FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 91. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. November 19 t 1899. ARRANORMCNT or PASSBHOBH TRAINS. LEAVE FRBKLAND. 0 12 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Baston, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a in for Sandy ltun. White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, I'ittstou and Scrauton. 8 18 a in for Hazleton, Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia and New York. 9 80 am for Hazleton, .Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. Carmel, Shamokin and Potts vi lie. 11 45 a m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barrc, Scrauton and all points West. 1 30 P m for Weatherly. Mauch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia and New York. 4 42 p in for Hazloton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shamokin and Pottsville, Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethlehem, Eastou, Phila delphia and New York. 0 34 P m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Uarro, Serantou and all points West. 7 29 p m for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmei and Shamokin. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 a ra from Weatherly, Pottsville, Ash land, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 9 17 a in from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Weath erly, Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, Mt. Carmel and shamokin. 9 30 a m from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 1 1 45 a m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenandoah, Muhanoy City and Hnzloton. 12 55P m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Muuuh Chunk and Weatherly. 4 42 P in from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 0 -34 l in from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Potts ville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah. Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 7 29 |> in from Seranton, Wilkes-Uarro and white Haven. For turther information inquire of Ticket Agent* KoLLIN H. Wl LBUR, General Superintendent, 2ft Cortlandt street. New York City. CH AS. S. LEE. General Pasfcugcr Aueiit, 2ft Cortlandt Street. New York City. J. T. KELTII, Division Superintendent, Hazleton, I'a. Dm.AW AKH, SUBQUKUANNA ANI) J. KCIIUYLKII.I. KAILUDAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Drifton tor Jeddo, Eokley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, ft UU a m, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave lirilton for Harwood, (Jranherrv* Toinhiokeii and Derlnger at 5 30, 6 00 a in, dully excopt Suuduy; and 703 a in, 2 38 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Mmppton at ft 00 a in, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for llarwood. Cranberry, Tomhickcn and Dcringer at ft 35 a m, daily except Sunday; and 8 63 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oncidn Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shcppton at ft 32, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p m, dully except Suiidny; and 7 37 a ra, 3 11 p ux, Suuduy. Trains leave Derlnger for Tomhlok -n. Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 6 40 p ra, daily except Suuduy; ana :• 37 a ra. ft 07 p ra, Sunduy. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton J uuctiou aid Roan at 7 11 a in, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leavo Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckloy, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p m, daily, except Suuday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leavo Hazleton Junction for Ileavor Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Joddo and Drifton at 5 45, ft 2ft p ra, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a ra, 5 40 p in, Sunduy. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jcauosville, Auden ried and other points on tho Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 000 a ra make connection at Derlnger with P. 11. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Der lnger, a train will ieuve the former point at 350 p in, daily, except Sunday, arriving ut Deringer at 5 00 p m. LUTHER C. SMITH. Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. 1/STATE OF SAMUEL WENNER, Into of JTJ Freeland borough, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named egtate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or doiuniids to present the sumo without delay. ,V A MRmnei- 1 ' I Executors. Chus. Orion Sti-oh, attorney. PROPOSALS.- Proposals will be received by the trustees of rtt. John's Slavonian Catholic i hurcli for the building of an addi tion to the same. Plans and specifications can-be seen at the residence of the pastor. Rev. Ohas. Pajchtsak, South Ridge street, opposite the church. Trustee* reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals must bcsubinlttcd before May 19,190b, at 7 p. ill. INSTATE OF WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, JTJ late of Freeland. deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been grunted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims or demuuds to present the same, without de lay. to Allie Williamson. John M. Carr. attorney IFOR SALE CHEAP.— For cash, a house and _P lot on Chestnut street, Birvantoii, went of Ridge street, property of John Wulitzky. Also a house and t wo lots on same street, the property of Philip Mover. lor tonus apply to T. A. Buckley, J. P., Till BUM! building. "IjX)R SALE.—An old established stove, tin- P ware, hardware and plumbing business, located in Freeland, at near half actual cost; good reasons for selling. Apply in person only to Andrew ZeniHiiy, real estate dealer, 111 South Centre street, second floor. H'Ofi SALE.—One SSO bond of Overall Com pany and two SSO bonds of Silk Mill Company. Reasons for selling explained to intending purchasers. For terms apply to Tm BUNK office. PERSONALITIES. Miss Msiggio L. Ferry, of Ridge sl.reet, accompanied by her brut tiers, P. 11. and .lames E., arc at Easton today attending the funeral of a cousin. William Iloch, a clerk In Drifton office, Is receiving treatment for dys pepsia at Jefferson hospital, Philadel phia. August Hijrkhardt sailed last week for derm any, where he will spund the summer. * Mrs. Ilaworth, of Harrlsburg, was entertained by her son, Harry \V., last week. Mrs. A. Oswald spent Sunday with her husband and daughter at Atlantic City. Miss Tillle Lewis is visiting Wilkes barre relatives. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. A new brewery is talked of for Hazle toii. G. M. Forry has been appointed post master at Grange, this county. Street. Com'iibsiniier Davis began the work of giading Fern street this morn ing. Ice cream soda at Kelper's. Photographer llerb*t Is branching out. Today he opens a gallery at Weatherly. Two double dwellings at Stocjcton, occupied by six families, were destroyed by fire Thursday afternoon. Joseph I*. Kennedy, of Drifton, will graduate today as a physician from the Jefferson college, Philadelphia. Macaroni, 5c alb, at Boyle's. Borough Treasurer Davles will pay tho borough employes at Attorney Stroll's office at 7 o'clock this evening. Tho Lutz murder trial jury has not yet arrived at a verdict. It is now twelve days since they began their dead lock. William Sfcultz, of Freeland, and Miss Elizabeth Marley, of Highland, will be married on Wednesday by Rev. J. B. Kerschnor. Ginger snaps, 5c alb, at Boyle's. Frank Kramer, of Wulnut street, was injured about tho feet on Friday In Highland mine, where he was employed as a hitcher. Frank Barton, a son of John A. Barton, Hazleton, left home fifteen years ago, and on Thursday died in a Cincinnati hospital. The United States army recruiting station at Hazleton secured only three recruits in three weeks. The station lias been removed to Shenandoah. Try the Paragon Laundry. Telephone. Edward R. Dunkerly, of Jeddo, and Miss Bessie M. Liptou, of Donaldson, Schuylkill county, will be married at the home of the bride on Wednesday, Juneti. Thomas J. Ilerron, a former furniture dealer of Hazleton, was killed by an engine at Jersey City Friday night. He was employed as an operator and was 25 years old. The sixteenth birthday anniversary of Miss Stella Rugan was appropriately celebrated on Thursday evening at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rugan. Soda water —ail flavors—at Kelper's. Thomas Conah&n and Charles Mc- Geebati will leavo tomorrow to represent the Young Men's Corps in the annual convention of the Seranton C. T. A. Union at Avoca. Contractor James E. Griffith is rush ing the work on tho new Y. M. C. A. building on East Front street, and ex pects to have it ready for tho association within a month. Long distance telephones wero install ed last week by Dr. E. W. Rutter, M. Merkt and George Fisher, and tho Free land Silk Mill Company's ofiico will be connected today. Blossom brand peas, 10c can, at Boyle's. Tho White Haven Journal figures the dividends paid to the stockholders of the water company of that town at $32,051 50. The original investment was only $3,380.25. Judge Woodward on Friday issued an order legalizing and appointing W. P. Airey chief deputy to Sheriff Harvey, and to have full power and authority during the sheriff's absence. George Ilandlong, Goorge Manypenny, Foster; J. P. Powell, Butler; John Row land, John Fisher, Andrew McNamee and Thomas Martin, Ilazle, will serve as jurors at Wilkesbarre this week. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswalds. He has a nice variety. Seventeen young ladies took the white veil and entored upon their novitiate and twenty took the final vows and renounced the world at the Mullinckrodt convent, Wilkesbarre, on Thursday. The Miners' hospital trustees have awarded $15,000 of the insurance on the building to Mrs. S. E. Hayes. W. G. Thomas, Esq., of Lansford, has been appointed auditor at a salary of SIOO a year. Pay days this week will be as foljpws: Today, Lehigh Valley Railroad, Drifton shops, Drifton and Eckley collieries; Tuesday, D. S. & S. Railroad; Saturday, Jeddo, Highland, Ebervale, Upper Le high, Sandy Run, Pond Creek and Hazle Brook collieries. The Cresent Club of Freeland will open Hazle park with a trolley party on the evening of May 19. Tickets, 25c. The Prohibitionists of the county will meet In convention at Wilkesbarre on Monday next to nominate candidates for judge, district attorney, prothono tary, clerk of courts and two jury com missioners. Delegates to the state con vention wili also be elected. When Daniel Sully appeared here last November he promised that Free land opera-goors would bo given an opportunity to see hltn in his new play before tho season closed. Mr. Sully has not forgotten his promise and will be seen hero next Monday evening. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, MAY 14, 1900. Special Council Meeting. Council mot Friday evening and talked over the question of buying a firo en gine. The matter was again referred to the (ire and water committee with instructions to fully investigate the matter. Tho (lood Wills Athletic As sociation was given the use of the Public park for a picnic on June 30. A bill of $25 from Borough Surveyor Youngman was ordered paid. The question of closing up the hole in the borough building which was left for a vault was talked of. This vault wa> the "nigger"' which was hid in the specifications and which fooled some of the contractors who were booked to not get the job of erecting tho new building. It served its purpose well, and there being no further uso for a "vault" the building committee was ordered to con fer with the solicitor in regard to having the contractor closo the hole. Miner* Given a Change of Master*. Under the caption "Making Railway History," tho current number of the Railway World says editorially: "We are in position to state on un questioned authority that control of the Lehigh Valley Is now held by the Vanderbilts, J. P. Morgan & Co. only recently having transferred their in terest In the road to the New York- Central owners. This tact is published here for the first, time, and, while it has not been ofliciully announced, our in formation comes from such a source as to leave little, if any, doubt as to its correctness. This last deal makes cer tain one fact—namely, that tho Penn sylvania is. to control the soft coal situation in the Fast, while the New- York Central Is to be the dominating power in the anthracite regions."' Sodality Reception. At St. Ann's church last evening about seventy candidates were admitted to membership in the Daughters of Mary Sodality and sixty young girls and boys wore made members of the Children of Mary. Tho ceremonies were conducted by Rev. F. J. Mack, the spiritual director of the society, assisted by the oflicers of the sodality, and were vory impressive. A half-hour's sermon was delivered by Father OTlara, of Archbald, who tendered kind words of advice and encouragement to tho young ladies and children who had just joined the ordors. Organizing Mm Miner*. With the aid of St. Ann's band, several hundred mine workers were gathered in front of tho Grand opera house Saturday evening and were ad dressed by National Organizer Benjamin James, of Jeancsville, and George W. Harris, of Ohio. The necessity of miners thoroughly organizing was shown by tho speakers and their remarks were cordially received by tho audience. Stops to prganlze a branch of the United Mine Workers wore taken at the close of the meetng. Four Striker* Arre*tel. Four ot the strikers at the Hutton wood mine who, it is alleged, led the riot of Wednesday, were arrested on Friday by Sheriff Harvey and his deputies. They wero given a hearing before Alderman Chase, and testimony was given by Superintendent Smythe and others of the officials and workmen who wero injured. Each of tho prison ers was held in 31,000 hail for court. No attempt has since been made by the strikers to provent tho rnon from going to work. Moner Heir* Are Active. The heirs of Bnrkh&rd Moser, some 000 in number, will make another deter mined effort to secure a title of tho coal lands in Schuylkill county now operated by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, and which they claim were pos sessed by Burkhard Moser at his death. Part of the borough of Tamaqua is built upon tills tract, and the value of the property, including the royalty on coal mined, will, it is stated, reach from $8,000,000 to $12,000,000. Preparations are being made today by the Freeland Browing Company to sink an eight-inch artesian well on tho Fern street plot. Attorney Carr was at H&rrisburg lust week and received tho state charter. At a meeting on Satur day evening the directors elected Condy O. Boyle as president and John Shigo as vice president. The former take tho place of tho late William Williamson. Mrs. Math las Fegley, of Mauch Chunk, was buried at that place on Friday. She was born In Luzerne county seventy years ago, but spent most of her lifetime at Mauch Chunk. She is survived by three brothers, Ste phen Meixwoll, Beaver Meadow; Philip Meixwoll, Pond Creek, and Robert Meixwoll, Fairmount, and one sister, Mrs. Catherine Foister, Pond Creek. The congregation of St. John's Sla vonian Catholic church Intends to en large Its edifice on South Ridge street, the constantly increasing membership making this necessary. In another column of this Issue tho trustees are advertising for proposals for doing the work. ' Round colfeo cakes, 5c lb, at Boyle's. Kribe-Taker Tell* Hi* Story. In tho trial of the accused Shamokin councilman, William U. Thompson, a councilman, has been on tho witness stand for two days. His evidence covers the past two years, during which all the alleged crooked work was done. For voting for the Canton brick he said ho was promised SSO. He received sl3 on account, and a fow days later called on Councilman Zurn for the bal ance. Zurn told him not to worry as the Canton people were as good as gold. On another occasion, concerning the balance, he said he was told not to talk so loud, as two reporters wero walking behind. Last November he was inform ed by Councilman Zimmerman that there was S2OO in town as part payment for the adoption of Montcllo brick for Lincoln street. Last January, he says, Zimmerman told him there was SOOO Clearfield money in town, but that the "boys" who got it would not divide wiih him. In March last year, when it was ru mored that the chief burgess would veto the resolution of council adopting Mon tello brick for Market streot, he said he was accosted by Councilman Rothchild. who offered him $25 and the best suit of clothes in hi* store for his vote, lie said he got the suit, but not the money. On another occasion he said he was told by Reed that the Alcatraz people needed money, and that a special meet ing of council was necessary. The meeting was hold, order granted, and he received $lO. The total amount of money alleged to have been received by Thompson for his vote and influence is over $1,500. Court adjourned until tomorrow, when Thompson will be cross-examined. To Kill WiTe and Himself. Robert Barnes, aged 35 years, at tempted to kill his wife at St, Clair on Thursday, then cut his own throat with a razor. He has been subject to attacks of insuuity for some time, and several years ago was treated for tho trouble in a llarrisburg hospital. A brother is hopelessly insane. For some time Barnes has boon brooding over some fancied trouble. He went to his room and procured a razor, and grasp ing his wife drew the sharp blade across her throat, indicting a terrible gash. She struggled witli him, and in trying to secure the weapon was cut about tho body. She finally foil to the floor. Tho crazy man then cut his own throat. Tho cries of their two children alarm ed the neighborhood, and help was summoned. Barnes' condition is so serious that he has been taken to the Pottsville hospital. He cannot recover. His wife is not fatally hurt. Aftor the crime Barnes wrote a note, in which lie regretted committing the deed. Anthracite League Disband*. Owing to the refusal of tho Lehigh Traction Company to concede free transportation to tho clubs, as in former years, tho Anthracito base ball league played its last games yesterday and disbanded. Yesterday's scoros wore: At Joanesviile—Hazleton, 24; Lutti m er, 12. At Drifton —Drifton, 6; Jeddo, 4. The record of the clubs is: W. L. I. C. | W. L. P. C. Hazleton .. 3 0 lUOO Jeddo l 2 .333 Drifton .. . 2 1 .867 | Lattimer .. 0 3 .(XK) The Good Wills and the Funny Fellows played an exciting game at the park yesterday. Tho score was 6 to 7 in favor of tho former. The Cresconts defeated the Young America team yesterday by a score of 10 to 18. At Lowery'n Circus. Those who will spare the time to attend tho performance of the Lowery Bros.' circus on Saturday afternoon or evening will be amply repaid for thoir trouble and expense. Tho exchanges from towns whore this circus has ap peared speak highly of tho attraction. The performance Is first class and every act Is that of an expert, whether it be a long dive, difficult feat or Intricate act. The show lias so many good features that we will not bo aide to recite all, but it is advisable to see tho show in its entirety. Among the attractions are: Baby Irene, the child contortionist, singer and dancer, aged 5 years; Prof. J. E. Bur tieos' trained dogs; Jenkins and O'Brien, tho comedians; the Kellys in their mys tifying acts; the Demoules, equilibrists, and Zeliers. the gymnast,. To Niagara Fall* ami Return Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad for $5, May 23, 1900. Tickets on sale from stations, Phillipsburg to Tunkhannock, inclusive, including branches, limited for return passage to May 25, 1900, and will be honored on any train except the Black Diamond express. Consult Le high Valley Railroad agents for further in formation. The 300 breaker boys at the Susque hanna mines, in Nanticoke, after play ing ball for a week and muling their strike witli a trip to tho circus, liavo returned to their work. Rolled oats, 3c alb, at Boyle's. a POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JpOR REPRESENT ATI v B GEORGE MCLAUGHLIN, of Freeland. Hubjoot to the decision of the Democratic convention of the Fourth legislative district. DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Mrs. Mary A. Dobinson, widow of the late Thomas Dobinson, J. I'., of Joddo, died at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Weaver, at Jeddo, Satur day afternoon, aged 75 years, 4 months and 4 days. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Weaver, of Jeddo, and Mrs. George H. Guerln, of Myrtle Point, Oregon, and one son, William 11., a Jersey Central engineer, living at Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Dobin son was a resident of Joddo since 1859. The funeral will tako place at 1.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Services at her lato residence. Interment at Freeland cemetery. Mrs. James Meehan died on Friday morning at her homo on Front street after several months' Illness. The de ceased was a resident of the vicinity for a number of years and was respected by a large circle of acquaintances. She is survived by three sons, James, Wil liam and John, ami two daughters, Mrs. Frank Gillespie and Miss Hannah Meehan, all residents of town. The funeral took place this morning. The remains were interred in St. Ann's cemetery after a requiem mass was road at St. Ann's church. On Thursday evening Mrs. Mary Yeselski, of South Ridge streot, gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. On Friday morning the mother died and was immediately followod by the infant girl. Mrs. Yeselski was aged 35 years and is survived by her husband, who conducted a saloon at Centre and South streets for several months, also by four sons and a daughter. A requiem mass was read over the remains at St. Kasi mnr's Polish church this morning, after which the interment was made in St. Ann's cemetery. Annie Sofranko, agod 8 months and 9 days, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sofranko, of Upper Lehigh, died on Wednesday and .was buried in the cemetery at that place Friday afternoon. A requiem mass was read over the remains of Susan Ondeck, of Drlfton, at St. Kasimer's Polish church Friday morning. The remains were interred in St. Ann's cemetery. "Tlie I'uriHh Priest." "The Parish Priest," the play written for Daniel Sully by Dan L. Hart, will be presented for the lirst time in Free laud next Monday night. It is said to be one of t ho most marvelous plays of tin; century. In the character of Father Whalen, Mr. Sully has the greatest role of his career. The play tells a story of every day life, in which a man sacrifices friends and happiness because ambition takes possession of his nature. The play is bubbling over with bright, clean, comedy and the dramatic situations are intensely inter esting. Special scenery is carried for the entire production. Mr Sully's sup porting cast is a very strong one and Includes such artists as Nellie Yale Nelson, Marion Shirley, Mildred Law rence, True S. James, Jos. L. Tracey, Fred Eckhart, Geo. D. Davis, Cbrystle Miller and others. Low Fare KxcurMion to WllkeHharre Via Lehigh Valley Railroad, May 21 and 22. On account of the Knights Templar parade at Wilkosbarro, May 22, the Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets from all stations in Pennsyl vania to Wilkosbarro and return at oue faro for the round trip (with stop-over privilege in either direction at Mauch Chunk). Tickets on salo May 21 and 22, limited for return passage to May 23, inclusive, and will be honored on any train except the Rlack Diamond expross. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. One Fare to VYHnhington, I). C., And return via Lehigh Valley Rail road, account Imperial Council, Order of Mystic Shrine, May 22 to 24, 1900. Tick ets will be on sale May 19, 20 and 21, from all stations, Phillipsburgto HufTalo, including branch lino points, limited for return passage to May 28 Inclusive, thus affording one week's stay in this beauti ful city, a trip to which at this season of the year is particularly delightful. Tickets will bo honored on any train except the Rlack Diamond express. For additional information, consult Lehigh Valley agents. PLEASURE CALENDAR. May 22.—Lecturo by Dr. N. C. Schaf fer. under the auspices of Freeland public schools, at Grand opera house. Tickets, 10 and 15 cents. May 30. —'Annual picnic of Tigers Athletic Club at Public park. V The Cure that Cures i P* Coughs, & \ Colds, Ji | Grippe, §, Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A JJ* Consumption, Is K foUos] js TVe German V -at\4 W\o J £io\4 a\\ 25^50<As4 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freoland Opera House Co.. Lessees. Monday Even- O I ing, MAY L I Direct froiti Park Theatre, Huston. Mr. Daniel Sully PRESENTS ' The Season's Great Success, THE PARISH PRIEST BY DAN L. HART. An American Comedy Drama of Marvelous Strength. Metropolitan Cast. Elab orate Production. WHAT BOSTON CRITICS SAY. A capital play. The dialogue is very bright Boston Herald• A performance of irreproachable excellence. —Boston Globe. It is far better than "The Old Homestead." Boston Transcript. Written with tine skill. A delight.—Boston Traveler. A charming love story. Laughter of the wholesome, honest sort.— Boston Post. Prices: 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Seats now on sale at McMenainin's store. DePIERRO - BEOS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, ttoseubluth's Velvot, of which we b ive EXCLUBIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm'g Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. 11am and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentine and Huzleton beer on tap. Rath 8. Hot or Cold. 25 Cents. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Albo PURE WINES A LIQUORS FOll FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre mid Main streets. Freeland. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. exSSy'gy'iiri;T.tM\"^y. POrfOr,nod Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. A Good Show Coming! Tho Success of tho floth Century, LOWERY BROS.' New Olympia Shows Will Exhibit in Freeland, Saturday, May 19. Circus Ground, Opposite Lehigh Valley Depot. Entirely New, Novel. Up-to-Date, FREE Exhibition every afternoon by the most Fear less of Aeronauts, Prof. David McDudc. fW'Two Exhibitions Daily, 2 and 8 p. m. Admission, lO and 20c. FRANK YOUMAN^'' Boot and Shoe Repairer. Men's Holes and Heels, 55c. Women's, 40c. Children's (JO yrs up), 80c. Children's (5 to lu yrs), £>o. r irst-cluss leather used and all work guaranteed. Nicholas Cupeoe Building, Centre Street. $1.50 PER YEAR. Our Men's Spring Suits. All the new ideas of pattern, fabric or style are to be found here, and they are proper, too—fully abreast of tho advanced fashions—all the 1000 cuts to select from. The range of patterns is the widest ever shown, and includes all the desirable fabrics—Serges, Cassi meres. Worsteds. The suits are trim med and tailored in tho best possiblo manner. Hats, Caps and Furnishings, Neckwear, underwear, collars, cull's, pretty designs of spring and summer shirts, in fact everything required to equip man or boy for the warm season. Phila, One-Price Clothing House. S. SEN IE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. £IIAS. ORION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law und Notary Public. Office: Room. 1 andßirlibock Brlclt, Freeland JOHN M. CAXUI, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffiee Building, - - . Freeland. QEOIIOE McLAUUIILIN, Attorney-at-Law. legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. Campbell Building, - Freeland. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - . Main Street. jQR N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVEU BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor. . . Birkbeck Brick. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Btreet. None but Reliable Companies Represented. Also agent for tho celebrated lu'gh-gradn Pianos of Hazel ton Bros., Now York city. J}U. S. S. IIESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front. . Befowich Building. A NDUEW /.EMANY, Notary Public . and Real Estate Dealer. 11l South Centre street, 3d lloor, Freolaild. LAUBACH S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. .Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas to Order. I'* 1 '* u ' y * Nuvull -> Cakes Baked Confectionery and Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts ot town and surroundings every day. AMANDUS OSWALD, - dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. A celebrated brand of XX flour always In stock. Latest Styles of Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers