THE WORLD'S BEST ARMY SWITZERLAND HAS A PRACTICALLY PERFECT MILITARY SYSTEM. Points in tho I-ittlo Republic's Defensive Organization That the Great Powers Might Copy "With Advantage—A Re markable Condition of Preparedness. It is generally conceded by military experts that Switzerland is the best organized country in the world from a military point of view, and that its laws governing military service and the organization of the militia are practicully perfect, writes the Wash ington correspondent of the New York Commercial Advert!sir. These laws could not oe adopted entire in a country where military service is purc :ly voluntary, for they are based upon the compulsory military education of every citizen, but there are many points in the Swiss system and organi zation which, it is believed, will in time be adopted by every civilized na tion in the world. Switzerland has about 16,000 square miles of territory and a population of about 3,000,000. Tho active army or "elite," us it is called, comprises 135,- 000 men. These are apportioned among the various branches of the service about as follows: There are about 120,000 infantrymen, less than 3000 cavalry, about 0000 artillerymen and 6000 engineers. The sanitary or medi cal and administrative troops number 4100. This, the peace strength of Switzerland, Is practically 140,000 men. The war strength of that coun try is about 500,000, not on paper, hut in actual soldiers, for there are 52.000 trained men in what is known as the first reserve and 275,000 in the second reserve. These two reserves compose what is known as the "landwehr," into which pass all soldiers of the "elite" or active army, after a term of service varying with the different arms. The active army is thirty per cent, of the entire military strength of the country. These figures, of course, have no application whatever to the United States, for in this coun try, with Its 87,000,000 people organ ized on the same military basis as Switzerland, there would be a stand ing army of over 4,000,000 men, and If organized on the basis of territory, the American army would be 250 times as great as that of Switzerland. In Switzerland every able-bodied citizen Is enrolled in the military serv ice, beginning at his twentieth year. His term of service, that is the time of life during which he can be called upon by the Government, contnues un til his forty-fourth year. Government officials, employes of the postofflce and telegraph Institutions, government workshops, hospital employes, peni tentiary guards and customs officers are among those exempt from this war duty. Other exemptions are clergymen, public school teachers, rail road men and a number of other em ployments necessary to tho transac tion of public business. Every able bodied citizen who is exempt, however, must take part in a course of a mili tary Instruction and be enrolled. Crim inals are excluded from the military service. The "elite," or active army, is com posed of men from twenty to thirty two years of age. The "landwehr," or reserves, Is composed of men from thirty-three to forty-five. The army is composed of a general staff and the staffs of tlie different branches of (he service, infantry, cavalry, artillery nnd engineer corps, medical corps and ad ministration corps. The examinations for recruits nro fairly severe, and no one Is permitted to enlist who fails to possess the requisite physical at tributes of a soldier. Tlie general di visions of the army nro governed by the political division of the country, each district furnishings its quota of troops, so that no soldier when ho goes to muster or drill Is compelled to un dertake a long journey. In all tlie branches of the service the non-commissioned officers nre promot ed by the captains on the recommenda tions of officers of lesser rank. The corporals nnd high privates nre ap pointed from among tlie soldiers who have obtained certificates of capacity in the schools of recruits. The ser geants nre taken from tho corporals, and the sergeant-majors from among the sergeants. No man is permitted to receive promotion without passing a thorough examination suitnble for the grade to which he is to he advanced. The seleetlou of officers is made upon the double recommendation of a com mission presided over by the chief of the military department as well as that of the commander under whose orders the officer to be appointed is to serve. The federal council appoints the officers of the general staff. A spe cial section of the general staff is formed from the administrative and managing personnel of railways. These officers direct the railway service dur ing war and become attached to the chief of the traffic service. The military education of the boys commences with their tenth year, anil from that time until they leave the primary schools they attend gymnas tic courses preparatory to military ser vice. These courses are superintended by school teachers who have received military education. Beginning with the eighteenth year shooting practice is added to the military drill and con tinues until the twentieth year, when they become liable to military service. Every two years the national forces are given camp exercise of sixteen days' duration, the regiments being or dered out in rotation. In years In which there is no other military serv ice all men enrolled In the army par ticipate in the shooting practices, eith er ns members of voluntary societies or at reunions especially organized for the purpose. At the option of the fed eral council general mobilization of all the troops In the country take place la such way as to Interfere with the busi ness of the people to the least degree. Eneh military district holds under Its responsible care a full equipment for the total number of soldiers which that district can be called upon to furnish. The federal government pays all the expenses of the entire military organization, but holds the local gov- ; ernmeuts responsible for the care and ! equipment of supplies. The manufac- j ture of war material is reserved to the ! jurisdiction, of the federal government. The pen.*} manoeuvres anticipate ; war conditions in everything that is | done, and the law is so complete in Its detail that the moment war was de- | clared the whole country would come tinder the jurisdiction of the war de- j parmcnt in the conduct of nearly every : function of government and public ser vice. This military law of Switzer land has been In force since 1574, with very slight changes. It lias been studied by nearly every military ex port from other countries and is looked upon as practically perfect. Under j this law Switzerland is converted into i a single military organization, which, at the first alarm, can turn n warlike j face toward the world. Such a state \ of effectiveness Is made necessary by the geographical situation of the country, and the Swiss people do not appear to find anything obnoxious in this all-prevailing military orgauiza- I tlon. One reason for this is that it is ! communal, a feature of the entire I Swiss government in the exercise of [ all its functions. It would not be | necessary nor would it be possible to I secure the adoption of the Swiss sys- j tern in any country of the character ' of the United States, but in the mill- I tary law of Switzerland, going as it ! does into the most minute detail of the | organization of a people for the in stant defense of the integrity of their country, many valuable suggestions can be secured for a uniform organiza- I tlon which will necessarily be effect- 1 ed sooner or later. Tlie Grand Medicine Man. The ceremony of the Grand Medi- j cine is an elaborate ritual covering j several days, the endless number of gods and spirits being called upon to j minister to the sick man and | lengthen his life. The several degrees ] of the Grand Medicine teach the use ] of incantations, of medicines and poi- j sons, and the requirements necessary to constitute a brave. "When a young i man seeks admission to the Grand | Medicine Lodge, he first fasts until he ; sees in his dream some animal (the mink, beaver, otter and fisher being j most common), then ornamented with I beads or porcupine quills, and the ' spirit of the animal becomes the friend > and companion of the man." The med icine men have only a limited knowl edge of herbs, but they are expert in dressing wounds, and the art of ex tracting barbed arrows from the flesh can be learned from them. In olden times—yes, to within the memory of living Ojibways—the medi cine man at the funeral ceremony thus addressed the departed: Dear i friend, you will not feel lonely while J pursuing your journey toward the set ting sun. I have killed for you a Sioux, (hated enemy of the Ojibways), j and I have scalped him. He will ac- j company you and provide for you, ' hunting your food as you need it. The scalp I have taken, use it for your t moccasins."—The Open Court. Something in llesorre, A young lady had a train to catch, I and chartered a cab, which unfortun- j atel.v was drawn by a very wretched 1 horse, paving told cabby that she had to reach the station in twenty minutes, j away the vehicle dashed at five miles an hour. They had barely got fifty yards, how ever. before the lady put her head out I of the window and requested the driv- '< er to whip the horse, as she would • otherwise miss the train. He accord- I ingly did so. A little further on she asked him to | administer the whip once more, as the i cab was only just moving. Cabby again complied. Soon after she said: i "Can't you hit him on the head so as | to wake him up a bit?" Looking at the young lady, the cabby exclaimed: "Well, miss, I've 'it the hanimal all over 'is bloomin' body except 'is left i ear, and I'm savin' that for the last 'iUJ"—London Answers. Power or . Chilli's Girt. A little crippled girl who died In Plniuliold, N. J., ten years ago left her savings of $2.30 to the church she loved, and the pennies were put In the bank. She had intended to use them to purchase a doll carriage, but when told she would not live to enjoy it made the disposition of her mite in the manner stated. When a S2OOO mort gage pressed upon the church recent ly the pastor of the church remem bered the baby's legacy and asked his parishioners to do as well as the little cripple. The magic of example worked to a charm. The money was raised at a single collection under the inspira tion furnished by this example of de votion, and the church is free from debt "And a little child shall lead them." —Philadelphia Times. Generous Diet For the Tropics. "Experience shows," says Major (3. W. Ruthers, of the commissary de partment, "that the American soldier serving in these islands needs the full nrmy ration, including the full allow ance of fresh beef; his health cannot be maintained without It. In addi tion, his appetite apparently craves sweets anil acids." In this connection he mentions the demand for saur kraut Without abundance of nutri tious food, he says the health of an American cannot be maintained in the Luzon climate. The health of the Filipinos living on American foods, he says, is much better than those living on native foods.—Washington Post. Long Hair " About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length."—Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor— Ayer's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy. Sl.0 a t-ttle. All dratlliU. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Bo sure and give the nam# Of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Bfass. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. All druggists. J \V;Mt your mmiitiiVlie or beard a bvautiful brown or rich black ? Then use DUCKI o NGHAM;SDYEj?£A e er. Convicts Mak ng Binding Twine. The use of binding -twine I*s so pen *ral that the industry of manufactur ing it lias become one of magnitude. The states of Kansas and Minnesota have state binding twine plants where the convicts of the penitentiary pre pare the twine for farmers at cost. The state of Kansas will this year use ! about 12.000,000 pounds of twine at a cost of about 10 cents a pound, of which the state plant will furnish one fourth. f.aundrring Thin Dreascn* To launder the exquisite creations of mus lins and lace in whicn this season abounds hus become quite a problem, yet the most delicate materials will not be injured if washed with Ivory Soap and dried in the shade. But little starch need be used. ELIZA K. PARKER. The present year will see the starting of at least three expeditions, representing three different nations, in an attempt to solve some of the mysteries of the bouth Polar regions. One will sail from Ger many, another from England, and a third from Sweden. The Swedish expedition is the latest to be organized, but it has been undertaken with enthusiasm, and King Os car will personally give it linuncial aid. Indians of the Colorado. The Cocopa Indians of the Lower Colorado (in both Baja, California and Sonora) are of Interest partly because they have practically escaped atten tion on the part of scientific investi gators until within a few months ago, and partly because of the customs which distinguish them from most neighboring tribes. They are essen tially an agricultural folk, though their agriculture is of the most primitive sort, affording, Indeed, a better pic ture of prehistoric agricultural meth ods than those of any other known tribe. Their customs well illustrate, too, the dependence of primitive in dustries, modes of life and even habits of thought, on surroundings; for, like the fellaheen of the lower Nile, they are creatures of the river along which they live, driven from the bottom lands by the annual freshets, and brought back by ensuing droughts to plant anew in the soil fertilized by the annual silt deposit. Perhaps of primary interest among their customs Is their disposal of the dead. They not only distribute the property of the de ceased among non-relatives, but burn the body and the habitation together. A considerable part of the tribal lore Is connected with the mortuary cus tom; and custom and lore together afford the remarkable insight into the esoteric life of primitive peoples. As early as 1000 there were 40.000 operatives in the English silk mills and cocoon houses. Garfield headache powders help people to feel well even in tho extremely hot weather ; by their use a headache can bo cured quickly and the whole system toned and refreshed. A trial ahvavs repava. The King of Italy received 20.000 telegrams o'f congratulations in the first day or two after uie birth of hi? daughter. He also received 20.000 re quests for money in honor of the event. • Each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DTF. eolors more goods than any other dye and colors them better too. Sold by all druggists. Of 2000 pigeons set free at Spandau, the majority reached Hamburg, a distance of 160 miles, in three hours. Some people act like fools and other people don't have to act. f.ndire Can Vicar Sliora One phu smaller after using Allen's Fot , Ease, a powder for tin feet. It makes tight or nr w shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweat ing, aching fee 4 , ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all (lr:;g rista and shoe stores, 25<\ Trial package FitEE by mail. Aildsoss Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Myrrh, which comes from Arabia and Persia, was used as medicine in the time of SolomoD. Bret For the Bowels. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels dre put right. CAHCAYKTR help naiare, cure you without a grip* or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost vou just 10 cents to start getting your healthbaok. CAS CARETS Caadv Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has 0. C. C. stamped on it. BeOare of imitations. The frog is a kicker, but the fish get* along rwunxTvngly. A London diamond merchant, while* going to his office recently, in a fit of abstraction pulled an old envelope out of his pocket and commenced to tear It up. When he reached tho last section the terrible fact dawned on him that it was the envelope in which were some 1,000 small diamonds val ued at SSOO, and that he had been sowing these broadcast over a public thoroughfare. Some of them have been recovered, but others have never been heard from. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervons ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restoror. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., 881 Arch St.. Phila. Pa The self-made man never thinks of apologizing for himself. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle It is easy to fall into a fortune without hurting yourself. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.—Mas. THOMAS ROB BINS, Maple St., Norwich, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1900. It is easier to pay compliments than to pay debts. Albert Burch, West Toledo, Ohio, says; "Hall's Catarrh Cure saved mv life." Write him for particulars. Sold by "Druggists, 75c. An uncertain temper is better than one that is certainly baa. H. H. GREEN'S SONS, of Atlanta. Oa., are tho only successful Dropsy Specialists in tho world. See their liberal offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. It takes a pointed remark to get into some heads. Sailors do not constitute the floating population. Simple and effective : thceo aro two of the roasons why Garfield Headache Powders meet with tho approval of conservative people ; they contain nothing that harms or deranges tho system and they cure many bad l'eelings. Speaking of women who cry, the Eskimo women fairly live on blubber. If You Wish solving a comparatively easy T HOUGHT T EST, which will give the name of a well-known flow er, send your name and address to "THE UNIQUE MONTHLY," Dept. A, Temple Court, New York. The University of Notre Dame, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Classics, Letters, Economics and History, Journalism, Art, Science, Pharmacy, Law, Civil, Merltai leal and Electrical Eugineer i.ig. Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial CoiuM't. Kc< ICB a-tical students at special Rooms Free Junior or Senior Year Colleg iate Courses. Rooms to Hnt{ moderate charge. .sr. Edward's Hall, for hoys under 13. Tho 58th Year will open .September 10th, 11)01. Catalogues Free. Address R .V. A. MO It It 198 £Y, C. 8. C„ President. DROPSY JMf/KTSS'&a e.tes- Book of testimonial* and lOilrt*' treatment Free. Dr. H. H. OREENB BUNS. Box B. Atlanta, Oa. "The Store tliat marie West Point fiuneni.'' McILHENNY'S TABASCO. FREY'S VERMIFUGE /A, \ The children's tonlo, 1 I cures or WORMS. Removes 1 I them effectually and wlth- out pain. 60 years' record N V°' BUCCe9B ' i* re- V yu \ J mody for all worm troubles. V ' " / Eutlrely vegetable. 25cts. V , nt druggists, country stores .. or by mall. I£. A 8. PREY. Baltimore. Md. P. N. U. 29. 1901. ■j Boat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use gl Thompson's Eye Water A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. "The Enigma in the Sun." _ I | I / Bun ' 9 in the East \\ \ \ I // / And as on it we garc. - J \W\ \\ 111/ // eyCS Up ° n the ,e S cnc * f east tan*™* What mean the words, "September firat, September first? That is the date I \yff / ywr Most useful gifts for young and old, Our newest List, or, take your pen, And write a letter straight to us— A two-cent stamp inclose. We'll forward you the List, and thus. Watch our next advertisement. No trouble you impose. Just try a package of LION COFFEE and you will understand the reason of its popularity. WOOLSON SPICE CO.. TOLEDO, OHIO. Canoe-building is one of the In dustries of Ken neb link port, Me., which used to build great ships, and even now launches an occasional schooner. Prevent Baldness And Cleanse the Scalp of Crusts, Scales, and Dandruff by Shampoos with And light dressings with CUTICURAj purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, whole some, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of Women USE CUTTCURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dan druff, and the stopping of tailing hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Na amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. CUTI CURA SOAP combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, a 4 Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales ami soften the thickened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT, to ml! UIjU I rfß Instantlv allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool and cleanse the blood A SINGLE SET IS often sufficient to euro tho most tortur- THb OCT lug, disfiguring, and humiliating skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss ot hair, when all else fails Sold throughout the world. British Depot: F. NEW BKur A SONS, 27 2H, Charterhouse SQ., London. POTTKR DRUG AND CUKM. CORP.. Sole Props.. Boston, U. S. A. The vegetarian movement does not appear to have made noteworthy In roads tipon the armies of the meat eaters. Never was the demand for flesh food so extensive.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers