower ribs are raised It does not follow that the extrenm upper ribs must move, teo. Dr. Irirker also points out that In or dinary breathing only one-sixth of the I air in the lungs Is driven out with each breath. Tho air expelled from tho lungs contains very small quanti ties of organic matter, as well as hy drogen, and marsh gas lias been estab lished by research. From birth to death the lungs are never entirely empty of stagnant air containing these substances. Persons who lead sedentary lives are •specially likely to become bald, be cause lack of exerelso reduces the amount of oxygen obtained by the blood and tends to prevent full breath ing. The habit of bending over desks, which contracts the upper parts of the lungs and keeps them contracted, has the same effect In old age baldness becomes quite common because the ribs grow more rigid nud ure less easily moved. When Dr. Parker began his experi ments ho obtained from a middle aged man who had long been bald, a large bag full of expired air. This r was transferred to a bottlo partly Nk filled with water, and placed in an in cubator, where it was kept for ten days at a temperature of ninety-eight degrees. Injections of the Impreg nated water were made daily in a fox terrier and a hen. After fourteen In jections the dog commenced to lose Its hair and the hen its feathers. After fifty-two injections targe bare patches were visible on both subjects. Neither subject showed any signs of disturbed health during the progress jif the experiments. The dog played as usual, and seemed to be In good spirits, while the hen continued to lay eggs. Their weight remained un changed. After the Injections ceased a new coat of hair covered tho hare patches in the dog and the hen got her feathers back. Convinced that his theory was cor rect, Dr. Parker determined to make a new set of experiments. In October of . last year. First he obtained the breath Jk of a man who was not bald, then he filled a flask with the breath of a man who was bald, nnd finally one con taining ordinary atmospheric nlr. All these were placed In the Incubator to allow decompose jn to take place. In this experiment he used one fox ter rier, five hens and five pigeons, all fully grown, i Injections Into the dog from the two j flasks of expired air, one from a bald | man and the other from a man not | bald, bad the same effect as in the I first experiment. Similar treatment | of the hens and pigeons was followed ( by the same results. Only those which | were treated with the liquid from the 1 first two flasks were affected. rDr. Parker concludes from these ex periments that when human breath is kept long enough to allow decomposf- tlon of the organic matter which It contains to take place It creates a poi son which In the blood of certain nni tmals acts upon tho lialr nnd similar Jjtlssues and has no other effect. Sum jUjming up the results of his lnvestiga- Wtions, Dr. Parker says: '-■ M "it seems not unreasonable to eon jlclude that baldness, of the type under pODsMerntlcm, la caused by an mito lnfeodon In •which trtchotoxtooc la taken up by the blood from the air cells or the lungs, where It hoe been elaborated during decomposition of or ganic matter normally present In re spired air." Though Dr. Parker does not suggest It, It is possible for any person threat ened with baldness to tost the theory by habitually breathing with the entire lungs. If Dr. Farker is correct, this expedient ought to stop the falllug of the hair. To Chloroform n Person. The only way to render a person unconscious by the use of chloroform Is In the way practiced by surgeons in the operating room. And this is by no means an easy task. There are several ways of doing it The chloro form may be dropped on a handker chief, which Is thou held over the face at some little distanco, or It may be dropped on a sponge, or it mny be used In one of the Innumerable ma chines Invented for the purpose. But the vapor must be mixed with air be fore It Is breathed. That Is the rea son the handkerchief or the sponge Is held some Inches from the face. As a rule, It takes from Ave to eight minutes to make the person uncon scious. and during this time ho gen erally struggles very violently. It Is probable that many of the charges of chloroforming which have been made are false. Sometimes the pretended victim asserts that he lias become unconscious Immediately. But It has been shown In evidence that the time necessary to bring about this re sult Is at least four or five minutes. Sometimes he says ho could not cry out; yet he describes all the circum stances of the administration minute ly. blow, the first effoct of the chloro form is to produce confusion of the mind, while, on the other hand, the patient can cry out almost up to the last. He becomes mentally confused before he loses the power of speech. These few facts are sufficient perhaps to demonstrate that some charges of possible are necessarily untrue.—London Mail. The Meaning of a Trade-Marls* In a case recently decided by tho United States Supreme Court, cover ing the trade-mark laws of the coun try, Chief Justice Miller delivered the opinion. In tho course of which he called attention to several salient points. Attention was first called to the early use of the term "trade-mark" and its meaning as a distinctive mark of authenticity, through which tho products of particular manufacturers or tho vendible commodities of certain merchants may be distinguished from those of others. A trade-mark may consist of any symbol or any form of words, but as Its office Is to point out distinctively the origin or ownership of the articles to which It Is affixed, it follows that no sign or form of words can be ap propriated as a valid trade-mark which, from the nature at the fact con veyed by its primary meaning, others may employ with equal truth, and with equal right for the same purpose. A general rule has been established to the effect that words that do not in and of themselves Indicate any thing In the nature of origin, manu facture or ownership, hut are merely descriptive of the plnce where an article Is manufactured or produced, cannot be monopolized as a trade mark. Fltteil to III* Position. Sir Henry Poland, a British magis trate noted for his brilliancy. Is care less In bis dress. Once his family per suaded him to go to Poole and order a fashionably cut suit. To tho chagrin of the household Sir Henry looked more outlandish in tho new clothes than In his old ones. Ills brother-in law went to see I'oole about it. "It is not my fault, sir," the tailor assured him. "Every care was taken, but how could we fit a gentleman who would insist upon being measured sitting down?" And the only satisfaction that could be obtained from Sir Harry Polnnd himself later on was the dry comment: "Well, It's my business, and not yours. I like to be comfort able. I spend three parts of my life sitting down, and I prefer to be meas ured so."—New York Tribune. ICemarkablo Memory Shown l>r Canaries, "St. Andreasberg people know noth ing of the canary of the encyclopaedia, which can imitate perfectly the night ingale, or even enunciate some words In imitation of the human voice," de clares Ida Simper Iloxle, In telling about SL Andreasberg, "The Singing Village of Germany," in The Ladles' Home Journal. "The birds of one breed, subjected to the same Influ ences, have songs that vary with the throat muscles and vocal chords cf each individual. But so remarkable Is the" eaunry memory that a bird bred to a certain song, if removed from the cage in which he has heard it from his parent, when six weeks old, will later, when he himself begins to slug, give the same song though never hnv ing heard It in the Intervening period." For Country Holidays.' A few days In the country—away from the clangor of the city and the broiling heat of the pavements—out in the open fields, with nothing In sight above nearer than the sky uuu everywhere birds and flowers and shady trees and running brooks and growing crops! Who does not long for that now and then, whatever his condition in life, and however great the comfort in which he spends his days? And then think what It means to puny chlllren who have had no playground but the street or the alloy, whose home is a few narrow rooms in a stlffy block or a cottage on which the summer sun bet ts hllstcrlngly.— Indianapolis News. - |m^NDQSTA!M| How to eradicate mosquitoes is oc cupying the active brains of the scien tists of the world. . w , Celluloid is manufactured by dis solving nitrocellulose in camphor, that Is to say, forming a mixture of nitro cellulose, camphor and alcohol. In the opinion of Sir Martin Con way, tho highest mountain in Amer ica is not, as heretofore supposed, An cohuma, but Ainpato, lu Bolivia. Dr. Suerlng Bcrson, a member of the Meteorological Institute, Berlin, has just completed a balloon ascent, dur ing which he reached a height of 53,- 500 feet The lowest recorded temper ature was forty degrees below zero Fahrenheit. , t The London County Council have recently placed a now float upon tlre River Thames, driven by liquid fuel. By means of a large burner full steam Is raised in a very few minutes. Tlrt special type of burner knowu as th Clarkson, which Is utilized, vaporizes the oil. and then mixing the vapot with the air produces an intensely hol flame, which has tho additional ad vantage of being almost smokeless. ' Syntbol" is a chomlcally pure eub stltute for absolute alcohol. It may be used for every purpose for wlxick (alcohol Is Used except for internal eon sumption. Being chemically pure il sloes not have as much odor as abso lute alcohol from grain or wood. It is perfectly free from color, is non-lrrfc tant to eyes or skin and has ten to fifteen per cent, more solvent powos than ordinary alcohol. During the submerged experiments with the French submarine boat "Nan val," especially In those casos \fhers the vessel luis remained under watei for a prolonged length of time, the crew have suffered from a pecullai sickness. It has boon found impossi ble to account for this curious malady, and tho Ministry of Marino has issued a regulation that all men in future re cruited for submarine boats must un, tlergo a rigorous medical examination. Tne sickness Is believed to ho due to constitutional causes. An English scientist some years ago suggested that, la view of the limited supply of nitrogen, unless some meth ods of procuring it from other source than the earth were devised, there was danger of the soil ceasing to be productive. For this purpose he pro posed that experiments should be made to discover some process ot treating the nitrogen In the ah- so as to make it available for use. It is now announced that this has been done, and that the nitric acid thus pro duced is absolutely pure and available for all purposes. Tlio Land of the Gum Clievrer. By far tho largest proportion of chewing gum made is for home con sumption. America is the land of the gum chewer, hut the export trade Is growing and the gum habit is invad ing Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the South Sea Islands. Only last month a London journal bewailed tire rise of tho pernicious habit among Britain's sons and daughters, but the manufacturers say that the English trade isn't yet big enough to Justify the lamentation or to be taken seri ously. The increasing use of chewing gum in England, just at present. Is due to the adoption of the habit by the Eng lish soldiers in South Africa. South Africa has for years been one of the best foreign markets for chewing gum, and probably more of the article is used in Johannesburg than In any other foreign town. The English sol diers having experimented with tho chewing gum, found it a good thing for nerves and thirst and they are tak ing the acquired tasto home with them. Tell In Love With a Convict. Many years ago, when Botany Bay was a convict settlement, a young lady, who was a widow of a wealthy squatter, fell in love with a convict, whose term of punishment had nearly expired, and whom she had observed from time to time toiling with the chain-gang. So infa'uated was the fail widow with the criminal in question that she sent for him directly his dis charge was effected, and offered him her hand and heart, together with the supervision of her property. A lilterai salary was to accompany the dual po sition of husband and overseer, an< the lucky man naturally assented t< the proposition without an instant'i delay. The marriage proved a highly successful union, hut to the day of the fellow's death, he drew h"s salar; with unerring regularity, and. to hli credit bo it said, ho earned every penny of it, for lie proved an netlvc and intelligent manager in every re speec. Tlio Making; of Perfumed, Millions of flowers yield their petal, annually for the making of favorltt perfumes. The material for the cholc est nttar of roses is found In a pass of the Balkan Mountains known m the Valley of Roses. Ilore in tm blossoming season scores of squan miles of blooming damask roses red den the landscape, nnd the air li heavy with fragrance. Thousands oi peasants are employed to gather tin blossoms. More than hnlf the world'i supply of nttar of roses comes froit tills valley In central Bulgaria, tin damask rose attaining Its highest per fectiou there. Mother "My mother was troublsd with consumption for many years. At last she wa9 given up to dia. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard I your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best tning you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., sl. All dro*fists. t Consult yonr doctor. If ho says toko It, l then do as he seyo. If he tells you not I to take It. tbon don't take It. Ho know*. fl ■ Leave It with him. We ore willing. & 9 , '' - -- 8 X Sick Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. | . 25c. Ml druggists. "Want your mou6t<u*ho or beard e beautiful brown or rich black? Thi*n use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE^Sj?.,, Triumphs of Modorn Astronomy. Professor Newcomlx the astronomer, discussing the advance made In that science during the last century, says that mankind Is only beginning to learn something of the truth, ami thai the greatest victory of the astrono mers In the nineteenth century was the determination of the exact motion of the solar system, which is moving in space at the rate of 40,000 miles an hour, but no oneccatn t tell whence it came or whither it goeth. Another Important improvement is the applica tion of mechanical methods for record Ing astronomical phenomena. An as tronomer of a few years ago was com pelled to keep his eyes upon the stars and sketch inaccurately and imper fectly the objects that passed before his vision. The introduction of auto matic photography gives him an exact record of every event among the heav enly bodies, although he may see nothing of it himself. Consolatiou and Comfort. Who is it that does not wish to bo out in the open air or alive in gomo flold of sport, whether it be with the bat, rod or gun ; whethor wo go coasting over tho hills and vales on tho wheel or sailing over rough waves or into soreno coves, it is all sport, and tho springing muscles soom to need it. It is bound to happen that some mishap will occur. Thus it is that we have sprains in abundanco. Light sprains, sprains that cripple, sprains that give groat pain, sprains that rob us of sleep, but sportsmon of all kinds have come to know that there is nothing better than the old reliablo St. Jacobs Oil. Ilavo it with you for use ; you may rely on its cure of tho worst ■prain and restoration to tho comfbrts of life- There is one savings bank in New York City which lias deposits of more than 000,000 and a surplus of more than $7,000,- 000. Renfnpsa Cannot He Cured by local applications as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whan this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed Doafness is tho result, and aniens the inflammation can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever. Nino cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing bait an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. W® will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (canned by catarrh), that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Ciroulars sent froe. F. J. CHENEY fc Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills arc the bosfc. New York and Pennsylvania pay mem bers of the Legislature SISOO a year; Maine pays them a year. When taken according to directions Gar field Headache Powders arc guaranteed to cure oven very sovero headaches. It la un ufual to find a remedy at once so efftofcivo and harmless. 4 Powders 10c. It's a good thing to be too busy to make enemies. Our ostrich farms are profitable. Birds are worth Slot) apiece and a good specimen yields worth of feathers nt a plucking. PUTNAM'S FADELESS DYE produces the fast est and brightest colors of any known dye •tuff. Sold by all druggists. More than 45,000,000 passengers a venr go through the North Union and South Union stations in Boston. The exports of corn for the last fiscal year were $85,000,000. of wheat $73,000,000. Rest For the Hotrrl*. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, yon will never got well untfl vour bowels are put right. CASCAIMSTS help nature, enre yon without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you Just 10 cents to start getting your healtU baok. CAS CARETB Candy Cathartic, tho genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. 0. ■tamped on it. Beware of imitations. Germany still imports seventy-five per cent, of her steel pens from England. — FITB permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's nse of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free I>r. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arcjgpt.. Phi la. Pa. Mexico boasts 139 libraries and 711 newspapers in various languages. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrtn forchildrei teething, soften tho guuis, reduces inflamma tion,altars pain, wires wind colic. 25c a ooct'.e English newspapers report a revival of cock-fighting in England. Teach©* Musi Teach. Tbe teacher must teach more, and know more; he must be a living foun tain, not Q stagnant pool. Fie should not he a dealer in desicated, second hand knowledge, a mere giver-out and hearer of lessons. That is the chief and humiliating difference between our secondary teachers and those abroad, who are mostly doctors of philosophy, as they should be. If we could move many university profes sors to the high school, many high school teachers to the grammar school and some grammar school teachers, with at least a sprinkling of college graduates, in to the kindergarten, it would do much. In the German and French school the teacher is the one who knows a great deal about his subject and is nearer to original sour ces, who tells the great truths of the sciences almost like storios, and Who does affect the airs and methods of the university professor. Very many sec ondary teachers are masters and au thorities. Here, most of our universi ty pedagogy is a mere device for so influencing high-school principals and teachers as to correlate curricula, in order to corral in students, and littl interest is taken iu the grammar grades, and none In the kindergarten. Khedive of Egypt is Musical. The present Khedive of Egypt is an amateur of music, like Ismail, though his tastes are, fortunately, not so cost ly. Ismail, as everybody knows, spent large sums ou opera, and commission ed Verdi to write "Alda." The pres ent Khedive is satisfied with concerts, and at a recent State- performance at Ras-el-din Palace the band played a valse which was announced as the composition of Ills Highness. Percy Betts comments: "Doubtless the guests were complimentary." It was Brahms who said: "Speak not dis respectfully of the music of Princes, for thou knowest not who wrote it." At all seasons of the year 5 o'clock In the morning is the coldest hour of the 24. Ilasy Come, Ilany Go. The man who creeps along bent over, with his apinal column feeling in a condition to snap like a pipestem at any minuto, would readily give a great deal to get out of hi fl dilemma, and yet this is only tho commonest form by which lumbago seizes on and twirls out of shaoe the miuoles of the back. This is oommonly known as backache, a crick in the back, but by whatever name it may bo known, and however bad it may be, 10 min utes' vigorous rubbing with St. Jacobi Oil on tho affiioted part will drive out tho trouble and completely restore. It is a thing so easily caught, it may bo wondered at why there is not raoro of it, but because it is BO easily cured by St. Jacobs Oil may bo the very rea son that we hear so little of it. Supreme Court Justices in New York City receive $7500 a year more than Jus tices of the Supreme Court of the United States. H. H. GREEN'S SONS, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. Heo their liberal offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. American apples are in great favor in I Europe. HSO'B Cure cannot bo too highly spoken ot ■s a cough cure.—J. W. O'BRIEN, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. C, 1900. The Paris theatres give away an aver ago of 8500 free tickets daily. Profession si 1 nml Rtisinrss People I If you would cloar tho hca 1 of pain and heaviness take Garfield Ileadacho Powders, a remedy that acts quickly and effectually and that does not derange the system. Great Britain supplies many "Brussels" cameta and small toot ruga to Turkey. Alaska in Touch With tho World. War Department reports indicate that there will be a great extension of the telegraph service in Alaska tills season. Captain William It. Aber crombie, with a large force of men, is constructing the military road from Waldos, on the southern coast to Cir cle City, on the upper Yukon, near the boundary of the British Xorwest Ter ritory. At the same time the military telegraph line Is being extended along that route and it is expected that even before the completion of the wagon road the telegraph facilities over tin entire distance from the Gulf of Alas ka to the Yukon will be in operation. jj******************* * I ******************* Book!,** i # * * IT SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD AS IT MAY * % BE NEEDED ANY MINUTE. * 1 A Slight Illness Treated at Or.co Will Frequently Prevent n * 4c Long Sickness, With Its Heavy Expenses and Anxieties. 'mm HAKHIS OWN umm • l lly J. UAMILION AYE:;S, A. St., M. I>. •k .This i fl a most Valuable Book for the Household, teaching as it docs the k easily-distinguished Symptoms of different Diseases, the Causes and Means Jf k °f Preventing suck Diseases, ancl Lb. Simplest Remedies which will alleviate k or care * C©B Pagos Profueo.y Illustrated. * * This Book is written in plain I k every-day English, and is free from 34. ■k technical Urrnn which render -k v 'i/A. most doctor books so valueless to j* vl the generality of readers. This . IF 'Book i 3 intended to be of Service * * sw_ f ' ]*< j Q ' ll l * lo family, and is so worded as * ** "-jJtj O* k° reut * il * understood by all. * ** fts SO Posf - ** * I Pasa ; * c * Panted. Not only does this lloofe J, k IJs f .V r contain so much Information Kela- 4 * ■ t '. vo to J) hut very properly * * thing pertaining to Courtship. Mar- * * TV riarc and the Production and Rear * • i* • ine of Healthy Families: together * -k % with Valuable Been"*? snd Prescrip k t.iona, FTnlanaf : o-*o of Bofamoa! Practice. Correct Use of o*dinn*v Herbs. k New Fldit'on. Revised and Knlarnrrd with Complete Index. With this af k Book in the house there is no excuse for not knowing what to do in an em- )+ k crgcncy. j. k Don't wait nnt.'i vnu illn "** in yvt* ; _ send at once for this valuable volume. OVT.V ffi POST-PATD. u Send postal note 9or postage stamps of any denomination not larger than fi cents. * k BOOK PUBLISHCNC HOUSE 134 Leonard St., N.Y. * * * ****************** ■ ******************* i There Is a notable Tx>om In St. Pe fcpntbnrg for women pharmacists. A. number of them are fulfilling so well the duties of their calling in the Rus sian capital that the "boom" is likely not only to spread throughout the em pire, but overrun the borders of th Czar's empire. Ttse Gaitedlsn Exhibit OF GRAINS AND GRASSES, SHOWING THE PRODUCTION OP THB FREE GRANT LANDS CANADA IS WELL WORTH A VISIT BY THOSE WHO ATTEND THE PAH-AMERICA,BUFFALO ?:<■ 1 "rf%"2TVL The vield of Wheat in v " Hl j r " £5 na 3? V i] t hiß (i IJoin (hi wheat Holds of Manitoba, j i Asslr.lboin, Saskiitche wan and AIU-rta. 30,000 ealru farm hands will be required tins year to harvest, the grain crop. The highest wages paid. For low railway rules, pamph lets, etc., descriptive or the country, apply to P. PKDI.EY, Sup't Immigration, Ottawa. Canada; M. ST. JOHN. Canadian Exhibit, Buffalo, New York, or the nearest A cent of the Canadian Government. not f.iil to see the Canadian Exhibit when you visit Buffalo. IN WET WEATHER A WISE MAN WEARS MA WATERPROOF CLOTHINO mi KEEP YGU B2Y M&TL^WIU. •TAKE NO SUB3TITUTE3 ■ CATALOGUES SHOWING FULL LINE OP GARMENTS AND HATS I A.c'.TOWt:R CO.. RONTON. MASS. 16 ~~~ ~ ~ IN OHILDBEN AKH a-g.vswivTrrrv■ 'i7i-y _• 'j'J follow. Tlio medicine which for GO years has held the record foi successfully ridding children of these posts is Kroy'sVermltuge—made entirely from vegetable products, ooutnlnlng no calomel, ITAGTSASATOIC.f O> r tr r™oi by mail. E. AS. FRET, Baltimore, Md. S9OO TO SISOO A YEAk We want intelligent Men and Women ai Traveling Representatives cr I.ocal Managers j salary f;oo to fiyo n year and all expenses, according to experience and ability. We also want local representatives; salary #9 to sls a week and commission, depending upon the time devoted. Send stamp tor full particulars uud lute position prefered. Address, Dept. D. TRK NEXT, COMPANY. Pa. ASTHMA-HAY FEVER Jl CURED BY p|DR.TAFrs FTOpj Isi row FREETHIALBOTTLfi ADDRESS DR.TAFT.79 E.130 T - ST.. N.Y. CLTY crißK* M^pAYwSfiy STARK. BRO*. Louisiana, Mo.; Ilnnisxillc, Ala.. En "TTie Ranee that made West Point fnmone."* McILHENhY'S TABASCOi DROPSY SKISq r.MiN. Bov.K of tebtimonUlu and lOdiiVM' tieatmont Free. Dr. n. 11. OHCtN S aONH. Box U. Atlanta. Oa, lr f AS" , Eya Water P. N. U. 37. 190 L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers