Neuralgia's Pangs Are the -warning cries from overworked, worried, weak, hungry and exhausted nerves—nerves that have been abused and neglected until outraged nature could stand the strain no longer without a pro test. Every piercing, catting, tearing, burning, pressing pain of this dreadful disease is a call for help. Why not heed this call while relief is within your reach? Now is the time to begin; and the best of all remedies to use is Miles' Nervine. It is the essence of nerve foods and a reconstructant of unfailing power, whichj nourishes, fortilies and refreshes the whole nervous system. Begin its use at once. Sold by all druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkfiart. Ind. ITEMS OF INTEREST. There are 4,000 tons of stone in the pyramid of Cheops. It could be built for $20,000,000 today. Denmark leads the world for thrifti nes.s. Her inhabitants have on an aver age SSO in the savings banks. Germany has just held its first na tional exhibition of asses near Berlin. There were over 4,000 entries. Over 400 species of trees are known In the Philippine Islands. Of these about 50 have commercial value. If the world be divided into land and water hemispheres, London is the cen ter of the land, New Zealand of the wa ter. Thirty thousand women spend their lives in driving and steering the eanul boats in southern and midland Eng land. The most costly parliament in Eu rope is that of France. The senate and chamber of deputies cost annually sl,- 500,000. Barbers for dogs are very much in demand in Paris, and those who are expert are said to earn comfortable in comes. They solicit business on the boulevards. In Europe, where polished floors have so long been popular, it is the custom to polish them carefully and prefera bly with a cloth fastened on the shoe. Professional cleaners or polishers have learned to skate about at a great rate and to do polishing quickly and well. WOMEN AND LOVE. Love gives itself and is not bought.— Longfellow. Kindness in women, not their benuTc ous looks, shall win my love.—Shakes peare. Women are a new race created since the world received Christianity.— Beecber. A fair test and measure of civiliza tion is the influence of good women.— Emerson. The brain woman never interests us like the heart woman; wldte roses please less than red.—Holmes. lie who cannot feel friendship is alike incapable of love. Let a woman beware of a man who owns he loves no one but himself.—Talleyrand. The modest virgin, the prudent wife or the careful matron is much more serviceable in life than petticoated philosophers, blustering heroines oi virago queens.—Goldsmith. I-mfecflve Soap. The children's toboggan slide is quite an institution in a certain nursery. It is an old ironing board, a good wide one, and when its end is tipped up on a chair it furnishes all kinds of amusement to the small owners. The other day the children discovered a now joy in the ironing hoard. They pluc ed it Hat upon the floor. Then they smug gled a piece of soap from the bathroom and soaped the board well from end to end. It made n famous slide. The three boys and the girl, who is the wildest boy of the four, gave themselves plenty of room to run, and the board was long enough to make a good slide. One after the other then ran. The chase grew exciting. Finally Alice, tak ing her turn, cam with a rush down the hall and across the hoard. The impetus was too much. Her heels flew up, and she came down hard, very hard. She gathered hersidf together with a bewildered look on her face. Then she stood up slowly. "Dear me," she said, "I didn't know soap was so effective!" A niong the victims of the grip epidemic now so prevalent, F. Coylo is now re covering at Canton, ()., by the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine and Fills. DePIERRO - BROS. CAFE. Corner of Centra and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kuufcr Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which wo EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Munum's Extra Dry Champagne, Hennossy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. 11am and Schweitzer Clieese Sandwiches, Sardines, Ktc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Broad of All Kmds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Patiry mid Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. CIfEUEfiY @ ICE CIEAM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary Adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and mjrply wagons to all parte of town and rurrovndingt every day. 'For years I suffered with neuralgia, which especially affected, my eyes; and a plain, unvarnished story of my sufferings would read like exaggeration. Words are powerless to express the pain I endured. Three years ago I tried a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine, and it helped me so much that I bought a dozen more. Before they were gone the neuralgia was completely cured, and has never bothered me since." REV. W. B. BALDWIN, Itasca, Texas. CTIILI)ItEN'S COLUMN. | A HOMEMADE HILL. now Two Boys mid Their Father Made a Fine Coasting Ground. While Tom and Billy lived in New England they found plenty of hills to slide upon—nice, level hills, as Billy said, looking buck to the delightful slides longingly. lliliy always said "level" when he meant "smooth." But all about 1 the new home the land was hardly hro- i kin by even a rippling undulation. The ; "hills" were really and truly very nice i and level! The sled runners would have grown i rusty if the boys' father had not had au inspiration, which the three very speedi- | ly put into tangible shape. With u few ! FIGUIIE I. sticks of joist, some strips of board for stays and a few short planks they put up such a framework as is shown in Fig. J. There was no making of mortises or ten ons. The posts were set in their proper positions right in the snow, and strips of board were then nailed from one to an other, as shown. The "stringers" were laid right on top of the posts and nailed there. Then the planks were laid across the two Ihut were inclined and over the ' level stringers at. the top. Afterward a rail was nailed about the whole, as j shown in Fig. 2, and the first snowstorm | completed the work. Ilere was a "hill" i made to order, and fine sliding it afford ed. especially after a snowstorm that left ! a fine, hnrd crust. Down the incline the | sleds would dash with force enough to j carry them far out upon the level, and on j this "hill" one did not have to keep watching out for teams that always will appear at the foot of country or village coasting stretches just as a boy and his sled are "unlimbering" for action at the i top! This coast that Tom and Billy's father i built for them—with the boys' help, as 1 i have said—was eight feet high, with an incline of IS feet in length. TJp and down one side were steps, each made by two hits of board nailed to the planking, as shown. When these were covered with snow they still afforded the foun dations for steps that were quickly made over them in the snow, the steps occupy ing hut 15 inches of space in the coast's six feet of width. The sketches are giv . 7"- ' FIG IT It K 11. en with the idea that perhaps other boys 1 and other boys' fathers may feel inclined ; to give nature a lift too. Such a coast- i ing course is easily, quickly and cheaply ! built and can be taken down when the snow is gone. It affords sliding not only whore hills are wanting, but where there is so much travel as to make coasting in the highway dangerous or where—and this is specially important—there is likely to be company in the coasting that is nei ther agreeable nor elevating.—Webb Dounell in Philadelphia Ledger. Such little pills as I)eWitt's Little Early Ilisers aro very easily taken, and they arc wonderfully effective in cleansing the liverand bowels. Drover's City drug store. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. | It artificially digests the lood and aids Nature in strengthening and recou- | structing the exhausted digestive or- I gans. It isthe latestdiscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in eiiiciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures I>yspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. ! PrlcoDOc. and sl. Larro size contains tiroes am ail size. Book al 1 a bout dyspepsia umiledfrvu Prepared by E. C. DeIViTT CO. Ct'caga. Graver's City Drug Store. i BETWEEN THE ACTS. I Nance O'Neill will play Macbeth in I Sydney, Australia. Mary Mnnnering lias made a hit in S "Janice Meredith." It is said that Coquelin wants to play Gillette's "Sherlock lloliues." Clyde Pitch has written a play upon the subject of Major Andre in which Charles liicliman may star. The full title of the new Sullivan- Ilood opera is "The Emerald Isle; or, The Caves of Carrlg Cleena." In the 12 years of his starring career Francis Wilson has produced 11 comic operas, at a gross outlay of $190,000. John Philip Sousa will take his band over to the international exhibition to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, this year. There was a well defined rumor in London recently that Ellen Terry had decided to retire from the stage on ac count of nervous prostration, j The sultan of Turkey is a great lover j of the theater and a student of the 1 European drama, in which subject he j is said to be very well versed. I Thomas A. Hall, who has a part in "The Pride of Jennico," was one of the first actors to play Uncle Tom in the play made from Mrs. Stowe's book. Mine. Sarah Bernhardt brought her own carriage and coachman to Ameri ca, and throughout her entire Ameri can tour she is accompanied by her own Paris physician. "To Anna Held, from George 11. Ketchum," is the inscription engraved j upon a silver plated horseshoe pre | sentcd to the comedienne. The shoe , was worn by Cresccus, 2:04, in the great $20,000 stallion race won by him | at Boston Sept. 27. TROTTER AND PACER. Early Reaper, 2:00%, will not be seen i on the turf until 11)02. Plunkett, 2:13%, at the age of 14 is a good roadster ut Lu Gotos, Cal. The thoroughbred sire Kingston has been insured for $75,000 witli an Eng lish company. Mettelas, 2:19%, the third biggest money winner on the Lake Erie cir cuit. will be handled in 1901 by W. J. Andrews. Carthage Girl, 2:15%, the biggest money winner over the Lake Erie cir cuit, is being prepared for 1901 by Allie Merri field. Diavolo, 2:12%, recently purchased by Jere O'Neil, is expected to be a dangerous competitor in next season's 2:13 pacing class. John Laughlin, who handled the youngsters for Dr. J. C. McCoy, Kirk wood, Del., is now one of the assist- I ant trainers in Lawson's stable. Jim Burns, 2.18%, has been pur chased by John Lake, a member of the Milwaukee Driving club. This | horse has the unique record of having trotted a heat in a race with his driver ! dead in the sulky. The Greeuvllle (N. C.) reinsman, It. j L. Smith, will be seen on the Lake Erie I circuit in 1901 with Lucy Ashby, 2:14%, and Paddy McGregor, 2:21%. The I past season ho won $1,250 with Bird | Eye, 2:14%. | A 3-year-old filly by Advertiser, 2:15%, out of Soutag Dixie, dam of Pasonte, 2:13, is expected to show bet | ter than 2:15 iu 1901. She is owned j by Frank H. Burke, San Francisco, j who paid only $45 for her.—Horseman. Likely to Cause Trouble. . It is said that France is trying to buy ! 100,000 square miles of land from Brazil. The Monroe doctrine declares that the western hemisphere is no lon ger open to colonization by European powers. The colonies which they al ready held they could retain without infringing the Monroe doctrine, though they have since lost most of them. But they cannot, consistently with the established policy of this country, ac quire new colonies or add to those they had before. The traditional policy of this country, therefore, would not per mit France to acquire from Brazil a colony twice as large as England and half as large as France. If this were once permitted, the Monroe doctrine would no longer be respected by other European powers.—Louisville Courier- Journal. Persons who suffer from indigestion | I can not expect to livelong, because they I can not eat the food required to nourish ( the body and the products of the undl- ! gested foods they do eat poison the , blood. It is important, to cure indiges- ! I tion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use the pre paration known as Kodol Byrpepsia Cure. It digests what you oat and re i stores ail the digestive organs to perfect i I health. Ufdrufi City drug ttOfa. I ROUND THE REGION. It took the jury iu the White murder case twenty-four hours to agree. They returned a verdict finding him guilty in the second degree. Ho shot and killed bis nephew, Josiah, and severely wounded another nephew, James, who is now in the insane asylum, a maniac, made so by constant brooding over the prospect that he would have to testify against bis uncle. While the body of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Luddon, of Scran ton, was being carried from the house for burial Mrs. Luddon fell in a faint and died a few minutes later. She had been unremitting in her care for the little girl during her illness and said it would break her heart if she died. "My heart was badly affected by an attack of grip and I'suffered Intense agony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It made ine a well man." —S. D. Ilolman, Irasburg, Vt. Iu order tnat she may be able to testi fy against her husband in the action now ponding against him, wherein he is charged with causing the death of Elsie Meyers by administering poison, Mrs. Robert VV. Taylor, wife of the Mahanoy City druggist, has brought suit fur divorce. Taylor is now in jail awaiting sentence for attempting to poison his wife. The painters of Pittston having been on strike for over a year, a movement is on foot to bring about an amicable settlement between them and the em ployers. This season there is a large death rate among children from croup aud lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from those terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon iu grippe and all throat and lung troubles of adults Pleasant to take. Grover's City drug store. A large dwelling house occupied by several Polish families was destroyed by fire at Warrior Run. During the fire Mrs. John Bolinskil an aged Polish woman, fell, broke her arm and fractur ed her skull. The bartenders of Pittston are to meet at midnight to decide whether or not to go on striko In the morning. A week ago they submitted a number of demands to the saloon owners and gave them a week to answer. The time expired last night and no answer was received. "I was in bed five weeks with the grip—nerves shattered, stomach and liver badly deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills."—D. C. Walker, Dullsville, o. The Park hotel, Pottsvillo, was yester day purchased by Mulligan Sous, the wholesale liquor dealers of Philadelphia. J. P. Knight, of Pottsvillo, was the former proprietor. The price was 830,000. lioyd Winters teen, convicted of kill ing Martin L. Fisher on September 1" last, was sontenced by Judge Little ai Danville to eleven yoars and nine months in the Eastern penitentiary. Pepsin preparations often fail to re lieve indigestion because they can di gest only albuminous foods. " There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of In digestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Grover's City drug store. Nicholas Cherry, of Plymouth, when about to start for work yesterday, went to the bedside of his seven-year-old girl, Julia, to kiss her good-by. lie found the little oue dead of heart failure. The body of Clyde J. Jamison, who was killed at Tien Tsin, China, on July 13, arrived at Berwick yesterday. Young Jamison saw active service all through the Spanish-American war. "I was given up to die from heart and nervous troubles caused by the grip. Six bottles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine cured me."— Mrs. John Wollot, Jefferson, Wis. Edward Schmaltz was shot through the nose early yesterday morning at Pittston. Four young fellows were walking home from a dance, when two men, thrusting revolvers In their faces, ordered them to hand over their money. Schmaltz and his friends ran. A shot followed them and struck Schmaltz's nose. Mrs. A. E. Lopeer, in the little town of Modelia. Minn., used Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nerve and Liver Pills and was well In a few days. For shooting an English pheasant on Sunday in Monroe county, Owen Sandt. of Easton, paid Justice Gruvcr, of Stroudsburg, lines and costs amounting to 81)1.33. To add to Sandl's woe he did not get the pheasant after shooting it. President McKiuley is slowly recovei- Ing from grip and its after effects. The Lackawanna county courts have awarded to Miss Mary Duftin, of Scran ton, for injuries sustained by falling over an obstruction on the sidewalk, the amount of 57,0U0. It is becoming more nnd more com mon to line the staircase wall with pictures. On consideration the idea is a good one from other points of view than the artistic. The climb, particu larly of a long, unbroken staircase, is to many persons an affair of minutes, and it is not at all unpleasant to be cheered its length by some attractive pictures. In some houses there are series of photographs along the stair, those of celebrities being more often selected than tlje pJoiums of frleode of the family. jpfxxxxxxKXxxxxsooooooocooa; I I | Rot at Half-Price | | Nor Below Cost 1 8 are our goods sold. We p V couldn't remain Jn busi- v ness long if we followed p j* anything else but busi- ® J* ness methods. We sell O p X •I Shoes for Men, Women and Children, 5! K 5c p Hats and Caps for Men and Boys, B B Furnishings for Men and Boys, R ic A at prices which are as X A cheap, and quite frequent- A ly cheaper, than others K A ask for the same quality. X A Give us a trial purchase K A and let us convince you A A that here is a store where A A your money can be spent X to your advantage. | McMENAMIN'S 1 g jj Gents' Furnishing, 8 A Hat and Shoe Store, A ** ft X 0 CJ 22 86 South Centre Street. X X ;b;:ssG?;ss:3ssj223;s:sjssssK;;xssxs:>:Ks:s; MmJci Kt St rood-burg, |i*. The Winter term of this popular institution for the training of teachers oucua J -ii. I'HJI. This practical training school for teachers is located in the most healthful ami charm in* part, of the Btnt \ within the greut summer resort region of the slate, on the main line of the h. L. & W. Ituilroad. Cnexcolled facilities; Music, Elocutionary. College Preparatory, Sowing ami Modeling departments. Superior faculty; pupils coached free; pure mountain water; rooms furnished through out; (ion!) HOARDING A KEUOONI/I',l EE AT II KB. We are the only normal school that paid the state uid in full to ail its pupils this spring term. Write for a catalogue and full information while this advertisement is before you. We have something; of interest for you. Address, GEO. P. HI FILE. A. M.. Principal. \The Cure ftiaf tees J ry Coughs, & \ Ootids, 1 I) Grippe, (k \ Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A Cj' Consumption, Is fcj follosj Tt\e German remedy* £ c CutXVtoV. at\4 ivsehses. J j\ J>o\4 a\\ 25S^50rts4 Wilkes-Barre Record Is the Best Paper in Northeastern Pennsylvania.... It contains Complete I.ocnl, Tele graphic anc! (ienernl News. Prints only the News that's fit to | Print... 50 Cents a Month, ADDRESS, $3 a Year by Mail The Record, or Carriers WILKES-BARRE, P A . I Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. I The finest brands of Domestic and Imported ' Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen- I nndouh Hoer und Youngling's Porter on tap. 98 Centre street, j KAILROAD TIMET ABLLS Lehigh valley railroad! November 2&, IbUU. Arramuemknt or PABSXhOISiI Trains. LEAVE FKKELAND. 0 12 a in for Weutherly, Mauch Chunk, Allculowu, Bethlehem, Laaton, Phila delphia und Aew i oik. 7 40 u in for Sand} ICUII, White Haven Wiikes-JJaiTe, Pulsion xnu Scruutou. ' > 1 b u in lor Hazleton, Maliunoy City, Shenandoah, Aa hi anu, Weutherly, Muuch Chunk. Aiicni. w u, Bethlehem, Euaiou, Philadelphia and New York. AO a in lor Hazleton, Mubaiio} Cii),sheh uihlouu, ..t. Cur fuel, cthuiuokin and Potisvilie. 2 .4 pui lor Suudy Hun, White liavcu, Wilkea-Harre, ocruutou ami all points . liu p ui for Weutherly, Muuch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Lanion, Phiiuuci- I'llik anu New \oi k. 42 put lor IJuzieton, Mahauoy City, Shen andoah, >li. Citruiel, ohuinokin and Poltsyille, Weaitieriy, Muueli Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Elision, Plnla- Uelphiu and Auw \ ork. 04 p in lor bandy lvun, White Haven, Wilkes-Hurrc, boruntun uud all points W cat. p in for iluzletou, Muhuuoj City, Shen andoah, Mi. Caruiei and .^huiuokiu. A Kill VIS AT f KLBLaND. 7 40 a m lroui Weutherly, Pott avi lie, Aah lund, Shciiuuduuh, Mahauoy City und ltuzictou. 17 u in iroiu Philadelphia, Eaatou, liethie heiu, Alleniown, .•much t hunk, Weuth erly, liuzleton, Mahauoy City, Mienan di uli, •■♦it. Carmel una .• liniuokin. 30 a in from acruulou, W iikta-iiarre und White liu veil. 2 14 p m from Pottsviiic, shainokiti, Mt. Lurinel, bhenaudouli, Maliunoy Lit\ and iluzieioii. * iw P m from New Vork, Philadelphia, Eaatou, iieihlelieiii, Allentown, Muuch Chunk and Weutherly. k 42 p in from soraiiton, Wiikcs-liarre and >V hite Haven. J 34 P in from New Vork, Philadelphia, Eaaton, lieihlelieiii, Allentown, Potta- Ville, Shaiuokiu, >ll. Carmel, Shciiun doali, Mahauoy City una liuzleton. 7 20 p iu from scramou, Wiikca-barru am: White liaveu. For lurcher information inquire ot Tiekel 1 gents wiiLlN 11. W I LFlUK.Geuorul Superintendent, 26 Cortiaudt street, New York City Oil AH. S. LEE. General Passeuger Agent, 28 Cortiaudt Street New York City. J. T. KEITH. Division Supinteudent, Hazleton, Pa. IHE DKLAWAKK, " L'Hyl kIiANNA AM) Schuylkill Kailkoad. Time table in eflect April 18, 1807. Trains leave briftou lo; Jeddo, Eekiey, Mazl* Brook. Stocktou, Heu\er Meadow lload Hoan ma Hazleton Junction at i> 80, tt 01) a nl, daih xcept Sunday; and 7 00 M in, 2 ,+■ p m. Sunday I rams leave Driltou lor Harwood, Crauuem omhickeu and Doringei at 5;), 600a m. dain rtxeept Sunday; and iO3 u m, 288 p m, Sun- Trains leave Drtfton for (ineida Junction, lurwood Koad, Humboldt Head, Uncida and ■beppton at 600 a m, duly except Suu "u<' / am, 2 lib pm, Sunday. 1 ranis leave lia/leton Junction I'orHarwood, bran berry, lomhieken and beringer at 636 a ;n, daily except Sunday; ami 8 do a ui, 4 22 d in ■mnday. ' Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Koad, Humboldt Koad Oneida and Sheppton ut 6. 2, 11 10 a iu, 441 p m' daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 8 11 i m ' mnduy. y ' Trains leave Derluger for Tomhick >n, Cran °??X? 'i" 1 V¥ood ' Hazleton Junction and 'loan .it J), 540 p in, dally except Sunday; ana :87 a in, jUi p m, Sunday. Trains leave sheppton tor Oneida, Humboldt Koad, Harwood Koad, Oneida Junction. Hazle ton Junction a *.d Koan at 7 11 am. 12 40 622 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m! 344 u iu, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Heaver Meadow fh Stockton, iluzlo Brock. Eekiey, Jeddo anu pritton at 5 22 p in, dally, except Sunday: and o 11 u m, J 44 p m, Sundav. Train® leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Koad, Stocktou, Ha/.ie Brook, Eekiey. Jeddo and Driftou at 6 46, 020 p m, dally! except Sunday; and 10 10 a m. 5 40 p m. Sunday. All trains oouneot at Hazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jeanesville, Auden riod and ..ther points on the traction < om uany's line. Trains leaving Drifton ut A 600 a m make oouiucLiou ut. Deringer with P K. K. trains for W ilkesbarre. Sunbury. Ilarnt urg and points west. For the accoramodHtioi) of uuRRi-ngei N at way ■tations between Hazleton J , lotion and l)er inger, a tram will leavo iho former point, ai iluily, eice... Sum,,, .rrlvirur ,u liUTMBI If. WITH, JurtWuWmft/tat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers