FREELAND TRIBUBH VOL. XIV. NO. 2. KEEF COOL By wearing our Crash Suits or trousers; all sizes; large assortments for men, boys and children. Straw Mats and Yachting Caps in all styles. Summer Underwear; long or short sleeves; an Unparal leled variety. MowlisfalM Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Big Lino of Working Shoes. j WEDDING SILVER No more appropriate gift for a i| wedding than silver. A variety ) of handsome pieces specially j selected for the purpose is now on exhibition at our store. • Rogers & Bros' j Knives, forks table and t<a 1 spoons and fancy pieces all <j latest patterns. j BUTTERWiCK'S ) Cor. Front and Centre Streets. Sheet Music at Out-Rate Prlocs. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. A. W. Cor. Centra and. Front Hts., Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WIUES i LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MKDWINAL PURPOBKB. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. CUBBY'S Groceries, Provisions, I Green Truck, Dry Goods aud Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Summer Shoes are here in abundance. \\ have the latest products of I the largest manufacture) and arc prepared to furni h Men, Women and Children with footwear at prices as low as any dealer in tin county, quality considered. We handle Nothing but Shoes, therefore, we can sell to better advantage and guar antce you better value tut your money than can he had elsewhere. When you want footwear, come to the 1 STA.E SHCOOES STOEE. High Malloy, Prop. oorn^K"t,J STREET STRIKE IS SETTLED • Employe's Granted 10 Per Ceiut Advance. Attorney Kline's Claim to a Scat on Council Referred to the Solicitor—May En force IPole Ordinance- Ti petition of the employes of the striM ■ i partmont of the borough was taki-ii up for consideration at Monday evening's council meeting. Thu men ha ' boon i rike for a month for an increase in wages. The matter was sat la c tori v adjusted by granting them an 11, of 10 per cent. The resolu tion authorizing the increase was carried by a vote of 9 to 1. A revious resolution, granting an I • ne ■: from 123j cents to 15 cents p.-r h nr. 'ailed by a vote of 5 to 4—the r ,,v - itioi n eiving one vote loss than i he law required. An - 1 ition authorizing the street co nil t oto engage men and teams for work on in- Greets, and providing that co .11 1* iI (hall not be responsible for any othcrw * "iig:iged, was defeated by a vote of . to 1 N i the settlement of the street strike the most important matter acted upon w the claim of Attorney Kline, who, af or roll call, asked why his name wa sir- ven froiu the roll. The presi dent stat mI that, council has nothing to show that he L a inoiubfr of the body. The ii or wa on the point of becom ing a< warm is the weather when further discussion was cut oil by a uojotion *o refer the question to the soli citor the motion carried by a vote of 9 to Mr. Kline then stated that if necc*asy he would procure a writ of | mainh.iuiis. The light committee reported eight lights out for which they will claim a reduction on the bill. Prices on Incan descent lights were quoted. The com mittee tvill confer again with the Light Company. The lire committee reported that a tongue, reel and rope are needed for use on the liro engine. The committee) was ordered to procure them without delay. After a discussion on the. polo tax or dinance, it was agreed that the com mittee, secretary and solicitor examine the.books and, if nothing is found de claring the ordinance void, that council proreod to collect taxes from the 1 date of its l<nactment in 1898. Ih a lengthy report presented, t!e jlinince committee showed the estimated avojklng balance would be less than i$l,fll)0. The committee was informed 'by the solicitor that no report lias yet beon filed by the auditor on annexation. (Thief of Police O'Donnell's report, showing police expense of $l4O, was | approved. Street Commissioner Shovlin's report I showed work amounting to $82.50 done | on the streets. ' Janitor O'Donnell's bill for salary and ! fending prisoners, amounting to $32.40, was appr ived. burgess Doyle reported $12.45 due the burgess and $22.50 due the borough. I fJThe ordinance creating a Hoard of J Hpklth was laid over for a special inoet i injg, to bo held next Monday evening. J Vn offer from Charles Dusheck to pur j coast or to rent the stone crusher was I referred to the street committee, j A petition was read and accepted ask ing council to lay sidewalk on Washing ton street, east side, from Walnut to Cheatnut streets, and a crossing on th pepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 11. arti fi'-tally d tests (lie food and aids ! Nature i 1 etxeuKtbening aud recoil* t rue.ii. tbe exhaust :d digestive or fans. 1 gthe latnstdiscovereddigest int ur onie. No otlier preparation cau ;n "lai-li it in etlleiency. It ln oant . iiievosand permanently cures . iStion, Heartburn, fia' tin Stomach, Nausea, Sii' lacii. e, Gastralgia,Cramps and nil eniitsof imperfect digestion, rr id |l. r.arceslfecontalnßCH times s iooli'l.aboutdyspopsiauittUedfreo d by C. C. DsWITT 4 CO. Cb'cogo. ir City Drnsr Store. Coiidy 0. Boyle, dealer in t LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. 1 n ftrii ht brands of Domestic and Imported Vhit-kuv on sale. Fresh Rochester and shun ujUimh Beer Hud Youngling's Porter on tap. 08 Centre street. 1 FREELAND, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1901. Chestnut street, across Washington. A. Oswald, on behalf of St. John's Reform ed church, stated that the ground for the sidewalk had been donated to the borough and that the church had laid the gutter. The matter was placed in charge of the street committee, with in structions to have the work done if found satisfactory. The following bills were ordered paid: Electric Light Company, street lights, $273.33; M. M. O'Roylo, supplies, $0.50; James Kennedy, tosting lire plugs. $2: Geo. Fisher, hauling coal, $2.80; .John Reddington Co., crossing stone, $124.80. A bill from Joseph Rirkbock was al lowed to stand until work is finished. A bill for extra work on the Municipal building from the Ilazleton Machinery and Supply Co., $24.84, was referred to building committee for investigation. Enforcing the Law. Frank Drumhellor, a Ilazleton fish erman, was arraigned before Squire Shovlin yesterday on the charge of catching trout less than six inches in length. Druniheller, it appears, paid no attention to the notices placed along Hayes creek by the Freeland (lame and Fish Protective Club, but took every thing that came along in the shape of trout. The club, in accordance with Its an nouncement, had him arrested, aud the evidence at hand was so conclusive that Druniheller was only too glad to com promise the case by paying SSB. Ilis violations had made him amenable to a line of over SI,OOO, but as his was the first case to bo brought to the attention of the club the officers agreed to be lenient. Hereafter, it is said, no mercy will be shown to violators of tho game laws and the full penalty will bo demanded Jn future cases. The offlcors of the club also call the attention of all fisherman to the fact that the Nescopeck and Oley are trout streams and parties placing nets therein will bo prosecuted. After today a detective will patrol the creeks and violators of the law will find themselves in serious trouble. The club believes it has already given fair warning to all and ignorance of the law will not excuse persons who fish illegally. Mine Workers in Session. The Mine Workers of District No. 7 are still in session at Hazieton. It is expected that the convention will end today. Secretary John Gallagher lias been placed on a monthly salary, and will devote his entire time to the affairs of the district. The local unions of the Panther Greek valley have been author ized to form a sub-district. Resolutions of sympathy and author izing financial assistance to Hazieton striking carpenters and Drifton shop employes wore passed. The, district ex ecutive board has beeu authorized to order a suspension of work in collieries where non-union men are. employed af ter the first Monday in August. Boxing Contest Postponed. The twenty-round contest botween Jack Doner and "Scaldy" Hill Qulnn, which was being arranged by the Sterl ing Athletic Club to take place hero on the 17th insfc., has been postponed for tho present. Doner has signed articles of agreement to meet .Joe Wolcott on the 26tli Inst., and until the latter bout comes off no date will be made for him to meet Qulnn. The club, however, is making ar rangements with two other well known boxers and expects to have a bout here in the near future. Former Pastor to Preach. At St. Paul's P. M. church, on Fern street, next Sunday, Rev. S. Cooper, of GLardville, will conduct the services, both morning and evening. Rev. Cooper served some years as pastor of the church, and his visit to town will likely be made pleasant by his many friends. Services will be held at 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Miss Green, of Girardville, who has been authorized to take charge of the church, will also be present. Married Yesterday. Howard Howolls, of Jeddo, and Miss Stella Ivemp, of town, we'e married yes terday at the home of the bride's parents on East Walnut street. The ceremony was performed, by Rev. J. J. Kuntz. Alex. Kemp was groomsman and Miss Nettle Ilowey was bridesmaid. A large number of friends were present. At 11.51 a. in. the newly-married couple de parted for HulTalo, and will spend their honeymoon viewing tho sights of the Fan-American Exposition. Those famous little pills, DoWitt's Little Early Risers, compel your liver ami bowels to do their duty, thus giving you pure rich blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never a gripe. Grover's City drug store. ROUND THE REGION Eight young sncinty men of Shenan doah decked in gay shirt waist* boarded a trolley car for a trip to Sbamokin. <>u reaching the Centralia branch of the Schuylkill Traction Company's line, about half way, the conductors A fused to pass them, they claim, because they did not wear coats. The young men threaten to bring suit against tho trac tion company.' When Mrs. William Gibbons, of Scran ton. went to call her uncle, William M. Andrews, yesterday morning, she was horrified to find him dead in bed. Death is ascribed to tho extreme heat, which caused heart failure, lie was a well-to do citizen. The Kipper chaser which makes the office of Scranton's city treasurer ap pointive Instead of elective, will depose I'J. J. Robinson, tho Democratic party treasurer. Recorder Council, however, will make him the appointee. A Rhiiadelphian, who formerly lived in Wilkesbarre, lias offered that city a fountain or a soldiers'monument, to cost J15,000, when the court house is torn down and the site converted into a city park. The name of tho person making the offer has not been made public. On a charge of publishing a story that Officer Wolf, of Allentown, had robbed him of 370 whilu under arrest, Joseph Lovington was sentenced to three months' imprisonment by Judge Al bright. James Malloy, of Shenandoah, was waylaid, beaten into unconsciousness, then robbed of 325, a gold watch and ring within twenty-live yards of his own home. The Wilkesbarre Traction Company lias decided to allow its conductors and motormen to wear shirt waists, but they must be all uniform in shape and coler. One new smallpox case was reported at Plymouth yesterday, Mrs. James Williams, a nurse, being tlie victim. William Kottenhausen, aged 20 years, was drowned yesterday afternoon while bathing iu a Ila/Jeton pond. In attempting to escape officers who were trying to arrest him on a charge of stabbing bis brother, James Corcor an stepped in front of a train at Pitts ton and was killed. Luzerne Republicans. At tho county convention of tho Re publicans yesterdar, the following can didates worn nominated: Controller, Arthur A. Olck, lla/.leton; sherilf, .Jona than R. Davis, Kingston; recorder. L. P. Holcomb, West Pittston; coroner, Dr. J. P. lliehl, Plymouth; surveyor, N. i!. Hotter, Wilkesbarre. lion. W. J. Scott was the anti-Quay crndidato for chairman, and Cleric of the Courts Reese Rloyd was the Quay candidate. Scott withdrew, as it was hopelessly against him. The resolutions indorsed Frank YV. Wheaton for additional law judge. Wheaton is the Quay leader and he made himself strong by offering to pay tho 8100 rci|tiirsd to make up tho defi ciency in the fund for the delegates. If this had not been done tho delegates would have abolished the Crawford county system. Death of a Young Man. James llreslln, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Breslin, died at his home in Jeddo yesterday afternoon. Ho was aged 17 years, 3 months and # days, and besides Ills parents Is survived by three brothers and live sisters. Tho young man had just completed a corse at Pierce Busi ness college, Philadelphia. Shortly before the term closed he became 111 and was very sick when he arrived homo. His death was duo to typhoid fever. The funeral will take place at Oo'clock nil Friday morning. The remains will bo taken to St. Ann's church, where a requlom mass will be read. The inter ment will be made In St. Ann's cemetery. To Jail Without Bail. Joseph Vlte, charged with stabbing and killing Ralph Kalvadera in a Hazletnn saloon on Saturday evening, had a hearing in Ma/leton and was com mitted to jail without bail. The alleged murderer is over six feet tall and is mus cularly built. The general opinion is that the murder wa caused by jealousy, as noted In Monday's Tribune, both being in love with the same girl. The funeral of the victim took place yesterday. He was burled at Ha/.leton. "I wish to truthfully state to you and tho readers of these few lui"s that your Ivndol Dyspepsia Cure Is without ques tion, the best and only cure for dyspep sia that I have ever couie In contact with and I have used many other prepara tions.'' John lliiaui, West Middlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Dvspepsla Cure as it contains all the natural di gustants. It will digest all kinds of food and can't help but do you good, (drov er's City drug store. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With- out Waste of Words. The erection of the Mining and Me chanical Institute building on South Centre street lias been awarded to IJenj. Rauacli, of Ila/.leton, at a cost of nearly 514,000. It will bo built of brick and stone and will be two stories high. It is to be completed and ready for occu pancy by January 1 next. Sime J. NeuHurgor left town at 0.12 o'clock this morning for New York city, and tomorrow at 11 a. m. will sail for Bremen, Germany, on the steamer Bar barossa. During his tour Mr. Neu- Burger will Visit several European countries. At the Public park this evening High land local of the United Mine Workers will hold a picnic. Dance music will be furnishod by St. Ann's band and the members have made preparations for a pleasant evening. Annie Murrin, agod 8 years, 6 months and 17 days, died last night at the home of her mother, Mrs. Patrick Mur rin, in Upper Lehigh. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment at St. Ann's cemetery. The finest ice creain in town, all flavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. The Sunday schools of St. Ann's Catholic and St. Jainos' P. E. churches will tender the Coxo families the annual Fourth of July serenade tomorrow morn ing. Five new kilns have been erected at Pond Creek brick works, and the com pany is ready to employ fifty more men. Miss Maine McGarvey, of Philadel phia, ii spending a short vacation with her mother on Walnut street. A moving picture exhibition will be given tomorrow evening at Cross Creek hall by Eckley B. Coxe, Jr. Ice cold soda at Kefper's. Matthew McGettrick, of Pricoburg, Lackawanna county, is visiting in town. Matt Broderick, after a few days visit to his home in Sandy Run, left yester day to join the Atlantic City ball club. The street employes have accepted the 10 per cent increase offered by the borough council. Work will be resumed on Friday. Edward Johnson, of Pittston, is visit ing his brother, Ncal P., in Sandy Run. Mr. Johnson removed from this region twenty-five years ago. For a few days past the mercury in the thermometers of town has soared around the century mark, and although no fatalities have been reported the intense heat has caused much suffering. Tomorrow afternoon and evening the annual picnic of the Citizens' Hose Com pany will be held at the Public park. The firemen can bo depended upon to provide abundant pleasure for all who call at the park. A tent show arrived in town this inorniug from White Haven and is located on the lots below the Lehigh Valley depot. Owing to a lack of canvassmen the tent was not erected in time to give an afternoon performance. Injunction Proceedings. Testimony for the defense in the in junction proceedings instituted by Coxe Bros, & Co. against Drifton shop strik ers was taken at the Hotel Osborne to day. The strikers vvero represented by Attorneys Carr and McCarthy and the company by Attorneys Fullor and Mc- Clintock. Upwards of twenty men tes tified and the substance of their testi mony was a general denial of the alle gations made against them by the com pany. Try Helper's 5-eent cigar—best made VII H C KI.LA NKO V H AL> VJKKTISUMKNT.S. m °f FUZA MULLIGAN, lute ot JLU r Iceland, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above mimed estate having beeu anted to the under signed, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present t he same, with olll \ to ~ . William J. Timney, i. J. o Donnell, attorney. Freclund, Pa. I HtOPEKTY FOlt SALE. -One double and I one siritfle dwelling and one vacant lot, corner of I ine and Mine streets, Hazleton. hor 1 uri her particulars apply at Tribune nflicc. [ ADORERS WANTED.--Steady cm ploy -1 J inent at tfood Wutfes can be had by titty men at I oud Greek brick works. Apply in person to the superintendent. I \KTKCJTIVRS. Men wanted; experience i > not necessary; if experienced state parti culars; enclose stamp. Box 12.">, Phila., Pa. TRI-WEEK Our Motto Is No Trouble to Square Dealing: Show You All and Satisfaction Our Goods Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Frecland, Pa. No Trouble to If Goods Are Show You All; ;Not Satisfactory Our Goods j j Money refunded £MtAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Kooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck IJrick, Frecland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postofflce Building, ... Frecland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan'a Building, So. CcNtre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, ... Froelunrl. White II it veil OIHco, Kane [binding, Opposite I ofltomoe; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, Ftoe Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. MeMcnainiii lluilillng,Smith Centre Street. J~JR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Finer, . ■ Birkbeck Brick jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None tint, reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated Ihgh-grado Pianos of Uasellon Bros.. New York eity. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centro Street. Second Floor Front, - Refewioh Building. r J > IIOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building. Mnln Street THIB GUN METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PEN ToEE y FOR ONE HOUR'S WORK. —* ONE THIRD ACTUAL SIZE Boy* uid Cirls, wt will Trn*f von. No Wonry in advance. vonr ,hi j n ' w P*nUln I'm. Send na yon 'Jo Fit! Top i.-n.t i\i„ im u. ij nt .% MFGRIII SLPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York. Wm. Wehrman, "W atclimaker. Clocks and Watches for Sale. Repairing a Specially. Next to Neußurger's Store. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tincl Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS, CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Raufer Chib, Eoienbluth's Velvet, ol which we hive EXCLUSIVE SALE 111 TOWN. Munim'n Extra Dry Champagne, Hen noes y Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Ktc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. LAUBAGH'S VIENNA BAKERL B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy und Novelty takes Baked to Order. CDIFIGTIIIEIT ® IE! CIEAM supplied to imlls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day.
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