Broken-down Women weary from pain and the torture of over-taxed nerves, it is but natural that you should be low-spirited and de jected. Worn-out by the care, the worry and the long suffering from weaknesses that have baffled the best efforts of your family doctor, it is no wonder you have become discouraged, and think there is nothing left for you but suffering and misery. Do not give up all hope, do not lose all courage. Remember Dr. Miles' Nervine has helped thousands of despondent wom en to regain their lost health and fail ing strength. It quiets the irritated nerves, rests the weary brain and drives worry and care away. It gives zest to the failing appetite, invigorates the digestion and adds new strength and vigor to the whole system. Don't forget the name. DR. MILES' Nervine. "Change of life left me a total wreck and I suffered nervousness, rheumatism, heart trouble and dropsy. When I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Nervine last December I was thought to be in the last stages of nervous pros tration and was scarcely able to move about the house. I began to improve almost from the first dose, and in a few months I was enjoying better health than I had before in fifteen years. I am now able to walk ten or a dozen blocks without feeling in the least fa tigued, and I bless the day I first heard of Dr. Miles' Nervine." MRS. DR. NORRIS, Rock Rapids, la. Sold at all druggists on a positive guarantee. Write lor free advice and booklet to Dr. Mil— Madical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. ▲ celebrated brand of XX flour always In stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, 9. W. Cor. Centrs and Front St., Frtelani. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Riubalmiiif of femalo corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. I*. F. MeNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centro street, Freelond. "*6O YEARS' 1 I OESIONS : r r7m COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an tavention is probably patentable. Conimunlca lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive wpttisl notice, without charge, In the Scientific Jlmerlcan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any sclontlfle Journal. Terms. |3 a year ; four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers. IKIUNN&Co. 38IB '" d ""' New York Branch Office, F 8t„ Vfasbingtoa. D. C. LAUBACH'SYIENNA BAKERY, B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freoland. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cukes Baked to Order. Handsome stock of JYO VELTIES for EASTER Rabbits, Eggs, Baskets, Etc. Fancy Candy Eggs. Chocolate Eggs with your name on a specialty. Confectioner a, Ice Cream. \ Th® Cure that Cures 1 $ Coughs, & \ Colds, f S Grippe, & V Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1 Bronchitis and Incipient J[ t[ Consumption, Is (r folio sj The CrERMAN HEMEDV £ \gVtVqW 25 As 4 FREELAND TRIBUNE. EsUbliihel 1888. PUBLISHED BVBitT MONDAY AND THURSDAY HY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CKNTKB. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION KATKR: One Year $1.50 Six Months 76 Four Months 50 Two Months 25 , The date which the subscription is paid to is ! oo the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report prompt- : ly to this office whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must be paid when subscription t discontinued. Make all money order*, checks , etc., payable to the Tribune Printiny Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., MARCH 22, 1900. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, March 20, 1900. The nightmare labeled "Porto Rico tariff" still hovers over the pillows of prominent Republicans and destroys their rest. Conferences are held every day with Mr. McKlnloy by senators who favor the tariff and by senators who favor free trade, and the odd thing Is that both classes of senators talk as though they believe Mr. McKinloy to be on their side. All sorts of propositions are being advanced by Republican sen ators to avoid anything like an open rupture in their party on this question, one of them being to continue the de bate until the close of tho session with out allowing the bill to come to a vote, and another to load it up with all sorts of amendments and then defeat It by an overwhelming vote. The Republi can party is in control of all branches of the government and for it to fail to place Itself on recerd by positive legis lation on this question would be an acknowledgment of weakness that would be absolutely certain to drive the party from power. That is why they will have to patch up some sort of legis lation. t t t That alleged offer of the good offices of this government to facilitate negotia tions for peace between Great Britian and tho Dutch republics in South Africa was confirmatory rather than otherwise of the belief that an understanding exists between the McKinley adminis tration and the present British govern ment. It enabled Mr. McKinley to make an attempt to soothe the numerous Republican sympathizers with the two struggling republics, by pretending to do something, and at the same time gave Lord Salisbury just what he wanted —an excuse to serve notice on the powers of Europe, through his answer to the alleged offer of our good offices that no mediation would be tolerated by Great Britain, and that the conquest of the two republics would be pushed to a conclusion as originally planned. If that was not the result of an under standing between the British govern ment and the McKinley administration, it was one of the oddest coincidents that ever occurred. X X X Foreign policies are not the only things this administration is copying frem European nations. Secretary Long has created a board to bo known as the naval policy board, corresponding to the general staff of European navies, which will control our navy both in peace and war. Admiral Dewey Is head of the new board. Inasmuch as our navy has got along for more than a century, during which it has won some of the greatest victories ever fought on water, the reason for such a radical departure is not apparent. Loss red tape, not more, would seem to be what is needed. As long as Dewey Is at the head of the new board, no fear need be felt about what it may do, but with a political favorite at its head, it might do much mischief. X X X The senate amended the house bill, placing at Mr. McKinlcy's disposal all money collected on Porto Rican prod ucts under the Dingley tariff and all to be collected thereunder, to be spent at his discretion for the benefit of the Porto Ricans, by limiting the money to the amount collected before the be ginning of this year—slightly more than 82,000,000 —and providing that it should he used for public education, public works or for other governmental pur poses on the island, and then passed it without a division. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freoland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Familes supplied with oysters direct from the shore. Beet Cough Byrup. Taatee Good. UieM In time. Sold by drum lam. W A REAL JOKER. This Dog Takes Delight in Perpetrat ing Tricks. Mr. Storms, who keeps a "natural- Ists's emporium" in Third avenue, New York, from which one may get anything in the natural history line, from a monkey to a pug dog or a big rattler to a pollywog, is the owner of a greyhound that is a practical Joker. When the warm weather came he was obliged to keep his store door open in order to get more air for his numerous animals. That some of his dogs, cats, tortoises etc.. that run about in the store might not wander into the street, Mr. Storms had a closely woven gate about four feet in height put into the doorway. The greyhound is a pet of the familv and has been taught many tricks. One of her accomplishments is high jump ing, and her master, in order to arnuse the ghildren of the neighborhood, and exorcise the dog at the same time, has often made her jump the iron gate. A woman carrying a large bundle on her head a short time ago was fright ened into dropping it and running oft with a piercing shriek when ft hu-ge greyhound alighted on the sldftwalk immediately in front of her as if it had dropped from the sky. The dog seemed to join the laugh of the crowd which had collected to watch her graceful leaps, for her eves twinkled and her tall wagged at a great rate. Since then the dog has made a prac tice of thus startling pedestrians by jumping the gate and landing direct ly in front of them and after escaping Into the middle of the street, to be out of reach of a kick or a blow, it has added insult to injury by appearing to laugh at their discomforture. Watch tile dog after one of these pranks it is easy to agree with Mr. Storms that dogs like a joke Just as a man would, and that the greyhound plays those jokes out of pure fun. I.ike many other practical jokers the greyhound has gotten into trouble, or rather she has succeeded in getting her master into trouble, with the po lice. Somebody has complained about the dog's humorous proclivities, and Mr. Storms has been notified, that while it is not unlawful to keep a li censed dog, or to use a wire gate, yet all combined for the purpose of fright ening persons would amount to a mis demeanor if continued. EMBEZZLEMENT. A Doubtful Charge When the Offender la a Known Drinker. A Philadelphia Magistrate has sur prised the business community in that city by his disposition of a charge of embezzlement. The defendant was the driver of a delivery wagon for a firm of furniture dealers. Being sent out to deliver goods and collect the money for them from the purchasers he collected 19, spent the entire sum for drink and returned to his employ ers without a cent. It appears that they were well aware of his drunken tendencies long before he thus appro priated their money. The Magistrate refused to enter tain the accusation of embezzlement against the collector, saying: "Where a Arm intrusts with money a person whom they have reason to suspect of intemperate habits and he does not appropriate the soney to his own use or make off with it otherwise than to indulge In the gratification of his habit, employers must understand that It is extremely doubtful whether the crime of embezzlement aq be made out under such circumstftnces." In New York no act committed by a person in a voluntary state of intoxi cation is deemed less criminal because the defendant was intoxicated, but the fact of his being in that condition is always to be considered in ascertain ing the intent with which he acted. —New York Sun. A Delicate Subject. Two factions are just now fighting, using all forms of petitions and per sonal influence to bear upon Picard, Director General of the exposition. One wants lots of Midway business and a most tolerant license, arguing that no success is possible other wise. The other side Is afraid that from the concession already granted the grounds will be made impossible for the respectable element and the young people. M. Berenger, Vice President of the Senate, has Just written to Picard an urgent request that all vigilance be exercised to keep the disreputable sideshows out. The letter is counter signed by many of the most prominent Senators and cannot be ignored. It bays that positive information has reached the petitioners that under a pretext of being instructive immoral exhibitions of dancing are being plan ned. Picard has not yet answered, but it is known that the Director General does not Intend to have the big fair austere or dull and his answer will be curious reading. Favorite Perfumee. A great many well-known men and women have been fond of different scents, as is historically known, but it is hard to say how far their char acters fit in with this new idea. For instance. Nero loved the scent of roses, whether distilled or from the freshly-cut flowers; Louis XIV. de lighted in the perfume of orange flowers; while Richelieu liked a diff erent scent in each of the rooms; the Empress Josephine soaked her things in musk; and Napoleon iftsaid to have emptied a whole bottle of eau-de- Cologne over his clothes when he was dressed; Victor Hugo rejoiced in wild flowers; Alexandre Dumas loved the flowering myrtle, and Charles Dickens adored white jasmine. Swedish Farm Laborers. There is a special class of farm la borers in Sweden who are given so many acres of land for their own use, in consideration of so many days' la bor during the year for the owner of the farm. They are a sort of fixture to an estate, and their like exists in no other country. Oom Paul's Penmanship. Com Paul can handle a rifle much better than he can a pen. His sig nature IB cramped and scarcely legi ble. He signs himself 'S. J. P. Kru ger," his full name being Stephauus Johannes Paulus Kruger. HUE BO'S ins A Suicide Table Where Scores Have Despaired. SOME MAD GAMBLERS. A Bridal Couple's Tragedy—Gulcldaa Know Their Fate—Few Try to Es cape Their Goal—lncidents of the World's Most Famous Gambling Rooms. To the right of the Moorish salon, the second from the entrance In the great gambling rooms of Monte Carlo, stands the suicide table. This accursed piece of furniture has a record of causing 113 suicides In ten years, according to the count kept by C. Benvenlsll, formerly chief of the de tectives in this room. Even the chairs of this table differ In the intensity of their hoodooed state. The chair to the left of the croupier facing the entrance door has claimed seventeen victims. The twenty-third chair accommodated eleven suicides, six women and five men. The others have records of eight, Ave, four, three and one death. One day five years ago, writes M. Renvenistl in the Chicago Inter-Ocean, my neighbor at the table was a young Parisian. He sat In one of the one death chairs, and won. When the doors closed he carried off 200.000 francs. Imagine my anticipations when next morning I found him installed to the left of the croupier. I felt like tearing him away or slipping a card into his hand, to warn him against the seat he had choßen, but my official character forbade me to interfere, and, besides, my advice would have been scorned, for the fellow gambled like one mad. He lost his winnings of the day before and 200,000 francs of his own money. When his last 1,000 franc note was gone he rose, and swaying to and fro like a drunkard, stumbled out of the hall, laughing immoderately. Two of my men led a merry chase for this unfortunate, and when they caught up with him he jumped off the railway bridge, knocking out hisbrains. Another case that haunts my dreams! One day an elderly gentleman, Signor Antonio Cesare, who knew my connection with the Casino compelled me to give him the seat I was occupy ing, next to the croupier. I did so with a bleeding heart, for this old tpan was the very picture of health, and I was an intimate friend of his cousin, the Mayor of Bentimigii. Well, this gentleman lost nearly a hundred thousand francs in the day and evening. When he got up, his own mother wouldn't have known him. He looked ten years older; his flesh had fallen away; madness stared out of his eyes. Next day they fished his body from the lake at Mentone. Then there were the Parlingtons, re fined English people. They were on their wedding trip. I never forgot the look of delight with which young Mrs. Partington pocketed her first small gain. The pretty bride fairly coaxed her husband to stake 10 francs. When night came they had a couple of thousand francs In their pockets. Next morning they took chairs Nos. 23 and 24. No. 23 brought them the usu al luck. They gained 30,000 francs. Hut on the following day came the inevita ble change. The 30,000 francs went back to us, and the couple's little fortune followed. They walked from the room deathly pale, hand in hand. My detectives informed me that they took the train for Nice without troub ling about their baggage. They shot and killed themselves in the Windsor Hotel there. Everybody can see that the cloth on the suicide table la of more recent make than the rest. Yet the Casino company is only 318 francs the poorer on that account. Here are the figures: Cloth for double table, 250 francs, painting of yellow fig ures, 50 francs; nailing down, 18 francs; total, 318 francs. Against these figures there is an off set of 600 francs, which the Casino company would have been obliged to pay the young Russian for traveling expenses. This Muscovite Prince re fused to become a pensioner of M. Ilia no's heirs, and blew out his brains over the table where he had dropped his all, —400,000 francs. It happened two years ago, and it nearly cost me my job. The circum stances that one of the directors of the company drew me into a corner to talk about the same Russian's per sistent ill-luck just a minute before the shot rang out—that alone saved me from disgrace. The incident itself was soon forgotten and had no bearing on the game. It has nothing to do with the supersti tions attaching to the suicide table. The ill reputation of that piece of fur niture was of many years' standing when the Russian committed his flag rant breach of Casino etiquette. He was No. 85 on my list of unfortunates. When I saw a man or woman ap proach the suicide state, my first care was to prevent him or her from spoil ing more cloth. I signalled my men to press around the party, and prevent him or her from putting a hand In the pocket or from striking the croupier. Many desperate cases I approached as a fellow gambler, offering to assist them and pay their homeward journey. I dare say my intervention—which cost me nothing, as the company re couped me—has saved many a poor devil's life. Whether suicide candidates have a foreboding of evil when they come to jur table. I don't know, but a few try to escape their goal. They come flanked by prayers or holding a piece of hang' man's rope. Others try to insure their fortune by paying the croupier 100 francs before the day's work begins. D? course he accepts the bribe. He isn't tampering with his employer's profits. Robert R. Jennings, was held up on i street car near the corner of Wash ington avenue and Broadway. St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. .10, and robbed of (1,043 in cash and $48,24f in negotiable paper. Harry Wallace struck and instantly killed his wife with a hammer at their home near Deakyenvllle, Del., after which he fled. The couple had not living happilv for soma time. critnnrcNT cosniicirr. Notes and Comments, Political and Otherwise, on Matters of Public Interest. The administration is confronted by a very annoying problem. It finds Senators Hoar, Mason and Hale, as well as Edward Atkinson, arrayed uncompromisingly against the policy of imperialism, and yet it is afraid to read them out of the party. Whether they are likely to cause less disturb ance Inside the party than they would outside is the question Mr. McKinley Is trying to help Mr. Hanna to decide. Senator Cockrell, in the debate on the currency bill, denounced the act of '73 as a crime against man. against God, against humanity, against Chris tianity, the Republican senators sat like a band of sneak thieves and gave their assent by their silence. For twenty years after the Infamous act was passed not a member of either house or senate would admit that he knew its effect was to demonetize sil ver, but now such men as Hanna pre tend to say that the crime was commit ted after a full discussion and without protest from the people. There is no doubt as to where the workingmen of this country stand on the subject of imperialism. The nine teenth annual convention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, held recently at Detroit, passed the following reso lution: "Resolved, That we are op posed to wars of conquest, either in Af rica or the Philippines: that we most emphatically protest against the forci ble annexation to this country of either Porto Rico. Cuba. Guam or the Philip pines, and that we are equally opposed to any increase in the regular army of the United States beyond the limit of 25,000 enlisted men and officers." No class of men so well understand the dangers of having a large standing array as do those who labor with their hands. Too often have their comrades been shot down in cold blood on slight provocation for laboring men to take kindly to the military idea. It has been said that the way to reach a man's heart is byway of his stomach, and the quickest way to reach some men's political judgment is through the same avenue. In 1896 no class of men worked harder for Hanna and McKinley than the com mercial drummers, but now they see thousands of their number thrown out of employment and thousands more threatened with a like fate by the gi gantic trusts that have sprung up un der McKlnlevism and are defended by Mr. Hanna as being worthy of encour agement. The commercial drummers and hotel men have formed an anti trust league and incorporated it under the laws of New York. They declare In their manifesto that it makes no difference whether we have free trade or a protective tariff, whether the out lying islands of the sea, proximate or mote, are made colonies or not if the commercial man must get off the road and be deprived of his position. They should have learned long ago which party is the friend of monopoly and capitalism, but as late is better than never, we shall expect t.hem now to turn in to help defeat the money trust and tariff trust which are responsible for most of the others. No better illustration of the supreme selfishness of a protective tariff has been afforded than that furnished by the action of the Pennsylvania Edi torial association at a meeting held recently at Harrisburg. Many of the editors in attendance have for long years been preaching protective tariff and its righteousness. As long as the tariff put up the price of the farmer's plow and the mechanic's plane the Re publican editor thought it all right, but since the gentlemen in the protected industries have grown so greedy and so reckless as to begin picking the pockets of their best friends, the editors themselves, the brethren begin to squeal and loudly demand that the government cease giving aid and com fort to that particular class of pick pockets who steel from editors under the sanction of law and in the name of protection. Not a word of protest comes from the Republican editor as long as the protection robber takes from the farmer and the mechanic, but when the tariff baron reaches for the profits of the editor, his action is de nounced us a grievous injustice. They declare that such stealing is putting a tax on knowledge, literature, intel ligence and so on. and cannot be tol erated. If a tariff could tax out of existence all such foolish and mis chievous knowledge and literature as is sent out by tariff organs, it might for once in the world's history lie said to have done good and not harm. One of the resolutions passed unanimously by the Editorial association is that "no trust should be fostered by legislation, such as tariff duties; in other words, if trusts are honestly organized to re duce expenses and consequently the price of products, they should depend on their own business sagacity, and not upon protection given to them by the government." In all reason why should not this principle apply to the individual or the corporation as well as to the trust? If a man under a government that grants no special privileges fails to make money in a business venture, it is evidence con clusive that he either has gone into a wrong business or lacks business abil ity, and in either case why should his neighbors be taxed for his benefit? Taxation for the purpose of paying the legitimate expenses oft government is right, but taxing some citizens in or der to give the money to others is an outrage. Gradually, but far too slowly, the people are awakening to the criminal folly of taxation under the false pretenses of protection. Mark Hanna should rebuke the com mercial travelers and hotel men who have formed an anti-trust league for the purpose, as they say, of "bringing about a more thorough co-operation in agitating a widespread anti-trust sen timent. and to support with our votes men who make a determined effort to assist commercial travelers from Maine to California in a legislative way." These people evidently believe that trusts are harmful, and they thus dif fer from llanna—Both cannot be right. —Sun. Spring Goods Are Here i Spring Weather Is Coming. ■ We are ready for the change of the seasons. Our ' store is well-filled with the goods you will need in a few weeks. Our aim always has been to keep ahead of the times, that is why we call your attention to the necessities of spring before winter has departed. It's only a few weeks, however, until you will need something in our line, and in the meantime you may view the large assortment of articles which we have on sale. Those who aie prepared to ( purchase will have their choice of a y MOST ELEGANT LINE OF ! MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS, i We say it, not as a boast, but because it is true, that our store today contains the largest, most varied and best k stock of ( Spring and Summer Shirts and Neckwear, [ Underwear, Hosiery, Working Jackets and Overalls, L Spring Hats and Caps of the Latest Styles, £ and a lino of [ Men's and Boys' Dress and Working Shoes \ that is not equalled in Freeland. r One PRICE and Same SERVICE to ALL. \ MCMENAMIN'S I Gents' Furnishing, Hat and Slice Store,: 86 South Centre Street. i|p^ THE ACME QUEEN is one of thelao™m;UA!u!KA!(*|) SWKKTKST btiAKS, ROEBUCK &. CO. (Inc.), Fulton, Desplaines and Wayman Sts., CHICAGO ILL. SEND NO STORIEY a^BkxUA ™- ORAOE OSOP CABINET BUHDtCK SEwThO MACHINE >■, frrlrlil C . O. 11. Mil.JiriHo <xam! I found perfectly aalikfarlory. exactly an lopre-enti.-u. CWHHL |T ■ R RirKATKHT^^.iIMiA'iN'^hiV'RVVH'*III?AUD*'OK|' y an IfVr?!rh nil- ® Pe! ?'o mmmtm f >ri<^e 5i5.50 rl " make* and praties of Hewing flarhlnoi. al #S. Sll, f lil.OO.'ill'.OO, l 'fA"',i'iiiS l Vma^'i 41 -.UO ami up, all falty described In Our Frn Sowing Hardin- I'Mnlwrur. T H I^. ir t ?iVrJ?t„^ r ;^T e H v?r P o f fi?.r.? y sAffi T ui,dick f. $ R I4M n ? BEWARE OF IWITATiOMS by unknown concerns jjvl I J AmbSb ? ~ ▼rtUmenia. oiferiiig uuhiiown murliinrn unoer vnrio'n "inuieslVfth MM'Ja sß&aMmr*?ft ■"*" -"" m t&SStJSrh :a THE BURPICK *? ""• MAiuynvTiiK'iinsTMAK*;,?""amiViiical xj If F KOAI IHE BEST M AYLtt IA I. " rANiirv! SOLID QUARTER Sft'.VED OAK ggOFgrBK s p ;l i"'i°l";;ii, hi," - ffTtuFi-i i t i drawer*, latest IHUO akelelon frciur. carved. p noted. rmbos-icd and t tMfeirl ITZSdb'*a '•<>••"""-•'i .•!,.. t ,i r „l.. r P ,Tn;.™V,' r ™, £! !" TTfl vD 9 |SUI/Hli| thr,^lnivlbrah m a 'm f|\ Y fl MJIIRI t.I , ? f I l Y' ntl f r ' <ljutoble bearing", patent tcimion Sw3| 11 H I HSSA "SS ,! ' '-V"\\ r, 'Z'. ,n ' ,le V^- s, 'r f°'.t. Improved shuttl" .2-w Hue M ■ 1 imnflra PE'-CHp ocedle bar, batjrit drehs guard, head Is handsomely lieoorateil iS ffl ■ D and ornnmeateU mid Oraulifully NIOKTITx TUT "i\T IVT V n - aJ °^ i a IT COSTS YOU WOTHIHG i" see and examine t his maclifn^'compnre'ft t.. tftn -vn ,■.i ~ ~ " *il h th . Oße yourstorokoejiir Hcllsat $40.00 year frr'nht HHt the $15.50. WK TOitt|{Ti\' YOI'R fl&.&O If at * 40 • 0,, • , " r -Ot Mtlsii.d. OU ®*TO | )A?. iu.VTUKLAY. M°- * horoa S hl > r reliable—Editor.) 7 °" #r * Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111. TRUSSES, 65c, $1.25 AND UP ■ t^V Y' "p KI IK H,*" 7e.s lan"""-™" n" ~ the price charged by others, and WEI / OI ,V E York Reversible Elastic Truss, illustrated above, cut this ad. out and send to us with Ol'K NPKUAL PRICK named state your Height, Hht, Age, how long you have been ruptured, whether rupture Is large or small also state number Inchos around the body on a line with the rupture, say whether rupture is on right or left side, and wo will send either truss to you with the under standing. If It la not a perfect lit and equal to Irusae* that retail at three times our price,you can return itand we will return your money. WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE "nVr of tru.sea, including the New SIO.OO boa Truss df| TC 1 that fore* almost any ease, nnd nhlrli we sell for sl, Id tr,H SEARS, ROEBUCK & Co. CHICAGO | | SaSI.9B BUYS A $3.50 SHIT ft 7 3,0tt0 t KLI HHA7KU • NKVKRWPAItOI T" IMII hl K y&A SKAT AMI KM it, liH I LAH fit. 50 nOYS' I W<. ' XcffljxWWK KMKK PANTS 81118 AT SI.GO. /yJP A HEW SUIT FREE FOR AHY OF THESE SUITS A-ttT A J, ATISFACTIJft * ***&, [TTM, • 1 SEND NO MONEY, cut thiu. oiim J i f3| • Qjlarge or tiua 11 forage and v e vvufaend y'. u L. I J .the bUit. by express, t\ u. I), subject t<> e\- T—Wamlnatlon. uu can examine It at your I I L) express office and it found jerfectlr Mtis -111 factory and equal to suits sold In jour iown for I A I BR. 50, nay your express agent, our Hpcolul 1 /I J Offer I'rlce,*. and express chargos. WW' ir. T Nc E ,r E m M ai HSSSW n re i fop bo i tl t W Made with DO! UI.K riKAT^nd'IKEBS, jLAv: latest llilltl stylo as llluatruled, mndr from a special lira,* welt;lit, wrar reslallrg, all-wcol Stantnn Csaslmers, neat, handsome pattern, fine Italian lining, gruuliie flrnjdoa Interlining, padding, slaying and reinforcing, siih and linen sowing, fliiutullnr nHn throughout,is suit <hi.v boy or parent would lie proud wf. I FOR FKRK f Lofft SAMPLES ,f Roys' I lathing for boy. 4is 19YKAKK, write for Sample llook No. 0&K. contains fashion I : plates, tunc mcasUro and full Instructions howtoordsr. Men's Suits made to order from *.VOtt up. Ban* pies sent tree on application. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago. 111. (fears, Roebuck k Co, wo Uorottfhly reliable.-Editor.;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers