FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 140. CRASH SUITS for the little fellows as well as for the men and youths. A large assort ment has jus t been re ceived. STRAW HATS in abundance. No house in the county can offer you a greater selection. lelbwidi'sWeai'Wcl Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Ladies: Have you tried the Queen Quality? ; Are You i Interested ), New 8-day oak Striking ) Clocks. $2.50; guaranteed. New 8-day hanging Clocks, ' with calendars, $13.25; guar <j teed. j Alarm Clocks, 75c. ; BUTTtRWIGK'S 1 Cor. Front and Centre Streets. j 81ieet Music at Out-ltate Prices. AMAttDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. TV. W. Cor. Centre and Front tit*., Freeland. T. CA&IPSELL," dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WIITES H LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets. Freehold. CTIBRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Spring Shoes arc here in abundance. We bave the latest products of the largest manufacturers, and are prepared to furnish Men, Women and Children with footwear at prices as low as any dealer in the county, quality considered. We handle Nothing but Shoes, therefore, we can sell to better advantage and guar antee you better value for your money than can be had elsewhere. When you want footwear, come to the STAS SHOE STOKE. ~ ~ sf i, „ n Corner Centre and llagll Malloy, Plop. Walnut Slr.eta. FUNERAL OF REV. PHILLIPS Large Crowd of People As sembled at Pittston. Thousands Gather to Pay Their Last Respects to Dead Priest—His Death Still a Mystery. The funeral of the late Rev. E. S. Phillips, of Ilazleton, whoso death in New York city became known to the public on Friday, took place at Pittston today. Tbe funeral attracted more people than any similar event has ever drawn together In Luzerne county. Re ports froth Pittston place the numbor in attendance at no less than 12,000. The body arrived from New York late Saturday night. At 10 o'clock this morning it was taken to St. John's Catholic church, where Bishop M. J. Hoban, of Scraoton, celebrated a pon tifical mass, assisted by over fifty priests from various sections of the diocese. The spacious edifice was not one-tenth large enough to accommodate those who endeavored to gain access. The ser vices wore lengthy and impressive. The funeral cortege, which comprised thousands of people, contained several divisions of the A. O. 11., temperance societies, councils of the Knights of Columbus, delegations from the Elks, over a dozen locals of the United Mine Workers and many people who are not affiliated with any organization. The floral offerings were probably the most handsome ever seen in this part of the state. The remains were laid in the family plot in St. John's cemetery, beside those of his father and mother. FREELANI) REPRESENTED. At a meeting of Divisions 0 and 41, A. O. H., of Freeland, last evening, a delegation was chosen to represent the Freeland members of the order at the funeral. The following were named, and are at Pittston today: Con McCoie, John J. Welsh, Patrick O'Donneil, John Brennan, Peter D. Gallagher, Hugh Kennedy, James Brogan, Patrick Quinn, James Brennan, Daniel Mulrauey, John J. Carr and Frank McLaughlin. In addition to the above, upwards of sixty people boarded the special train which passed through town this morn ing. The train left Hazloton at 0.15 a. m., and consisted of eleven cars. Resolutions of condolence were adopt ed last evening at the joint meeting of Freeland divisions of the A. O. 11. THE MYSTERY UNSOLVED. The manner in which Rev. Phillips came to his death has uot yet been solved. New Apportionment. Tho legislative apportionment hill, which was reported in tho legislature a few days ago, will be read for tho first time tonight and will then be recom mitted for tho purpose of amendment. Tho bill gives Luzerne county eight rep resentatives and divides the districts as follows: The city of Wilkesbarre shall consti tute the First district and elect two members. The boroughs of Courtdale, Dallas. Dor ranceton, Exeter, Forty Fort, Luzerne, New Columbus, Shickshinny, Swoyer vllle, West Wyoming and Wyoming, West Pittston and the townships of Dallas, Exeter, Fairmount, Franklin, Huniock, Huntington, Jackson, Kings ton, Lake, Lehman, Ross, Salem and Union shall constitute tho Second dis trict and elect one member. The boroughs of Kdwardsvlllo, Kings- If people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It would he ' used in nearly every household, as there •are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach, or water brash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the sto ; mach, will digest your food, certainly can't help but do you good. Grover's City Drug Store. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. TESTATE OF BRIDGET DUOQAN, late of i J Freeland, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate bavin* been grunted to tho under , signed, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having - claims or demands to present the same, with , out delay, to Hugh A. Shovlin, it. J. O'Donneil, attorney. Freeland, Pa. t 17 Centre street.. Apply to Thos. A. Buckley. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JAMES G. HARVEY, of Ilazlcton. Subject to the decision of tho Republican . primaries of Luzerne county. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, MAY 20, 1901. ton and Plymouth and the township of P.ymouih shall constitute the Third district and elect one member. The city of Hazleton, the borough of West Hazleton and the townships of Black Creek and llazle shall constitute the Fourth district and elect one mem ber. The city of Pittston, the boroughs of Av )ca, Ilughestown, Laflin and Yates ville and the townships of Marcy, Jon kins and Pittston shall constitute the Fifth district and elect one member. The boroughs of Ashley, Nantlcoke, i Nescopeck, Sugar Notch and Warrior Run and the townships of Conynghaui, Hanover, Ilollenback, Nescopeck, New port and Sugarloaf shall constitute the Sixth district and elect one member. The boroughs of Freeland, Jeddo, , Laurel Run, Miner's Mills, Parsons and White llavon and the townships of Pear ( Creek, Puck, Putler, Denison, Dorrance, Fairview, Foster, Plains, Slucum, Wllkesbarre and Wright shall consti tute the Sevonth district and elect one member. Representatives Ilartman, Coray. Mahon, Haworth and Drum are not satisfied with this apportionment so far as it relates to Luzerne county. Thought the Roof Fell In. From Today's Philadelphia Record. Jack Donohue, who Is training at a nearby resort for his contest with "Kid" Ferry, at Freeland, tonight, had a try out on Saturday with a well-known col ored boxer. The go was to be a four round affair for points, but by the taunts of the dusky opponent it finished on merit. Three rounds were very scienti fic, Donohue holding his own nicely. In the fourth round, when told to cut loose and rough it up a bit, Donohue landed a straight right on the point of the chin, dropping the colored man like a log. A grand scramble was made by a number of sports present, who thought the man dead. He came to in six min utes, and asked if the roof had fallen In. Tonight's Contests. The boxing contests to be conducted tonight under the auspices of the Sterl ing Athletic Club are attracting the at tention of those in the region who take an interest in the sport, and a largo audience seems assured. The bout between Walser, of Ilazie tou, and McCarron, of McAdoo, will draw many people frotn tha towus named, and the Paul brothers are ex pected to give a fine exhibition. The fifteen-round contest between Ferry and Donohue is the principal feature of the evening's entertainment, and a most interesting scientific battle Is looked for. Wedded on Saturday. Jobn Schroeder, Jr., of Joddo, and Mlas Elizabeth IJardtko, of West Hazle ton, were married at West Hazleton on Saturday afternoon by Rev. Rltter, of West Hazleton. They will reside in Jeddo. Henry Saur and Maggie Dlohl, both of Hazleton, were united In marriage by Rev. J. B. Kersehner at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Edward L. Snyder and Sarah R. Jones wore married by Rev. J. B. Kerscbnor at the homo of the bride's parents on South Washington street at 7 o'clock on Saturday evening. Miners May March. The sessions of the executive boards of Districts Nos. 7 and 9, hold in Hazle ton on Saturday, did not adjourn until some time after midnight. The ques tion under discussion was tho action of tho state senate in reference to tho mining bills. The members of the boards are very reticent about tho matter and refuse to give information, but it is believed tho miners from these districts are prepared to march to Harrisburg. Resolutions on the death of Rev. E. S. Phillips wore unanimously adopted. Pan-American Exposition. Low fares via tho Lehigh Valley Rail road to the Pan-American Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will bo sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from Freeland at the rate of $7 for tho round trip. Ten-day tickets will bo sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, , good on any train, except tho Hlack Diamond express, at tho rate of $lO for ' tho round trip. I "Our little girl was unconscious from . strangulation during a sudden and torri j ble attack of croup 1 quickly secured ; a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was . mastered and our little darling speedily J recovered." So writes A. L. SpafTord, Chester, Mich. Grover's City Drug Store. Ice cold soda at Kelper's. NOTICE TO THE PUIILIC. lteginnlng with Monday, April 15, A. Oswald will CIOHO Ills Htore at 8 o'clock 1 every evening except Saturdays and the general pay nlglits. ROUND THE REGION Early Saturday morning a Pittston car returning to Wilkesbarre ran over a man lying on the track at Port Bowkley. lie was lying with bis head on the tracks and when tho car struck him the front of tho car was derailed. The car was finally put back on tho track and the man was taken to Wilkesbarre. Life was oxtinct. The police searched his pockets and found a United Mine Workers' card which bore tho name of John liataga, Local 099, of Edwards villa. On his eighty-flfth birthday anniver sary ILev. Gidean H. Day, tlie oldest Methodist minister in Pennsylvania, died at his home at Riverside. Rev. Day entered the Baltimore conference as a minister in 1339, and a few years later entered the Central Pennsylvania conference, of which he was a member at the time of his death. About ten years ago he was placed on the super annuated list. Mr. W. J. Raster of North Rrnok, N. C. says he suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he used DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. Grover's City drug store. Hon. Daniel Edwards, of Kingston, aged 70 years, one of the best known men in this county, died suddenly early Saturday morning at his residence. His death is doubly sad, coming so soon after the death of his wife, one month ago. Deceased had been in his usual health even to the time of retiring at 11 o'clock Friday night. DeWitt's Little Early Risers searcli the remotest parts of the bowels and remove tho impurities spcedly with no discomfort. They are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, nevergripo. Grov er's City drug store. The annual session of the Wyoming classis convenes in Salem Reformed church, Weatherly, this evening. The session will last for four days. The Reformed churches in Luzerne, Colum bia, Montour and parts of Carbon and Lackawanna counties will he repre sented. A coffin supposed to contain tho body of Ralph J. White was found at the bot tom of Grassy pond yesterday afternoon. The pond is a mile and a quarter from Sweet Valley cemetery. Skin affections will readily disappear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. Grover's City drug store. Despite the efforts of the authorities, smallpox cases are increasing in number at Larksvilie, Another death occurred yesterday, John Reed succumbing. His is tho seventh death. Upwards of 2,000 machinists through out Luzerne county struck this morning for a nine-hour day. The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tho famous pills for constipation and liver complaints. Grover's City drug store. UPPER LEHIGH. No. 8 slope, of the Upper Lehigh Coal Company, has been abandoned and the machinery, boilers, etc., removed to the other collieries of the company. A quantity of coal still remains in the mine, which will be removed by strip ping the surface some time iu the future. At No. 6 slope two new sots of boilers are being installed. Dick & Mantz last week removed a steam shovel from No. 3 slope to No. 8, where the stripping operations will be pushed this summer. The new steam shovel ordered by the Upper Lehigh Company, which was expected to arrive last week, has not yet been received. It will be installed at No. 3. A new hoisting engine is being placed in position at No. 4 colliery. Mrs. James Goulden and brother, Geo. Weightman, visited their mother, who is ill at Allentown, last week. This is the last week of school and the teachers, Mr. Alden and Missos Schmidt and Gallagher, are preparing suitable exercises for the closing. The sinking of the railroad tracks loading from the breaker still contin ues, and workmen are engaged filling up the depressions as they occur. PLEASURE. May 20.—Boxing carnival under the auspices of the Sterling Athletic Club at tho Grand opera houso. Prices, 50c, 75C, 31. May 39.—Picnic of Kckley Base Ball Club at Cycle Path grove. May 30. —Annual picnic of Tigers Athletic Club at tho Public park. May 30.—Annual dinner and supper under auspices of Ladles' Aid Society In the basement of English Baptist church. Tickets, 25 cents. Juno 15.—Picnic of Highland Social Club at Highland ball park. Try Helper's 5-cent cigar—best made. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. Advices from Wilkesbarro state that Attorney B. J. Mooney, who is in the Mercy hospital, is in a critical condition, suffering from tuberculosis, and no hopes for his recovery are errtertained. Mr. Mooney is a son of Mrs. Hugh Gal lagher, of Chestnut street, and is mar ried and has a couple of children. He was formerly a newspaper man and was admitted to the bar about seven years ago. The funeral of the late George Ilood macher, who lost his life in the engine expiosion at Bloomsbury, N. J., on Wednesday, took placo from his home on Walnut street Saturday afternoon. The Trainmen's Brotherhood and D. S. &S. employes attended in a body. Ser vices were conducted at the Park M. E. church by Hev. Swartx. Three men named Gallagher, O'Don neli and Klingerman were entombed before noon today in Silver Brook mine by a rush of coal and water from an abandoned working. At 3 p. m. the men had not been rescued, and It is feared they are dead. Editor W. R. Flad and wife, accom panied by the latter's sister, Miss Clara Eraser, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ober retider left yesterday for Buffalo, where they will spend a week viewing the Pan- American Exposition. John B. Quigley, of town, has obtain ed a position as traveling salesman for a Pittsburg establishment, and has taken up his residence in that city. He will be joined by Mrs. Qulglay and the family in the near future. The Slavonic Dramatic Company will present a drama at the Grand opera house tomorrow evening. The company is said to be a capable one and a good performance is expected. Mrs. Jacob Knecht, Sr., who recently removed from Freeland to Hazleton, was taken last week to the Methodist hospital, Philadelphia, to be troated for cancer. You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove the cause of disease. Grover's City drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Carr, of Eckley, are entertaining twin daughters at their home since Thursday last. New concrete pavements have been laid before the business places of M. M. O'Boyle and Wilty Dougherty. Daniel Houston and Miss Annie O'Don nell, of McAdoo, visited town yesterday. A son has boon born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney, South Ridge street. Hugh Boyle Is having an addition built to his residence on Ridge street. James O'Donnell Is visiting his parents on Walnut street. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pasternak last week. Libor Winter has closed his oyster house on Main street for the seasou. BASE BALL. An uninteresting game of ball was played at the Tigers park yesterday be tween Drifton and Hazleton Athletics. The battorles were: Drifton, Con Mc- Geehan and Carlin; Athletics, Maue and Cbas. McGeehan. Terriflc batting by Drifton netted 16 runs, while the visit ors scored but 1. After playing five innings the game was called with the consent of the Athletics. A game will be played at the Tigers park next Sunday between the strong Pittston and Edwardsville clubs. Both teams are making extensive prepara tions for the contest and many of their friends will accompany them to town on the special train which will bo run to Freeland. John Boner, of Drifton, played a good game with Chester against the Cuban Giants on Saturday. Since joining the club Boner was ill, and bis reappearance on the diamond is pleasing to his friends. Thursday's New York World contain ed pictures of a dozen or more National league players In grotesque attitudes, among which appeared one of McFad don labeled "McFaddon Warming Up." ThoChestcrs defeated the Columbians at Drifton yesterday, 20 to 10. The Good Wills defeated the Manhat tans yesterday, 15 to 2. TBI-WEEKLY When You Buy at Senie's You Get Value for Your Money Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeiand, Pa. £MIAS. ORION S'i'ROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 3, Birkbeck Brick, Freeiand JOUN M. CARIi, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Poatoffiee Building, Freeiand. Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brenuan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeiand. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, . - . Froeland. c W . hl JlP " tt rn en OUta', Kane Building, Opposite Postolhee; lucsduye, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire attention 9 ' Conveyancing given prompt McMenamin Building, South Centre Street. J~JR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIItK BUCK'S STORE, Second Floor. - . Birkbeck Brick S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Albo agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos of llazelton Bros., New York city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Streot. Heonnd Floor Front, ■ Hefowich Building. 'yHOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, . . Main Street THIS BON METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PEN FREE y FOR ONE HOUR S WORK- *"** ONE THIRD ACTUAI SIZE Boy suid Cirls, wo will Trust you. No Honey in advance. SptcUl oftor to Introduce tliH mw Fountain Pen. Kend n yonr full .d.lreM with Hi r. nls 1.. i c .-t , ,n lwo will send you ]• extra Una Top L. a.l l'cn. lis toa.-ll at 6 "ou'tbe P°n '' r"" ",'|" d n,ono >' au ' l Wu wUI MIGRL L SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York. Wm. Wehrman, TX7" atdimaker. Clocks and Watches for Sale. Repairing a Specially. Next to Neußurger's Store. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Truck. Fresh Lard a Specialty, Centre Streot, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS. Corner of Centre and Front Street*. Gibson, Dougherty, Kan for Club, Rosenbluth's Velvet, of which wo h tve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Honuessy brandy, blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, anil Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cukes Baked to Order. CllFEtlllllßY ® ICE HIM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts of town and surrouiidings every day. in time. Sold bv tlriii/irims. hH ■aazHgciaiiamfp
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