FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 80. For <r^l™ All-Around and Wear, yh THAT THIS M BRANDED ff ON EVERY . M _ otacn* Extra Heavy ( Low Heel. Oot-of-Door Boot. KXACT REPRODUCTION OP THIS STYLE SHOE. Refowich's Wear Well Clothing and Shoe House Refowich Building, Freeland. Custom-Made and lloady-Mudo Clothing. SuMii xxxx DIION-lADI. Manufactured by Tie Clock Tobacco Co., Scranton, Pa. "\7s7"illiam. Scli-wartz;, Solo Agent for Hazleton and Vicinity. GEO. KROMMES, dealer In GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given for Cash. "Blrkbcck and Walnut Streets. LAUBACH'S YIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACII, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Dally. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. tmmiiui • lEiiisi supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and eupply teagone to all parte oj Unen and nirroniidinge every day. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. If. W. Cor. Centre and Front fit*. , Freeland. EVERY BUYER OMIIOES is neglecting his duty to his purse if he fails to learn our prices and examine our qualities and styles before investing money in footwear. We Sell Shoes and nothing else. You can buy to better advantage here than in stores where shoes are carried as a side-line, and if you give us the op portunity we will prove to you that this is true. STAB SHOE STORE. Hugh Malloy, Prop. Cor,,e stlu. POLITICS OF THE REGION Democrats Will Nominate Ticket This Evening. Delegates Elected on Sat urday Evening to Bor ough Convention—No Date Yet for Republicans. The Democratic borough convention will bo hold this evening in the Muni cipal building, instead of the Cottage hall, as announced previously. The fol lowing were chosen on Saturday even ing to attend the convention as dele gates: Dclegate-at-largo—John P. Boyle. First ward—James M. Gallagher, J. P. McNeils, Daniel McGarvey. Second ward—Peter B. Carr, Hubbard Doudt, Charies J. Gallagher. Third ward—John E. McHugh, Frank McLaughlin, John Schnee. Fourth ward—ll. J. O'Donnell, Daniel Gallagher, Charles A. Gallagher. South ward—M. M. O'Boyle. South ward, Second district—John Brennan, Jauies B. Ferry, Joseph Gal lagher. South ward. Third district—Robert Mulreany, Jr., George Sbigo, John Mc- Cole. The offices to be filled are justice-of the peace and auditor. For the former Squire Shovlin Is a candidate for renoui ination and has no opposition. There are no announced candidates for audi tor. No dates have yet boen decided upon for the holding of the Republican bor ough convention and ward caucuses. The party Is apparently dispirited, and outside of the Fourth ward the members are taking little interest in its affairs. Sim J. Neußurger requests the Tri bune to deny the report published In the Hazleton Sentinel that he has with drawn from the race for the Republican nomination for school director in the Fourth ward. Foster Democrats will hold their dele gate elections on the 2ttth inst., and the convention on the' Monday or Tuesday evening following. No slates have yet been made, as the leaders propose to profit by the mistakes which the Re publicans are expected to make in their convention. The Republican convention of Foster township will be held at Woodslde school house on Monday evening next. The delegate elections will take place, Saturday evening and promise to be spirited battles at every poll. The fight is for the nomination for school director. Hazleton Republicans have nominated the following candidates lor city offices: Mayor, Justus Aitmilier; treasurer, Clarence Croveling; controller, Harry D. Lamont. Will Be Buried Here. Mrs. John Oschman, of North Centre street, received a telegram on Saturday afternoon from Jersey City. N. J., an nouncing the death of her brother, Con rad Kimmel, who was a resident of that place. Mr. Kimmel met with an acci dent In the Lehigh Valley Railroad yards in November, 1891T, and never fully recovered from his injuries. It is presumed his death was due to the effects of this accident. It was Mr. KlmmeFs wish that he be burled here, and the remains will arrive at Freeland tomorrow at 1.12 p. m. from GRAND OPERA HOOSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Wednesday Evening, Jany 16. A. Q. Scammon's Co. In the dellciously droll comedy-draina "Side Tracked." Full of Mirth and Merriment, Strong Situations and Sensational Effects. Embracing a company of CLEVER COMEDIANS presenting the lutcst sffhgs and dances. The Creators of Comedy, and The Acknowledged Leaders of All. PRICES: 25, 36, DO and .75 Cents, Seats on sale at McMenamln's store. FREELAND, PA, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1901. Jersey City. They will be taken to his sister's home on North Centre street. The body will be taken to St. Luke's Lutheran church, where services will be held, after which the remains will be conveyed to Freeland cemetery for In terment. Mr. Ivimmel was aged 34 years. He is survived by his wife and one child, also by his mother, Mrs. William Kim mel, of Freeland, and the-following sisters and brother: Mrs. John Osch man, Freeland; Mrs. Conrad Lutz, Ashley; Mrs. John Meneeley, Sandy Run, and William Kimmel, Highland. The deceased was a native of Eckley. When a few years old the family re moved to Highland, where Mr. Kimmel was raised and has many friends. Some years ago he took to railroading, and at the time of his death hold a position on the Jersey Central, lie was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men. NARROW ESCAPE. Milkman Frank H. Mctiroarty's Wagon Demolished by a Train. Frank H. McGroany, the well known milk dealer, had a narrow escape from death this morning at tho Centre street crossing of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ills wagon was struck by the train ar riving from Wilkesbarre at 9.30 o'clock, and with the exception of the two front wheels nothing remains of tho vehicle but pieces. Mr. McGroarty was seated in the closed wagon and was driving north ward from Coxe addition. He failed to notice the approaching train, or to hear the shouts of the people at the station, until his wagon was on tho track 9. It was then too late to escape by tho side door of tho wagon, but ho shouted to the horse. Tho animal bouuded for ward, but not far enough to clear the rails, and the engine struck the vehicle a short distance back of the centre, lift ing the wagon and contents in the air and dashing them with terrific force to the station platform. Mr. McGroarty was in the mld9t of tho wreck and escaped with a few cuts on tho head and hands. Tho wagon, milk-cans and bottles wero broken be yond repair, but the horse came out without a scratch. Several people were on tho station platform at tlie time, but were unable to prevent the accident. All who witness ed it wero horrified at the sight and be lievod in tho certain death of the driver. Mr. McGroarty states that ho was un able to see the train coming on account of several box-cars standing ou the south track. Officers Elected. Tho following ollicors were elected yesterday by the Tigers Athletic Club: President—Joseph A. Ferry. Vice president—James Johnson. Recording secretary —Johu J. Mc- Garey. Financial secretary—Charles Shovlln. Treasurer—Peter G. Gallagher. Sentinel—Denis Ferry. Guard—-John McGroarty. Trustees—John F. Boyle, J. J. Mc- Monauiln, Joseph Hums, D. S. Buckley, James Timony. Fair Tomorrow Night. The fair of the Young Men's Corps will open tomorrow evening at Yannes' opera house and will continue open until the first of next month. The com mittee in charge has the place comfort ably fixed up, and a number of hand some and useful articles will be on ex hibition when the doors open. Persons who suiter from Indigestion can not expect to live long, because they can not eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undi gested fnods they do cat poison tho blood. It is important to cure Indigos tlon as soon as possible, and tho best method of doing this is to use tho pre paration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and re stores all the digestive organs to perfect health. Grover's City drug store. Gentlomen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. He has a nice variety. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 11 arti ficlally d igests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovereddigest aut and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla,Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. PricqSOc. and Si. Lnrf?o size contains 2H times small size. Book all about dyspepsiamalledfree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO' Cb'eaflo. Grover's City Drug Store. THEATRICAL Tho attraction at the Grand on Wed nesday evening will be the laughable success, "Side Tracked," presented by a capable company and adequately staged. Tho play is a comedy dratna bordering on the farce, chock full of fun, and bristling with just enough sensation to balance the mirth effects. The principal character is a tramp. Tho tramp has done a great deal to bring out the humor of many plays of late, but it Is rarely that he acts both as comedian and hero. Mr. George Fredo, who assumes tho part of tho tramp, is a capital actor and a clover singer and dancer. He is ably assisted by a strong codipany. X t t The original production of "Quo Vadis," with its wealth of special scene ry, will soon be presented for the finst time in Freeland. The play is in six acts and eight tableaux. It tells the story of a young Roman soldier who falls in love with a Christian maiden, of tho persecution of tho maiden by Em peror Nero, and of her ultimate triumph through her belief in Christianity. t t t Those who failed to see "A Hot Old Time" on Friday evening missed the best farce comedy given here this sea son. The company received applause from the time the curtain rose until it dropped at the end of tho third act. Taxes Not Yet Paid. The county commissioners have enter ed judgment against the various tax collectors of the county who have not completed payment on the duplicate of 1900 for the amounts due, as provided by law. The list for this vicinity is as follows: Butler, Edwin Minnlck $ 411.23 Conynghara, Peter Rocket 252.4.3 Denison, John Barrs 315.43 Freeland, Hugh Malloy 706,47 Foster, Abraiu Lentz 951.20 Hazle, Thomas A. Harris 2,584.03 Hazleton, C. J. Creveling 2,188.11 Jeddo, C. Drasher 24.47 Wost Hazleton, Fred Huey 407.35 White Haven, Geo. W. Horton. 512.34 Accident This Morning. Edward Doggett, of South Ridge street, met with an accident in No. 5 colliery, Jeddo, early this morning, which may result in the loss of his left eye. Mr. Doggett is employed as a com pany man and went to work at 4 a. m. About 6 o'clock, while engaged in handl ing rails, he was struck in the e;'e by one of these. It was seen at once that the Injury was a serious one, and Dr. Thome, of Jeddo, was summoned and dressed the wound. He was brought to his home hore at 7 o'clock, and at 8.18 left for Philadelphia to enter Will's Eye hospital. Borough Sells Property. The building committee of council and Borough Solicitor C. O. Stroh on Satur day sold tbecuuncll and lockup building on Front street to John Campbell, of South Ridge street, who recently remov ed here from Eckley. The purchase price was S7OO and includes the old hose house. Mr. Campbell, as soon as tho weather permits, will remodel the council build ing and make a double dwelling of the structure. August Sauers Dead. August Sauers, aged 73 years, a well known farmer of Butler valley, died on Saturday after a few days' illness. Tho deceased was the father of Mrs. Her man Holland, of the Third ward, and Mrs. Leopold Shanno, of North Wash ington street, and several other sons and daughters. Mr. Sauers had many frlonds In Freeland. Tho funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon. Interment at St. John's cemetery, Butler town ship. Dropped Dead Yesterday. Mrs. ROBS Ward, of Hazle Brook, aged 48 years, died suddenly yesterday before noon while visiting one of her nolghbors. Mrs. Ward had many relatives in Free land, and Is survived by eight children. She was the widow of Owen Ward, also a sister of Jamas McDerraott, of Eckley. The funeral will take place on Wed nesday morning. Interment will be made at St. Ann's cemetery. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief Is necessary, as It Is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica tions of having taken cold aro noticed. It cures quickly and Its early use prevents consumption. Glover's City Drug store. PLEASURE. January 15.—Fair of Young Men' 9 C. T. A. B. Corps at Yannes' opera house. Admission, 5 cents. February B.—Ball of Local Union No. 1499, U. M. W. A., at Yannes' opera house. Tickets, 50 cents. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words, W. E. Fritzinger, of Coxe addition, was tendered a surprise by several of his friends on Saturday evening. To day is Mr. Fritzlnger's birthday, but his friends were unable to wait. They called upon him In a body and passed an enjoyable evening. Tobacco of all kinds at Helper's. Local Union 1499, U. M. W., of town, has engaged Yannes' opera house for a ball on February 8. As this will be the first labor ball held here for some time past, it Is bound to be one o! tho big successes of the season. Fine confectionery at Helper's. Mrs. James McCarthy, of Allegheny City, arrivoJ here on Saturday to at tend the funeral of hor mother, Mrs. James Pendergast, who was buried yes terday at Hazleton from her late home in Upper Lehigh. Quality and not quantity makes De- Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Grover's City drug store. Mrs. Patrick Bradley, of Highland, was taken to Laurytown asylum on Saturday. Sho Is suffering fruin ner vous troubles and is slightly demented. The most southing, healing and anti septic application ever devised is De- Witts Witch Hazle Salvo, It relieves at once, and cures piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases. Beware of Imita tions. Grover's City Drug store. John Gallagher, of Adams street, re turned Saturday evening from a week's visit to New York city and Hartford, Conn. Rev. F. Marshall, of town, and Rov. J. P. Buxton, of Drifton, are at Reading attending the archdeaconery sessions of tho Protestant Episcopal Church of this diocese. Tho merited reputation for curing piles, sores and skin diseases acquired by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, lias led to the making of worthless counterfeits Be sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. Gro ver's City drug store. Michael Marshalok, of Hazleton, was caught on Saturday tinder a fall of rock in Laurel Hill mine and died a few hours later. Charles O'Donnell, of llayonne, N. J., Is visiting at his home here. Pepsin preparations often fail to re lieve indigestion because they can di gest only albuminous foods. There Is ono preparation that digests all classes of food, and that Is Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of in digestion and gives instant relief, for It digests what you eat. Grover's City drug storo. C. 11. Lindemann, cashier in Hazle ton National bank, was ousted on Sat urday by the directors for failing to charge up interest due the bank by his father. Among the truo bills returned to court by the grand jury last week was one against Thomas J. Hoyle, of Highland, who Is charged with the killing of Joseph Hrezunski hero on December 15. This season there Is a large death rate among children from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One MlnuteCough Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe and ail throat and lung troubles of adults Pleasant to take. Grover's City drue store. MISCELbAKEOITS ADVERTISEMENTS. ATCmCB IS HEREBY GIVEN that an act -x i will bo introduced in tho present general assembly of Pennsylvania, the title of which is as follows: AN ACT To repeal that portion of tho fifth section of an act entitled: "A further supplement to un act entitled, "An act to organize the Middle Coal Held Poor District," approved the sixth day of March, o-e thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, so far as the same relates to the judge* of election meetings at the poor house of said district, certifying returns and issuing election certificates. The object of repeuling the portion of suid act is to accept the advantages given by the general act of assembly, approved the twenty eight day of April A. i>. ls!), P. L. 127. 8. W. Gangwer, i William s. Lieb. - Directors. >V ilsou 8. Campbell,) P6uItwTF7SH~ AND OYSTERS. CHEAP FOR CASH. GEO. FISHER'S mI'&IT. No. 0 Walnut street. Wm. Wehrman, "W a,tclim.alcer. Watches, from $4 to |25. Clocks, from 81 to ss. Centre street, below South. $1.50 PER YEAR Mid-Winter Bargains in Clothing at Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SBNIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofllce: Rooms 1 anil 2, Blrkbock Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postolßce Building, ... Freeland. Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, ... Freeland. White Haven Office, Kane Building. Opposite I ostofnue; lucsduys, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, F'iro Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMenatnin Building, South Centre Street. JJR. N. MA LEY, DENTIST. OVER BIUKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, ■ . Birkbeck Brick. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but rclinble companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade I ianos of Haselton Bros., New York city. JJR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Sonond Floor Front, - Refowioh Building. '"pHOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building. * Muin Street Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Truck, Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. T. CAMPBELL, doaler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES i LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of feinalo corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. MoNulty. PREPARED TO ATTEND CALLS DAY OR NIOIIT. South Centre street, Freeland. CURRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions t are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E.J.Curry, South Centre Street. A donation of Slot) has been received by the Young Men's Christian Associa tion from John Marklo, of Jeddo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers