FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO 108, Leave Your Measure for your Next Suit of Clothes at Freeland's Leading Tailoring Establishment. Spring Stock Is Now Ready For Inspection. Clothing and Shoe House?"* REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Ilare You Seen Our Queen Quality Shoes'/ 7 AMANDUS OSWALD, denier in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. N.W (lor Centre and Front St*., Freeland DePIERRO ■ BROS. O-A-ZFIE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h v- EXCLUSIVE SALE IR TOWN. Muiiim's Extra Dry Chnmpagno, iienuessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordlaia, K.t< Ham and flrhweita&r Cheese Sandwiches. Sardines, Kte MEALS AT ALE HOURS LAUBACH'S YIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAB ACH, Prop. Choice Broad of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. HfmiOUT • ICBE3M supplied to balls, parties or picnics, win all necessary adjuncts, ar shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all part* <>l town and surroundings every day EVERY BUYER OF SHOES is neglecting his duty to his purse if he fails to learn our prices and examine our qualities and styles before investing money in footwear. We Sell Shoes and nothing else. You can buy to better advantage here than in stores where shoes are carried as a side-line, and if you give us the op portunity we will prove to you that this is true. STAR SHOE STOEE. u A\ Corner Centre and llUj}il Malloy, Prop. Walnut Streets. SHOT DOWN BY ASSASSIN Rudolph Dimerio Meets an Unexpected Death. He Is Killed on South Cen tre Street by a Hidden Enemy—Nicholas Capece Charged With the Murder. Rudolph Dimerio, a barber, was shot yesterday on South Centre street, and died a few minutes later. So far there Is no direct evidence as to who 11 red the shot or where the assassin stood when the deed was committed. Nicholas Capece, who resides near the home of the dead man, and Pascal Scan derala, a barber conducting a shop in the Capece building, were arrested on I suspicion of being implicated in the murdor. At a hearing last evening Scanderala was discharged. Cape -e was given :J hearing this after noon and held for trial. I j Shortly before 11 o'clock yesterday morning Rudolph Dimerio left his barber ; shop in the Cutler building, on South j Centre street, to go to the postofllce. He told his wife and another Italian who boards with the family that he return in a few minutes. Proceeding northward he passed the store of Henry Marchetti and was about half-way pa*t the store of August Zadra when the report of a gun rang out. Dimerio turned partly around, reeled, and sank to the ground. His wife and friend ran out of the shop, saw him lying on the sidewalk, and with the assistance of other people who were on the street carried him back to the bouso. Messengers were sent for a physician and a priest, and Dr. PeardofT. followed by Rpv. Charles Pajchisak, of St. John's Slavonian church, responded. The physician found the man unconscious, with life rapidly ebbing away. The priest quickly administered the last rites of the Catholic Church, and a few moments later death came. Chief of Police O'Donncll was on Contro street, near Luzerne, when the shot was iired and saw the man fall. Hurrying to the scone as rapidly as pos sible, he saw that a murder had un doubtedly been committed, and as ap pearances indicated that the shot had been iired from some building in the vicinity he gave, his attention to the Capece premises, which was the next one Dlincrlo would ha/e passed on ills way northward. TWO MEN ARRESTED. An examination of the locality showed the average width of the sidewalk on that side of the street to he about twelve feet, up to the Capece lot. Here a barber shop extends over the sidewalk to within six feet of the curb. Under neath the shop there is a window, with one of the panes removod, leaving a hole which almost directly faces a person walking northward on that side. No one on the street at the time saw any person with a gun, consequently the police, Patrolmen Welsh and Mollick and Constable Welsh having arrived in the meantime, formed the opinion that the shot was probably fired from the cellar window described above, and they placed the owner of the premises, Nicholas Capece, under arrest. A search of the Capece store, residence and barber shop was made. In the store a shot-gun was found standing In a corner six feet from the door leading to the cellar. In the barber shop stove was found the brass end of a metallic shell. The gun was loaded with a shell, but looked as if the inside of the barrel had recently been cleaned. It smelted strongly of smoke. Pascal Scanderala, who conducts the barber shop in the Capece building for the owner of the house, was then taken into custody. HOLDING TIIK INQUEST. Dr. Bowman, deputy coroner, arrived at 11.45 o'clock. He ordered Dr. lirackott to make a post-mortem exami nation. The following Jury of Inquest was empanelled and heard testimony In the Municipal building during the after noon: Charles Moerschbacher, S. J. Non- PLEASURE. March 17.—Musical entertainment by St. Ann's band at (irand opera house. March 18-19.—"Story of the Reforma tion," under the auspices of St. Paul's i P. M. church, at (Iraud opera house. Tickets, 25. 35 and 50c. Property for Hale. A twelve-room house on the corner of Washington and Luzerne streets and a double block on the alley adjoining. Apply to 11, M. Brbylln. Frfcflaud* FREELAND, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 0, 1901. Burger, S. Woodring, John G. Davis, R E. Myers and John James. Jauies McCullom testified that he was walking down Centro street: when in front of Capece'a store saw Dimerio coming out of his own shop; when with in fifteen feet of him heard a report and saw the barbor fall to the ground. Ho saw smoke, but did not know where It came from. Had seen Officer Mollick up-town and ran back to got hi in. J. P. McDonald heard the shot and came out of his store; saw Dimerio lying on tho ground with bis wife over him. Dr. Bracken's testimony was very Im portant. Ills examination of the dead man showed sixteen wounds Inflicted by buckshot on tho left, side of the body; the bullets entered upward at an angle of 23 degrees; one shot pierced the heart; seven ©f the bullets were removed. This angle, it is said, would corres pond with the direction bullets would take if lired from a gun resting on the window sill in the Capece cellar, and the course of the balls in the body, from right to left, is also considered identical with tho courso which a charge would follow under the same conditions. Pascal Scanderala denied all know ledge of the shooting; said ho was in a shoemaker's shop up-town wlion he heard of tho murder; did not know of any trouble between Capece and Dimerio. Tho testimony of the police and others who were present Immediately after the shooting occurred was taken by the jury, but no direct evidence against the prisoners canto out. The hearing was then adjourned to a future date and Scanderala was dis charged, it having been proven that he was not in the neighborhood at tha time. CAPECE FORMALLY ACCUSED. County Detective Richard Jones ar rived from Wilkesbarre last evening, and after acquainting himself with the facts swore out a warrant against Capece, and 2 o'clock today was set as the time for tlie hearing before Squire Shovlin. PRISONER HELD FOR TRIAL. The hearing began at, 2.30 o'clock this afternoon and contniued until 4 o'clock. Capece was represented by Attorney John M. Carr, of Freeland, and tho com monwealth by Abner Smith, of Hazle ton. Paulino Capece, a daughter of the prisoner, saw her father cleaning a gun j after the shooting occurred. She was upstairs when she heard the report of a gun. The testimony of several othor wit nesses was heard by the justice, and the prisoner was held without bail to answer tho charge of murder. He was remanded to the borough lock up and will be taken to the county jail tonight. WHO THE VICTIM 18. Rudolph Dimerio, like ail the other persous who are figuring prominently In the tragedy, was born in Italy. He was about 37 years of age and came to Free land seven years ago. According to sevoral of tho neighbors he did not got along peacefully with his countrymen, and had quarreled with several of thorn during tho past few yean. It Is reported that the deceased and C&peco were known to not bo on friendly terms. The dead man is survived by his wife and a seven-year-old son. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock tomorrow. The remains will beluterrod at St. Ann's cemetery. MURDERER MUST IIK FOUND. The feeling In town is that no efforts should be neglected and no expense spared to capture the guilty person. It Is the most cold-blooded murder ever committed in this section of the county, as the assassin was undoubtedly waiting for his victim, and the quality of shot used is evidence that the gun was fired for tho purpose of killing. Reformation Trainer Here. All-participants in tho "Reformation" to bo hold in the Grand op.ra house, March IS and ID, will meet at tho l\ M. church on Fern street on Thursday evening, at 7.D0 o'clock. l'rof. I*. C. Poyser, M. 11., Is director of music. Miss Ilessie Attwood, of Mt. Holly, N. J., Is the trainer. Joseph McClellan, of town, has pur chased the residence of Captain Andrew Lee, Ir* Hazleton, and has rented the same to J. C. Berner, who will remove there from Freeland in the near future. R. J. O'Donnell, Esq., lias been ap pointed solicitor for l)oni9on township supervisors and for tho poor board of that township, and John J. Mcßrearty, Esq., has been reappointed solicitor for Foster super?isors. A spirited contest for steward at Laurytuwn almshouse Is being made by half a dozen candidates. The position is considered a well-paying one and is eagerly sought for wheuevor it vacancy 6tcUr. • THEATRICAL "In the Path of the Plague,** which plays an engagement at the Grand opera house on Friday evening, Is a finely constructed romantic drama and It deserves the success it-Is meeting with every where. It Is one of those excel lent plays that touches the responsive chord in the hearts of the audience and tslls a story that is interesting in the extreme; full of pathos and power, re lieved by brilliant Hashes of comedy. It is a clean, moral and highly interest ing production, as well as intensely entertaining. The company presenting It is composed of a number of clever performers who are well adapted to their respective parts, headed by Tom S. l' w iK£i oue of America's best actors. X * X The Missouri Girl, with a wealth of beautiful scenery, will be presented by a competent company at the opera house on Tuesday March 12. This is one of the best attractions on the road, as its six years of success abundantly testifies. Fred Raymond, the author, will person ally direct the production and play the principal comedy part, that of Zeke Dobson, tho country boy. X X X The Stephenson Quartette, which gave a concert at the Grand opera house last evening under the auspices of the M. Sc M. Institute, pleased a large audience. Operators Will Not Meet. From Today's Philadelphia Press. The operators ot the anthracite region will not accept the invitation of the United Mine Workers and attend the convention to bo held in Hazleton nest week. Tills was decided upon at a recent meeting and !• not the only im portant decision arrived at after a thorough reviow of the situation. The railroad and financial interests of Wall street can alone order a change iu the program outlined and this is not expected at this time. The resolution referred to was unani mously adopted at the meeting of oper ators, together with a number of others which, if made public at this time, would provoke a struggle unprecedented in the history of coal mining. Thoso known to have attended and participated iu the argument previous to the adoption of the resolution refuse to deny the meet ing, or the fact that these resolutions were passed. From an authuritative source it has been learned that one of the individual operators who attended the conference voted to force the issue with the men and devote the earning powers of his colliery to the work of breaking tho strength of the union in tho anthracite region. lie proposed also that the oper ators dictate the terms on April 1, and offer tho men a reduction of 10 per cent in wages, reducing the scalo to the rate in force previous to tho big strike, and, upon their refusal to accept, closo down every colliery In the region. Death of George Bird. George lllrd, a well known resident of lower Luzerne county, died at his home on West Walnut street at 'J o'clock last evening. For the past few weeks he had been dangerously 111, and owing, to his advanced age it was feared by fiis relatives that he would be unable to overcome his aliments. Mr. itlrd was a native of England, but had resided iu this vicinity for thirty one years. He was a kind and consid erate gentleman who had formed many warm friendships among his acquaint ances. Tho deceased was aged 78 years, 1 month and 17 days, and Is survived by the following sons and daughters: llov. Levi liird, of Scrantou; George Ilird, of Indiana; Elijah Ilird, of England; Mrs. Jane Sweet, of Philadelphia; Miss Eliza beth, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Harriet liaiubridge, of Frenland. The latter buried her husband a short while ago. Tho funeral of Mr. Ilird will take place from the residence at 1.30 o'clock Friday afternoon. Services will lie con ducted in St. Paul's P. M. church at 3 o'clock by Itev. Acornley. The inter ment will be made iu Frceiand cemetery. The I'rice of Victory Is persnrverance and good judgment. Good judgment is necessary in the selec tion of tbatcourseor method to which the energy and effort Is to he applied in the attainment of success. Perserverunce Is often wasted by reasons of injudicious methods. This applies to the purchase of remedies, in the use of which people waste more money and efforts than In any other direction. The market is flooded with extravagantly advertised hair restorers, which if Lite advertise ments were true, would grow hair In a night, and on anything. "Luxura" Is a formula of tho ablest hair specialist in the world, Dr. Plncus, of Germany, and backed by a guarantee for the return of your money if It fails. "Luxura" contains ingredients which will effectively eradicate dandruff and check the hair from falling out. Price, Sl.oo per packago, delivered free ot all carrying charges. Send fora free sample of "Luxura," enclosing 2c. stamp to cover postage, lioston Drug and Chem ical Co.! TOO I'elliain Uulldlug, Dostum MitliS. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. After tho council mooting on Monday evening Chief of Police Daniel Filler and Patrolman Charles Knlp turned over their keys and other borough prop orty to their successors. The three new officers were sworn in and entered upon their duties that night, llotb of the ex policemen made good rocords while on the force. Mrs. Jane DeFoy. of Washington street, has leased tho Cottage hotel and will take possession of the promises on April 1. When you are bilious, use those famnus little pills known as DeWltt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Grover's City drug store. The funeral of the late Mrs. E. W. Hotter took place yesterday afternoon. Tho flower offerings were numerous and many of her friends wore present to pay their last respects to the deceased. J. J. Fallihee, of Cleveland, (>., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. T. Campbell. Their promptness and their pleasant effects make DeWltt's Little Early lilsers moat popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply perfect for liver and bowel troubles. Grover's City drug store. An infant son of Florence Albertina died yesterday at the family residence on Hldge street alley, near South, and will bo buried tomorrow at St. Ann's cemetery. The March meeting of the borough school board will be held this evening. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. lie has a nice variety. The Taxpayers' Association is contest ing the claim of the threo poor district directors to 8200 annual salary each. Testimony on the subject is being taken before the poor district auditors. Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Ilar.el Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone. Tho original has tho name DeWitt's upon the box and wrapper. It Is a harmloss and healing salvo for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Grover's City drug store. A trolley road from Weatherly to Free land is contemplated by the company which owns tho Mauch Chunk trolloy Representative Hayworth's second now county bill will have a hearing today before the committee on countlee and townships, and a delegation from lower Luzerne will bo presunt to advo cate the justice and necessity of the measure. Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Ciiro. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly euros all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. D. is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long heon a well known remedy for whooping cough. Grover's City drug store. Hot temperance drinks, at Keiper's. The funeral of Frank Nutze took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence on North Csntre street. There have been no now developments regarding his death, and tho verdict of the corner's jury has boon accepted as final. The stomach controls the situation. Those who aro hearty and strong are those who can cat and digest plenty of food. Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to cat all the good food you want. If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or any other stomach troubVt, this prepara tion can't help but do you good. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. Grover's City drug store. Watering Growing Plants. Plants need a good deal more wator as tho days grow longer and warmer than they do in midwinter. They should be given all they can make use of. Watch the surface of the soil and whenever It looks dry give more water. Do not make watering a matter of three times a week and so much to a plant, as many do, but be governed by the evident needs of the plant as shown by tho soil.— March Ladies' Homo Journal. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TK.I-AVEEK LY (1 lii mill Women to attend our special sale of Underwear for Men and Boys, now going on. Special prices to all, special privileges to none. Come and View Our Immense Stock and if you don't sc. what you want, ask for it. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SEN IK. PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £MIAS. ORION STROII, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: KuomslandJ, Birkbeck Brick. Freelutid JOHN M. CARR, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postofflce Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Campboll Building, ... Freeland. White Haven Office, Kane Bui Mini.. < u i- ate Postofflce; Tuesdays, Timrs.las. Sat in .la. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMenamin Building,South Centre Street. JJR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIUKBECK'S STOKE, Becond Floor. . Birkbeck Brick S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies ! Also Sgent for tile celebrated high-;: rude Pianos of llu/.eltuu Bros.. Ne.v York city. F) R - S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 87 South Centre Street. Beoond Floor Front. - Kefowioh Building. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main'Streot Wm. Wehrman, atcliraal2:er. Watches, from $4 to $25. Clocks, from $1 to SB. Centre street, below South. Come and Examine our new lino of Kioh*s Famous Julia Marlowe Ladies' Shoes. Every Pair Is Guaranteed. JOHN BELLEZZA," Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Track. Fresh Lard a Specially. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES k LIQUORS FOIt FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUBPOBBB. Centre awl Main streets. Freeland. CURRY'S^ Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Sena ;i sam ple order and try them. E, I Cnrry, South Centre Street.
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