FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIV. NO. 45. A Warning If you do not leave your measure at Refowich's, Free land's leading tailor, you will not be in it. Refowich'sWearWel Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Full and Winter Samples Now Ready. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Also PURE WINES M LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AMU MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets. Freeland. Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kindß, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. tOIPEffIIWY © IK [leu supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. DePIERRO - BEOS. CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Htreete. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Eoaenbluth's Volvet, of which wo h vo EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Honnessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc 11am and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Wm. Wehrman, atchmaker. Cheapest Clocks and Watches in Town. Next to Neußurger's Store. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Tuesday Evening, October 15. THE MIRTH PROVOKER, George W. Larsen, IN A Hindoo Hoodoo. A clenn, high-class comedy, presented by a selected company. A play with a plot that bubbles with fun. Prices: 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Seats on sule at McMenamln'i stove. "GOLD BRICK" FOR MINERS Company Store Law Said to Contain a Flaw. Hearing Postponed in Order to Hide the Legislature's Treachery to the Mine Workers. The Dauphin county court decidod yesterday to postpono the argument In the store order tax cases, which had been fixed for today, and which was intended to test the constitutionality of the law taxing store orders 25 per cent of their face value. Counsel for the merchants of the coal region and the miners' labor organizations, were pre sent. These are J. P. O'Brien, of Scran ton; John M. Carr, of Freeland, and William Wilhelm, of Pottsville. Commenting on the above, the Harris burg correspondent of the North Ameri can says today: "The miners, It is believed, have very little reason to depend on this law, the purpose of which is to tax the robber company stores out of existence. It was reluctantly enacted by the Gang's legislature when the miners threatened to send an invading army to the capital if their measures did not receive con sideration. "A 'joker' inserted in the bill by the Gang before it was passed is said to be counted upon by the coal corporations, which conduct the company stores, as having rendered it unconstitutional. The machine does not want the cheat fully revealed, however, until after the mine workers have cast their ballots. "Congressman Oluistead, Quayite, of Ilarrisburg, who appeared before the senate mines and mining committee in opposition to the measure, lias instituted the proceedings in the Dauphin court to test its constitutionality. "As a matter of fact, the Gang is not anxious for a decision before election day, as it probably would have a bear ing on the voto in the mine regions." IMitliidelithlii'x l inlwr Si<l. . A protracted investigation of the nether side of Philadelphia, in which this famous criminologist devoted days and nights together with trusted friends, unknown to the police and unrecogniz ed by tiit "grafters," will be reported in the Philadelphia Sunday Press, beginn ing next Sunday, October 13. The facts are recited coldly, carefully, dispassion ately, with detail and correctness— what the thief, the speak-easy pro prietor and the tramp think of our great cities and of Philadelphia in particular from the standpoint of protected graft. It is a story of stupendous meaning to every taxpayer and voter in the United States. In order that you may bo cer tain of reading it, you had better order a copy of next Sunday's Press from your newsdealer in advance. Pan-American Kxx>onitlon. Low fares via tho Lehigh Valley Pail road to the Pan-American Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from Freeland at tho rate of $7 for the round trip. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day. May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for tho round trip. OASTOIIIA. Bears the /0 Kind Vou Have Always Bought MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO CANDIDATES FOR THE Office of State Mine Inspector. Notice is hereby given that an examination of candidates for tho office of Inspector of Mines for tho Fifth Anthracite District will be held in Schwartz's hull. East Broad street, lla/.lcton, la., on October 28, Jfl>.:) and HI, luui, bcjrinniiiK at, 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all candidates are requested to present them selves for examination. No previous notice of intention to apply is required A. C. Leiscnrinjr, Morris Williams, John Ross, John I). Reynolds, John Gilhooley, Board of Examiners. A IT AN TED.—Several persons of character \\ and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and ad vertise old established wealthy business house of solid Ihiuncial standing. Salary SIB.UU weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head of fices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose solf-address ed s'amped envelope. Manager, 310 C'axton Building, Chicago. Geo. H. Hartman, Seats and Green Tinck. Freak Lard a specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen andoah Boor and VeuiiKling's Porter on tap 98 Con tie street. FREELAND, PA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901 ROUND THE REGION. Postal Inspector Gorman, of Washing ton, after Investigating the matter, has decided that the postolfice at Grand Tunnel must be abandoned. Squire Young, the postmaster, has been sick for some time and alTairs were in a very unsatisfactory shape. No one else is willing t take the position. The resi dents will have to go to West Nantieoke or Nantieoke for their mail. "Father Matthew Day'* was observed in Wilkes bar re yesterday by a parade which was participated iu by several temperance societies of the Scranton diocese. Several thousand men and boys were in line, the largest turnout iu tho cause of temperance that the city has ever seen. Father J. J. Curran, the great temperance advocate of tho coal regions, delivered an address. Murderer John Lntz, who is to be hanged next month, Is just beginning to he worried by his approaching death. When Sheriff Harvey read the death warrant to him he cried, "What, are they going to hang me? 1 thought they'd just keep IUO here." George 11. Troiitman, Esq., of Hazle ton, has accepted the orphans' court judgeship and was given the oath of office this morning. He will servo until next January. A. 11. Kuisley opened an oystor in a Shamokin restaurant last night and found thirty-two pearls, most of them being as large as a pea. He sent them to a New York jeweler to detormino their worth. M. 11. Britt, aged 32 years, assistant principal of Mahanoy City high school, died yesterday, after two days' illness, with pneumonia. James Tumor, of Parsons, has receiv ed word that liis son, Joseph, was ono of the members of Company C, Ninth infantry, killed at Samar, P. 1., in the massacre a few weeks ago. The members of the Free Bridge As sociation have called a meeting for the purpose of forcing tho county commix missioners to buy all the toll bridges. The cost will be about SBOO,OOO. Defendant Found Guilty. William Jackson, of Upper Lehigh, was found guilty by a jury at Squire Shovlin's office last evening. lie was fined $5 and costs, amounting in all to $31.75. Jackson Is a breaker boss at Upper Lehigh and was charged by John Mohan, of town, with assault and battery on his twelve-year-old son, John, who was employed at the colliery. The case was tried by a jury, consist ing of Oliver Miller, Francis Brennan, Peter Gallagher, John Sbigo, Daniel Boyle and David Jones. Three hours were consumed iu taking testimony, after which the jury returned tho ver dict stated above. Tomorrow the Last Day. Tomorrow is the last day for taxpayers of the borough to receive tho 5 per cent rebate on their taxes. Collector Malloy is anxious to accommodate all who wish to secure this discount and will accept taxes up to 12 o'clock tomorrow evening. On Monday morning he must account to their several districts for which taxes are collected and must have ail hooks balanced, consequently no one need ask for the rebate after tho time limit ex pires. There will be no discount after tomorrow. Applicant for a Position. Attorney John M. Carr. who is an applicant for the position of assistant United States district attorney for the Middle district of Pennsylvania, was the recipient of a handsotno notice iu the last issue of the Wilkesbarre Sunday Dispatch, which also published a two column cut of Mr. Carr. In seeking the important position named above Mr. Carr has the backing of a number of influential men In the county and has good prospects of success. Coming Weddings. At 12 o'clock on Tuesday, in the Holi ness Christian church, Mr. Henry Kroz bergor and Miss Ella Gaylor, both of town, will bo unitod in marriage by Rev. F. Weiss. Paul Wargovcsik and Miss Annie Berosh, both of town, will he married tomorrow by Rev. Charles Pajchisak at St. John's Slavonian Catholic church. New York ExcurHion. Special low rate excursion to New York city, Wednesday, October lfi, via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Rale: Adults, $3; children,s2*2s; from all points on Mahanoy and Hazleton divisions. Train leaves Freeland at 8.15 a. tn. Tickets good going only on above train October lfi. limited for return on any regular train except Black Diamond, express, to October 18, inclusive. CASTOHIA. Bears the Kind You Have Always Bought THEATRICAL George W. Larsen, who has become popular with comedy loving audiences, on Tuesday evening will appear as Tankerby Hockiugs, in "A Hindoo Hoo doo," a funny play by John Fowler. Tho play is not an experiment, as It has been produced in the principal cities of tho United States. Mr. Lar sen has arranged for its presentation and it will be presented in a first class manner with a good company. t t t "Uncle Terry" was greeted on Wed nesday evening by the largest audience of tho season. The pretty scenery and line acting brought out the story of the play in a manner pleasing to all present. The drama is one of the cleanest on the road and desorves its success. t t t Hoyt's "A Day and a Night,which is better than in any former season, was given in grand style at Hazleton last evening. It will reach Freeland the 22d inst. t t t One of the best popular price com panies on the road, the Klark-Scovllle combination, will play three nights hero. t t t The Interest aroused by the annoutu'e mont that "Tennessee's ParOiier" will soon be here Is so great that the record of attendance at the Grand promises to bo broken on tho evening of the 110 th. To ClinKßp Senle Dny. The Denver Hullillng Trades Council Is discussing plans for the prevention of wage troubles such as have occurred in Denver each May day for several years. If the contractors agree In ad vance, tho council will urge each of the unions affiliated with It to adopt a scale of wages on Jan. 1 of each year, to lie effective 011 the succeeding May 1. Advocates of the Idea assert that tills would give contractors live months' no tice und ample time in which to make estimates for the entire year, with pos itive knowledge of what the wages in voked would aggregate. Heretofore the uncertainty of what wages would be demanded has hampered those with work In sight during the first few months of each year, when 11 great many contracts for the summer arc usually placed In contractors' hands for consideration. The contractors who •have been seen oil the subject by mem bers of the council have signified their approbation of such a system. I.u.v Favors I.nhor. It Is not generally known that the federal statutes contain 11 law favoring labor unions 111 certain branches of In dustry. Such a law Is 111 the hooks, however, and It is one of the most re cent additions to the federal code. Itallroad employees arc most inter ested In this law, which applies to steam railroads, bridges and ferry companies. It makes tlie discharge of any railroad for membership la a labor union a misdemeanor. Many lawyers are not aware of the existence of the statute. William 1.. Morsey, assistant United States dis trict attorney, said, in looking up the section for The Post-Dispatch, that, while it had not been purposely con cealed, the law was as yet unfamiliar to the majority of lawyers. It was passed In IS!)". The union labor law Is contained in section 10 of chapter 270, Revised Stat utes.—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Girl. With a TtvnnHT Are Ilnrred. When girls nre chosen for the gov ernment service in London, the educa tional examination sinks into .Insignifi cance before the physiological test. No girl will be employed If she be below 5 feet 2 Inches high in her stocking soles. She must possess good hearing, have, no defect of speech and must be tested by viva voce examination, in which particular attention is "to bo paid to articulation, pitch of voice and general self possession. Any candidate show ing any indication of nervousness, hys teria, want of self possession or a strongly marked twang shall he re jected. The majority will probably pass In self possession, but dialect Is 11 severe test."—Loudon Express. PLEASURE. October 10.—Ball of St. Kaslmer's Polish congregation at Kroll's opera house. Admission, 25 cents. October 28. —Ball of Local Union No. 1499, U. M. VV. of A., at Kroll's opera house. Admission, 25 cents. I.n\v Fare* to I'an-A ntorienn Kx|>OH!t.iou . Via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five day tickets will bo sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from Freeland, at the rate of $7.50 for the round trip. Tick ets good only in day coaches. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land ovcry day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at tho rate of $lO for the round trip. CASTOniA. Boara the _yf The Kind You Have Always Bought 557 Watch the 'late on your paper. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. The following lower end Republicans havetbeen placed on the bounty com mittee: George VVilmot, Upper Lehigh; B. F. Davis, Freeland; Arthur Goedocke, Jeddo; Edward F. James, Hazleton; Richard Thomas, Ilazlo town ship. and Jerry Rough, West nazleton. According to a recent ruling of the national executive board of the United Mine Workers all mon employed in and about the mines are eligible to member ship. This includes bosses, excepting those who have authority to employ or discharge workmen. A smoker will be given by the moin bers of Division 19,.A. O. 11., next Fri day evening. The members of Division fi, of Freeland; Division 10, of Hazleton, and Division 20, of Ecklay, and tho county officers and state socret&ry will be present. Each of Marklo & Co.'s collieries was idle one day this week to make needed repairs around the breakers. The firm expects to have a steady demand for its coal all winter and the mines will work full time. Misses Lizzie May Johnson, of Front street, and Alice Rhoda, of Upper Le high, left today to spend the winter In Philadelphia. Miss Johnson was ten dered a farewell party at her home last evening by her friends. Fine free lunch at all hours at Born hard Dinn% restaurant. Walnut street. At the Holiness Christian church next Sunday there will be preaching at 10 a. m. and 7.30 p. ni. by Pastor F. Weiss. Sunday school at 2 and experience meet ing at 3 p. m. A portrait of the late Presidont Mc- Kinlcy, with the years of his birth and death underneath, has been adopted by the postoflico department to appear on all postal cards hereafter issued. November 1 will bo card day in tho Lehigh region. On that date committees of tho United Mine Workeis will ex amine the working cards of all members of the organization. The game of foot hall to be played on Sunday afternoon at Jeanesville be tween tho Good Wills and Hazleton Athletics has been cancelled. Tho Anthracite telephone exchange has been removed from Woodring's store and is now located en tho second Iloor of the Birkbeck brick. Watches and jewelry repaired—lvolpor Candidates for the position of mine inspector of this district will be examin ed at Hazleton on tho 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of this month. "Billy" Hitter will resume his position on Monday as clerk at the Central hotel, after an absence of several months. Miss Lizzie Kelley, of South Washing ton street, ha* gone to New York city to reside. George W. Faitz lias been confined to his home all week, suffering from stomach trouble. John McCole, treasurer of th% school board, has received $3,888.17 of the state appropriation. Miss Rose Boy In tomorrow will as sume the position of chief operator at tho Bell telephone exchange. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Sweeney returned this morning from their trip to Ken tucky. Mrs. W. L. Kelper and Miss Annie Goepport are spending the week in Philadelphia. The Young Men's Corps conducted a successful ball at Krcli's opera houso on Wednesday evening. Dr. Christine, of Philadelphia, spent Wednesday evening as the guest of Freeland friends. William Median has succeeded John GalTney as driver of tho United States express wagon. Tho condition of John J. McGIII, of Highland, who has been ill for a week, is considerably improved. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gorman are visiting in Philadelphia. Miss Mary J. Gillespie is visiting in Philadelphia. The borough council will hold an ad journed meeting tomorrow evening A. Oswald has the agency for the cele brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The liuest goods made. Try the in. TKI-WEEKLY STOP! Dent Btj Yiiir E(js School Suit until you have seen the magnificent stock in our store. We can equip the little fellows with the most * durable School Suits, Shoes, Shirts and Caps or Hats at less than any other dealer in town. Take a Glance at our windows and yon will be compelled to call and inspect our stock. Phila, One-Price Clothing House. 8. SEN IE, PltOP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. Until September 15 wc Rive 5 per cent off OH every Uollur's worth bought lor school children. ORION STROII, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW uud NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck IJrick, Freela-nd JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postofflce Building, ... F reel And. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Ilrciinan'. Building, So. Cuntro St. Froelaild. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freeland Haven Offloo, Kane I In i Id i iir. Opposite I ostoftice; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. MuBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business or every dosurlptlon. Fire Insurance, und Conveyancing given N! s,m w, attention. MeMuuaniin Building,South Centre Sirset. y~)R. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIUKBECK'S STOKE, Second Fluor. ■ ■ HlrkbceK Brick S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. v Washington Street. None but relluble eouiimnies represented. Also agent tor the celebrated high-grade lhanos of Uazelton Bros., New Vork city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Kefowtch Building. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - . Main Street -A-- OSWikLD, dca'or in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Butter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. A. W. Cor. Centre and Front 81s., Freeland. Right TO THE Point We always go straight to the point; no false modesty about us. We have the finest stock of Shoes in the town—we know it, and w want you to know it. We have bought them especially for you. We have every style in the market, and warrant all our goods. We have just the goods for sum mer wear—Underpriced for the sake of introduction. STAR SHOE STORE, niTGII MALLOY, FKUP., Centre and Walnut Streets.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers