FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 28. S. III! 4 SIS Corner Centre and Luzerne Streets. FRESH GREEN TRUCK Received direct from Butler valley every Thursday morn ing. No other store in town can offer you such a choice at such reasonable prices as we give. FRESH BUTTER ANI> EGGS Daily consignments arrive from the valley. We guaran tee everything we sell in this line to be fresh, clean and pure, and our figures will be found satisfactory. Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries am Provisions. All your wants promptly sup plied at lowest market prices. Corner Centre and Luzerne Streets. S. Bill 4 SMS SCHOOL SHOES. We have on sale a large and i varied line of Boys' and Girls' & School Shoes. We ask you lo call and examine the stock and compare prices and finali ties before you purchase foot wear for your children. Summer Goods Reduced. All our Summer Shoes have been reduced in price, and those who are looking for genuine bargains should not pass the STAR SHOE STORE. y Hugh Malloy, Prop. Cuni "VCn C,.,.. HelloT We Are Here To do any kind of laundry work mention able. Give uu a trial. SHIRT WAISTS, WHITE DRESSES, LACE CURTAIJYS, A specialty at reasonable prices. Drop a postal. Wagon will cull and deliver tree of charge. Freeland Steam Laundry, Clifford 11. lleller, Mgr. 135 South Centre Street. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1900. DEADLOCK IS BROKEN Solicitor Chosen by Foster School Board. Directors Elect Attorney R. J. O'Donnell to the Posi tion on the Fifth Ballot. Other Business. Foster township school hoard met on Saturday evening at Woodside and succeeded in breaking the deadlock which has existed for a month past. On previous occasions the directors were unable to give a majority of the votes of tho board to any of the candi dates for solicitor, but on Saturday evening they elected Attorney It. J. O'Don noil. Tho contest was between Lawyers Carr, O'Donnell and Brown. Tho latter's name, however, was not present ed Saturday evening. Tho first four ballots taken were as follows: For O'Donnell—Argust, McHugh, Keller. For Carr—Zicstloft, Doudt, Lessor. On the fifth ballot Director Zeistloft changed to O'Donnell and he was de clared elected. Director Keller moved to fix the salary of the solicitor at §3O per year. Director McHugh moved to make it §SO. As neither motion appeared to meet with favor, Director Zeistloft offered a motion to pay §4O a year, which was seconded and carried. The committee appointod to confer with officials of the Cross Creek Coal Company, in regard to leases of property of that company on which school build ings aro erected, made a report in tho form of a resolution authorizing tho officers of the board to execute leases for a term of fifty years at a rental of §1 per year. The co mm it too on repairs reported tho work well under way and expected to ho finished by tho timo set for tho opening of schools. The roof of tho Upper Lehigh build ing was reported as not having been as yet attended to. It will receive atten tion today. The principal asked for information as to where keys to several buildings could ho secured on Tuesday morning, lie was informed by tho directors. He also reported having received all hooks and supplies and checked and placed the same. A bill of §8.25 for whitewashing and cleaning tho Tannery school building was ordered paid to Mrs. Nancy Meixoll. A hill of §l3 for coal and supplies from J. S. VVentz &, Co. was laid over. BREVITIES Mi no Inspector Da vies reports seven non-fatal and two fatal accidents in tliis district during August, leaving one widow and one orphan. The facts do not corroborate the inspector's report, as both classes of accidents were greater than stated. A number of the people killed and in jured in the wreck at llatiield yesterday bad friends in this section. A full ac count of tiie accident is published on the fourth page. Labor meetings will be held at Hazlo Brook tomorrow evening and at Drifton Saturday evening. "Mother" Jones and other organizers will address the meetings. I'ittston base ball club was dofeated yesterday afternoon by Hazloton Ath letics at the Tigers park. The scoro was 7 to 5. Thomas J. Connor has opened a tailor ing shop in tho building formerly occu pied by the postoilice on North Centre street. Tho first shirt-waist ball held in Freeland took placo Friday evening and was voted a big success by all who attended. New concrete sidewalks have been laid along tho Centre street properties of J. P. McDonald and Peter Sliambora. George Dennenny, of Hazlo Brook, who was injured in tho mines last month, has recovered sufficiently to leave the Miners' hospital. in India, the laud of famine, thousand* die because they cannot obtain food. I n America, the land of plenty, many suffer and die becuwse t hey cannot divest tho food thoy cat. Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure divests what you eat. It in stantly relieves and radically cures all stomach troublrs. (irover's City drug store. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. IjXJH SALE CHEAP.—For cash, a house and -L' lot on Chestnut street, iiirvuuton, west of Itidge street, property of John Wuiltzky. Also a house and two lota on same street, the property of PhiHn Mover. For terms apply to T. A. Buckley, J. P., .iubunf. building. LiX)tt SALE CHEAP.—Valuable hotel prop ortyonßlrkbeck street, Second ward. C. O. Stroh, attorney. AGED LADY DEAD Mrs. Margaret Elliott I'aHsen Away at Her Daughter's Home. Between 10 and 11 o'clock on Satur day evening Mrs. Margaret Elliott died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. (filbert Smith, on North Washington street. A few days ago she was stricken with paralysis, and this, combined with diseases incident to old ago, caused her death. For some time past she had been quite helpless and her death was looked ff>r by her friends. Mrs. Elliott was aged 73 years, 5 months and 14 days. She was a native of Ireland and came to America twenty seven years ago, locating at Highland, where the family resided for several years. She resided in South Heberton for some years, but of late had lived with her daughter. She was a quiet, unas suming woman and had many friends throughout tho region. The deceased is survived by the fol lowing sons and daughter: Hugh and Alex, Montana; Thomas, Charles and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Freeland. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Freeland cemetery. Y. M. C. A. Notes, Rev. J. B. Korscbner conducted tho services In the auditorium yesterday. His text was taken from St. John 10- 25: "But this one thing I know, that whereas 1 was blind now I see." The subject was ably handled and all pres ent felt well repaid for coming out. P. C. Poyser, Mus. Bar., yesterday assumed charge of the music. Tho new piano and director aro new features in the Sunday afternoon sorvices and should draw large crowds to the meet ings. All members desiring to try for the Glee club should leave their names at tho rooms not later than Saturday of this week. No speaker as yot has boon secured for next Sunday's meeting. Investigating Charges. Wilkesbarro school hoard has sum moned Prof. T. F. Sunteo to appear at the mooting this afternoon, and an in vestigation will be made of his assertion that connects the hoard with the charges of bribery recently investigated by the city council. Boside being tho principal of a public school, he is a councilman, and at the investigation "assorted that George J. Llewellyn offered him money for his vote in favor of a railway fran chise. Llewellyn, he said, remarked that ho might as well have it as the school board. Llewellyn has also been invited to he present and the hoard will make a thor ough inquiry. Parade on October 10. The Young Men's Corps appointed committees yesterday to make arrange ments for tho society's participation in tho parade at Hazloton on October 10, in honor of Father Mathcw, tho apostle of total abstinence. All the temperance societies of tho Scranton diocese will parade at llazleton on that date. The Corps is steadily gaining in mem bership, over a dozen being admitted yesterday, and tho members expect to do the town credit in the parade next month. Death at Drifton. Mildred Elizabeth Rohrhach, Infant daughter of David R. and Elizabeth A. Rohrhach, died on Saturday night at tho family residence In No. 2 Drifton. Tho funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. Services will be conducted at the residence by Rev. J. B. Kerschner and the friends and rela tives aro invited to attend. Interment at llughesvillo cemetery. Death of a Child. Mary Catherine McGecban, agod 2 years, 6 months and 21 days, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGeohan, died yesterday morning. The child had suffered very much for the past few weeks. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Inter ment was made in St. Ann's cemetery. Labor Day Not Observed Outside of closing tho schools and hank, and a partial closing of tho post office, Labor Day is not being observed in Freeland. However, in several other towns of the county the working people aro celebrating their holiday with parades and amusements of various kinds. Off for Chicago. Miss Carrie Hilger and brothor, Harold, departed this morning for their now home in Chicago. They are ac companied by Charles Wolf, who will also locate in the Western metropolis. At Harrisburg the party will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. lirittain. POWDER MAY COME DOWN Rumors of Concession "by D. & H. Company. Big Corporation Is Said to Be Ready to Reduce the Price to 51.50 a Keg and Others May Follow. There is hopo that tho great strike which overshadows tho anthracite coal field may be averted. This hope is based on a rumor, which is alloat in tho upper end today, that tho Delaware and Hudson Coal Company will post notices tomorrow morning at all its collieries announcing a reduction in the price of power from #2.75 to 81.50 a keg. Tho price of powder Is ono of the grievances of the United Mine Workers, and should tho rumor prove true that the 1). & H. will roduco tho prico It is believed that its action will be quickly followed by all other corporations and operators in the coal region. GRIEVANCES PRESENTED. A list of the grievances of the United Mine Workers and copies of the scale committee's report which was adopted at last weok's convention have been sent to the operators. There are doubts as to whether the operators will grant the demands of the men or even recog nize the mine workers and it scouts probable that the national executive board which will meet at Indianapolis on Thursday will order a striko. How many men will go out if a strike is de clared remains to bo seen. PERSONAL. Miss Laura Koons. of town, after spending tho sutntnor at her home hero, lias returned to Chester county, whero sho will teach school tho coming term. Mrs. U. G. Fetterinan and Mrs. Evan Moses have returned from a visit to Schuylkill county friends. Patrick O'Donnoll, of Elizabeth, N. J., is the guest of his parents on North Ilidge street. Albert DcPiorro and daughter, Miss Arlo, are attending the funeral of a relative at Pottsville today. Mrs. Conway and children leave this evening to visit relatives at Wilkesbarre. Miss It. V. McTlghe will ieavo tills evening to spend a few weeks at Moun tain Top and Wilkesbarre. Miss Maggie L. Ferry, of Ridge street, is enjoying a vacation at Minersvillo. Miss Catherine Byrnes, of Hazloton, spent a few days last week with Miss Josephine Campbell. Democratic Politics. On Tuesday of next week tho Demo cratic county, congressional and senator ial conventions will be held at Wilkes barre. Delegates will bo chosen on Saturday afternoon. So far little interest has boon displayod in politics by tho voters of this vicinity, but it is expected that the local politicians will soon begin to stir themselves. From Wllkosbarro It Is reported that two slat®s have been formed, as follows: Lenahan slate—Congress, Stanley W. Davenport; judge, Stanley W. Wood ward; prothonotary, Paul Dasch; dis trict attorney, Rush Trescott or W. 11. Gillespie; clerk of the courts, Edward J. Lynch; jury commissioner, John Hart, Pittston. Uarnian slate—Congress, Asa K. Do- Witt; judge, T. R. Martin; prothono tary, Paul Dasch; district attorney, Gillespie or Trescott; clerk of the courts, John Dwyer; jury commissioner, M. F. Farrell, Nantlcoko. Neither faction has so far chosen a candidate for state senator. Store Changes Hands. Tho grocery storo of George J. Sham bora on South Centre street lias chang ed hands. Tho new proprietor is J. T. Kroner, who has had several years' ex perience in business. Mr. Shambora expects to take up the study of law in the near future. Illness Is Serious. The many friends of Solomon Ivrosky, landlord of tho Cottage hotel, will regret to hear that he is seriously ill. Mr. lvresky has been unwell for some time past, and his condition tho past few days has caused his friends much un easiness. Sinoko and chew Kendall, Clock & j Co.'s XXXX union-made. Mnftd by the Clock Tobacco Co., Scranton, Pa. ' ' WDODBING'S! Complete Stock of Blank Books Just Received. Sclxocl Supplies, Tafblets, Etc. Fine Stationery. Novels, Magazines. GEO. KROMMES, dealer in GROCERIES and. PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given for Cash. Blrkbcck ami Walnut Streets. Everybody is Looking For GOOD ICE CREAM and the place to got it is at MERKT'S. We manufacture all our own Ice Cream, and we guarantee the public that it is strictly pure in every respect; 110 adulterations of any kind whatever are used. Picnics, parties and private families supplied. Wholesale uud Retail Confectioner and Tobac conist, Centre Street, Freeland. Win. J. ECKERT. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, WALL PAPER, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Uluss, Miners' and Builders' Supplies. South Centre Street, Freoland. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Track. Fresh Lartl a Sjwcialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. ROUND THE REGION. Harry llowolls, an Erie and Wyoming Railroad brakeman, was thrown under the wheels of his train at Pittston and his head was cut oit. Mothers endorse it, children like It, old folks use it. Woreier to One Minute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure all throat and lung troubles, (•rover s City drug store. Isanticokc is to have a new weekly paper to bo called the Cosmos. The lirst number will be issued September 15. It will surprise you to experience the benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers, urover s City drug store. Buy your ice cream at Koipcr's. The quicker you stop a cough or cold the less dungcr there will hoof fatal lung trouble. <>nu Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless reme dy that gives immediate results. You will like it. drover's City drug store. Try Helper's ice cream soda. Millions will be spent in politics this year. He can't keep the campaign going without money any more than we can keen the body vigorous without lood. Dyspeptics used to starve themselves. Now Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to oat all the good food you want. It radically cures stomach troubles, drover's City drug store. Henno's stocking factory at Rottsvillo was burned to the ground Friday night. The wolf in the fable put on sheep's clothing because it he traveled on hin own reputation lie eouidn L accomplish his purpose. Counterfeit ers of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their worth less salves on their merits, so they nut. them in boxes and wrappers like DeWitt's. Look out lor theui. Take only DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures piles and all skin diseases, drover's City drug storo. UPPER LEHIGH. A son was born on Friday to Mr. and Mrs. George Holland. Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they are 0 ru ',', a .-,. V m A' s wh }' "11 counterfeits of DuWitt s Witch Hazel Salve are dangerous. 1 hey look like DeWitt's, but instead of the un healing witch hazel they all contain ingredients liable to irritate the skin and cause blood poi soning. For piles, injuries and skin diseases use the original and genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, drover's City drug store. Evan Williams is visiting friends in Scranton. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald s. He has a nice variety. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthe latest discovereddigest aut and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. fmaUa^efßo'kalfa^utd'ys^psTamaifedtro* Prepared by E. C.DeWITT A CO- Chicago. $1.50 PER YEAR. A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Earned. You can earn many $ $ without working hard if you only know the right place to buy your Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. The right place is our place. 11' you have not found this out, come and let us prove it to you. Com pare our goods and prices with those from other stores, and, if you don't have the best of the bargain, we refund your money us cheerfully as we took it, and pay your expenses besides. Merchant Tailoring This department is complete with tho finest of fall selections. Uur workman ship is perfect, and nothing but the llnest trimmings used in the garments turned out. Mr. W. K. Jones is our cutter, and that guarantees the lit and style. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. 8. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Bananas, Dates, All the Daintiest Fruits of the Season. Kushnerick Bros., South Centre Sti'eet. CTJ;RRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Wm. Wehrman, atoliiriaker. \\ atehes mid Clocks fur sale, and repairing ut all kinds giveu prompt attention. Ceutru struut, below South. £MIAS. ORION STROII, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: It.nans 1 and 8. Birkbeck llrlck, Freeland JOHN M. CAfiR, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly uttended. Poatoffice Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Legal Bueinees of Any Veecription. llrennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Bueinexs Promptly Attended. Cumpboll Building, - Freeland. JOHN J. McRREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, Firo Insurance, and Conveyancing given promt,t attention. 1 1 McMcunniiu Building.Soutlt Cent ro Street. JpUOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AU bueinets given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - ■ Main Street. JJU N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVEII BIItKBECK'S STOKE, Second Floor. - . Illrkbock Brick. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos of Hazelton Bros., New York city. JJII. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 87 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - ltolowicli Building. A NDREW ZEMANY, NOTARY PUBLIC. 1111(1 REAL ESTATE DEALER. 11l Smith Centre street, 2d floor, Freeland. Smoke and chew Kendall, Clock & Co.'s XXXX unlon-mado. Mnftd by the Clock Tobacco Co., Scrauton, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers