FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO 97. Positively the Greatest Sale of Clothing Ever Heard of Is Still Going On At Clotliiug and Shoe jHouse. REFOWICH BUILDING, FREELAND. DON'TrfMISS IT. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS A celebrated brand of XX tlour a I way* in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. N.W Dor Ventre and ffirontSts., Freeland DePIERRO - BROS. CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Ntreeta. Gibson, DouKherty, Kaufer Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h v- EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Muoum'* Extra Dry Champagne, Henneasy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clareta, Cordial*. Kt Ilam and SrhioeiUs&r Cheene Sandwiches Sardines, Etc MEALS AT - ALL HOURS LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAU JACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pan try, Daily. Puucy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Ordor. HFESTIBY • ICE HI supplied to bftlln. parties or picnics, win all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagon* to all parts j town and surroundings emery day. EVERY BUYER OF SHOES is neglecting his duty to his purse if he fails to learn our prices and examine our qualities and styles before investing money in footwear. We Sell Shoes and nothing else. You can buy to better advantage here than in stores where shoes are carried as a side-line, and if you give us the op portunity we will prove to you that this is true. ♦ STAR SHO HI '3TOR2. ir J u ii„n.„ Corner Centre and Hugh lfldlloy, PrOp. Walnut Street*. SLEIGHERS' CLOSE GALL Freeland People Have Har row Escape Today. Frightful Accident Barely Averted at White Haven at I O'clock This Morning. Young Lady Injured. A sleighing party of thirteen young people of town left for White Haven last evening, In a double sleigh driven by A. B. Smith, of Walnut street. The party spent a pleasant evening at White Haven, but met with a narrow escape from instant death ou their way home. When crossing the Lehigh Valley Railroad at White Haven at 1 o'clock this morning the midnight freight came thundering along. The occupants of the sleigh became excited and three of tbein jumped out to save themselves from expected death. Miss Annie Birkbeck, of Front street, was among those who jumped from the sleigh. She was found lying senseless In a pile of snow near the tracks. Medical aid was immediately summoned, and the young lady regained consciousness. She arrived here on the 9.30 o'clock train this morning, aud was assisted to her home by her mother and another lady. It seems as if Miss Birkbeck was the victim of shock, as all indications ge to show that she was not struck, although she must have had a very close call. Fortunately the engine only grazed the rear and of the sleigh, otherwise an appaliug accident would havo resulted. School Board Meeting Messrs. Trevaski*. Isaacs, Evnrltt, VlcCole aud Timony were present at the school board meeting Wednesday even ing. No quorum being present a mes senger was despatched for some of the absentees. President Kline, being sick, could not atteud. After a wait of half an hour Director Brown appeared and was chosen to preside. The following bills were ordered paid: Freeland Water Company, water rent.. $22.92; E. B. Shellhamer, hauling coal. $2.70; Wm. Birkbeck, supplies, $5.20; Electric Light Co., light, 87c; Freeland Lumber Co., lumber, $1.91; Henry Fisher & Co.. supplies, $5.61; R. C. Roth, supplies, $1.35; Hudson School Furni ture Co., furniture, $210.20; Parlor Broom Co., brooms, $1.20; Coxe Bros. & Co., coal, $9.75; W. E. Martin, supplies, $23.30; Mrs. Matt. Murphy, cleaning, $1; Matthias 3chwabe, coal, $6.90; W. R. Flad, supplies, $2.20; total, $295.11. A letter was read from the state offi cials at llarrisburg, notifying the board that a collection of manufactured ar ticles and raw material from different countries would be sent to Freeland pro vided a suitable case was propared to receive them. The collection was pro cured through Representative Hawortb. The secretary will correspond with the department to secure it. A letter from the state superintendent was read and showed the corrected list of children in the borough to have been received. The state appropriation will not likely bo received until June. Regarding the heating of the Wash ington street building, Director Everitt recommended the placing of more radia tors in the affected rooms. In the High school room the board will hold the con tractor responsible, he having agreed to have 70 degrees registered in the room in severe woather. The committee was authorized to purchase from Mrs. Wil liamson radiators for use in the building. The report of the treasurer was read and showed a balance on hand of $144.43. The principal reported as follows for the fourth month: Enrollment, 851; last year, 790; average attendance, 720; last year. 648; per centage, 91, last year, 86. For tho fifth month: Enrollment, 858; last year, 720; average attendance, 737; Wm. Wehrman, atdimalcer. Watches, from $4 to $25. Clock*, from $1 to SB. 'wotre stveat. below South. tiIHCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. L 1 -LECTION NOTICE.- Notice is heroby | J Flvon that a the election to be held on the third 1 uesday in February, lull, bcinwr tho n ' lie j£euth day of the month, the following of ih Middle Coal Field Poor District ure to be elected to wit: One person for director to serve three years Irom April I, iDOI, whose residence must he 111 ,l >Hrt °f the district known as the Weathorly or Middle district. P t,rßon 'or auditor to serve from April 1, "JOI. whose residence musr tic in that portion of the district known as the Muueh Chunk or Lower district. B.W. Gang were, ) i WjjUum 8. Llet, > Dtreetorr. i WTlSbn a, Campbell;) I FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1901. last year, 617; por centage 91; last year, 85. Tho above figures show an increase in enrollment of 61 over last year duriug the fourth month and an increase of 130 during tho fifth month; the averages of attendance for the two months show in creases of 72 and 120 respectively; the percentages for the same months show Increases of 5 and 6 respectively. The following teachers have been designated to visit schools in the towns named, in accordance with the plan ap proved by the board: February 7, Mrs. Denneny, Ilazleton; February 12, Miss Kate Timony, Ilazleton; February 21, Miss Kate Rogan, Shenandoah; Feb ruary 26, Edgar Schmidt, Philadelphia; March 5, Miss Mattie Brown, Ilazleton; March 7, Miss Mary Dougherty, Ilazle ton. Bought the Engine. The fire engine which was the cause of so much discussion at Monday even ing's council meeting lias been bought by the fire and water committee. The price agreed upon is SI,OOO, of which one-third will he paid in cash and the balance in installments. Tho buying of an engine meets with the approval of all except a few of tho people of town, as the necessity of protection for Hill property is well known; but the methods taken by one-half of council to purchaso tills engine are not creditable to the men who lent their aid to the railroad ing of the scheme. To say the least, the haste shown in this purchase, and the shutting out of all other offers, was not warranted by tho circumstances; nevertheless no fault will be found if the engine 19 capable of doing its intended work when the occa sion arises, even though its purchase was In the interests of a political machine and not for tho benofit of the FIIII. Sleighing Parties. A VHI7 pleasant party of young folks enjoyed a slcigli ride this wank to the Mountain Scenery hotel, where they dined and spent a pleasant day. The following were prpsent: Misses Mary Mcßrinrty, Mary Halpln, Nellie Cunn ingham, Grace O'Donnell, N. McLaugh lin, L. Moerschbachor, R. Ferry, D. Hums. A. Gallagher, and A. lioyle, and Messrs. N. Malloy, J. Cunningham, B. Mallny, M. Halpln, A. Rielly, N. Boyle, A. Boczkowski and G. McHrlerty. Three or four parties leave town every day for some of the neighboring points. Laurytown was the objective point of several partial yesterday, Thursday being visiting day. Several members of the German Social Club enjoyed a ride to Conyngharu yes terday afternoon. Horrible Specimens. Notlcos Intended to caution people against defacing or Injuring the walls ef the Municipal building have been paint ed 011 the inside walls of the structure. There are two on the first flpor, one on the second and one on the third floor corridors. The total cost was $4. The notices are painted in white on a black background, and read as follows: NOTICE A REWARD of TEN DOI.I.ARB WILL be OFFORED for INFORMATION AGAINST and CONVCTION of any PERSONS INJURING or REPACKING The Walls or BUILDING in Any MANNER. By Order of Council. Union Ball Tonight. All tho necessary preparations have been made by the committee of Local Union No. 1499, U. M. W., to accom modate the largo number of people who will attend the bail to be held by tho Local this evening at Yannes' opera house. It is a foregone conclusion that tho attendance will bo vory large, but the committee has made ampin arrange ments for tho disposition of the crowds and no one should remain away for fear that they cannot be accommodated. Dance music will be furnished by St. Ann's band. Died in New York. Alex. Ewing died at his homo in New York city yesterday morning from stomach trouble. The deceased was the husband of Mi 99 Annie Lloyd, formerly of town, who, with two young son 9, sur vive him. He was a brother-in-law of Clerk of Courts Reese Lloyd and the Misses Lloyd, of Freeland. Mrs. David Lloyd and two of her daughters are at at New York to attend the funeral. A powerful engine cannot he run with a weak boiler, and wo can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stom ach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should he used. It digests what you eat and it simply can't help but do you good. Grover's City drug storo. Tobtccb bf til kinds it Kilp'sr'd. ROUND THE REGION An echo of the lato strike was heard in court yesterday. Thomas Williams, David Williams, William Schwab and William Collier, coal and iron policemen at the Clear Spring colliery, near Pitts ton, were charged with manslaughter. A man named Charles Mordus was seen loitering about the company's property one night. When told to surrender he ran away. A bullet from a Winchester killed him. The ofliecrs were dis charged. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely digests what you eat. As it is the only combi nation of all the natural digestants ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure th* very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. Grover's City drug store. The moat disastrous fire that ever vis ited Scranton broke out in the clothing store of Horan & Merrell, on Lacka wanna avenue, yesterday afternoon, and swept easterly up the avouue, destroy ing nine other business houses, and causing a loss of over $500,000. ''When the grip left mo my nerves and heart were oadly affected; but I be gan taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and was soon all right."—Wm. Roei'icht, Eau Clair, Wis. In a collision between an electric car and a sleigh tilled with men and women, one woman was disfigured for life and several other persons injured last night. Mrs. E. Eddy, of Ashley, fell beneath the wheels. Four of her fingers were amputated aud a portion of one of her ears severed. For the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat aud lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly. Grover's City drug storo. The employees of the Klotz silk mill, at Carbondale, who have been on strike, will return to work at the scale of wages suggested by Rev. Thomas F. Coffey, who was arbitrator between the mill owners and operatives. "I was given up to die from heart and nervous troubles caused by the grip. Six bottles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine cured me."— Mrs. John Woliet, Jefferson, Wis. Just as Mrs. Marue Burns, of Tama qua, who was preparing breakfast, left the kitchen yesterday morning, the waterback to the range exploded and tho stove was blown to pieces, badly wrecking the kitchen. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, duo to the prevalence of croup, pneu monia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that give 9 immediate results. Children like it. Grover's City drug storo. Miss Bessie Brvden, a woman 60 years of age, was burned to death in the home of John Brown, Scranton. The house took fire while Miss Bryden was in it with Flossie E. Brown, aged 14 years. Both were safely out of the house when Miss Bryden darted back to secure some trifle from her bedroom. While she was there the roof fell in. At nearly three score and ten Mrs. Galon Humphrey was lighting against odds when the grip attacked her; but she took I)r. Miles' Nervine, and now her neighbors in Warebam, Mass., re mark on how well she is looking. After spending three hours breaking into tho depot of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad Company, at Shickshinny, and blowing open the safe with giant powder, burglars were rewarded by securing $4 in cash and a pair of shoes. There Is always danger in using coun terfeits of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salve for sores and all skin diseases. Grover's City drug store. Jesse Miller, aged 82 years, the oldest resident of Beaver Meadow, was found in bed yesterday doad from heart dis ease. "My heart was badly affected by an attack of grip and I suffered intense agony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It made me a well man." —S. D. Holman, Irasburg, Vt. Michael Conniff, a justice of tho peace and a prominent politician, died on Wednesday at his home In Wilkesbarre township, aged 45 years. Rev. C. Body was in a serious condi tion at his home in St. Paris. O , but Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills pulled him through all right. George Rowis, aged 17 years, a jig runner employed at the No. 7 Stockton colliery, was almost instantly killed on Wednesday by being caught by the jig shaft, with which he accidentally came in contact. Persons who can not take ordinary pills lind it a pleasure to take De Witt's Little Early Risers. They are the best little pllje ever mads. Urdtsr'S bit* drug Btdro'. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words, The case of Thomas Boyle, of High land, charged with having caused the death of Joseph Brezenski last Decem ber, lias been postponed until next term of court. It is understood that the county officials will enter a nolle prosse in the case, the evidence tending to show that the killing was accidental. Notices have been posted at tho silk mill telling of an advance of 25 cents a week to all employes. The directors state that the increase would have been granted last fall, and the strike at the mill avoided, but that the business did not warrant it at that time. Hot temperance drinks, at Keiper's A meeting of tho D. S. & S. Railroad employes will bo held on Sunday after noon to receive the report of the com mittee which conferred with Superin tendent L. C. Smith regarding an in crease in wages. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A Oswald. He has a nice variety. Mrs. Mary Boyle, widow of the late Michael Boyle, died from the grip at Ebervale yesterday afternoon, aged 51 years. She is survived by four 9ons and six daughters. Tho remains will arrive here via trulloy Sunday afternoon and will be interred at St. Ann's cemetery. Millions of people aro familiar with DeWitt's Little Early Risers and those who use them find them to be famous little liver pills. Never gripe. Grover's City drugstore. William Wilkison, of Highland, has leased the hotel of Mrs. George Hess, Butler township, now occupied by Louis Snyder, aud will take charge on April 1. Representative Ilaworth's 1)111 to (ortn a new county was considered by the committee on counties and townships yesterday The committee decided to report it negatively. Mrs. E. I. Masters, at her home in Monitor, Ind., used Dr. Miles' Nervine and l'ills to cure after effects of grip. The breaking of an axle on a Jersey Central train east of Pond Creek Junc tion blocked the road for several hours yesterday morning. The Lehigh Valley train due here at 9.30 a. m. was com pelled to go round via Perm Haven. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are worth less. The origiual quickly cure piles, sores and all skin diseases. Grover's City drug store. A spirited horse owned by Dr. Geo. S. Wentz took fright yesterday morning and dashed up and down the streets at a rapid gait. On Main street the cutter was capsized and medicine was scatter ed In all directions. The horse did not stop until It reached its stable at Drifton. Mrs. E. P. Green has recovered from an attack of the grip at Canaseraga. N. Y., by the uso of Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. Grip has a strong hold In this and neighboring towns and a largo number of poople are In a serious condition. Earl Cameron will open a .3 and 10c store In the lirewn block next week. The engagment of Julius Dusheck and Miss Annie Canty has been announced. They will be married ueit June. "I was in bod ffve weeks with the grip—nerves shattered, stomach and liver badly deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills."—D. C. Walker, Hallsvillo, O. PLEASURE. February B.—Ball of Local Union No. 1499, U. M. W. A., at Yannes' opera houso. Tickets, 50 cents. February 20.—Cantata, entitled "The World for Christ," at P. M. church, Fern street. Tickets, 15 cents. r For Grip aches Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. Sold by all Druggists. P ZPIRIZr^TIHSTG- PnrmptTy riorxVe at nfe TfllfutM OflKe TRI- WEEK I jY Always 2>Tew arid. TJ"p-tc-ZDate Come In aud See! i hem. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, I>ltOX>. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £HAS. OUION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW und NOTARY PUBLIC. Offlc.: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbock llrick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. All leifal business promptly attended. Postodlce Building, ... Freeland. McLAUOHLIN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Legal Btieiness of Any Deacription. Brennan's Building. So. Centre St. Freeland. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - - - Freeland. White Haven Olllcc. Kuno Building,(tininsito Postofflee; Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sal urduj a. JOUN J. McBUEARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMeuamiu Building, South Centre Street. JJR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIItKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, . Birkbock Brick jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. Nono but reliuble companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianoß of Hazelton Bros., Now York city. JJR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Uefowich Building. 'JMIOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All busineee given prompt attention. Trlbuno Building. Main Street Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Track. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. T. CAWoELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots aad Shoes. A Also PURE WINES M LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' AND EMBALKER. Embalming of female enrpses porformed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNtilty. PREPARED TO ATTEND CALLS , DAY OR NIC lIT. South Centre street, Freeland. CUBBY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. K, J, Curry, South Centre Street.
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