FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIV. NO. 21 Shoe Bargains Bargains are offered on our entire stock of Sum mer Shoes. Prices have been mark ed down on all Summer Footwear and early pur chases mean a substantial saving while they last. Mwicl'sfeaifcl Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Bargains In Summer Clothing. j WEDDING SILVER <i No more appropriate fjif t for a <i wedding than silver. A variety ) of handsome pieces specially J selected for the purpose is now \ on exhibition at our store. J Rogers & Bros' ) Knives, forks table and tea spoons and fancy pieces all latest patterns. I BUTTERWICKS ) Cor. Front and Centre Streets. Bhect Music at Cut-Unto Prices. OSWALD, dou'er in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Butter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. JV. W. Cor. Centre and Front tits. % Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES I LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MKVICINAL PURPOBKS. Centre and Main street.. Freeland. Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods au<l Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Right TO THE Point We always go straight to the point; no false modesty about us. We have the finest stock of Shoes in the town—we know it, anil we want you to know it. We have bought them especially for you. We have every style in the market, and warrant all our goods. We have just the goods for sum mer wear—Underpriced for the sake of introduction. STAR SHOE STORE, HUGH MALLOY, Centre and Walnut Streets. ELECTED A PRINCIPAL John E. Williams Chosen Last Evening. Directors McCole. Timony and Brogan Vote With the Republicans and Make the Appointment. John E. Williams, of South Gibson, Susquehanna county, was sleeted super vising principal of the borough schools last evening. On the fortieth ballot he received the votes of Directors Bell, Brogan, Isaacs, Kline, MeColo, Shel hamur and Timony. On the same bal lot E. F. Ilanlun, of town, received the votes of Directors Buckley, Kolly, Mc- Geehan, Purcell and Slattery. The borough school board met on Wednesday evening for the purpose of electing a supervising principal. All members were present with the excep tion of Director Bell. Applications for the position were read from the follow ing: E. F. Hanlon, Freeland. George McLaughlin, Freeland. John E. Williams, South Gibson, Pa. A. W. Marion, Uniontown, Pa. Joseph V. Gallagher, Drifton. J. P. Lord, Hunlock's Creek. Pa. P. C. Poyser, Huzleton. Thomas A. McCole, Washington, I). C. On the first ballot Hanlon received live votes from Buckley, Kelly. Mc- Geehan, Purcell and Slattery; McCole received three from Brogan, McCole and Timony, and Williams received three from Isaacs, Kline and Shelhamor. At the end of the fifth ballot, there being no change In the vote, balloting was suspended to dispose of other busi ness which required attention. The officers of the board reported that Gabrlo Miller was willing to sell a plot of ground on South Washington street, ■*75x130 feet, as a site for a new school building, for $2,000. President Slattery, Secretary Purcell and Mr. Kline were Instructed to purchaso the ground on behalf of the board—to pay 830 down, 8450 on October 1 next and give a first mortgage for the balance. Tin) site is on the west side of Wash ington street, between South and Luz erne streets, and contains the building at one time used as a station for the first eloctrlc light company which oper ated in town. The building committee was author ized to receive estimates on placing the building in condition to bo used for school purposes. It was agreed that $4 por room be paid for cleaning Washington street building. Treasurer McCole reported having re ceived from the state department a warrant for $228.10, which represents one-fourth of the appropriation withheld last year by Governor Stone's veto. The amount will he paid in four annual in stallments of $228.10 each. A report on the quantity of school furniture required was made, and the secretary was instructed to place the order with the Hudson Company, of Athens, Ohio. Balloting for supervising principal was then resumed and continued with out any change in the result until the thirty-fifth vote had been taken, when the board adjourned until last evening. All the members were present when (ho roll was called last night. Balloting was begun Immediately after roll-call. There was no change in the vote, except that Mr. Bell added one to Williams 1 vote, until the thirty-ninth ballot., whan McCole and Timony changed from Mc- Cole to Williams, making the voto stand: ]'iin-Aiiii>ri(-nn Kx position. Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Rail road to the Pan-American Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May I to October 31, from Freeland at the rate of $7 for the round trip. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for the round trip. Don't he satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely re moves this complaint. It relieves per manently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives sup piles from tin) food we eat. The sensi ble way to help the stomach Is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help hut do you good. Grover's City drug store. cAsToniA. Bean the 1,18 Kind You Have Always Boueht FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1901. Williams, C; Hanlon, 5; McCole, 1. On the fortieth ballot Brogan changed from McCole to William*, which, with McCole and Timony voting as on the previous ballot and the votes of the four Republican members, gave Mr. Williams seven votes to five for Mr. Hanlon. A motion to elect Mr. Williams for three years at a salary at S9OO per year was made by Directors Kline and Isaacs. The question of the eligibility of Mr. Williams to bo elected for mors than one year was raised and brought about a lengthy discussion. It was contended that, Inasmuch as the board had no offi cial proof of the grade of certificate held by the successful applicant, the directors had no authority to proceed according to the motion made. His election for more than one year was also objected to on the ground that It is a question whether or not he can satisfactorily and acceptably meet the conditions that exist here. A certificate of graduation from the Keystone academy was presented on be half of Mr. Williams, but as this failed to meet the requirements and did not give the information which directors must officially possess, the opposi tion to the move to ride rough-shod over the law was continued. An amendment to elect for ono year, instead of throe years, was made to the motion by Buckley and Kelly. This amendment was amended by Sholhamer and Klino to olect for two years. The latter amendment was lost, 8011, Isaacs, Kline, McColo, Sholhamer and Timony voting for It, and Brogan, Buckley, Kelly, McGooban, Purcell and Slattery opposing it. The one-year amendment and the original motion were also lost, the mem bers dividing as before. A motion to adjourn received the votes of all the members. Yesterday's Weddings. At St. John's church In Butler valley, at noon yesterday, Josiah Heller and Miss Cora K. Hoffman, both of Upper Lehigh, were united In marriage In the presence of a large number of friends. A wedding was hold during the after noon and evening at the home of the bride's mother in Upper Lehigh. Con McCaulry and Miss Minnie Gal lagher, two well known young people of Eckley, were married last evening in the Catholic church at that place by Rev. Thos. Brohony. George L. Shupp, of llazlo Brook, and Miss Margaret Wen nor, of Wornors vllle, were married yesterday at the bride's homo. Democratic State Ticket. The Democratic state convention yes terday nominated the following candi dates: For supreme court justice—Barman Yerkes, of Bucks county. For state treasurer —Andrew J. Palm, of Crawford county. The convention went squarly on record against the scheme for a with drawal of the candidate for treasurer to permit of fusion by the nomination of an insurgent Republican, and decided that any vacancy that may occur must be fill ed by a Democrat. Two Boxing Contests. The long-looked for boxing contest between "Kid" Ferry, of Allentown, and Charles Mulball, of Summit Hill, will take place at Freeland tomorrow even ing. The men will box twenty rounds for a purao of $325. Both are reported in fine condition, and the sporting fraternity of northeastern Pennsylvania is taking much interest in the contest. A preliminary bout for a decision will be given by Hugh McDyer, of Freeland. and Dick Jacquot, of Jeddo. P. T. Thomas, Sumtorville, Ala., "I was suffering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Grovcr's City drug store. Low Faren to I'an-American exposition. Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five day tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from Freeland, at the rate of $7.50 for the round trip. Tick ets good only in day coaches. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for the rohnd trip. If the action of your bowels Is not easy and regular serious complications must bo the final result. DoWitt's Lit tle Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Grover's City drug store. Ice cream soda at Keiper's. CASTOHIA. Boars the I* lß Kind You Have Always Bought NEW PROJECTS. Two Prominent Ruilroudn Seeking to Kx tond Their Linen in Thin State. The following Is from the Philadelphia Ledger: "A new railway Is now in process of construction between Ilazleton and Wilkesharre. The statement has been made, and the belief is generally held in those cities, that the Pennsylvania Rail road has an interest in this project. The reason for such an interest would ho the fact that tho new line would be more than one-half shorter than the route now traversed by Pennsylvania train* between the two points mentioned. "The Pennsylvania is seeking business with more activity than heretofore in the coal fields. Recently it put-on four fast express trains, two each way, be tween Philadelphia and Wllkesbarre. But the distance by its present route is considerably greater than that of the Reading and tho Lehigh Valley. Its fast trains mako Ilazleton in less time than the fastest Lehigh Valley train; but, after leaving Ilazleton, the Penn sylvania makes a wide detour over the Philadelphia and Erie tracks, byway of Rock Glen and Nescopeck .1 unction, in order to get to Wllkesbarre. "The route surveyed for the new rail way between Wilkesharre and Ilazleton is twenty-four inilas long, twenty-eight miles shorter than the Pennsylvania round about way. Tho cutting off of twenty-eight miles In tho distance be tween Ilazleton and Wllkesbarre will enable the reduction of timo between these points by nearly an hour, and the Pennsylvania's fast trains could, there fore, make tho latter city In about tho same time as tho Lehigh Valley. "There is another road building be tween Scran ton and Wilkesbarro, which is supposed to be a continuation of tho Pennsylvania route." Tho Philadelphia Times has the fol lowing on the Gould projoct to onter Philadelphia: "Railroad circles are agitated over a report that the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Is at last to have an entrance into Philadelphia. It was said that agents of the company have been working quietly for several months aleng the linos of a previous survey, and have succeeded in securing nearly all the necessary rights of way. In addition, it la reported a wharf on tho Delaware river has been securnd. "The nearest point on the Lacka wanna linos to Philadelphia at present Is Phllllpsburg, N. J., about soventv live miles from this city. Several routes from that point to Philadelphia have been talked of and surveyed. One of them contemplates running down the Dolaware river from Phllllpsburg on the New Jersey side to Camden. Auotlier route ha 9 been mapped out crossing tho river at Phllllpsburg to Easton, running through Bucks and Montgomery coun ties to Philadelphia and connecting with the Northeastern Pennsylvania Rail road."' Colored Mine Foreman. The fir9t colored man to hold tho posi tion of mine superintendent in the authracitc reglou was appointed to tho position yesterday. Isaac Gould has worked at the mines of tho Pennsyl vania Coal Company for many years and some months ago was made assist ant foreman. Tho foreman at No. 10 shaft, at Pittaton, resigned and Gould was named to fill the position. The announcement created consider able surprise among the minors. There is a question whether or not the men will take kindly to the innovation. Fully 400 are employed at that mine and all are white with the exception of tho new foreman. Base Ball Game. Allontown'i strong club and tho Tigers will play at tho ball park on Sun day afternoon. The visitors have boon playing good ball all summer and they will make a strong fight to win from tho Tigers. Tho latter team is getting a nine ready to give battle to the Lohigh eoun'ty champions. Or o. Buck, Bc.irne, Ark., says: I wa troubled with constipation until I bought DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Since then 1 have been entirely cured of my obi complaint. I recommend them. Grover's City drug store. •Special Low Fares to Cleveland, O. Via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, ac count G. A. R. national encampment. Tickets on salo .September 8 to 12 inclu sive. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for particulars. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no four. Tho child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe, sure and almost instantaneous in effect. Grover's City drug store. CASTOHIA. Boars tho _y? Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words, Saturday of next week promises to see large excursion train leaving Upper Lehigh for Mountain Park. The date of the annual outing of the White Haven Relief Association is attracting more at; tention than ever before, and the at tendance from this section will un doubtedly be a record-breaker. L. T. Rossiter, of New Jersey, has been appointed superintendent of the Freeland district of the Metropolitan Insurance Company, to succeed P. 11. Murphy, who was recently promoted to superintendent of the Uniontown dis trict. Preparations for the Lahor Day cele bration here are being made on a large scale by the Contral Labor Union. Sev eral speakers of national reputation are engaged to deliver addresses at the Pub lic. park after the parade. A suit in trespass for damages in the sum of S3O has been entered by Leonard Hove, of Ilarlcigh, against Michael Capizzo. The plaintiff alleges that a dog owned by the defendant bit and seriously injured his son, Michael Hove. The linost Ice cream in town, all llavors. wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. John Green, a miner in No. 1 Drifton. was attacked by cramps yesterday at noon. 110 was taken to his home in that town and was in a serious condi tion all night. lie is slightly improved this morning. The Koscuisko Guards, one of tho leading Polish organizations of town, will hold a ball tomorrow evening at Krell's opora house. A young lady who is visiting on Main strcot startled proinenaders on that thoroughfare last evening by appearing in man's attire. William J. Vernon, aged 2 years and 22 days, a son of William and Celia Vernon, of the Second ward, died on Wed nesday and was buried this afternoon at Froeland cemetery. A number of the Drifton ladies, ac couipained by thoir families, spent yes terday at Glen Ouoko. The trolloy party conducted by tho Stars Athletic Association to Hazle Park, Wednesday evening, was well attended. Jacob Naglo, of Front street, accom panied by his mother and two sons, George and Arthur, started yesterday for Cbeyonne, Wyoming territory, to visit his mother's home. A. Oswald has the agency for tho cele brated Elysfan's extracts and perfumery. The linost goods made. Try them. John Ward had his hand Injured while coupling cars at No. 5 colliery, Jeddo, yesterday. Misses Boyd, of Philadelphia, are the guests of the Johnson family on Walnut street. James Bell, Jr., of town, was arrested Wednesday evening and gave bail to answer a charge of disorderly conduct at Drifton during tho recent shop strike. The Citizens' band of Kckley will hold a picnic at Cycle Path grove tomorrow evening. St. Ann's band will furnish the music. George Faltz is spending a few days at Harvey's Lake. Miss Maine Gross is visiting at tho Pan-American Exposition. I. ltofowich has returned from a busi ness trip to New York cily. PLEASURE. August 17.—Picnic of Citizens' band, of Eckley, at Cycle Path grove. August 17. —Hall of Kosciusko Guards at KrelPs opora house. Tickets, 25c. August 17.—Twenty-round boxing contest for $325, "Kid"' Ferry, of Allen town, and Charles Mulhall, of Summit Hill, at Grand opera house. Reserved seats, SI and SI 50. August IS. —Rase ball, Allcntown vs. Tigers, at Tigers park. Admission, 15 cents. August 23.—8a1l of Local Union No. 1027, U. M. W. of A., of South Hebor ton, at Krauso's hall. Tickets, 2f> cents. August 24.—Annual excursion of White Haven Relief Association to Mountain Park. Fare from Upper Le high and Sandy Run: Adults, UOc; children, 00 cents. August 31.—Picnic of Local Union No. 1053, of Sandy Run, at Fairchild park. August 31.—Picnic of Drifton Base Hall Club at Ebervuio grove. September 2.—Labor Day picnic and games of the Central Labor Union of Froelaud and Vicinity at Public park. TRI-WEEKLY ; Great Is the Saving Here But greater is the satis faction you get from wear ing our good clothes. Every suit we sell is thoroughly reliable—made in the heigh th of fashion for our exclu sive selling, and holds ita shape as well as its color. All Xos. Id, IGb and 17 Shirts in the house are reduced to TTTTc. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. 8. SEN IE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £HIAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ttud NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postolllce Building, ... Freeland. G GORGE MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Bromine's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. 0 J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - - . Freeland. White Haven (Xliee, Kane Building, Opposite 1 oHtolticc; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBItEARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W. Legal Business of every description. Fir. Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention, McMouamln Building, Suiilh Centre Street. N. MA LEY, DENTIST. OVER UIItKBECK'S STOIIB, Second Floor, Birkbeck Brio* S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Streot. Nono but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos oi Hazelton Bros., New York city. T~) u - S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Itcfowlch Building. <THIOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building. . . Main Streot THIS GUN METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PEN FBEI > FOR ONE HOUR'S WORK. *"*** Boys and Girls, wo will Trust you. Wo Money in admix*. *,!?;. ".1.-iveied'Top' e-e-ntw When -old, \ .11 -• n<l us tliu motley and we will mi* ll " lv " MEGRUt SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York Wm. Wehrman, W atcHnaaker. Repairing a Specialty. No Trust or Credit. Next to the Central Hotel. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tmck. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS. CAPE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Doughorty, Kaufor Club, Rosenbiuth's Velvet, of which wo hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumra's Extra Dry Champagne, Honncssy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Eta. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY, B. C. tAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds. Cakes, and Pal try, Daily. Fancy ami Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. COBFECTIOIERY ® ICE CREAM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and sujyly wagons to all parts of town ami surroundings every day. g| Hi j Wl"' . . i A.1... ,Ej
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