WHY MRS. PINKHAM I Able to Help Sick "Women When Doctors Fall. How gladly would men fly to wo tnan's aid did they but understand a woman's feeling's, trials, sensibilities, and peculiar organic disturbances. Those things are known only to women, and the aid a man would givs is not at his command. To treat a case properly it is neces sary to know all about it, and full information, many times, cannot be given by a woman to her family phy- MRS. G. H. CHAFPLLL. •ician. She cannot bring herself to tell everything, and the physician is at a constant disadvantage. This is Why, for the past twenty-five years, thousands of women have been con fiding their troubles to Mrs. Pinkham, and whose advice has brought happi ness and health to countless women in the United States. Mrs. Chappeli, of Grant Park, lIL, portrait we publish, advises all sufferirig women to seek Mrs. Pink ham's advico and use Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, as thej ■ cured her of inflammation of the ovaries and womb ; she, therefore, speaks from knowledge, and her experience ought to give others confidence. Mrs. Pink ham's address is Lynn, Mass., and hex advice is absolutely free. i I Ostrich Farming. Early in the year, just as spring dawns, a pair will begin to build a ' nest, or rather to scrape one out of the ground. The male bird rests his i breastbone on the ground and kicks i the sand nehind; when one side is suf ficiently deep he turns, and a round hole about three feet in diameter and one foot deep is the result of his exertions; occasionally he intimates to the female that help is required, and they take turns. The hen forthwith begins to lay an egg every day until twelve or fifteen are located side by side in this hole In the ground; they scatter a little saml over the eggs to protect them from the fierce rays of the California sun; this habit has doubtless led to the suppo sition printed in many ancient natur al histories that the eggs of the os trich are hatched by the sun, unaided flby the birds. As soon as the full number of eggs are laid the couple share the labor of hatching; the male bird setting on the eggs from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until 0 o'clock the fol lowing morning; and it may be under stood with what skill this Is per formed when it is understood that 250 pounds of ostrich is bearing down upon fourteen eggs; at 1) o'clock the hen takes his place. The male ostrich, however, with remarkable intelligence, relieves the female for an hour in the middle of the day while she goes in search of the necessary nourishment. A pall* will follow this regime with the greatest regularity for about forty days, when the eggs are hatched.— Colorado Springs Gazette. r Dyeing in no nimplo on wanking wkon yon uro PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Bold by all druggißtn. There nre ten battalions in the British regular army that wear the old Scotch kilts. The municipality of Chicago employs IS2 women in various capacities. I /nit Yonr for Allan's Foot-Faßft, ' A powder to nhako into your shoei*; rests ths leet. (hires Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, COIIOUH, Aching, Sweating Feet and In growing Naila. Allon's Foot-Ease makes now or tight shoes easy. At all druggists and shoo stores, 125 eta. Sample mailed FBKE. Adorers Allen S. Olmsted, Lcltoy, N. Y. Out of every three persons struck by lightning two recover. If You ISnvo fiend no money, hut write Dr. Shoop, Itacine, "Wis.. Box 148, for six bottles of Dr. Shoop's ltheumatio Cure, oxp. paid. If cured pay $5.50. If not, It is free. Switzerland cultivates 35,000,000 fruit trees. Frey's Vermifuqc For (10 Years lias boen tko family medicine for worms, i euros. 25 cts. At Druggists and country stores. Lawyers' briefs are seldom so short as tbey sound. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness nfter find day's line of Dr. Kline's Great Nervu Keotorer. $2 trial bottlo and trealiso free * Dr. B. H. KLINE, Ltd., 981 Arch St., Pkila., Pa. W Great Britain eats her entire wheat crop in about thirteen weeks. A. M. Priest, Druggist, Shelbyvillo, Ind., Bays: "Hall's Catarrh Cure gives the Lest of satisfaction. Can gjt plenty of testimonials, as it cures every one who takes it." Druggists sell it, 75c. No other sovereign in the world has as mauy physicians as the Czar. A cord of wood weighs, on an average, two and a half tons. Throw physic to the dogs—if yon don't want the aogs ; but if you want good diges tion chew Bccuxun's Pepsin Gum. To frown in a mirror will cast a serious reflection on any girl. If you are oontinnolly bothered with head schos and are nervous send to Garfleld Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., for samples of Garfield Headache Powders, a trnly wonderful remedy for headaches and nervousness. Canada imported last year agricul tural Implements to the value of $1 823,795. (9 Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Ctl In time. Hold by druggists. ■ BOSTON'S MATURE CUPID DANIEL HAYES AND HIS AMULET LEACUE OF LOVE. Emly Mnrrluun I. Vh>t He I Trylno ° Promote— lit ti. Already EitablUlred Circle, or HI. 1.,..cue lu Mai.y •'art. of tile World—Ho.ton yulta Knthußlaatl* Handbag Bo, ton has a new cult. It is the Amulet League of. Love, and of all the qui. rente. iirisos ever start ed it is avei i d that this latest ehullt tion of the higher life is the Queerest. The prophet of ttio vow disponsa tioa is Danioi Hayes, '/ho purpose of the Amulet League of love is to dis seminate the doctrine of early mar riage and pu 'ov Mr. Hayes has had an odd tr. ■ a man who, at the age of 50, ttu: up the work df Cupid. Ho has been a persistent, during, adventurous and successful n iner. He bus roamed over the whole + orld. He was a forty-niner and washed the sands of California's gold en slopes. He spent three years in Ecuador. II got in on tha ground floor at Cripple Crook. When the Klondyke craze broke out Hayes jour neyed to til Yukon He Spent a year there and acquired interests which he still holds. But think of it! From the Yukon s Ice and snow, from the crags and gorges of Colorado, from the sun-parched clays of Arizona and New Mexico, to ft Boston sociological cult! Nevertheless. In the few months that he has b' n distributing his leaf lets and spreading his propaganda, league circles have been organized all over New England, in Hong Kong, China, and even (,'uba and Porto Rico. Hayes foots the small expense of or ganizing a circle. When visited it his business ofhco in the Colonial bilildlng, the first Ques tion Mr. Hayes leked the caller was: "My dear young sir, are you married ?" At the cm bp..' -assed and faltering, "No," Mr. Have speedily shot out the poser: "No'' Why n it?" Things were getting decidedly In teresting lor tb s interviewer, but be fore he could x up a response Mr. Hayes was launched in ardent speech. "Do you lenovj-, young man, that the sins of soi l-ty ami the misery of the world are- Lu bej justly laid at the door of men lite ypu? Do you realize," and he bis hand ominously "that, mar riagi ,s a divinely ordained instltutloi an 1 that upon arriving at the age o ma urlty it is your duty as a man an 1 your obligation as a Chris tian to cijnbra e it at once? No, you palter wit h natural instinct and natur al law ou Infer the day from mer cenary m itivi a. "If you fine yourself attracted to a beautiful and fitting maid you deny the rnanl. ood chat is in you; you stifle the best imp .Ist of your nature; you determiner that you will wait until you have ma le i name, a fortune. You waste t)o ■ b r it ' ears of your life and then >oit 10. your love. You waste the best yoa s f your lifo and wither the finest hi o :.s of a woman's heart and theit lote < our love. "Wore l : Urn that, you lose your ca pacity ftjir li big and you fall. You fall into sin y mg man, a3 every con firmed back :< must fall!" He pa isec fur breath an Instant and then res unr I with renewed vigor as it were. "Th crime of all crimes is oni not. wrtt n in the statute books. It against home! The crliu ... .. o! The crime against the spirit. ' f romance which if rightly cultivated v uid redeem the world." Although s imewhat disconcerted the caller managed to utter a desire for details cm niing the Amulet League. Instantly , L, reformer's'eyes lighted. Turning ti pile of leaflets, he handed on n forth. It began thus: "Par: gr. !i I—Each circle of the Amulet League of Love is strictly limited to an even number not to ex ceed 50 ni nb -rs and shall in no case contain a greater number. Paragraph Z—Sexes must be repre sented in i (Mini proportions. For in stance. a clrcl consisting of 10 mem bers mus; oniain five gontlcinen. "Paragraph 3—The accompanying pledge mm be signed by the organizer and the .umbers individually. "Engagement. "I hen in- enroll myself as a member of the Circle of the Amulet Loague of Love nd I pledge myself to co-opor at" wit! all associated meraberß in a psychic nion of will power as well as by won and deed for the furtherance of the n i .ects of the league. These ob jects ai "The promotion of true marriage. "Tig- preservation of the home. "The correction bf the divorce evil. ' Th" establishment of one high standard of both saxes. The purification of humanity by mutual id .'ipm. The c rtion of true romance. "The rc 1 of the chivalric ideal of true womanhood. "Th" p ; , a ] su , |. 3 s of all members. "The u . Iml irlumph of love." Mr. Ha sees a great future for I his plan. ,\e interest with which the | young pei le in and around Boston and eloewhara arc rushing, to his standard inspires him with the belief I that it wi be but a short time before the score of circles will be entirely | self-supporting, will have official print j ing matte ud their own choice librae ! ides of thi amous writings of romance ; and lyric loetry. and in short, will i lead to tl day when through Ameri i <-a, Europ Asia. Africa and the isles i of th . se i young people will be fol j lowing tb bchi sts of foreordination i and no marrying and nest building the moment they reach maturity, i "Carney. li .-ndows libraries," ex | claimed the Amulet prophet dramatic ally; "Miss iould aids colleges and the army and navy; Stanford. Rocke feller and the other* have taken to universities, but my humble amelior ating shall be devoted to spreading the gospel of early and pure love. "I have lived according to my doc trines. 1 married at 19, reared a large and happy family and bldss the day that I married. The prevailing flippancy with regard to the subject of marriage grieves me. The most beau tiful suggestion In this world Is the youthful love of an untainted man for a pure girl. Every sane person knows it. Yet to scofT and deride marriage Is tho fashion of the hour. "Why in France, the state has come to propose a tax on bachelors! Ido not believe in taxing or trying to force a man's love. But Ido believe in striving to make it a fashion for young people to marry and marry for true love and not because of ambition or of position. "When I see the scores of young women tolling in factories, wanting to marry, yet prevented from lack of social opportunities to make the ac quaintance of manly young men; when I find a social custom that loads a young man to think he must have money and fame before he can marry, I say—out upon such a monstrous so cial edict! These little circles I am Seeking to establish Will bring the young people together and help to give love its chance, association with the noble9t in literature and poetry its chance!"— New York Sun. CREAT WEATHER SHARPS. Sailonncn of the Gulf of Mexico of the Olden Times Were Expert.. "The greatest weather sharps in tho world," said a citizen who takes an in terest in meteorology, especially of the goose bone brand, "were the old time sea captains in the Gulf and coast trade. Squall smelling was a neces sary part of their business, for, as you probably know, the biggest dirty weather factory in the universe is tho Caribbean sea. There are no such thltigs as times and seasons down there, and what's coming next is a matter of pure chance. It may be a calm and it may be a rip-roariug hur ricane, so the men who cruised in those waters before we had any sig nal service to help them out had to keep continually on the alert, and It's no wonder that some of them ac quired a skill that seemed next door to supernatural. It became a sort of inEtinct —a second nature —with them, and they couldn't tell how they did it themselves. They would predict changes beforo they were even hinted at in the glass; they would anticipate the very caprice of the wind, and many a tinje they saved their ships and their skins by quick, sharp orders which for the moment appeared to be nothing short of preposterous. Of course it was all a matter of minute observation a good deal of which was no doubt un conscious They had learned, by long experienoe to read meaning in the dif ferent forms of clouds and the way the cloud strata lay in the upper air; tho water was an open book to them, and they would detect a hundred and one small atmospheric phenomena invisi ble to an ordinary observer. I was on tho ship of one of these famous old weather prophets years ago on a voy age to Havana. Wo were just enter ing the harbor when tho captain, who had been moody and distraught for several hours, suddenly called the mate and ordered him to get anchored as quickly as possible and make ev erything fast for a hurricane. The mate made a mild protest. 'The glass is pretty steady, sir,' he said. 'Neve mind,' said the captain; 'it's a-coming, all the same!' The crew lost no time in carrying out the order, and while they were at work making things trim the barometer began falling like a man tumbling down an elevator shaft. He had barely time to get in shape tor trouble when a typical tropical storm came swooping out of the east and played havoc with the unprepared shipping. Several good sized craft were knocked to pieces, but we escaped with no damage whatever. I tried to get the captain to tell me how he knew the gale was coming, but his answers were vague. That lie 'felt it in his bones' was the nearest he came to a definite statement This old tribe of prophets seems to have died out," added the meterological enthusiast, "and the modern sea captain doesn't make any pretensions in that lino. Storm smelling has become a lost art" —New Orleans Times-Democrat. New* of Ylctnrln'ft Death in India. When the telegram arrived stating that the German emperor was hurrying off to Osborne to be at the deathbed of the queen the natives of India at once said that ho was eager to put in a claim for the crown of England, as the son of the eldest child of the queen. This report spread far and wide, and no amount of argument would con vince the natives otherwise. Their traditions almost invariably depict a fight for the crown on the death of a reigning monarch. When a rajah dies his heirs always squabble and intrigue over the succession. Even the intelli gent Indian fancied that tho emperor would try to seize Great Britain. When a telegram arrived stating that the Prince of Wales looked "worried and haggard" and that the emperor was "very grave," it was at once concluded that the quarrel had begun. Finally, when it was stated that a German squadron was going to Portsmouth for the funeral the natives looked unut terably wise and said: "Of course lie will wait until the queen's body is in the earth, then he will secretly turn his guns on the British fleet." In such strange circles does the Asiatic mind revolve. Bombay Correspondent, Chl coga Record-Herald. A London bootblack displays this sign in sight of his patrons; "If you like my work, tell your friends; if yon don't like it, tell rae." In one hundred years, while the pop ulation of the world has doubled, the population of the United States has increased fourteen fold. The wealth has Increased fifty fold. The trusting niioemaker in Apt to get beaten out o£ nis boots. Here are several reasons why Garfield Head ache Powders are so universally liked: they juro headaches quickly ; they uro harmless ; they ore uot cathartic aaid do not in any way derange tho system. The combined fortunes of the Roth- Bchilds is about $300,000,000. Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. In society it is more blessed to be polite than to be truthful. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure.—J. W. O'BRIBN, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1000. Ireland sends to England 237,000 tons of meat a year. The best part of the Kimberly dia mond fields covers nine acres only. A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! ~ M? 1 && "THE NEW KINO COLE." fjfy] d King Cole was a merry old soul. Establish- And a merry old soul w s he; I marifc <9 ** TC\\ ijll 3le called for his pipe—but instead of a glass— we He call€d for LION COF-FEE. positively JgU (P ~)| For Old Kin, Cole waj a shrewd old soul do not allow §PpV £ - , fool s d on brand '- "LION got his vote, for it bas no coat-- the use of -> on its merits alone it tands. I - Old King Cole had a wise old poll, Egg Mixtures, (jjii/yL And a wise ~\d poll had he, 01llC He ate and he drank foods of highest rank— _ So he favored LION COF-FEE. CbentClto, ttHAPpVwIi rr-" I And Qcw ' twas best, by a varied test— Or similar I f Yjh Hss4 A\ That ra(llion3 of homes it pleased. . . V l 17 LION COFFEE grand was the only brand suostanoes. J That his appetite appeased. LION If Old King Cole could have control FEE Today of the public mind, . No Coffee brand but the "LION" grand IS an "" *" On the market we could find, absolutely Watch our next advertisement J And the LION heads whose value spreads *D r~y rr _ . mmbbwm Satisfaction through the land, conee. Just try a package of LION COFFEE Would be bringing grist from the Premium List and you will understand the reason of its Given with the LION brandi —- popularity. LION COFFEE is now used in mil lions of homos. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in tho list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. WINTER BILE r-FT X T\ \TT\Xr Causes bilious head-ache, back-ache I /', >friF=! and all kinds of body aches. Spring Q ■( ii \ is h ere and you want to get this bile A'Mli, |i poison out of your system, easily, AWt), \zJ naturally and gently. - CASCARETS ( are just what you want; they never tl C g r fp or gripe, but will work gentlv 4| K V 1 V) while you sleep. Some people think \\ 1, " \vf' morc violent the griping the better f en l " 2 - • Le careful—take care of Yf\f your bowels—salts and pill poisons /I leave them weak, and even less able to M keep up regular movements than be !C\ II V\ \ MYtT '•. raTa T f° r the bowels are sweet, fragrant / \\ |/n| oifi jfJ CASCARETS. They don't force r ' ■At* iii ill liJ ou t the foecal matter with violence, but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the muscles and restore healthy, natural action—buy them and try them. You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work. > to IN IG 25c! AU. DRUGGISTS. iS tiMi 111 Ml' SOLD IN BULK. CURE GUARANTEED vVEIk mouth. Uead ache. Indlcoatlon, pimples, VVllllllll ■ MliKr year, areater tbno any paino after oatlnk, liver trouble, sallow complexion similar medicine in the world. Thio 1 nbvoiate proof of ajnd dlZElness. \Tlien your bowela don't move rogu- great uicrlt, and our >ot testimonial. We have ralth and larly yon are getting alck. Constipation kills more will neil CAICA It ETA absolutely people than all other dlnoascs together. It U a 217 anr yoa uro ■tarter for the chronic allnsonta and long years of sifeiSsd. alxirnslnSoaeioeboa.retnrntheuunsodSOo ■UflTerlng that como afterwards. No matter what box and the empty box Co us by or the druxglst from alls you. Start taking CASCARKTfi to-day, for you whom yon purchased It, and money back for both Will never get well and be well all the time until boxes. Take our advice—no matter what alls you—start te you put yonr bowels right. Take our ndvlcct atari day. Health will qnlcuiv Adlow andl yoniwlll Messthe.day "• üb " >,uw, eu r r - asa , Wßia&A , !tef9S^Bttsssxsr L The whole of the population of the - village of Sologna, in Italy, lnclud * ing the public officials, is about to eml -1 grate to the Argentine and to continue the community in exactly the same manner In that country under the name of New Sologna. Not a single individual will remain behind. HDADCV NEW DISCOVERY;cfTM VJ I %W I W I qnik rflief *nd WWMI BUM' Bowk vf tOTtimoMfai* nd lO days' trMtmewl Vrsa. Pr. H. H. SEEKS • BOSS. Box . Allan*. Ik '•Tha Naopf (hat made West Point faans* M HcILHENNV S TABASCO. rrV\W.L.DOUGLAS.^-^ lU?S3. & $3.50 SHOES SZSO. JL-- 1 M e-VFI "i* 1 w p fh of W. 1.. Dnxl*B't and fgS%ffej A\ETELETS \\*Vk ohueo U to #.-►. My Ht tlt KUge Uaf piinnot bo equalloU of the foot, and the construction of the shoe. It n inet-hanical skill and l Ai knowledge that have made W. 1.. I>onp!a* shoes the heat In the wurld for men. JM!&!•!!!•':• JuS Tnke no aubatitnte. Inaiat on having W. 1.. OOUKI.IS shoea with name and price stamped on bottom. Your dealer should keep them, if be does uot, VS 'V*'"-' ■end for catalog giving full instructions how to order hy mail. >QgiroßEtt>JV /fifiiWBHBL Vt .JU. DOIIULAb, Uracil ton, Maaa. ' Brohard Active workers everywhere canearnolf toraH klwtv* * rfcrady dnml for our roods. aaah lock, with price*. terms, oo., frre for icBUcM Burporw. rnKBROHARDCO., V Dorartmnßt 1 2, rhlladrlphla, fa. 1 P. N. U. 22, 1901. CHEWING GUM FREB A $2 box of No. 1 Chewing Osnn FiIEE. Write for particular* and sample. NELJttOTIC MKDIUAi COMPANY, Hornellsville, N Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers