FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 18. s. HE 4 as Corner Centre and Luzerne Streets. HOT WEATHER GOODS. The seasonable productions for lessening the discomfort of this ioo-degree weather are still in de mand. As long as the demand continues we shall endeavor to supply it. We invite special at tention to our LADIES' DRESS GOODS. The newest patterns from the most up-to-date manufacturing es tablishments. In Ladies' Dress Goods we endeavor to carry a re liable stock. Quality should be considered before price. How ever the price is also a factor, and in this we are confident of giving you entire satisfaction. DRY GOODS. Everything in Dry Goods suit able for the season. We have just received a new line of Plain and Figured Lawns. A large line of cool fabrics at small cost. NOTIONS. Ribbons, Ladies' Ties, Fans and all other seasonable Notions at correct prices. THE CHANCE FOR SHOES. Our Shoes are fast disappearing before the large number of buyers that have been thronging the store during pay-day week. The bulk of the stock has been sold out, but tbere are many pairs of Fine Shoes left that will bear a moment's in spection when you are contemplat ing a purchase. GROCERIES. The choicest edibles and all the delicacies of the season. Corner Centre and Luzerne Streets. S. HE 4 IS Are Tcu X-iOOlcing- for BOOTS? SHOES? SLIPPERS? There is no doubt but that you are looking for Shoes at least, because everybody wears Shoes. We have what you are looking for. We don't know what kind of a Shoe it is, but if it is anything at all in the Shoe line we have it, for we have everything that the manufacturers can supply us with. All Summer Goods at Reduced Rates. Special sale of Tan Shoes and Misses' Slippers. STALI SHOE STOEE. Hugh Malloy, Prop. c " n " soU. In The Neck JH whore you fool it when your collars are sent home from the luumlry with a saw eilKe. When this happens to you, you any to yourself. "I'm tired of this, believe I will make a change. I'll try another place." You will like the way we do up your collars and cull's and shirts. Returned To You Clean and White. Wo are careful of your linen, handle it Rpotly, use machinery that won't tear it. Lot your bundle conic, we're always ready —our wagon will call. It will be returned to you t he day promised too. Drop a postal. Freeland Steam Laundry. Clifford U. Heller, Mgr. 135 South Centre Street. BREVITIES Sorvices in the Primitive church. Rev. VV. C. Hall, pastor, Sun. day will be as follows: Morning, "The Divine Incarnation;" evening, a mem orial sermon will be preached by special request of the family of the late Mrs. S. J. Cartwrlght. Service at 0.30 o'clock. All are welcome. Paul Jacob Lichty, aged 1 year and 1 month, died last evening at his mother's home in Butler valley. The remains were brought here at noon and were taken to Allentown on the 1.28 p. in. train. Miss Cora Learch, of Nanticoke, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Seo slioltz, Main street. Miss Lizzie O'Donnell, of Washington stroet, is a new clerk at Laubach's. Harry C. Hawk, of Pit i lapel phi a, a young man who resided here several years, was married on Wednesday even ing to Miss Eva C. Spear, of llazloton. They will reside in Philadelphia. The curpentors aro yet in charge of the Tribune building, hence the paper continues to appear under diniculties. Work upon the South street sewer extension to Fern street, which began on Tuesday, lias been stopped by an order of tlie committee in charge of the work. Joint Zona left this afternoon for Pittsburg, where he expects to obtain work. Peter Mellon, of Bethlehem, formerly of town, was married this week. Since Sunday the thermometers of town have passed lite 00 degree mark every clay. The national government weather forecasters hold out no hopes of immediate relief. No cool wave is sighted anywhere. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A Oswald s, 110 has a nice variety. A Sandy Run Hungarian was taken to the Miners' hospital Wednesday even ing suffering from Injuries received in the mines. It was found that one of his ribs had penetrated his left lung and his condition is serious. Joseph, son of Susan and the late Daniel Marlcy, died on Wednesday, aged 11 months and 11 days. The funeral took place from Mrs. Marley's home in Jeddo this afternoon. Inter ment was made at St. Ann's cemetery. Mountain Grove camp mooting open ed on Wednesday and is attracting largo crowds of people. Freeland will he well represented at tiie services on Sunday. Smoke and chew Kendall, Clock A Co.'s XXXX union-made. Mnftd by the Clock Tobacco Co., Scran ton, Pa. Miss Rose Boyle lias succeeded Miss Maine Broderick, who resigned, as exchange operator for the Anthracite Telephone Company. Roger J. Dover, of Coxo addition, lias passed the examination for entrance to Jefferson Medical college. Mrs. W. J. Eckert lias returned from a visit to Lehigh county relatives. A young son lias arrived at the home of Rev. Carl Ilouser. Mrs. R. F. Mellon has returned to her being in Elizabeth, N. J., after a short visit to her parents here. Families and parties wishing to drive out can ho accommodated with teams and refreshments by George Fisher. Albert Novak lias disposed of ids saloon on the Hill and will remove to Sliainokin. A Polo residing on Adams street was seriously hurt by a fall of top coal in No. colliery, Jeddo, yesterday afternoon. A party was given by Miss Maggie Smith Wednesday evening at her home on North Washington street in honor of her guest, Miss Sadie Goodman, of Philadelphia. A number of young people attended and had a merry time. Mrs. Gottlieb Filler, of Jeddo, wife of Coal and Iron Policeman Filler, has gone to St. Johnsville, N. Y., for the henelit of her health. The funeral of William F. IToch will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence on South Washington street. Services will be conducted at the house by Rev. ,1. ]\ Buxton, of Drlfton, and Jtev. Frank Marshal, of town, interment at Free land cemetery. Subscribe for the THIHUNK. MIBCKLLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE CHEAP.- For cash, ami J' lot on Chestnut street, Birvuntnii. west of Hidge street, property of John NVulitzky. Also a house ami two lots on same street, the property of Philip Moyor. For terms apply to T. A. Buckley, J. I'., TIUIIUNK building. \ J A LU A RLE UMA 1. EST AT E FO It S A Ll3. \ Ellen Olveii Fs'ate. The Houtlmnst corner ol Main ad ' outre streets, consisting of hotel, double business b ouk uud dwellings. C. (>. Stroh, attorney. Everybody is Looking For GOOD IDE CREAM and the place to get It Is at MERKT'S. Wo manufacture all our own 100 Cream, and we guarantee the public that it is strictly intra in every respect; no adulterations of uny kind whatever are used. Picnics, parties and private familiessupplied. MEE3CT, Wholesale und Ho tail Confectioner and Tobao conist, Centre Street, Freoland. SiJkf.aMi.iii.y jj.i aJL „ CUHTI ALL TLSETAILS" TA Ilot Cough Syrup. Time. Good. l)e M in time. Sold by driunrlstH. I*f FREE LAND, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1000. KILLED TODAY Martin Mackuevitcli Lose* IIIh Life l>y n Fall of ltock. Martin Macknevitch, a Polo, was killed at 10.30 o'clock this morning by a fall of top rock while at work in No. 5 colliery, Jeddo. He was 30 years of age and has resided in Freeland for some time past. The deceased mot instant death under the fall, while his fellow-laborer escaped unhurt. Death was due to the injuries ho received on tho head, which was crushed on both sides. His breast was also badly squeezed and his right leg was broken in two places. * The company ambulance conveyed the remains to Undertaker McNulty's morgue, where tho body was washed and dressed. Entertainment Course. The directors of the Mining and Me chanical Institute have arranged an other entertainment course to be held at the Grand opera house during the coming season. The course will be as follows: October 18.—Iloyt L. Conary, "A Man About Town." November 13.—Spill man lliggs, "Musi cal Misfits." December I.—Durno Emmett Co., "Music, Magic, Mirth." January 17.—Edward 11. Fry, "Across the Atlantic. February 22. Entertainment to be arranged for and announced in due time. March s.—Stephenson Quartette, "Musical Concert." Big Outing Party. The following citizens, several of whom were accompanied by their families, had a day out at Dusheck's farm on Wednesday: Andrew Hudak, Stephen Hudak, John Shigo, J. Hudak, George Malinky, J. Vasil, Michael Pasternak, Rev. Charles Pajchisak, Andrew Zelenak, J. Adamcik. Andrew Kasardo. Andrew Polka, Mike Kleltz, J. Shigo, Z. Cajkova, J. Licuk, Michael Kasa, Oiistav Schneider, J. Zelinsky, J. A. Feriencik, J. Fecko, M. Adatn kovic, Andro Stefan, Charles Dushock and Julius Dusheck. Labor Meeting. A meeting of mine workers of tho vicinity was held last evening at the Grand opera house hall. Addresses were delivered by Organizer Benjamin James, of Jeanesville, and Organizor Purcell, of Indiana. The meeting was well attended. Tho miners of the entire region are about ready for the general conference to be held at llazloton next Monday. Memorial Service. "There will be a memorial service on the evening of Monday, September 10, in Lattimer, Pa., under the auspices of the state committee of the Socialist party, to commemorate the third anniver sary of tin- massacre of tiie miners by Sheriff Martin." This is tho way a large part of Penn sylvania miners will be invited to attend a mass meeting. Full particulars of the memorial service will be given later. Big Trolley Scheme. Another move in the gigantic railway consolidation project, which will con nect Shatnokin with every Schuylkill region town by trolley, was made by the Schuylkill Traction Company yesterday, when the directors voted to increase the capital stock to $5,000,000. New lines from Mahanoy Plane to Pottsville, Tain aqua and McAdoo will be built, and at tho latter point connec tions will bo made with tho Lehigh Traction Company. When tho llazlo ton-Wilkesbarre road, and the Schuyl kill extensions, are finished, a continu ous trolley ride from Forest City to Shamokin can bo taken. The road will pass through Susquehanna. Lacka wanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Schuylkill, Columbia and Northumberland counties. Surprise Party. A surprise party was given in honor of .lolin Housor, of Birkbeck street, Wednesday evening. Among those present were: Carrie M. Ilouser, Gertie Keck, Cora McMurtrio, May Probert, Maggie Buchman, Stella Eroli, Sarah Porter, Annie Ashman. Gertrude Smith, Lottie Smith, Sarali Jones, Katie Hal pin, Mable Mismer, Edna Mismer, Ida Mismer, Ida Ilouser, John Ilouser, Ralph Smith, William Ilouser, William Seiple, Ralph Soiple, Jonas Stewart, William Sands, Jr., Francis Faltz, Ed. Moy, John Faltz, Jamos Halpln, Stephen Eroh, Stephen Krupor, John Sands and Harry Rohrbacli. At 12 o'clock supper was served, after which all departed for their homes wishing Mr. Ilouser many happy re turns of his birthday. Bad News For Fishermen. Tho llonoy Hole dam will soon bo a thing of tho past, and that famod fish ing ground will no longer have attrac tions for tho fishermen of this vicinity. The dam and the streams which food it have been free to all and have given many a day's pleasure to people here for years pnst. The privilege has been abused, so the owners claim, and the announcement Is now made that tho dam will he torn away. It Is alleged that thu dam Is haunted by men who have 110 regard for tho rights of others, that they use dynamite and nets anil other unlawful appllancos to fill their bags, and that every effort to stop the abuse has failed, Calvin l'ardee, of Ifa/.leton, who Is Interested as one of the owners of tho land at the Honey Holo, has erected a line home near tho dam. Ho has con firmed the report that tho dam will be torn away, as be can 110 longer tolerate the conduct of many of tho people who go there to fish or spend thu day. ROUND THE REGION Daniel Jones, wife and five children, of New Philadelphia, Schuylkill county, are lying at tho point of deatli from eating new cabbage, which poisoned the entire family. Tho cabbage was firlcd, and baking soda, which was used in tho culinary operation, is supposed to have poisoned tho vegetable. Henry Hoffman died Wednesday even ing at. his homo in Butler township, aged 105 years and 2 months, lie was ouo of the oldest men in the state. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon. Interment in the cemetery at St. Johns. Smoke the John Smith. At Keiper's. John, tiie oldest son of Judge Lynch, died at Harvey's Lake on Wednesday, aged 13 years and 7 months. He was buried this morning at Wilkesbarre. Nathan Shaffer, for a number of years boss carpenter at Jeanesville, has been placed in Laurytown asylum, lie is a raving maniac. Try Keiper's ico cream soda. Operators and bosses in the Wyoming region are behind a scheme to organize miners' "unions" in opposition to the United Mine Workers. Smoke and chew Kendall, Clock &. Co.'s XX XX union-made. Mnftd by the Clock Tobacco Co., Scranton, Pa. Mrs. William Bulger, of Plymouth, was burned to death yesterday while making a fire in tho stove. She poured oil on tho kindling wood and the flames readied tho can, causing an explosion. Patrick J. Kelly, burgess of Contralia, died at that place yesterday morning. Death was due to miners' asthma. PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL. Sonic Facts About a Prominent Institu tion of Learning. Wo have just receivod a copy of the catalog of tho state normal school, at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. This school is recognized as one of the best in the United States, and, as proof of this fact, draws a patronage that extends froiu Maine to California, in fact, we are informed several students from Japan and Porto liico, and probably from other foreign countries, will be in attendance during tho coming year. This indicates that the school has an international reputation. This high standing is the result of correct methods and tlioro teaching by college and university trained special ists. Tho results of this wise policy were, seen at the recent commence ment. About 200 seniors and 150 juniors wore presented to tho state hoard of examiners, every one of whom passed a creditable examination. Of the seniors, some sixty being high school graduates of leading cities of this and other states, added about one-half of tho advanced course to their regular course. Some thirty-live or forty re ceived honorable mention on commence ment day for unusual excellence in practico teaching, and a goodly number for unusually high standing in scholar ship. Such a record is one to bo proud of, and inakos a iitting close to tho century in t ho school's history. This school maintains, by charter privilege, as a continuation of the old Bloomsburg Literary Institute, an ex cellent preparatory collegiate depart ment, and a music department, which has boon recognized as being equivalent to a good conservatory. Those who expect to attend school this fall, even if they have eliosen their place of attendance, can learn from the catalog much that will be of advantage to them wherever they may go; and if they have not made a choice, they will do well to remember that no school is so good as tho best. Prices are extremely low considering the advantages offered. If they wore lower, we do not see how a faculty like the one found at Bloomsburg could be maintained. Tho faculty is tho school. Lot nobody bo deceived into thinking that excellence lies in carpets, furni ture, and such appliances which are often strongly advertised to cover other weaknesses. Tho Bloomsburg school has all the conveniences that belong to a well-equipped school, including a passenger elevator; but her chief boast is of her faculty, her methods, and her graduates. Results prove tho excellence of a school. We advise all young people to study tho facilities offered at Blooms burg before deciding to go elsewhere. Where Good Work Im Done. Under direction of Clifford 11. Heller, who recently assumed the management of the Froelaud Steam Laundry, tho plant has been remodeled and is now an up-to-date establishment in every res pect. Tho machinery has been over hauled and repaired, and such as did not come up to the manager's ideal was discarded and the latest in tho market installed instead. The result of this has boon a revolu tion In the quality and quantity of work turned out. Nowhere In the state can there be found a place where better work is placed In the hands of patrons. The business has almost trebled itself In the past month, and the laundry may now be sot down as one of the stable Industries of Freeland. One Fare to Chicago „„(! Return. Via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, on account of the Q. A. li. national en campment, August 27-Suptomber 1. Tickets on sale August 35, 30 and 37. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for particulars. PLEASURE. August 18.—Picnic of Citizens' baml of Eckloy at Cycle Path grove. August 18. —Picnic of Manhattan Base Ball Club at Public park. August 28.—Excursion of Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps to Shawanase Lake. Pare from Freeland, $1.35: chil dren, sl. Groceries, Proiisiiis, Dry Cools. Nothing but the finest Fresh Gro ceries and Provisions. Our Dry Goods are all new and strictly up to date. Come in and see them. E. J. Curry. Centre Street, Between South and Luzerne. Cooling Drinks forWarra Weatherl Pay a Visit to Our Parlors. ICE CREAM SODA WATER from tho fountain with Crushed Fruits; very delicious; all llavors. Thomas Brown, Jr. Centre and Walnut Streets. WOODBINE'S! Complete Slock of Blank Books Ju,st Received. Sclicol Supplies, Tablets, Etc. Fine Stationery. Novels, Magazines. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY^ B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Breiul of All Kinds. Cakes, ami Pas try, Daily. Fancy aiul Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. ElFEtTlllEiy # ICE CREAM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. GEO. KROMMES, dealer In GROCERIES and. PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given tor Cash. Illrkbeok and Walnut Streets. Wm. J. ECKERT. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, WALL PAPER, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Class, Miners' and Builders' Supplies. South Centre Street, Freoland. Oon-fectioiiery I Tlxe Best. ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO. VERY FINEST CIGARS. FRESH CANDY. ANTON SCHACK, Ntx Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Truck. Fresli Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. PARK VIEW HOTEL Wines, Liquors, Brandies, etc. FREE LUNCH ON SATURDAY NIGHTS. Henry I\ rouse, Prop. Front Street. $5.00 to Niagara Falls and Return. % Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, August 11, 1900. Tickets will be on 1 sale August 11, limited for return pas sage to August 13, Inclusive, and will bo honored on any train, except the i $1.50 PER YEAR | You Are Invited || \to Attend. !| f 5- y Our great Sacrifice Sale of .Sum- W w mcr Clothing- is now going on. M Come before it is too luto if you want to save money. |jj | Summer Furnishings ® 'if of all kinds, including Hats, jK •fj Underwear, Shirts, Neekwear, Jl .k etc., marked down to cost price T y in order to obtain money for fj 3 \i fall purchases. r Phila. One-Price w it'. jjj Clothing House ||! M S. SENIE. PIIOP. |j j| Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. jji ifiisr WATCHMAKER. Centre Street, below South. Repairing of Any Kind. WATCHES and CLOCKS for SALE. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Bananas, Dates, All the Daintiest Fruits of the Season. Kushnerick Bros., South Centre Street. £MIAS. OltlON STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. (Uflce: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeek Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. I'ostofllcc Building, - Freeland, MeLAUQHLIN, ATTO RN EY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan'a Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business Promptly Attended, Cumpboll Building, ... Freeland. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMeuamiu Building, South Centre Street. 'JpiIOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building. Main Street. JJU N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIBKBECK'S STOKE, Second Floor, ■ . Birkboek Brick. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Streot. Nono but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos of Ha/.eltnn Urns., ,NY \y York city. JJR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, . Hefowlch Building. A NUIIEW /.EM A NY, NOTARY PUBLIC. and REAL ESTATE DEALER. 11l South Centre Street, lid Hour, Freeland. Mack Diamond express. For further particulars consult Le high Valley ticket agents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers