HOME POISONING. The Pantry ie a Prolific Source of Danger to Good Foods. It Is very desirable that the condi tions tinder which food may become poisonous should receive more practical consideration than they do. A well known physician has called ntteuli u to some daring defects In the location of food storerooms, which are worthy of attention. In house construction the position of the pantry is too ofmn treated as of minor importance. lu some houses the space under the stairs or some equally unsuitable and inade quately lighted and ventilated place is thought good enough for the purpose. In a great number the pantry is a small oils hoot from the house, tl:e ceiling, floor and walls often being damp, owing to faulty construction; In some of these matters are rendered worse by the water taps being placed therein without any provision being made for carrying away the droppings from the tap or overflow, from vessels Into which tlie water Is run. One of the most frequent entries in Ids in spection notebook is "defective yard pavement." permitting of soakage of tilth Into tlie sell underneath. Not only is tlie soil thus rendered a good breeding ground for pathogenic mi crobes. It also supplies those condi tous requisite for increased virulence. Those Long Rooms. Long, narrow rooms are more <ll m ctilt to furnish artistically than are rooms of better proportions. If fur nishing such rooms the endeavor must constantly lie made not to interfere with tlie little width they already have, but to cut off tlie leugtli lu ef fect. Where two long rooms open lu te each other, screens and portieres may be effectively employed to give them a shorter and therefore a broad er appeal once. A sofa stood across a corner or a table so placed, especial ly with a screen behind it, li Ips to break up tlie length of nil apartment. Another way to break up length is to form a group of objects, such a- a table with hooks on it and a jardiniere with a couple of chairs close to it, as if inviting guests to sit there; tills group should stand three quarters of tlie length of tlie room from Its front or rear and a little to one side, to break tlie length of tlie wall line. An other way to make a room look less long and narrow Is to place a large rug over the carpet floor and a lesser rug of another color effect Just beyond it, placing a table on the smaller one. Home Remedies. For sore throat try a compress of cold water. For bilious colic try soda and ginger In hot water. For sick headache rub peppermint oil on the temples. For nervous headache bathe the back of the neck with hot water. I*'or cold in the head try suufling powdered borax up the nostrils. A hop bag wrung from hot vinegar Is a quick relief for earache. Shutting tannic add is one of the best remedies for a serious case of bleeding at the nose. Dissolve the acid in water. If an artery is cut tie a small cord or a handkerchief tightly between it and the heart. For legnehe and the "growing pains" of which tlie children com plain wrap the leg in salt water and then In flannel. For neuralgia try wet cloths of al cohol and water, or paregoric, or laud anum and water, ln'il on a hot water bottle and the affected part steamed over it. Tincture of arnica is the best appli cation for sprains and bruises, and equal parts of tincture of arnica and spirits of camphor make an excellent liniment for rheumatism. A Good Polish. An ercelicnt cl atuv an 1 polislu r for furniture with a very high finish Is recommended bv an expeilenced deal er in rare woods. To one tablespoou ful of Unseed oil add in equal propor tion of turpentine, together with a piece of any pure soap the size of a walnut. Four this Into a vessel con taining one quart of boiling water and let the whole boil for about ten min utes, stirring it occasionally so that it may be well mixed. This liquid can be used warm or cold, but experience teaches that it is more effective when warm. It can lie heated several times before It will need renewing. Apply with a soft flannel cloth, well wrung out. to a small pottlon of the surface to be cleaned and after the dirt litis been well wiped off take a fresh flan nel to polish with anil a few minutes' vigorous rubbing will soon restore the wood to its original brilliancy. Crude oil Is the polish used In most of the furniture shops. But It Is well to re member that In the stores there Is scarcely a day when each piece of fur niture is not carefully wiped off with a soft cloth keeping the surface per fectly clean so that the aid of the oil is only called in to take off the cloudy appealance that will at times disfigure the most carefully tended furniture. Skirts may be lengthened and the piecing concealed by means of stitch ing. braid, ribbon, a band of fur, or various other devkeg. WBiB £ssgs USEFUL AND HANDSOME GIFTS and and if you are not a regular jf||iJ|] Sit)'' PpflUl C 1 mio P^t'cfc-k 1 Kll can be found in our store. , | : lIUUOIUJIS. Sou"th° Centre 'street. j| 1$ Tabourettes - - Fancy Tables USI) Morris Chairs - - India Stools /A \Vv Music Cabinets - - Tea Chairs | Y\n *A/ r. Fancy Chairs - - Easels \Sn\. Afc //r- and man y Other seasonable articles, // - H ALBERT, I jf & Our Pretty Lines of Capes and Coats 35 __i /ytijlp ** II We Have an Extra TJ \ 1 ** ~ —— I jf p Large Stock \| AVll llfl 111 JJil'lvllCCk, [3 \\ ± fancy Goods and Novelties z /, I Proprietor of the Original Birkbeck Store, in- j 1 """ t SHI j \\ . Aiso a Fine Line of 3 I? vite s you to examine his Fine Lines of Hardware 25J *gg \S 2 -k /i cmd Other Novelties. He has a large assortment of Sf Fresh Imported Candy and Confectionery. \\ -MI ILLI 3>T IE lE£ ~ST„ g // articles suitable for gifts and no prices in town are sS|j fi neßt you can get in town. Don't for- J \\ Dressmaking and Sewing of Any Kind 3 // lower than his. Immense stock of Stoves, Heaters g ° ca a " , y some ° lt - § \\ Promptly Executed at the // an d Ranges always on hand. Store is located in the Best 5c Cig-ar in Freeland. " Grover's City Drug Store, j the holidays are wanted. Toilet Goods and ® ' |[J| -|f I U dockers, iaifS ' 2 Toilet Supplies, Fancy Articles of all kinds tflf E&jj VAMI I I R attan Rockers, Plush Rockers, n „a „ exceptionally flee line of Keveltiee. * - - ,MM *" I B.'st Perfumes in the Market, Prices right. jf iff' j||| < ' lyMyjJl | House Furnishings of all kinds. 0 E. J. CURRY, 1 Groceries and Provisions, KEIPEE'S CANNED jj| j KjSE_ Heinz' Pickled Goods always in Stock. In stock/Also a big assortment of' Dry (food/ r V(i(Jßmmßm N'oveltios, any ot which would make an appro-! South Centre Street, p-f wmm iywHpf ; "■"! I V, 'r jf Prices Ara Very Reasonable. —I ssßa?m3mß^iss4 t r.-2SBeß**Me*eeeeeeeJl, HT lffd I bippel'S ■- ™ f; M MFRF'I'V HOLIDAY (iIMIDS P'yuu.oY-s suppeiis\\ "(j Confectionery. | -LTJ—_L ARE THE FINEST IN FREELAND. jp^ ff GIVEN s ' Fancy - Bread - and - Cakes. 1 The big double store o{ M Merkt> opposite the Central hotel> is the Jjj ~ \\ JOHN HIPPEL, PROP. J1 pC, leading establishment in town for holiday goods. Immense stocks of Candy, II Hl)1/I I) A I PRp\PNT \\\ ~,i| i 11. Confectionery, Toys, Ornaments for the Tree, Presents for the Young, the Old fl 1 IllJjULi It 1 V\ \ ■ _ I ~ Lt -and the Middle-Aged. An unsurpassable assortment of Fruits and Nuts. a will (I K T 1,000 Doll Babies For Sale, il YOUR HOME HAPPY fl} <jfi Candy and Confectionery Mm. t fa: Stor© Soil Only O \ *HiSi i ~ n has a handsome stock of Sjk has the finest line of jy J //JF/ 2 Pure m> Fresh Goods. 5 \ lla Shirts, Hats, Caps, Footwear, II '' jA y ,u o Lau bach's is the place ~n 1 i SKME.S. Underwear, Etc. . 11. ' t own. 111 to go when you want fT] 1. Wl Money Orders ami Drafts to all Countries. ■ (lMw q the best at low prices. O" 1 PjM All Sizes. All Styles. steamship Tickets Sold. C 5! fi 2 Tree °rna me nt S | jftjU I UIINO SUPPLIES |jg| jm nmm |JU Store Was Never Better Pre- I" |\ O I oys of Every Kind, mfj a of every description. lulfl I ■ I I pared to accommodate holiday u\ U Do not fail to see our li § KTisl! -L M. 1 i 1 M shoppers. Presents for ladies, Yv \ Y ery lare stock be- fyjjjf Select your presents from our w |!" ■■■■■ gentlemen, missesand children. Yt \ fore buying. fßjfgj large stock and you win have ar- | I f j\ n endless variety or Coats, Capes, Gloves, Umbrellas. \A B. C. Laubach, Prop. Sornamemai." S We man" |jJ' . L ace and Embroidery, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear Furn- Jjmmmt pretty novelties to show you. !Wi | ishmg Goods, Jewelry, Fancy Novelties, Dress Goods, etc. P ron t ail( l Washington Streets. Daniel Gill, Centre Street, Near South.
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