F REEL AND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. GO. THIS SPACE Has been leased by the Wear Well Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, of Freeland, and the readers of the Tribune are requested to peruse the an nouncements made by us, as they appear here from time to time. Many dollars will be saved to the buyers of Cloth ing and Shoes if they will guide themselves by the advice which will be published in this space each issue. Res pectfully yours. Wear Well Clothing, Boot and Shoe House. M. Refowich, Prop. Refowicli Bldg, F reeland. Hello! Send That Postal right along and have your laundry done up at the Freeland Steam Laundry. Our Chicago domestic finish or the Buf falo high gloss is the most stylish for gentlemen's linen. Get your soiled shirts, collars, cuffs, etc., done up in a bundle and send them here. Rough dry family wash 5c per pound. Freeland Steam Laundry, Anthracite Telephone 1089. Clifford 11. lieller, Mgr. 135 South Centre Street. GEO. KROM^ES, dealer in GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given for Cash. Hirkbcck and Walnut St ratals. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. ItAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. COIFECTIIIIIT ® ICS (KM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj tenon and surroinidings every day. I. CAMPBELL^ dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Also PURE WINES H LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Mnin streets. Froplttnd. SHOES! SHOES! Nothing But Shoes! Star Shoe Store! Buy your footwear where you won't have to pay interest on other goods. We sell shoes, boots and rubber goods—noth ing else—and you can be accommodat ed here with any thing manufactured in these lines. STAR SHOE STOEE. Hugh Malloy, Prop. Si* AFTER SMALL OPERATORS Scheming to Crush Out the Individual Firms. Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley Companies Have $10,000,000 to Buy Con trol of Collieries Here. The Philadelphia Times published an article yesterday which, if true, is of much interest to the people of this vicinity. It says: "The reports touching the intention of the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley to enter into negotiations for certain individual collieries in the upper Lehigh coal field are practically true. Pennsyl vania has been seeking for years to get into this territory. The Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley Railroad was built at a cost of 816,500,000, with that end in view. The intention today is to bring under corporate control as far as pos sible all individual operations, and the Hazleton section is quite inviting in this respect. "It was stated yesterday that the Pennsylvania could not make terms witli the Coxo Brothers at Drifton and Free land, nor with the George B. Markle Company at Jeddo and Japan, but that there was a reasonable certainty of closing negotiations with the Pardoes, who are evidently anxious to quit the field; with J. C. Ilaydon & Co., at Jeanes ville, and with M. S. Keiumerer & Co., who control mines at Stockton and Milnesville. SYNDICATE AT THE BOTTOM. "There Is the suggestion of a syndi cate about this movement, but Pennsyl vania has sought for years to gain a foothold in the upper Lehigh region, and the time seems to have come for the carrying out of a movement that way. Pennsylvania and Lehigh, it is said, are acting together and have an understand ing on the division. "It is stated that the Pardee interests want 85,000.000 for the eleven collieries they hold at Ilazlelon, Lattimer, Holly wood and at Ilarleigh and Milnesville. The deal is one of the largest ever on the hoards. The J. C. Ilaydon A Co. holdings at Jeanesviile are also very large, and the M. S. Keminoror interests cover something like 82,500,000 in properties that are now working. INDIVIDUA!, OTKBATOItS TO 00. "Tlie movement of Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley will be watched with great Interest. It means a complete break on the last stronghold of the in dividual operator. Lehigh Valley has always been a carrier and not an opera tor. Pennsylvania is a heavy operator in tho Lykcns valley, at Nanticoke and Dunmore. Both lines have large tide water points and the movement to absorb individual operations will devolop in a few days. "To gain tho properties Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley are after may require the expenditure of some $8,000,0011 to GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Friday Evening, November 16. Augustus Pitou's elaborate production; same as seen during Its presentation here last season, and at the Grand Opera House, New York eity, IMJIBMI A Mammoth Senic Production. Scenes laid in New York City and on board the United States cruiser, "New York." Stage pictures reproduced from photographs of the fatuous cruiser, 'New York." No Conflict, No Battle Scenes, No Shots Fired. Good Comedy, Singing and Dancing. PRICES: 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Seats on sale at McMcnaiuin's store. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Track, Fresh Lard a Specially, Centre Street, near Central Hotel. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1900. 810.000,000, but the syndicate appears I ready to invest any sum to gaiu control. A GIGANTIC PLAN. "This is one of the most gigantic plans in anthracite coal interests ever contemplated. Independent of the fact that it is outside tho agreement with the New York Central, it is well under stood that Pennsylvania has for years considered a movement into the hard coal lield as most desirable. The Le high Valley management has also had in view the acquirement of certain in dividual operations and deems this the best time to close terms. "Pennsylvania is peculiarly equipped to extend its hard coal operations. Its lines now roach a large expanse of territory, and from what is said the management proposes to be a strong competitor for the trade in the future and has made arrangements to meet it." DENIED IN NEW YORK. 11l an interview in New York last evening on this subject Presideut Wal ter, of tho Lehigh Valley, says there is no truth in the roport that his company is purchasing individual mines, and tie is of tho opinion that none of the large companies are seeking to secure any of the individual collieries. Drury Against Quay. Senator-eioct William Drury, of Lu zerne county, who is one of tho men tho Quay managers have been claiming as sure to go into a caucus and vote for tho re-election of tho ex-senator, says he will do no such things. Ho will participate in no Quay caucus nor will lie vote for Mr. Quay for senator. This is tho emphatic form in which he put it: "My attention having been called to an article in a recent issue of the Phila delphia Ledger signed "E. J. 5.," quot ing mo as intending to enter the caucas and support M. S. Quay for United States senator, I wish to deny the au thority for such quotation. I have care fully considered tho recent electoral deci sion in my district, and I can only inter pret it as an emphatic repudiation of M. S. Quay and his methods. "The election of Hon. G. J. Hartman, E. A. Coray, I)r. W. T. Mahon and P. L. Drum, all anti-Quay men, proves conclusively to mo that my constituents would, if possible, in overwhelming vote, instruct mo to vote against a continua tion in power of Quay and Quayism, an influence damaging to the state and party both at home and abroad. "You may say that recognizing the voice of tho sovereign people of my dis trict, 1 shall not go into tho caucus and will not support Matthew Stanley Quay for United States senator." "Tim Gunner's Mate." The name of Augustus liitou, as manager of "The Gunner's Mate," is sufficient of itself to (ill the Grand opera house to capacity this evening. Hut in addition to this, the play is one that cannot fail to appeal to the American theatre-going public. Unlike many of tho plays that have been produced as the outcome of our Spanish war, "The Gunner's Mate" is founded entirely on probability. Us strong dramatic cli maxes are not attained by sentimental clap trap, but its characters and their actions, worked out on perfectly true and natural lines, appeal, witli vital significance, to tho audience. The flag ship New York plays a prominent part in the piece, and tho scenes showing her gun deck, forecastle and fire room, are produced with all the exactitude photography and measurements can give. Into the life of tho New York's blue jackets Is interwoven a perfectly natural story of love, heroism, self sacrifice and courage, with a strong strata of comedy to give life and light.. The life of the sailors, their diversions and their hard ships are carefully and truthfully pictur ed. Horses for Sale. Five horses and three colts are offered for sale cheap at tho farm of W. 11. Hosier, two miles north of White Haven. Animals can bo seen on the farm. All must be sold before November 26. D.eWitt's Little Early Risers aro the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Grover'sClty drugstore. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. OHEHIPF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of O Lev. Fi. issued out of tho court of com mon picas of Luzerne county, there will be exposed to public sale at the arbitration room, courthouse, Wilkesbarre, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, on Saturduy, Decem ber I, 11KJ0, at 10 o'clock a in. All tins right. title ami interest of the de fendant in and to the following described piece, parcel or tract of land, viz: All that certain tract of land situate in the city of Wilkesbarre, county of Luzerne, state of Pennsylvania, beginning at a line of Black man street 50 feet north 46 degress 46 minutes from stake at intersection of the southerly line of Blaekmun street witli the westerly line of a fifteen-feet alley leading into Beach street, said point of beginning, being north corner of lot heretofore sold to one Alfred Cheritt; thence in same direction along Black mail street 50 feet; thence south 44 degrees 8 minutes west 56 und 6-10 feet to line of hit No. 82 on plot of Harding Mayer and McLean, re corded in said office in deed book No. 158, page 1, and now owned by Mrs. Mary Ayers; thence along the same south 45 degrees 46 minutes eust 50 feet to the west corner of said Cherit.t lot; and thence along tlie line of same north 41 degrees 8 minutes eas . 571 feet to the place ot beginning. Being part of lot No. 2, of the survey of same made by Alfred Hand, Oc tober 28, 1861. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, outbuildings and fruit trees. Late the estate of the defendant in said writ named with the appurtenances. tfeued and taken in execution at the suit of \\ illard Atherton vs. Chas. P. .Sampson. _ James G. Harvey, sheriff. D. E. Baxter, attorney. Funeral of Joseph Birkbeck Tho funeral of tho late Joseph Birk beck, of Wilkesbarre, whose death on Wednesday was announced in the last issue of tho Tribune, will take place from his late home in that city at 11.30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Services will be conducted at St. Stephen's Episcopal church. The special Lehigh Valley Railroad train, conveying the remains to Free land, will arrive hero about 2 o'clock. The interment will be made in the family plot in Freeland cemetery. Appropriate resolutions on tho death of Mr. Birkbeck were passed on Wed nesday afternoon by the directors of the Wilkesbarre Deposit and Savings bank. At a meeting held yesterday by the diroctors of the Citizens' bank a com mittee was appointed to prepare resolu tions on the death of Mr. Birkbeck, who was president of the bank. Death at Drifton. Mrs. Rebecca Kennedy died yester day at her home in Drifton after an ill ness of several years' duration. She was aged 63 years and 9 months, and is survived by three sons and four daugh ters, as follows: Dr. Joseph P. Kennedy, Lancaster; Hugh P. and Michael, Drif ton: Mrs. James Gallagher, Highland; Mrs. Michael Kelly, Priceburg, Lacka wanna county, aud Misses Mary and Kate, Drifton. Tho funeral will take place at 9.30 o'clock tomorrow morning, followed by a requiem mass at St. Ann's church at 10 o'clock. The Interment will be made in St. Ann's cometery. Miners Want Union Goods. Three thousand United Mine Workers of Jit. Carmel at a meeting last night decided not to use any tobhacco, cigars or beer that did not boar the "union made'' stamp. It was also decided to destroy all powder kegs and gum boots after they aro used or worn out so that the ragmen and junk dealers cannot collect and soli them to manufacturers, who would make from them new articles. Quay Scheme Exposed. The Hazleton Standard yesterday ex posed a scheme of the Quay Republicans to annex the voting districts of Ilar leigh and Humboldt, In Hazlo township, to other nearby districts. Those polls invariably send anti-Quay delegates to the district conventions, and to succeed In abolishing thorn will give tho Quay ites control of the Fourth district. Removed to Freeland. William Irwin, of Lofty, tho Lehigh Valley section forman, with head quarters at Freeland, temporarily re moved to town yesterday, in order to be as near his work as possible in case of an emergency, such as are liable to present themselves during the winter months. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Grover's City drug store. Statement. Upper Lehigh, Pa., Nov. 15, 1000. All moneys collected by tho soliciting committee appointed by this organiza tion during the late strike have been paid In full to the treasurer, and the accounts of each member of said com mittee have been examined and found correct. By order of Local Union No. 1531, United Mine Workers of America. Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not decoive you Into Inlying worth less counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and all skin diseases. Grover's City drug store. Thanksgiving Day at Niagara Falls. One fare for the round trip, via the Lehigh Valloy Railroad. Tickets on sale and good going November 38, limited fur return passage to December 3 Inclusive, and will he honored on any train except the Black Diamond express. For additional information, consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. If you have ever seen a child In the agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Grover's City drug store. Jack Boner, the coal region pugilist, who is now living comfortably in Phila delphia, lias been tendered a' tempting offer by .Jim Corbett to join his theatri cal troupe. Boner was sick all summer, but is now in excellent health. Willie Schaeffer, the prisoner who escaped at Wilkesbarre on Tuesday, has not yet been captured. PLEASURE. November 28.—Hall of Jeddo Base Hall Club at Yauues' opera house. Ad mission, 50 conts. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words, On Tuesday evening "The Gunner's Mate," which appears here this evening, played at Hazleton, and tho Standard, in its comment next morning, said "the plot is well filled with thrilling situa tions and has many startling climaxes. Tho company was strong and capable, and gave entire satisfaction. Many fine scenic effects wore introduced." Verona, the fourteen-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Runisey, until recently residents of Sandy Run, died at Cemonton on Wednesday from typhoid fever. The disease has a strong hold in the Lehigh valley and many deaths have occurred. A defective Hue in the building owned by John M. Powell, corner of Walnut and Washington streets, caused a slight lire Wednesday evening. Neighbors succeeded in extinguishing tho blaze without calling out the lire department. It is reported that the Upper Lehigh Coal Company will begin paying semi monthly on December 15. All the coal firms and corporations in the anthracite region are expected to be in line before the new yoar arrives. Steve Michael, an employe of Mar tin's hardware store, fell on the ice yes terday while carrying a stove into a house in South Heberton. The weighty piece of Iron foil across his stomach as he went down and ho sustained painful internal injuries. Buy your ico cream at Helper's. Rev. J. W. BischofT, of Upper Lehigh, who is pastor of the Freeland Presby terian church, is a candidate for tho pastorate of a church in Bethlehem. Rev. Hischoff has many friends here who would regret to see him leave his present charge. The Freas farm In Butler township lias been purchased by Henry and John Fisher. Joseph Krupa and Miss Judith Maran uch, both of Freeland, will be married tomorrow by Rev. Carl Ilouser. Miss Rose Gillospie is visiting Wilkes barre relatives. Schuylkill county grand jury lias re turned true bills against five men for murder and against thirteen for aggra vated assault and battery in tho cases growing out of tho trouble at Oneida during the strike. Con and Miss Mary Cannon, of Lans ford, are visitors at the Burke residence on Walnut street. M i s. Neal Kennedy, of Chestnut street, lias taken up her residence in Philadel phia. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. He has a nice variety. Tho marriage of Joseph Sarricks, of Sandy Run, and Miss Grace Palmer, of Wilkesbarre, will take place next week. Both wore former school teachers in Foster township. The scenery and mechanical effects of "The Gunner's Mato" are being placed in position at tho Grand today. Tho outfit arrived at noon from Maha noy City in a special car which was filled to the roof with tho handsome scenes and intricate mechanism requir ed to produce tho play. Yesterday's snowfall was warmly wol- j corned by tho local hunters and tho 1 rabbits are having their own troubles today. Prof. Patrick J. Furey began work j this morning in Drifton. Joseph Lipko, one of tho strikers who was injured in the Oneida riot on Oc tober 10, has recovered and was dis charged this week from the Miners' hos pital. Miss Maggie Gill Is spending the week with Schuylkill county friends. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Grovor's City drug store. Erasmus Snyder, a resident of Upper Lehigh for many years and a well-known politician of Foster township, removed to Highland this week. John J. Johnson, Jr., a young man of Beaver Meadow who is related to many people hereabouts, will be married soon to Miss Mary liiloy, of that town. Tomorrow will be pay day at all the collieries of this vicinity except those controlled by Drifton companies, whoso employes were paid earlier in tho week. $1.50 PER YEAR. TOP GOAT WEATHER! This is great weather for Top Coats. Every man who has a presentable one left over from last season is in luck, and those who haven't want to be furnished with one. If you are one of the latter we want to see you at our store. A call will be to our mutual ad vantage. It will lead to busi ness for us and satisfaction to you. We have Top Coats and every stylish kind of OVERCOATS In light, medium or heavy weights and have them priced so they are easy to buy. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SEN IE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £HIAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. omcc: Rooms I and:.', Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORN EY-AT- LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postofliee Building, ... Freeland. Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan'g Building. So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, . Freeland. ~ ite Haven Ofllco, Kane Building, Opposite 1 oglollk'e; Tuesdays and Thursdays. JOHN J. McRREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, aud Convoyaucing given prompt attention. MeMenmnin Building, South Centre Street. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street. JJU N. MA LEY, DENTIST. OVER BIKKBECK'S STOItE, Second Fluor, - ■ Birkbeck Briek. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos ol li a/el ton Pros., New York city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front. - Refowieh Building. Wm. Wehrman, "V7" a/tclmnLSilsier. .y* atchos and Clocks for sale, and repairing ot all kinds given prompt attention. Centre street, below South. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. A. W. Cor. Centre and Front Bts., Freeland. CURB-Y" r S _ Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty. PREPARED TO .ATTEND CALLS PAY OR NIG Jll\ South Gout re street. Freeland. The main building of the now brew ery Is boing placed under roof. Try Keiper's ice cream soda.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers