FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 79 FOR HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR DON'T FORGET Rcfowich's Wear Well Clothing and Shoe House Refowich Building, Freeland. Remember the Bitf Sale. AT LAUBACH'S You can get the Finest Con fectionery in the market. We carry large and well as sorted stocks of all grades of Pure Candies and, while are prices are no higher than elsewhere, we guarantee you a better class of goods for the same money. We sell Mixed Candy as low as 4 lbs for 25c. We also have a very com plete stock of High-Grade Candies, including the Fa mous Downey and Nuss Makes. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Our Doll department is a perfect paradise for the little ones. Come and see our variety. Come into the store and view them. Not one-tenth of our display can be seen from the outside. Dolls of Every Kind and at prices which will fit everybody's purse. We also have hundreds of other Holi day Novelties, too numer ous to mention in this space. All sorts of Toys and every thing that can make your little one happy can be had AT LADBACH'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. A very pretty line of these goods to select from. To close out the lot we have marked down the price on all coats in our store. MILLINERY GOODS of every description as low as can be had anywhere in town. Dressmaking of all kinds. MRS. R. THOMPSON, South Centre Street. SLIPPERS FOR HOLIDAYS Anything you may select in Slip pers—or, for that matter Shoes— for holiday remembrances included in our unapproachable stock. Alligator, Seal, Velvet, Black or Brown Vici Kid, In all styles from 50c up. All styles of Felt Slippers and Shoes, both ladies and gentlemen. Jersey Leggins for ladies, girls and children. Fancy Colored Boots for babies. Rubber Goods of every descrip tion at prices which will meet with your approval. Call and see them. You are welcome if you wish to buy or not. STAR SHOE STOKE. Hugh Malloy, Prop. Comer £Zt SSL* LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words, "The Span of Life" drew an audience to the Grand opera house last evening which gave an enthusiastic greeting to this thrilling melodrama. The exciting climaxes were loudly applauded and at the end of the third act the company received a curtain call. Burring a few of the high-priced seats, the housp was sold out shortly after tho doors opened, while on the gallery the people were solidly packed together. The Fern street mains of tho Free land Water Company have been extend ed to permit connection to be made with the new bruwery. Although the plant has a well of its own, the directors iutedd to provide for emergencies if their own supply should fail them at any time. Candy, nuts, fruits of every descrip tion, etc. at Morkt's. District No. 7, of the United Mine Workers, will hold its annual conven tion tomorrow afternoon in Hazleton. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected, and action will be taken on the proposition for the erection of a home for National President John Mitchell. James Ockranwz, of Drifton, while on his way borne from his work in Hazle Brook colliery, was struck by a Lehigh Valley train at Foundryville on Wednes day. He was taken to the Miners' hospital, where several scalp wounds and a fractured leg are being treated. Every 25-cent purchase at Laubach's gives you a chance on a handsome doll. Philip Moyer, of Slocum township, yes terday disposed of his dwelling and lot on West Chestnut street, on the Hill, to Joseph Mackarewicz, of town, for 8700. A banquet will be tendered Hon. H. W. Haworth by a number of his friends at the Centra] hotel on Tuesday even ing. Walter Edgar, of Highbridge, N. J., spent Christmas with his father In Free laud and left yesterday for Pottsville, where he was married last evening to Miss Kate Williams, a former resident of town. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. He has a nice variety. Owing to a railroad wrock the New York and Philadelphia morning mail was delayed several hours today. The cave-in in Oakdalo mine, which caused a suspension of work In part of the colliery on Wednesday, is still giving the officials of Markle & Co. consider able trouble. Pipes and tobacco at Merkt's. James Dougherty, of town, had one of his hands soverely injured yesterday in Jeddo mines while unhitching cars. The Anthracite Telephono Company's line will bo connected with Wilkesbarro and other upper end towns noxt woek. Pure confectionery at Morkt's. At the annual election for members of the consistory of St. John's Reformed church tho following wore olectod: Elder, Amandus Oswald; deacons, Alon zo Woodrlng, J. VV. Everett and Georgo Sheaman. Christmas candy at Kelper's. The senior class of St. Ann's paroch ial school were examined on December 22 by Professor Malkamos, of Hazleton. Tho pupils passed a vury successful ex amination, their averages far exceeding the standard required by tho examiner. W. H. Dunmoyer, superintendent of tho Freeland district of tho Prudential Insurance Company, was taken 111 on Christmas while ylslting In Tremont, Schuylkill county. Yesterday he re turned to his home here. Holiday novelties at Morkt's. Elmer Newhart, the first trainmaster on tho D. S. & S. Railroad, died In New York city from typhoid fever this week. Don't usn any of the counterfeits of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores ami skin disea'ses. Grover's City drugstore. UISCKLLANEOIIS AI) VEItTIS KM KNTS. T7IBTATE OF ANN IF, HAHVKY, into of J2J foster township, deceased. Letters of administration upon the above named estate bavins been granted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to said cstato are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the sumo without delay, to Charles A. Harvey. Johu M. Carr, attorney. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1000. PERSONAL. J. W. Miller and family, of Birkbeck Street, are at Shenandoah today attend ing the funeral of George Lynn, a nephew of Mrs. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brennan, of Anaconda. Montana, are the guests of Daniel Boyle and family on Carbon street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweetman have returned to Ilarrisburg after spending Christmas with Freeland relatives. Dr. J. P. Kennedy, of St. Joseph's hospital, Lancaster, is the guest of Drif ton relatives. VV. J. Brogan, of the Third ward, at tended to business In Philadelphia this week. * Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Poyser will leave tomorrow to spend a week with Scran ton relatives. Thomas Brogan, a former Freeland resident, returned yesterday to Montana after spending a few weeks with rel atives here. Mrs. Daniel Gill is visiting relatives and frionds in Schuylkill county. Griffith Jones, of Upper Lehigh, spent Christmas with Wyoming valley friends. Brother Joseph, of Villanova college, spent part of the week with his sister, Mrs. Hugh Malloy. I. Refowich is transacting business In New York city. Mrs. Joseph Hocklander, after a visit to Freeland relatives, has returned to her home in Hartford, Conn. Charlos Johnson, of Allegheny City, is visiting in town. John B. Houston, of Jefferson Medical college, is spending the holidays here. Wedded Last Evening. At St. Ann s Catholic church last evening Rev. M. J. Falllhee united In marriage Daniel McLaughlin, of North Ridge street, and Miss Bid O'Donneli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Don neli, of Coxe addition. The ceremony took place at 7.30 o'clock. Brian Mc- Laughlin, a brother, of the groom, was best man, and Miss Mary McElwaine, of Philadelphia, was bridesmaid. The wedding party immediately re turned to tho home of the bride's parents, where a large numberof friends were assombled to extend their congrat ulations and good wishos. At the con clusion of the festivities, Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin repaired to their furnished home on Ridge street, near Main. They received many handsome and useful presents. Long Trolley Line. The contract for the building of the tho trolley line from Richiandown to Heliertown, a distance of ten miles, has been signed and work will soon begin. With the closing of this link there will bo a continued trolley road from North Wales to Allentowu. The Allentown trolley road will soon be connected with Mauch Chunk line, and tho Perkasie-Doylestown extension will be constructed the coming spring. With this gap closed there will ho a through lino to Philadelphia from Mauch Chunk. Boyle May Be Released. John M. Carr, counsol for Thomas J. Boyle, of Highland, who Is confined in the county jail charged with firing the shot that caused the death of Joseph Brezinski on December 15, will apply for a writ of habeaus corpus and try to have his client brought before court and admitted to bail. Will Outdo Previous Efforts. The Tigers Athletic Club will this year outdo all previous efforts in entertaining its friends at Yannes' opera house on New Year's eve. The decorations will surprise and delight the friends and the committee expects this affair to be the most noteworthy in tho history of the club. Freeland's Twentieth Ceuturv Ball will bo something that will be long remembered in this town. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It Is very pleasant to take and can he rolled upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Grover's City drug store. John Makesh. a victim of a Shenan doah bar-room fight, Is in a critical con dition. Louis and Christ Sellers and Joe Plenkinas, charged with the crime, were arrested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions and invigorate the system. Grover's City drug store. Christmas tree ornaments at Kelper's. PLEASURE. December 31.—Twentieth Century Hall of Tigers Athletic Club at Yannes' opera house. Aduiissiou, 50 cents. SETTLEO BY ARBITRATION Kingston Strike Ends in a Satisfactory Manner. Company Appoints a Man, the Union Appoints An other, and These Choose a Third Arbitrator. The 1,800 striking miners of the Kingston Coal Company have been treat ed to their first lesson in actual arbitra tion. Yesterday the arbitration com mittee met and settled many of the differences that caused the strike of the men and boys, some weeks ago. T. D. Nichols, district president of the United Mine Workers, represented the employes, and Cornelius Cronin was chosen by the company to appear in its interest. Professor Griffith, superin tendent of the public schools, of Nanti coke, was selected by the two as the third arbitrator. It was decided that hereafter each car shall contain not less than 103 cubic feet of coal. The cars in use at the mines vary In size, and a general order to put six inches topping on all brought about the trouble. Tho differences between Foreman Thos. Morgan and some of the miners will be submitted to another board of arbitration. Tho men will return to work on Monday. Chapel Dedications, The new chapel recently erected at Laurytown ahuahouso by Mrs. Coxe, of Drifton, will be dedicated on Monday. Rev. Father Dever, of Heaver Meadow, who has been delegated by Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, will perform the dedicatory services. A high mass will be celebrated at 10 o'clock, to be follow ed by a sermon. Miss Nellie McLaugh lin, of Freeland, will preside at the organ, and Misses Susie Cole and Mary Brady, of Beaver Meadow, will assist in the singing. Mrs. Coxe, the poor direct ors and a number of invited guests will attend the dedication. The dedicatory services of tho Protest ant Episcopal church were performed on Wednesday at tho chapel by Rev. J. B. Buxton, of Drifton, in the presence of Mrs. Coxe, tho directors and other friends of the institution. Music was rendered by the choir of St. James' church, Drifton. Will of John Hess. The will of tho late John lless, of Freeland, was probated yesterday. He directs all his estate, real, personal and mixed to bo given to his wife, Anna Hess, during her life, and after her death to be distributed among his five children, John Hess, Jr., Henry Hess, Mrs. ICate Scheldy, Mrs. Eliza Stuntz and Elizabeth Hess. Should auy of the children die without issue, before the death of his wife, he directs that the portion of each child shall he equally devided among the remaining children. Henry Stuntz and Peter Schnee are named as executors. Mr. Hess died on October 18 last. The signature to the will was witnessed by Peter Schnee and Daniel Kline. When you need a soothing and beat ing anti-septic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits. Grover's City drug store. Wilkesbarre newsboys, messenger boys and bootblacks of the city will be treated to a dinner at the Y. M. C. A on New Year's day. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Grovor's City drug store. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty. PREPARED TO ATTEND CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. South Centre street, Frcelnnd. DePIERRO - BROS. CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which wo h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumra's Rxtra Dry Champagne, Uenneesy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordial.*, Etc. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL HOURS. Great Opportunity -A. G-OLD ZMZXISTE: Our SIB,OOO Stock of Fine Tailor-Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings must lie sold. Two garments for the price of one. Now is your chance to get high grade merchandise at your own figures. Owing to the Strike, Politics and Unfavorable Weather, we were unable to dis pose of them as in former seasons. The Selection Is Complete, Fresh and This Season's Production. It will pay you to travel a hundred miles to pur chase at our store f rom now until the entire stock is sold. It is needless to say we advertise facts. Tie never fill your yards and, doors with sensational advertisements. We never promised anything we did not fulfill. The working people have dealt with us since we located here, beea use we don't work the people. We never treated your child, different than we treated you. We have the entire, eonfideuce and pa tronage of Freeland and vicinity and we deserve it. As a SPECIAL HOLIDA-r insriDTTCiEiMiiEiisrT we offer to all our patrons: The best pair oj Gloves in the house with every Overcoat. J n . The finest, pair of Shoes or Hat with every Three- Piece Boy s Suit. Suit ne pair B ° u ' s hox cal f Shoes with each Bo V' s A 25c African Gem Stud with every Shirt. Fine pair fancy Stockings with every pair of Shoes A Silk Umbrella, sterling silver handle, with every S2O purchase. Do not be misled. Reach the old reliable place, where your friends buy and where they bring their friends Fit Write ciothim Use, S. Senie, Prop., Freeland, Pa. BUYERS OF HOLIDAY GOODS are invited to ex amine our lines of Ladies' and Children's Furs, Ladies' Plash Coats, Kid Gloves, Collarettes, and Ma filers'for Ladles and Gentlemen. ELEGANT STOCKS OF Dress and Dry Goods, HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, ETC. Daniel Grill Centre Street, near South. Skates at Martin's. All Sizes. All Styles. NIOKLE TEA AND COFFEE POTS. OILS TO VES. HANDSOME PARLOR LAMPS, TINWARE, HARDWARE, Etc., Etc. Stove Repairs a Specialty, W. E. MARTIN, Corner Washington mid Front Streets. GEO. KROMMES, dealer In GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given for Casli, Ilirkbeck and Walnut Streets. POULTRY, FISH AND OYSTERS. CHEAP FOB CASH. GEO. FISHER'S >.^ T . No. 6 Walnut Street. Wm. Wehrman, "\7\7" a/tcla:rxia,lcer. Watohos und Clocks for sale, aiul repairing of all kinds given prompt attention. Centre street, below South. $1.50 PER YEAR Look at Our Window Display! Handsome Rings for Christmas Gifts ! 600 Different Styles in Opals, Amethysts and all the Very Latest Settings. Suitable for Man, Woman, Boy, Girl or the Baby. VVe Sell Them at Very Reason able Prices. Call and See the Goods. It is No Trouble to Show Them. Butterwick's, Cor. Centre and Front. ROGERS' SILVERWARE. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. N. W. Vor. Centre and Front Bt., Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Siioes. Also PURE WINES I LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre nnd Main streets. Freeland. CITEBX'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street.
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