till you see the foionfuu Now Going On at the Wear Well Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, Freeland. Circumstances over which we have 110 control compel us to realize $5,000 cash within the next thirty days. To obtain this amount of money we have determined to sacrifice our $15,111 STICK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting of tine clothing for men, hoys and children, boots and shoes, and furnishings. We must have the money without fail, and to make our goods go we have decided to sell out at your own figures. A FEW SPECIMEN PRICES: 500 Men's Suits, of the latest styles and finest materials, fully worth from 16 to $lB going to be sacrificed at from 8 to $lO each. ' 600 Boys' Suits, double-breasted vests, of our own special make, were selling at 10 to sl2, sacrificed at frcm 6 to $8 a suit. 400 Children's Suits from 79c up. 500 Knee Pants, extra well made up to sell at 75c and sl, now going at 50c 500 Knee Pants, fully worth 50c, now going at 25c. 600 Pairs Ladies' Shoes, in lace or button, black or tan, were 1.25, 1.75 225 and $3; your choice now at 98c, 1.25, 1.50 and $2. ' 700 Pairs of Men s Shoes, .latest styles of toes, at 1.25 to $3.50, fully worth 2 to $5 Misses, Boys and Children s Shoes almost given away. SOLE AGENT IN FREELAND FOR THE FAMOUS DOUGLAS SHOES. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Has increased to such an extent that we now employ more hands and turn out more suits than any other establishment in lower Luzerne. Our unsurpassable display of piece goods, the perfect fit, low price and first-class workmanship have iven our suits a reputation which our competitors cannot touch. Why pay a large price for a made ta order suit, when the Wear Well can give you the best in the market at a saving of from 15 to $8 on every suit? Mr. L. J. Davies, formerly of Hazleton, has charge of this depart ment as cutter, and we guarantee that all work passing through his hands will be found satisfactory. Remember 1 lu - s - ,s ', 10 a ? w f stlll , remain in town an<l will be here to back up every promise we make. The sale will K, positively last only thirty days or until we realize the money required. This is the best chance the people ever had to furnish themselves with reliable clothing right at the beginning of the summer season DON'T MISS THIS SALE. MA.KE ISTO IISTAKE IUST THE PLACE. Ml MM || Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, ■Bill I IIA W63F We m refowch pß ° p PreelAWD V V Will V V VII 4 lew Doors Above (trover's Drug Store, | mHlUll V Carfare Paid to Out-of-Town Buyers During This Sale. FREELAND TRIBUNE. IlUtllUll int. PUBLISHED BVKIIY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COIPANY, Limited. OMEN: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONQ DISTANCE TRIJPHUNE. BUMSCRIL'TION RATES: One Tear sl.gO *ix Months 76 Four Months 50 Two Months 25 The date which the subscription is paid to is •n the address label of each paper, the change •f which to a subsequent date becomes a rec ipt for remittance. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report prompt ly to this office whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paid when subscription is discontinued. Make all money orders, checks, etc., payable to ffie Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., MAY 14, 1900. ADVERTISING. Nothing, except the mint, can make money without advertising.'—Gladstone. 1 would as soon think of doing busi ness without cierks as without adver tising.—John Wunamaker. When you pay more for the rent of your business house than for advertis ing your business, you are pursuing a false policy. If you can do business, lot it be known.—benjamin Franklin. The coal companies' organization, known as the Taxpayers' Association, is reaching out in an attempt to throttle the public schools. A seven-months' term, it is alleged, Is all that the revenues will permit in the surrounding townships, and the law, they say, must be lived up to strictly. It would not be a bad idea if the law were enforced, and a beginning might with profit bo made at the assessment of coal oper ators' lands in the townships where the revenues are inadequate to meet the school expenses. Instead of assess- j ing coal land, worth $5,000 to $15,000 an acre, at $5 an acre, let the law be strictly enforced. Let the operators pay an equitable share of the school taxes, and the school funds will be sufficient in a few years to give every pupil in the townships about us a col lege education. Enforco the law and let us see if meddlesome fingers won't get a neat burning. Again the Populists, in national con vention assembled, have sacrificed that, which is dear to every political party, viz., the privilege of honoring a member of their organization with a nomination for office, and have unanimously chosen William Jennings Bryan as their stand ard-bearer for the presidency. Tho Populists are sincerely for reform, and they show it by choosing a man from another party who has a chance to win. rather than lose their votes by casting them for one of their own members. Bryan today embodies the hopes of every true friend of the republic. He is big enough and broad enough in sentiment and principle for every re former to look up to as tho exponent of all that is best for our country's future, and, villified and slandered as he has boon for four years past, he looms up now as the one true American leader in whom hope and trust may be placed with security. It would interest a good many Demo crats to learn who asked the Republi can anti-Quay bosses to interfere in the selection of a Democcatic candidate for the legislature in this district. The Democrats are qualified to make a choice without assistance from Mr. Drake and his colleagues, and the scheme to foist one of their henchmen on the ticket will, if successful in the convention, be resented at the polls. Men who are Democrats when it suits Republican leaders' purposes are not the kind of Democrats who should represent this district in the legislature. When tho matter of fire protection for the Ilill was first talked of—after the territory was admitted to the borough—a fire engine was suggested as the only reliable safeguard. The idea, however, was ridiculed by the know-alls. Now, after a waste of money and time with other appliances, council is back to the question of buy ing an engine. It takes a long while for common sense to drive Its way into some heads. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. Tho finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons In town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Yeunglinff's Porter on tap. Centre street. [PATENTS-slfi \ ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY 1 \ ilotice in " Inventive Age " pK|F P i ► Hook "How to obtain Patents" Q llliii j T Charges moderate. No fee till patent is seenred. 1 F Letters strictly confidential. Address. 1 E. 6. SIGOERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. j McMenamin's Gents' Furnishing, Hat and Shoe Store, S© SoutH CerLtre Street. Something About Our Store. Our store is stocked with all that is new and desir able in spring and summer merchandise in our lines. We have steadily aimed to build up a reputation for fair and honest dealing with our patrons, and to do this we cannot afford to sell one article except for what it really is. We employ no deceptive schemes, we give away no chromos, we do not sell below cost, nor do we sell the same class of goods at two prices. We give the best service and atten tion we can, we cheerfully refund money if purchases are not satisfactory, and accord to every patron, friend or stranger, the same treatment. If you desiie to buy at a store where these principles are rigidly followed, call' on us. Men's and Women's Shoe's In this department we have achieved an un expected success. Not only are our shoes perfect in appear ance, good fitting, splendid wearing, but ou prices are in many cases half what you have been paying. Our Men's and Boys' Dress Shoes, in Black or Russet, are as pretty a lot as you could wish to see. The same can be said for our Women's and Misses' Shoes. In Working Shoes we continue to handle only the very best makes that the factories produce. Nothing wrong with our prices, either. Men's and Boys' Hats S'". "X Prices for a good stiff hat run from SI up to the latter being the cost of our popular Hawes' Hat, which is equal in strength, durability and nattiness to any $5 hat on the market. Boys' hate and caps in endless assortments, styles and prices. FurnishinffS ur succ . ess ' n catering to the popular taste 5 in selecting colored summer shirts last year appears to be ready for repetition. We have a stock on our [ counters now which is certainly the cream of the season's make. In Neckwear our line is handsome, complete and up to-date, so it is with every other department. McMenamin's Gents' Furnishing, Hat and Shoe Store, " 86 South Centre Street. send US ovory ini p rove in<'nt.Hßjjßwj Hanic, or Corn Exchange Nat. Bank/chicago; ~r Herman Exchange Hank New York nr.nr miirnnd „r company In Chicago. W. hair ae.p1..l .four •700.,mi.<m>, entire one o? the VargeVb inlneM blork?^ SEARS BOEBUCK A U eo' ld (Tncl Full, n '|T*' * C "' gfcAKB, ROEBUCK &. CO. (Inc.), Fulton. Oeiplame. ind Warman St., CHICACO, ILL, 'SEND NO MONEY J!rar™?ss A QJADE CAIIHET HWINO jj Uirtf <yl. K'wi™* 0 '"™? vt> | si 5.50 jn $ 8 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS || f TUC "Ory 111IIana IJII'RnTKXKyr, Tvt 11 I nC. DOnUIVja avKii* mini mix, u, F.vi.uy imai - IIKIEITU IIV .1 . .... .... I*lll, WITH THK -fl- II lIKIHTS UK IIWK. M.VIIK B\ THE IIKKT MA K Kit IN AHKItICA. *** ■ ■*=—' -1 CTg"r*T ntim THK BEHT MATKIIIAL - I ! I"TEmS" I'm" 'TH'Vr -'"I Lll I ■ |W® •]- i nan Bjj Juffp Iffff - Jyff r i a ■ j I IT 1 in!i"'hrn"^."uM''ra*t yn.r (r,'.hi M.nt th, .15,50, WF'til ®n.9i k9" rVui 'jili'so Ir'.Tln.' llr.1".i*Vll. *j'' ?,° ....,1..d. OuTO'"'VTI.FA.Y. *ICo. am ilinrVl.lr rwil.bl. -TrtV.oVT """"• Addross, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111. TRUSSES, 65c, SL2S.AND IIP &SL9B BUYLAJLSO SUIT VTA J! R^1 t| " TW t" vl' J /) p* ) A NEWSIiIT iree forahyVf these 'spits I <tti 65c. uc 4 l s|;&Vs;M^jvv,k c , T .'.v s& at FACTORY I'MFKH, Im* tlian ono-thhrl I / • 4.j l *"!* ortiiiall brace anil wp 1 *"!! wntt w" the price charged by othera, and WE 1 / *° LI Tr the Milt by cxprew. t\o. 1). rnbject to ex- OUARANTEE TO FIT YOU PERFECTLY. Say V-/ \... con exauHneTlatyour whether'you wish our Mr Frenei Yruta ~r oU r 1. lit New I / M> "press ..ftlce andill found perfectly eutls -1 Reertlble Blaalle illustrated above, cut this I i i fcU>ry and adjnal te ihIIhM la your (own lw ad. out and eend to u with Ul'K KI'KCIAL PRUT. RMmrd, I A I •*••**, pay your cxprciis agent our Apeclal state your lllHi. W r |ht, Agv, how long you have leen LjLJ OfTcr I'rive, #I.UM, and expresH chargm*. ruptured, whether rupture Is large or email; nlo state ■■ THESE M.EE PANT SUITS ore lor bovstto number inches around the body on a line with the ■ ■ IB > ear* ol age aad are rnallrd rrrjWrv at rupture, aay whether rupture la on right or left aide if 3.i. Mndo with DUI'BLK rtKAT and KNKt.B, and we will send either truaa to you with the under u, " ,t 15,00 •"'J l * "" "iHitrated, made from a standing .If It U not a perfect fit aad equal to Ira tee. that A|o3 special l.eary wcliflit. wear rcUlluy, all-wl WHI retuTn *JS"r°mo P nl,7: ) " ,UC, ' n " •" J W Awe Hall™ T.'-VH:,' WRITE FOR FBEE TRUSS CATALOGUE SS&SLXStS • flmea. including the .few fiu.oo Ua Tm... An -ir *<< ''KKK i MITII SAIII'I.KA .r H..y' {b.lhlac for by 4te that caret alawMt aay rate, and which we tell for WdCifD 10 write for Sample Rook .Mo. OSK. containa fathlon '""..SEARS, ROEBUCK A Co. CHICAGO °ll*i pies sent free on application. Addrean. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, IIL (Win, Uaebnck A C. >n IbamfMi "llrtla—Cinwr. j
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