FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIV. NO. IS. Shoe Bargains Bargains are offered on our entire stock of Sum mer Shoes. Prices have been mark ed down 011 all Summer Footwear and early pur chases mean a substantial saving while they last. Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Bargains In Summer Clothing. I WEDDING SILYER <4 No more appropriate gift for a ji wedding than silver. A variety ) of handsome pieces specially J selected for the purpose is now j on exhibition at our store. <j| d Rogers & Bros' ) Knives, forks table and tea spoons and fancy pieces all << latest patterns. BUTTERWICKS J Cor. Front and Centre Streets, j Shoot Mußio at Gut-Rate Prices. OS-WLA-XjID, doa'cr in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Batter Always in Stock. MinnesoL's Best Patent Flour A Specialty, EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. A. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts.. Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, deuler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES I LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MKDICINAL FURPORBB. Centre and Main streets. Freeland. CITBRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green T ruck, Dry Goods and Notions arc among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Right TO THE Point We always go straight to the point; no false modesty * about us. We have the finest stock of Shoes in the town—we know it, and we want you to know it. We have bought them especially for you. We have every styfe in the market, and warrant all our goods. We have just the goods for sum mer wear—Undcrpriced for the sake of introduction. STAR SHOE STORE, HUGH MALLOY, I'KOF., Centre and Walnut Streets. CONFERENCE OF OFFICIALS Mine Workers' Leaders Are Now in Session. Attitude of Certain Firms and Corporations May Lead to Serious Trouble in the Coal Regions. The conference of the executive boards of Districts Nos. 1, 7 and 9, of the United Mine Workers, convened in Hazleton yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the conference will likely continue until tomorrow. The leaders positively refuse to divulge any of the proceedings. Home of the delegates, however, do not conceal the fact that serious matters are under consideration, chief of which is the alleged tyranny practiced by a certain company, and which may be the means of declaring a strike at its mines at any moment. The card day examination is another important matter, while not the least important is the alleged refusal of sev eral companies to live up to the April agreement. The union has bound itself to con tinue working until next April, but, if the mining firms and corporations con tinue to Impose upon their employes, serious trouble may be expected. These are the questions to be consid ered and definitely acted upon before adjourning: Adoption of some plan to secure an agreement with the coal companies whereby the latter will grant permission to card committees to make stated in spections at the collieries, thus avert ing potty strikes. How to get the stationery firemen, the stationary engineers, the teamsters and blacksmiths who are now organized sep arately, into the United Mine Workers. Reinstatement of the firemen who struck recently and have not yet been taken back. Settlement of local grievances which have arisen since the last strike. To get all the men into the local unions established at the collieries where they are employed. Plans for bringing about a joint con ference with the operators may also be talked over. School Board Meeting. All the members of the borough school hoard were present at the August meet ing on Wednesday evening, excepting Director Kline, who was detained at his home by illness. The text book and supply committee was authorized to place orders for the list of books recom mended and required for the coming term. The order for supplies was awarded the McConnell Supply Com- PLEASURE. August 11. —Base ball, Drifton vs. McAdoo at Tigers park. Admission, 15 cents. August 14.—Freeland night at flazle park, under the auspices of Stars Ath letic Association. Trolley faro for mund trip, 25 cents. August 17. —Picnic of Citizens' band, of Kckley, at Cycle Path grove. August 17.—8a1l of Kosciusko Hoards at Krell's opera bouse. Tickets, 25c. August 17. —Twenty-round boxing contest for $525, "Kid"' Ferry, of Allen town, and Charles Mulhall, of Summit Hill, at Grand opera liousu. Reserved seats, $1 and #1 50. August 23. —Ball of Local Union No. 1027, U. M. W. of A., of South 11 chor ion, at Krause's hall. Tickets, 25 cents. August 24.—Annual excursion of White Haven Relief Association to Mountain Park. Fare from Upper Le high and Sandy Run: Adults, 90c; children, 00 cents. August 31.—Picnic of Local Union No. 1053, of Sandy Run, at Faireliild park. September 2. —Labor Day picnic and games of the Central Labor Union of Freeland and Vicinity at Public park. Don't lie satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely re moves this complaint. It relieves per manently It allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the food wo eat. The sensi ble way to help the stomach Is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help but do you good. Grovor's City drug store. OASTOniA. Bear, the The Kind Ynu Have Always Bought Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Bhon auduab Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 98 Centre street. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1901. pany, of Philadelphia, for 8114.53. A proposal from VV. E. Martin, offer ing to inako certain changes in the steam heating plant in the Washington street school, was presented, but no action was taken, as the board may adopt some other plan to remedy the defects In the plant. The building and grounds committee was authorized to have the several buildings cloanod and repaired at the lowest prices obtainable. Bills as follows were read and laid over for the approval of the finance committee: Electric Light Company, 80c; Progress, publishing audit, $5.65. Applications for the position of prin cipal were received from John E. Wil liams, Uniondale, Susquehanna county; A. W. Marion, Hunlock's Creek, Lu zerne county; P. C. Poyser, Hazleton; Joseph V. Gallagher, Drifton, and J. P. Lord. The application of James S. Adams, presentod at a former mooting, was withdrawn. A motion to place the names of the applicants on the board and to proceed to ballot for principal aroused consider able discussion, and was amended to de fer the election for one week. Messrs. Slattery and McUeehan op posed any further delay In the matter, claiming that there was considerable work now ready for the principal. The amendment to postpone the elec tion was carried by the votes of Direct ors Hell, Brogati, Isaacs, Kelly, Mcflole, Shelhamer and Timony. Directors Buckley, McUeehan, Purcell and Slat tery voted no. Wife Murder Suspected. The finding of the dead body of Mrs. Davis on the hillsido, near Pottsvllle, seems strong circumstantial evidence that hor husband, who hanged himself last Saturday from a tree on the prem ises of his neighbor, Thomas Uriftiths, at that place, murdered her and then committed suicide. The couple were last seen together by their fourteen-year-old daughter, Mattle, last Friday, when they were headod for Pottsville. Only the man reached Potts ville and there were strong suspicions, from his excited and restless manner, that ho had made away with his wife. On Wednesday Jacob Kull, a laborer, found the woman, dead, near the powder magazine, a couple of miles from Potts ville. By the body was found a heavy stick The back of the woman's skull was crushed in. Accident to Aged Woman. Kate Boyle, an aged woman residing on Pine street, next door to her nephew, P. B. Carr, met with a serious accident yesterday afternoon. While cutting wood near her home she lost her balance and fell heavily to the ground, break ing her right leg below the thigh. Sho was removed to her home and medi cal assistance summoned. The physi cians in charge recommended her re moval to the Miners' hospital, and she was taken to that institution on the train leaving here at 7.29 o'clock last evening. At the hospital the broken limb was set and the aged lady made as comfort able as possible. Will Run Special Train. Wilfcy Dougherty, matchmaker for the Sterling Athletic Club, spent Wednes day at Allentown and found that the people of that city are taking great in terest in the twenty-round contest to bo decided here on the 17th inst. be tween "Kid" Ferry, of that city, and Charles Mulhall, of Summit Ilill. A special train will be run from Al lentown on that date to accommodate the many people who desire to witness the bout. The train will leave at 2.30 p. m., and will stop at Slatington, Lo highton and Mauch Chunk. O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I wa troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. Since then 1 have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. Grover's City drug store. Low Fares to Fan-American E* poult ion. Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five day tickets will bo sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from Freeland, at the rate of $7.50 for the round trip. Tick ets good only in day coaches. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for the round trip. P. T. Thomas, Suuiterville, Ala., "I was sulTering from dyspepsia when i commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I took several hotties and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Grover's City drug store. CASTORIA. Beam the __y) Kind Vou Have Always Bought ROUND THE REGION. At a mass meeting last night, the stationary firemen of the Plttston dis trict received unsatisfactory reports from committees appointed by the strik ers to secure the reinstatement of many firemen who joined their movement. The meeting unanimously decided not to join the United Mine Workers until the action of the American Federation of Labor, which meets in Scranton in December, is ascertained. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. is about to build a new breaker at Lans ford to employ 600 men. Their No 4. collery shut down yesterday, and will not resume for about six weeks. About 600 men and boys are idle. The com pany claims the colliery was closed to allow the construction of a nesv slope before the cold weather sets in. The men claim it is to curtail production. The forty-ton steam wrecking crane of the Central Railroad of New Jersey toppled over a fifteen-foot embankment, Into the Lehigh river at Oxbow Curve, five miles north of Mauch Chunk, seri ously Injuring four members of the wrecking crow, Owen Bevan, engineer; John J. McGinley, fireman; Theodore Schmidt and William Kruger, wreckers, ali residing at Mauch Chunk. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest oasy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe, sure and almost instantaneous in effect, (trover's City drug store. Herbert Gilbert, lfi years of age, re siding at Coplay, met a horrible death in the Unicorn silk mill, Catasauqua. The accident happened in the picking room,and in what manner is not known, bat Gilbert was caught in the belting and whirled around the ceiling. The body was fonnd tighty wedged in tbe ma chinery. The head, legs and arms were torn off and the body fearfully lacerated. Henry Zeiser and Edith Van Auken were marred at Pittston last February. Immediately after the ceremony they quarreled about % place of abode and separated. Since then they have lived apart and now Zeiser has been arrested on the charge of desertion and non support. If tbe action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious complications must he the final result. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Grover's City drug store. The first day's fight in the contest over the will of Samuel P. Williams, of Pittston, took place in court yesterday. The estate, valued at $60,000, was left to threo half-nephews. The contestant Is a full nephew, S. B. Edwards, who claims that his uncle was unduly in fluenced. Jack Bonner, of Summit Hill, and "Scaldy Bill" Quinn, of Philadelphia, will meet again in an effort to settle for all time the question of fistic supremacy that exists between thein. Bonner and Quinn will come together at Mauch Chunk on Monday night. They are scheduled for twenty rounds. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by De.Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original—DeWitt's. Grover's City drug store. By a recent act of the Republican county committee the return judges throughout the county were made mem bers of the committee. There are some three hundred of them. This was done to keep party interest alive in all sec tions and to furnish a larger number of workers. James White, Bryantsville, Ind., says Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo healed run ning sores on both legs. He had suffer ed 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWitt's. Accept no imitations. Grover's City drug store. Joseph Harter, aged 83 years, who fought the passage of the Harvey' Lake trolley line through his land, was killed by a trolley car. He tried to cross the track to get to the station and was cut in two. The broad silk weavers at East. Mauch Chunk silk mill wont on strike yestor day against a reduction in the price of weaving. The will of the late Thomas S. Mc- Nair, of Ha/Jeton, was probated yester day. The estate, which is "worth $35,000, Is bequeathed to his wife. Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., says; "Our littles girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but was Instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure. drover's CI ty drug store. Pn-Amerlcan Kxponltlon. Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Kail road to the Pan-American Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only iu day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from Freeland at the rate of $7 for the round trip. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the ISlack Diamond express, at the rato of $lO for the round trip. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. The striks of Drifton shop employes is considered about over. Many of the former workmen have not yet applied for work under Coxe Bros. fe Co., and will seek employment elsewhere, but the majority have asked to be taken back and are awaiting the call of tbe company. Make no engagements for August 24 — the dato of the annual excursion of the White Haven Relief Association to Mountain Park. Your presence is desired on that occasion and failure to attend means that you will iniss the big day out. Soda water—all flavors—at Kelpor's. The funeral of Michael Rayrnuck and Andrew Chepa, the victims of the acci dent in Oakdale colliery on Tuesday, took place yesterday. The former was buried In Freeland cemetery and the latter in the Greek Catholic cemetery. Andrew Davis, of Centre street, and Alfred Wlddick, Jr., of Walnut street, two of the Drifton shop strikers, have secured positions at Easton and will re move their families to that city. The finest ice cream in town, all flavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. A party of Lehigh Valley Railroad officials arrived here on a special train yesterday and inspocted Station Agent Mcllugh's force and offices. Every thing was found satisfactory. Among this week's removals were James Hawkins and family from Free land to Upper Lehigh and Charles Goersch and family from Jeddo to Free land. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kempinski, of the Third ward, died yes terday and was buried this afternoon at St. Ann's cemetery. Ice cream soda at Kelpor's. The United States Express Company's office at the Lehigh Valley station Is being enlarged to accommodate the steadily increasing business. A party of gypsies arrived in town yesterday and erected their tents near the brewery. They loft last evening for White Haven. Rev. J. W. Bischoff, of Upper Lehigh, has been elected grand chaplain of the American Legion of Honor In Pennsyl vania. Charles Hawk and family, of Phila delphia, are the guests of John Edinger and family, on Blrkbeck street. A. Oswald has the agency for the cole bra ted Eiyslan's extracts and perfumery The finest goods made. Try them. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ilanlon on Chestnut stroet. John James has changed his residence from West Walnut to Centre stroet. Dr. W. W. Woolcock and family, of Sharaokin, are visiting in town. The fall term of the M. A M. Institute will open on September 2. Miss Lennah DePierro, of Ridge street, is visiting in Philadelphia. Andrew Shlgo is spending the week at the Pan-American Exposition. A son has been horn to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Drum on Adams stroet. There aro many complaints of damage done by cows roaming at large through town at night. BASE BALL. Tho Tigers wero deteated at Tamaqua yesterday afternoon by a score of 5 to 2. Costly errors in tho first Inning gave Tain aqua throe runs. Outsldo of this Inning good ball was played by both clubs. Tbe local club was handicapped by the unavoidable absence of a few of the regular players. Tho game between Drifton and Mc- Adoo clubs, at tbe Tigers park on Sun day, is spurring the players of the former town on, and a hard-fought con test Is predicted. McAdoo will bring a strong team over. The work being done by Rroderlck for Atlantic City and by Doner for Ches ter Is remarkable. The records of both young men aro pleasing to their numer ous local admirers. A picked nine from town will play at White Haven tomorrow. Watch the date on your paper TBI-WEEKLY SENIE'S SUMMER SALE Is the one which you must attend if you want to buy Clothing, Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishings at the Low est Figures in Freeland. Our large store is stock ed with fine seasonable goods. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbock Brick, Freeland, Pa. £MIAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbock Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All loyal business promptly attended. Postoffice Building, ... Freeland. QEORGE MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brcnnairs Building, 80. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - - . Freeland, White Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite 1 oetuflico; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMcuumiu Building, South Centre Street. J~JR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVEIt BIKKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, - - Blrkbeck Brick jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street, None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grado Pianos ol Haze Ron Bros., New York city. J~JR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Refowlch Building. 'jpUOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, Main Street THIS GUN METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PEHVHEE , FOR ONE HOUR'S WORK. ■►ays and uirls, w r will Trust vou. Ko Money In adviuirr. y-.u 2.1 Jeweled Top I .en d i'eiiclM toVl'l ■t's MLGRIt SI'PPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York Wm. Wehrman, "Watch.maker. Repairing a Specialty. No Trust or Credit. Next to the Central Hotel. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tinck. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS. CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, ttosoubluth's Velvet, of which wo hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumtn's Extra Dry Champagne, Honnussy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Ham. and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy und Novelty Cakes Buked to Order. CBIFICTIOIIIIY ® ICE EIEiH supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts o) town and surroundings every day. Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Uuod. Uao Wt In time. Sold by druindatH. M
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